public static MovieActorComboDO ComboPOtoDO(MovieActorCombo from)
            MovieActorComboDO to = new MovieActorComboDO();

            to.ActorId = from.ActorId;
            to.MovieId = from.MovieId;

        public ActionResult AddActorToMovie(int movieID)
            //Setting response to null
            ActionResult response = null;

                //Instantiating my movie/actor object
                MovieActorCombo movieWith = new MovieActorCombo();
                //Setting an actor list, for my dropdown, that only shows those that are NOT in said movie...after passing in the movieID
                List <ActorDO> ActorList = _actorDAO.ActorsNotInMovie(movieID);

                foreach (ActorDO actorDO in ActorList)
                    //Mapping the actorDO to PO
                    ActorPO actorPO = Mapping.Mapper.ActorDOtoPO(actorDO);

                    SelectListItem ActorName = new SelectListItem
                        //Shows the actor's first and last name
                        Text  = actorPO.FullName,
                        Value = actorPO.ActorID.ToString()
                    //End result of the dropdown, showing all the necessary actors

                //Setting the movieID of a blank movie, to a movie including actors
                movieWith.MovieId = movieID;

                //Return view, to go to the actual view that ties an actor to a movie.
                response = View(movieWith);
            catch (Exception exception)
                //Logs if there's an issue
                _Logger.Log("Fatal", exception.Source, exception.TargetSite.ToString(), exception.Message, exception.StackTrace);

                //Making sure there's a fallback location in case something goes bad
                response = RedirectToAction("MovieDetails", "Movie");
            //Show whichever response happened
        public ActionResult AddActorToMovie(MovieActorCombo combo)
            //Setting the response to null
            ActionResult response = null;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //Setting the movie/actor combo to DO from PO
                    MovieActorComboDO comboDO = Mapping.Mapper.ComboPOtoDO(combo);
                    //Passing in the DO combo to the add actor to movie method
                catch (Exception exception)
                    //Logs if there's an issue
                    _Logger.Log("Fatal", exception.Source, exception.TargetSite.ToString(), exception.Message, exception.StackTrace);

                    //Setting view, to go to the actual view that ties an actor to a movie.
                    response = View(combo);
                    //Setting response to view all the movies
                    response = RedirectToAction("ViewAllMovies", "Movie");
                //Setting response to view the movie you're currently on
                response = View(combo);
            //Show whichever response happened