Example #1
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Left))
                // call left down-method in the current tool
                var         mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
                var         oo     = ObjectAtCursor;
                TEMouseArgs ee     = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
                TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnLeftMouseButtonDown(oo, new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y), ee);
                //e.Handled = ee.Handled;
            else if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Right))
                // call right down-method in the current tool
                var         mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
                var         oo     = ObjectAtCursor;
                TEMouseArgs ee     = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
                TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnRightMouseButtonDown(oo, new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y), ee);
                //e.Handled = ee.Handled;

                // if the tool didn't use the click-> proceed with standard handling
                if (!ee.Handled)
                    if (Tool == OverlayToolType.move)
                        //canvas1.ContextMenu.IsEnabled = true;
                        if (TheOverlayModel.CurEditing != null)
                            TheOverlayModel.CurEditing = null;
                            //PreventContextMenuOpening = true;
                            // right click not consumed yet -> open context menu
                            TheContextMenu.Show(this, e.Location);
                        Tool = OverlayToolType.move;
                        //PreventContextMenuOpening = true;
Example #2
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            var mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
            // convert to bottom left coordinates
            var p = new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y);

            TEMouseArgs ee = e.ToTEMouseArgs();

            TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnMouseMove(p, ee);
            //GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(this, "mm " + mousep+" " + CursorPosition);
            //e.Handled = ee.Handled;
Example #3
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Left))
                // call left down-method in the current tool
                var mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
                var oo = ObjectAtCursor;
                TEMouseArgs ee = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
                TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnLeftMouseButtonDown(oo, new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y), ee);
                //e.Handled = ee.Handled;
            else if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Right))
                // call right down-method in the current tool
                var mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
                var oo = ObjectAtCursor;
                TEMouseArgs ee = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
                TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnRightMouseButtonDown(oo, new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y), ee);
                //e.Handled = ee.Handled;

                // if the tool didn't use the click-> proceed with standard handling
                if (!ee.Handled)
                    if (Tool == OverlayToolType.move)
                        //canvas1.ContextMenu.IsEnabled = true;
                        if (TheOverlayModel.CurEditing != null)
                            TheOverlayModel.CurEditing = null;
                            //PreventContextMenuOpening = true;
                            // right click not consumed yet -> open context menu
                            TheContextMenu.Show(this, e.Location);
                        Tool = OverlayToolType.move;
                        //PreventContextMenuOpening = true;

Example #4
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Left))
                if (MouseCaptured)
                    MouseCaptured = false;  // release mouse capture here to make sure the tools cannot forget
                var         mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
                TEMouseArgs ee     = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
                TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnLeftMouseButtonUp(new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y), ee);
                //e.Handled = ee.Handled;
            else if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Right))
Example #5
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Sets the current parsetree and updates the overlay.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="t">The new parsetree.</param>
         * /// <param name="tBB">The new bounding box.</param>
         * public void SetParseTree(Tikz_ParseTree t, Rect tBB)
         * {
         *  BB = tBB;
         *  ParseTree = t;
         *  //curSel = null; //curDragged = null;
         *  Resolution = Resolution; // to recalc size
         *  ActivateDefaultTool(); // to reset current tool
         *  RedrawObjects();
         * } */

        #region Events forwarded to Current tool
        private void canvas1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Point mousep = e.GetPosition(canvas1);
            // convert to bottom left coordinates
            Point p = new Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y);

            TEMouseArgs ee = e.ToTEMouseArgs();

            TheModel.CurrentTool.OnMouseMove(p, ee);
            e.Handled = ee.Handled;

            // display the current mouse position

            /*   p.Y /= Resolution;
             * p.X /= Resolution;
             * p.X += BB.X;
             * p.Y += BB.Y;
             * String s = "(" + String.Format("{0:f1}", p.X) + "; " + String.Format("{0:f1}", p.Y) + ")";
             * ((MainWindow)Application.Current.Windows[0]).AddStatusBarCoordinate(s);
Example #6
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Left))
                if (MouseCaptured)
                    MouseCaptured = false;  // release mouse capture here to make sure the tools cannot forget
                var mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
                TEMouseArgs ee = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
                TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnLeftMouseButtonUp(new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y), ee);
                //e.Handled = ee.Handled;

            else if (e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Right))


Example #7
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            var mousep = e.Location.ToPoint();
            // convert to bottom left coordinates
            var p = new System.Windows.Point(mousep.X, Height - mousep.Y);

            TEMouseArgs ee = e.ToTEMouseArgs();
            TheOverlayModel.CurrentTool.OnMouseMove(p, ee);
            //GlobalUI.UI.AddStatusLine(this, "mm " + mousep+" " + CursorPosition);
            //e.Handled = ee.Handled;