Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Can the ability be started?
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>True if the ability can be started.</returns>
 public override bool CanStartAbility()
     // The character can move if the character is on the ground and a moveable object is near.
     if (m_Controller.Grounded && Physics.Raycast(m_Transform.position + m_Controller.CapsuleCollider.center, m_Transform.forward, out m_RaycastHit, m_StartMoveMaxDistance, m_MoveableLayer.value, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
         // The character must be mostly looking at the puseable object.
         if (Vector3.Angle(-m_RaycastHit.normal, m_Transform.forward) < m_StartMoveMaxLookAngle)
             // The moveable object must have the MoveableObject component and is able to be Moveed.
             if ((m_MoveableObject = (m_MoveableTransform = m_RaycastHit.transform).GetComponent <MoveableObject>()) != null && m_MoveableObject.CanStartMove())
                 // The closest point between the character and the Moveable object is needed in order to know how far out the character should start Moveing from.
                 var closestPoint = m_RaycastHit.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(m_Transform.position);
                 m_MoveableObjectCenterOffset = ((m_RaycastHit.transform.position - closestPoint).magnitude + m_ArmLength) * m_RaycastHit.normal;
                 m_Direction = m_RaycastHit.normal;