Example #1
 public void Init(GameView view, Board board, Timer timer, MoveFinder moveFinder)
     View        = view;
     _board      = board;
     _timer      = timer;
     _moveFinder = moveFinder;
Example #2
        private IEnumerable <Move> FindMoves(IEnumerable <char> letters, WordList list)
            Board board = CreateBoard(list);

            Hand       hand   = CreateHand(letters);
            MoveFinder finder = new MoveFinder(board, hand, list);

Example #3
     * Saves to inRange set of nodes that are in range of this action. Then adds to its hexes indicators for users as child objects with different color.

    public override void OnSelect(Character character, Hex hex)
        inRange = MoveFinder.FindNodesInRange(hex.GetComponent <Node>(), range);
        foreach (Node node in inRange)
            Transform indicator = Instantiate(hexPrefab, node.transform, true) as Transform;
            indicator.position = node.transform.position;
            indicator.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = material;
Example #4
        public void FindMovesStartingMovesTest()
            var words = WordList.Load(new string[] { "cat" });

            board = Board.InitiliseBoard(words);
            Hand       hand   = new Hand("cat");
            MoveFinder finder = new MoveFinder(board, hand, words);
            var        moves  = finder.FindMoves().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(6, moves.Count);
Example #5
     * If clicked hex is in range moves character on it.
     * @character       character to move
     * @hex             hex to move on
     * @return bool     returns true if operation was successful or false if not

    public override bool Use(Character character, Hex hex)
        MoveFinder.FindNodesInRange(character.GetComponentInParent <Hex>().GetComponent <Node>(), range);
        if (hex.GetComponent <Node>().distance != 0)
            Debug.Log("ID " + character.id + " moved: " + hex.GetComponent <Node>().position.ToString());
            character.transform.SetParent(hex.transform, false);
        Debug.LogWarning("FAILURE! ID " + character.id + " moved: " + hex.GetComponent <Node>().position.ToString());
Example #6
        public void FindMovesOrderTest()
            var words = WordList.Load(new string[] { "cat", "fish", "catfish" });

            board = Board.InitiliseBoard(words);
            board.GetCell(7, 4).Letter = 'a';
            Hand       hand   = new Hand("ctfish");
            MoveFinder finder = new MoveFinder(board, hand, words);
            var        moves  = finder.FindMoves().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, moves.Count);
            // Catfish will get more points then cat.
            Assert.AreEqual("catfish", moves[0].Word);
            Assert.AreEqual("catfish", moves[1].Word);
            Assert.AreEqual("cat", moves[2].Word);
            Assert.AreEqual("cat", moves[3].Word);
Example #7
        public void FindMovesFindSimpleHorozontalMoveTest()
            var words = WordList.Load(new string[] { "cat", "zap" });

            board = Board.InitiliseBoard(words);
            board.GetCell(7, 4).Letter = 'z';
            board.GetCell(7, 5).Letter = 'a';
            board.GetCell(7, 6).Letter = 'p';
            Hand       hand   = new Hand("ct");
            MoveFinder finder = new MoveFinder(board, hand, words);
            var        moves  = finder.FindMoves().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, moves.Count);
            var catMove = moves[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("cat", catMove.Word);
            Assert.AreEqual(MoveOrientation.HORIZONTAL, catMove.Orientation);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, catMove.Row);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, catMove.Column);
Example #8
        public void FindMovesHorozontalDontCheckExistingWordsTest()
            var words = WordList.Load(new string[] { "cat" });

            board = Board.InitiliseBoard(words);
            // Existing word (zap) not present in word list, should still form cat
            board.GetCell(7, 4).Letter = 'z';
            board.GetCell(7, 5).Letter = 'a';
            board.GetCell(7, 6).Letter = 'p';
            Hand       hand   = new Hand("ct");
            MoveFinder finder = new MoveFinder(board, hand, words);
            var        moves  = finder.FindMoves().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, moves.Count);
            var catMove = moves[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("cat", catMove.Word);
            Assert.AreEqual(MoveOrientation.HORIZONTAL, catMove.Orientation);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, catMove.Row);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, catMove.Column);
        private IEnumerable <Move> FindMoves(Board board, Hand hand, WordList list)
            MoveFinder finder = new MoveFinder(board.ThrowIfNull("board"), hand.ThrowIfNull("hand"), list.ThrowIfNull("list"));
