private void Update() { foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) { if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began && touch.fingerId == 0) { _touchPoint1 = new Vector2(touch.position.x, touch.position.y); if (!_firstTouched) { StartCoroutine(DoubleTapCooldown()); } else { doubleTapStart?.Invoke(); } } if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && touch.fingerId == 0) { doubleTapEnd.Invoke(); } if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved && touch.fingerId == 0) { _touchPoint2 = touch.position; MoveDirection = _touchPoint2 - _touchPoint1; MoveDirection.Normalize(); TouchDistance = Vector2.Distance(_touchPoint1, _touchPoint2) / 250; if (TouchDistance > 1) { TouchDistance = 1; } } } }
protected override void ApplyMove(float acceleration) { // validate that the agent should be able to walk at this angle float walkAngle = 90 - Vector3.Angle(GetUpOrientation(), rb.velocity); if(walkAngle > MaxWalkAngle || StandAngle > MaxWalkAngle) { IsStableOnGround = false; } // only apply gravity if the agent can't walk. if(!IsStableOnGround) { rb.velocity += gravity.GetGravityPower() * gravity.dir * Time.deltaTime; } VerticalVelocity = Vector3.Dot(rb.velocity, gravity.dir); // remember vertical velocity (for jumping!) // prevent moving up hill if the hill is too steep (videogame logic!) if(tooSteep && IsMovingIntentionally) { Vector3 acrossSlope = Vector3.Cross(GroundNormal, -gravity.dir).normalized; Vector3 intoSlope = Vector3.Cross(acrossSlope, -gravity.dir).normalized; float upHillAmount = Vector3.Dot(MoveDirection, intoSlope); if(upHillAmount > 0) { MoveDirection -= intoSlope * upHillAmount; MoveDirection.Normalize (); } } base.ApplyMove(acceleration); if(!IsStableOnGround) { rb.velocity -= gravity.dir * Vector3.Dot(rb.velocity, gravity.dir); // subtract donward-force from move speed rb.velocity += gravity.dir * VerticalVelocity; // re-apply vertical velocity from gravity/jumping } }
void GetInput() { MoveDirection =; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.I)) { ChangePlayerHealth(-10); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.O)) { ChangePlayerHealth(10); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { MoveDirection += Vector2.up; exitIndex = 0; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { MoveDirection += Vector2.left; exitIndex = 3; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { MoveDirection += Vector2.down; exitIndex = 2; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { MoveDirection += Vector2.right; exitIndex = 1; } Block(); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { } MoveDirection.Normalize(); }
public override void Update() { MoveDirection = Vector2.Zero; AimDirection = Vector2.Zero; // Left stick: movement var padDirection = Input.GetLeftThumb(ControllerIndex); var isDeadZone = padDirection.Length() < DeadZone; if (!isDeadZone) { MoveDirection = padDirection; } MoveDirection.Normalize(); // Right stick: aim padDirection = Input.GetRightThumb(ControllerIndex); var aimSpeed = padDirection.Length(); isDeadZone = aimSpeed < DeadZone; // Make sure aim starts at 0 when outside deadzone aimSpeed = (aimSpeed - DeadZone) / (1.0f - DeadZone); // Clamp aim speed if (aimSpeed > 1.0f) { aimSpeed = 1.0f; } // Curve aim speed aimSpeed = (float)Math.Pow(aimSpeed, 1.6); if (!isDeadZone) { AimDirection = padDirection; AimDirection.Normalize(); AimDirection *= aimSpeed; } // Keyboard move if (KeysLeft.Any(key => Input.IsKeyDown(key))) { MoveDirection += -Vector2.UnitX; } if (KeysRight.Any(key => Input.IsKeyDown(key))) { MoveDirection += +Vector2.UnitX; } if (KeysUp.Any(key => Input.IsKeyDown(key))) { MoveDirection += +Vector2.UnitY; } if (KeysDown.Any(key => Input.IsKeyDown(key))) { MoveDirection += -Vector2.UnitY; } var isAiming = KeysAim.Any(key => Input.IsKeyDown(key)) || Input.GetLeftTrigger(ControllerIndex) >= DeadZone; var isFiring = KeysShoot.Any(key => Input.IsKeyDown(key)) || Input.GetRightTrigger(ControllerIndex) >= DeadZone; var isStarting = KeysStart.Any(key => Input.IsKeyPressed(key)) || Input.IsGamePadButtonPressed(ControllerIndex, GamePadButton.Start); var isReloading = KeysReload.Any(key => Input.IsKeyPressed(key)) || Input.IsGamePadButtonPressed(ControllerIndex, GamePadButton.Y); var isInteracting = KeysInteract.Any(key => Input.IsKeyPressed(key)) || Input.IsGamePadButtonPressed(ControllerIndex, GamePadButton.A); if (isStarting) { OnStart?.Invoke(Entity); } if (isReloading) { OnReload?.Invoke(Entity); } if (isInteracting) { OnInteract?.Invoke(Entity); } // Mouse aim (after normalization of aim direction) // mouse aim is only enabled after you click the screen to lock your cursor, pressing escape cancels this if (Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)) { Input.LockMousePosition(true); } if (Input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Escape)) { Input.UnlockMousePosition(); } if (Input.IsMousePositionLocked) { // Mouse shooting if (Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)) { isFiring = true; } // Mouse aiming if (Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Right)) { isAiming = true; } AimDirection += new Vector2(Input.MouseDelta.X, -Input.MouseDelta.Y) * MouseSensitivity; } if (InvertXAxis) { AimDirection = new Vector2(-AimDirection.X, AimDirection.Y); } if (InvertYAxis) { AimDirection = new Vector2(AimDirection.X, -AimDirection.Y); } AimState = isAiming; FireState = isFiring; }
/// <summary> /// Character movement and physics updates. This includes both jumping and ground pound updates. /// </summary> protected void FixedUpdate() { // 1.) Handle jump requests if (Jump) { if (!isJumping) { // 1.1) Jump if grounded if (isGrounded) { if (animator) { animator.Jump = true; } isJumping = true; jumpTimer = maxJumpTime; isGrounded = false; Vector3 jumpVelocity = body.velocity; jumpVelocity += -gravity.GravityDirection * jumpSpeed; body.velocity = jumpVelocity; gravity.CanApplyGravity = false; gravity.CanChangeGravityDirection = false; } // 1.2) If already jumping and not using ground pound, use ground pound. else if (!isUsingGroundPound && airTimeTimer > minAirTimeForPound) { if (animator) { animator.GroundPound = true; } Vector3 poundVelocity = body.velocity; poundVelocity += gravity.GravityDirection * groundPoundSpeed; body.velocity = poundVelocity; gravity.CanChangeGravityDirection = !overrideGravity; isUsingGroundPound = true; Jump = false; } } if (isJumping) { jumpTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (jumpTimer <= 0) { Jump = false; } } } else { gravity.CanApplyGravity = true; gravity.CanChangeGravityDirection = !overrideGravity; isJumping = false; } // 2.) Compute movement physics update based on input. Vector3 moveForce =; if (MoveDirection.magnitude > 0) { MoveDirection.Normalize(); lookDirection = MoveDirection; //MoveDirection = transform.rotation * MoveDirection; //moveForce = MoveDirection * groundedMoveForce; moveForce = transform.rotation * MoveDirection * groundedMoveForce; } if (!isGrounded) { moveForce *= airMoveForce; } else if (animator) { animator.Jump = false; animator.GroundPound = false; } if (groundPoundRecoveryTimer <= 0.0f) { body.AddForce(moveForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } // 3.) Limit speed to maximum value. Gravity will need to be removed before computing speed and reintroduced in the final speed value to ensure an acceptable drop speed. body.drag = isGrounded && MoveDirection.magnitude > 0.1f ? groundDrag : airDrag; Vector3 movementVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(body.velocity, -gravity.GravityDirection); Vector3 dropVelocity = transform.InverseTransformDirection(body.velocity - movementVelocity); speed = movementVelocity.magnitude; if (dropVelocity.y <= 0.0f) { gravity.CanChangeGravityDirection = !overrideGravity; } if (speed > maxSpeed) { body.velocity = body.velocity - movementVelocity + movementVelocity.normalized * maxSpeed; speed = maxSpeed; } if (animator) { animator.IsGrounded = IsGrounded; animator.Speed = Speed; } }