public IHttpActionResult BuyMotorWeb([FromBody] MotorDetails motorDetails)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid Motor details"));

            var userFound = _context.AspNetUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == motorDetails.Email || u.PhoneNumber == motorDetails.PhoneNo);

            var regTime   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var timeStamp = new DateTimeOffset(regTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds();

            if (userFound == null)
                    //var user = Mapper.Map<UserInputDTO, AspNetUser>(userInput);
                    userFound = new AspNetUser
                        Firstname            = motorDetails.Firstname,
                        Surname              = motorDetails.Surname,
                        Email                = motorDetails.Email,
                        PhoneNumber          = motorDetails.PhoneNo,
                        UserName             = motorDetails.Email,
                        IsCoperate           = motorDetails.UsageType.ToString() == "2",
                        RegCode              = motorDetails.RegNo,
                        CompanyName          = motorDetails.companyName != "" ? motorDetails.companyName : null,
                        RegisterationDate    = regTime,
                        Address              = motorDetails.InsuredAddress,
                        EmailConfirmed       = false,
                        PhoneNumberConfirmed = false,
                        TwoFactorEnabled     = false,
                        LockoutEnabled       = false,
                        AccessFailedCount    = 0,
                        IsMobile             = false,
                        IsDeleted            = false,
                        Id = generateID() + "-" + RandomID()

                    userFound = _context.AspNetUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == motorDetails.Email);                     // || u.PhoneNumber == motorDetails.PhoneNo
                catch (DbEntityValidationException e)

            //save the vehicle details
            var vehicledetailsInput = new VehicledetailsInputDTO
                ChasisNo = motorDetails.ChasisNo,
                EngineNo = motorDetails.EngineNo,
                RegNo    = motorDetails.RegNo

            var vehicleDetail = Mapper.Map <VehicledetailsInputDTO, VehicleDetail>(vehicledetailsInput);


            var vehicleDetailFound = _context.VehicleDetails.FirstOrDefault(vd => vd.RegNo == motorDetails.RegNo && vd.ChasisNo == motorDetails.ChasisNo && vd.EngineNo == motorDetails.EngineNo);
            //save the vehicle
            var vehicle = new Vehicle
                UserID          = userFound.Id,
                VehicleMake     = motorDetails.VehicleMake,
                VehicleModel    = motorDetails.VehicleModel,
                VehicleDetailID = vehicleDetailFound.ID,
                VehicleDate     = motorDetails.VehicleDate,
                VehicleType     = vehicleType(motorDetails.UsageType.ToString()),
                CoverType       = userType(motorDetails.UserType.ToString()) + " |" + motorClass(motorDetails.MotorClass.ToString()) + " |" + cardDuration(motorDetails.carduration.ToString()),
                VehicleValue    = motorDetails.VehicleValue.ToString()

            // var vehicle = Mapper.Map<VehicleInputDTO, Vehicle>(vehiclerInput);

            var vehicleFound = _context.Vehicles.FirstOrDefault(v => v.VehicleDetailID == vehicleDetailFound.ID);

            // var intPremium = Convert.ToDouble(motorDetails.premium);

            byte[] filebaseDocBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(motorDetails.filebase64doc);
            byte[] filebaseIdBytes  = Convert.FromBase64String(motorDetails.filebase64ID);

            //var transRef = "NSI" + RandomID() + "-" + generateID();
            var transRef = "NSI" + generateID();

            transRef = transRef.Substring(0, 11);
            var custDocument = new CustDocument
                IdType          = "motor",
                FileType        = motorDetails.filetypeID,
                FileTypeLicence = motorDetails.filetypedoc,
                IsAchived       = false,
                UserId          = userFound.Id,
                UploadedDate    = regTime,
                IdMeans         = filebaseIdBytes,
                IdLicense       = filebaseDocBytes,
                TransRef        = transRef


            // Check if there is a promo
            //if (modelDetails.IsDstv)

            //Insert  Quote table // approve should be updated after payment is done
            var quote = new Quote()
                UserId             = userFound.Id,
                VehicleID          = vehicleFound.ID,
                InitialPremium     = (decimal)motorDetails.premium,
                PurchaseDiscount   = (decimal)motorDetails.purchaseDiscount,
                FinalPremium       = ((decimal)motorDetails.premium - (decimal)motorDetails.purchaseDiscount),
                FinalPremiumString = ((decimal)motorDetails.premium - (decimal)motorDetails.purchaseDiscount).ToString(),
                Approved           = false,
                IsComprehensive    = motorClass(motorDetails.MotorClass.ToString()) == "Comprehensive",
                CanPay             = true,
                Cover           = cardDuration(motorDetails.carduration.ToString()),
                IsMobile        = false,
                TransactionDate = regTime,
                IsRenewal       = false,
                isDeleted       = false,
                // MyTimestamp = Convert.FromBase64String(timeStamp.ToString()),
                BizId          = 1,
                HasExcess      = false,
                UsageType      = usageType(motorDetails.UsageType.ToString()),
                Referral       = motorDetails.reference,
                Name           = motorDetails.Surname + " " + motorDetails.Firstname,
                Coverperiod    = motorDetails.carduration,
                InsuredName    = motorDetails.Surname + " " + motorDetails.Firstname,
                InsuredAddress = motorDetails.InsuredAddress,
                Reference      = (motorDetails.reference == null || motorDetails.reference == "") ? "N/A" : motorDetails.reference,
                IsLive         = false,
                StateId        = Convert.ToInt32(motorDetails.state),
                LgaId          = Convert.ToInt32(motorDetails.lga)


            var quoteFound = _context.Quotes.FirstOrDefault(q => q.UserId == userFound.Id && q.VehicleID == vehicleFound.ID);

            // Add to payment table
            var motorPayment = new PaymentDetail()
                UserID          = userFound.Id,
                txtRef          = transRef,
                QuoteID         = quoteFound.ID,
                amount          = quoteFound.FinalPremium,
                AmountString    = quoteFound.FinalPremium.ToString(),
                TransactionDate = regTime


            //update promo table if promo
            //var promo = _context.Promos.FirstOrDefault(p=>p.Code == motorDetails.promoCode);
            //if (promo != null)
            //    promo.transactionRef = motorDetails.promoCode;
            //    _context.SaveChanges();

            var motorPaymentFound = _context.PaymentDetails.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserID == userFound.Id && p.txtRef == transRef);

            var intPremium  = (int)quoteFound.FinalPremium;
            var premiumKobo = intPremium * 100;

            var productID = "6205";

            var pay_item_id = "101";

            var payment_redirect_url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["return_url"];

            var MAC_KEY = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MAC_KEY"];
            // txn_ref + product_id + pay_item_id + amount + site_redirect_url + MacKey
            // var Hash = (transRef + quoteFound.VehicleID.ToString() + motorPaymentFound.ID.ToString() + intPremium.ToString() + payment_redirect_url + MAC_KEY);
            var Hash = (transRef + productID + pay_item_id + premiumKobo.ToString() + payment_redirect_url + MAC_KEY);

            Hash = GenSHA512(Hash);

            var motorResponse = new MotorResponseDTO
                businessClass    = "motor",
                customerName     = userFound.Surname + " " + userFound.Firstname,
                hash             = Hash,
                premium          = premiumKobo,
                premiumString    = intPremium.ToString(),
                quoteID          = quoteFound.ID,
                reference        = (motorDetails.reference == null || motorDetails.reference == "") ? "N/A" : motorDetails.reference,
                transactionRefNo = transRef,
                vehicledetail    = vehicle.VehicleMake + " " + vehicle.VehicleModel + " " + vehicle.VehicleDate,
                payItemId        = pay_item_id
                                   // payItemId = motorPaymentFound.ID.ToString()

            //send email
            //var description = userType(motorDetails.UserType.ToString()) + " |" +
            //				  motorClass(motorDetails.MotorClass.ToString()) + " |" +
            //				  cardDuration(motorDetails.carduration.ToString());

            //SendEmail(userFound, motorDetails, description, intPremium.ToString("C"));

        private void SendEmail(AspNetUser subscriber, MotorDetails motorDetails, string assetDescription, string PremiumLess)
            // Applicant applicant = _recruitmentContext.Applicants.Where(a => a.ApplicantId == id).SingleOrDefault();

            var receivers = _context.NsiaAdmins.ToList();

            string admins = string.Join(";", receivers);

            string SenderEmail    = "*****@*****.**";
            string RecieverEmail  = admins;
            var    password       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["emailPassword"];
            string morning        = "Good Morning";
            string afternoon      = "Good Afternoon";
            string evening        = "Good Evening";
            string goodday        = "Good Day";
            string subject        = "Dstv Thanks Transaction for : " + motorClass(motorDetails.MotorClass.ToString());
            var    getPresentTime = (DateTime.Now.Hour <= 12) && !(DateTime.Now.Hour > 12)
                                ? morning : (DateTime.Now.Hour > 12) && (DateTime.Now.Hour <= 16)
                                ? afternoon : (DateTime.Now.Hour > 16) ? evening : goodday;
            string body1 = @"<head>  
		 < style >
			   thead { background - color:black; color: white; }
			tbody { background - color:white; }

			table, tr, td, th {
				border: 1px solid black;
				margin: 2px;
				font - family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Regular', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Geneva, Verdana, sans - serif;
				font - size: 14px;
				text - align: center;
		 </ style >
</ head >

< body >
	< h1 style = 'font-size: 17.5px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Good day,</ h1 >
		 < p style = 'font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Please find attached details of an
				  < span style = 'font-weight:bold;' > NSIA DSTV THANKS</ span > transctions for:</ p >

					 < p >< span
							 style = 'color:black;font-weight:bold;font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Name:</ span >
						 &nbsp;< span style = 'font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size:16px;' >"                         +
                           subscriber.Firstname + " " + subscriber.Surname +

                           @"</ span >< br />

					 < span
							 style = 'color:black;font-weight:bold;font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Address:</ span >
						 &nbsp;< span style = 'font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size:16px;' >"
                           + subscriber.Address +
                           @"</ span >< br />

						< span
			style = 'color:black;font-weight:bold;font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > E - mail:</ span >
			  &nbsp;< span style = 'color:rgb(50, 63, 245);font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size:16px;' >
				   < u >"                 + subscriber.Email +
                           @"</ u ></ span >< br />

			  < span style = 'color:black;font-weight:bold;font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Phone
			no:</ span > &nbsp;< span style = 'font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size:16px;' >"
                           + subscriber.PhoneNumber + @"</ span ></ p >< br />

	   < p style = 'font-size: 16.5px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Please find the details of the
			   policy below for the further processing.
			   Relevant documents have also benn attached:</ p >

		   < br />
		   < table >
			   < thead >
				   < tr >
					   < th > Insured Name </ th >
					   < th > Policy category </ th >
					   < th > Description of Asset </ th >
					   < th > Reg Number </ th >
					 < th > Chasis Number </ th >
					   < th > Engine Number </ th >
					   < th > Insured Value /< br > Annual emoulment </ th >
					   < th > Premium </ th >
				   </ tr >
			   </ thead >
			   < tbody >
				   < tr >
					   < td > "                     + subscriber.Firstname + " " + subscriber.Surname + @"</ td >
					   < td > "                     + motorClass(motorDetails.MotorClass.ToString()) + @" </ td >
					   < td >"                     + assetDescription + @" </ td >
					   < td >"                     + motorDetails.RegNo + @" </ td >
					   < td >"                     + motorDetails.ChasisNo + @" </ td >
					   < td >"                     + motorDetails.EngineNo + @"</ td >
					   < td >"                     + motorDetails.purchaseDiscount + @" </ td >
					   < td > "                     + PremiumLess + @" </ td >
					   </ tr >
			   </ tbody >
		   </ table >
		   < p style = 'font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;' > Best Regards,< br />< br />
			NSIA DSTVTHANKS Administrator < br />
			NSIA Insurance < br />
		   No 3 Femi Peace Street,< br />
		   Victoria Island,< br />
		   Lagos state.
		   </ p >

	   </ body > "    ;

            var sender   = new MailAddress(SenderEmail);
            var reciever = new MailAddress(RecieverEmail);
            var body     = body1;

            var smtp = new SmtpClient
                Host                  = "",
                Port                  = 587,
                EnableSsl             = true,
                DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(sender.Address, password)

            var message = new MailMessage(sender, reciever)
                Subject    = subject,
                Body       = body,
                IsBodyHtml = true

                catch (SmtpFailedRecipientsException ex)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ex.InnerExceptions.Length; i++)
                        SmtpStatusCode status = ex.InnerExceptions[i].StatusCode;
                        if (status == SmtpStatusCode.MailboxBusy ||
                            status == SmtpStatusCode.MailboxUnavailable)
