public static Mortgagee Get(string mortgageeName, int clientID)
            Mortgagee mortgagee = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.Mortgagee
                                   where x.MortageeName == mortgageeName && x.Status == true & x.ClientID == clientID
                                   select x).FirstOrDefault();

        public static Mortgagee Get(int id)
            Mortgagee mortgagee = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.Mortgagee.Include("CityMaster").Include("StateMaster").Include("ZipCodeMaster")
                                   where x.MortgageeID == id
                                   select x).FirstOrDefault();

        protected bool saveLienholder()
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(hf_id.Value);

            clientID = Core.SessionHelper.getClientId();

            Mortgagee mortgagee = null;

            // 2013-08-07 tortega
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) {
                if (id > 0)
                    mortgagee = MortgageeManager.Get(id);
                    bool exists = MortgageeManager.IsExist(txtName.Text.Trim(), clientID);
                    if (exists)
                        lblMessage.Text     = "Mortgagee name already exists.";
                        lblMessage.CssClass = "error";

                    mortgagee        = new Mortgagee();
                    mortgagee.Status = true;

                mortgagee.ClientID     = clientID;
                mortgagee.MortageeName = txtName.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.AddressLine1 = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.AddressLine2 = txtAddress2.Text.Trim();

                mortgagee.CityID    = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCity.SelectedValue);
                mortgagee.StateID   = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlState.SelectedValue);
                mortgagee.ZipCodeID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlLossZip.SelectedValue);

                mortgagee.Phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.Fax   = txtFax.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.Email = txtEmail.Text;

                mortgagee.ContactName = txtContactName.Text;

                if (ddlCountry.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    mortgagee.CountryID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCountry.SelectedValue);


        public static Mortgagee Save(Mortgagee mortgagee)
            if (mortgagee.MortgageeID == 0)


        protected void gv_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            Mortgagee mortgagee = null;

            if (e.CommandName == "DoEdit")
                hf_id.Value = e.CommandArgument.ToString();

                mortgagee = MortgageeManager.Get(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument));

                if (mortgagee != null)
                    pnlEdit.Visible = true;
                    pnlList.Visible = false;

                    hf_id.Value = mortgagee.MortgageeID.ToString();

                    CollectionManager.FillCollection(ddlState, "StateId", "StateName", State.GetAll());
                    CollectionManager.FillCollection(ddlCity, "CityId", "CityName", City.GetAll(mortgagee.StateID ?? 0));
                    CollectionManager.FillCollection(ddlLossZip, "ZipCodeID", "ZipCode", ZipCode.getByCityID(mortgagee.CityID ?? 0));

                    txtName.Text     = mortgagee.MortageeName;
                    txtAddress.Text  = mortgagee.AddressLine1;
                    txtAddress2.Text = mortgagee.AddressLine2;
                    txtFax.Text      = mortgagee.Fax;
                    txtPhone.Text    = mortgagee.Phone;

                    txtEmail.Text       = mortgagee.Email;
                    txtContactName.Text = mortgagee.ContactName;

                    if (mortgagee.StateID != null)
                        ddlState.SelectedValue = mortgagee.StateID.ToString();

                    if (mortgagee.CityID != null)
                        ddlCity.SelectedValue = mortgagee.CityID.ToString();

                    if (mortgagee.ZipCodeID != null)
                        ddlLossZip.SelectedValue = mortgagee.ZipCodeID.ToString();

                    this.ddlCountry.SelectedValue = (mortgagee.CountryID ?? 0).ToString();

            if (e.CommandName == "DoDelete")
                mortgagee = MortgageeManager.Get(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument));
                if (mortgagee != null)
                    mortgagee.Status = false;


        protected void UploadTemplate2()
            // original format designed by Vivek
            lblSave.Text = string.Empty;
            lblSave.Visible = false;
            lblError.Text = string.Empty;
            lblError.Visible = false;
            lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            lblMessage.Visible = false;
            // 2013-02-09 tortega -- Added data validation prior to import. File is not aborted in the event of incorrect data.
            string str = null;
            int fileLineNumber = 0;
            int clientID = Core.SessionHelper.getClientId();

            // assume homeowner
            int policyType = 1;
            DateTime DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime ContractDate = DateTime.Now;

            string columnValue = null;
            Mortgagee mortgagee = null;

            StatusMaster statusMaster = null;
            string statusName = null;

            try {
                if (FileUpload1.HasFile) {

                    string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);
                    string ActualFileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
                    string FileNameWithoutExt = ActualFileName.Replace(ext, "");
                    if (ext == ".csv") {

                        if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"))) {
                        FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName));
                        DataTable table = CSVReader.ReadCSVFile(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName), true);
                        using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) {
                            Leads objLead = null;

                            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) {
                                fileLineNumber = i;

                                objLead = new Leads();

                                //objLead.LeadStatus = 1;	// active
                                objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateTime.Now;
                                objLead.TypeOfProperty = 18;	//residential
                                objLead.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);

                                try {

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Create Date") && table.Rows[i]["Create Date"] != string.Empty) {

                                        DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Create Date"].ToString(), out DateSubmitted);

                                        objLead.DateSubmitted = DateSubmitted;

                                        objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateSubmitted;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Last Name") && table.Rows[i]["Last Name"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Last Name"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50) {
                                            objLead.ClaimantLastName = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                            objLead.OwnerLastName = objLead.ClaimantLastName;
                                        else {
                                            objLead.ClaimantLastName = str;
                                            objLead.OwnerLastName = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "First Name") && table.Rows[i]["First Name"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["First Name"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50) {
                                            objLead.ClaimantFirstName = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                            objLead.OwnerFirstName = objLead.ClaimantFirstName;
                                        else {
                                            objLead.ClaimantFirstName = str;
                                            objLead.OwnerFirstName = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Middle Name") && table.Rows[i]["Middle Name"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Middle Name"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50) {
                                            objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                        else {
                                            objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "E-mail") && table.Rows[i]["E-mail"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["E-mail"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 100)
                                            objLead.EmailAddress = str.Substring(0, 100);
                                            objLead.EmailAddress = str;
                                    if (columnExists(table, "Personal E-mail") && table.Rows[i]["Personal E-mail"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Personal E-mail"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 100)
                                            objLead.SecondaryEmail = str.Substring(0, 100);
                                            objLead.SecondaryEmail = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Mobile Phone") && table.Rows[i]["Mobile Phone"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Mobile Phone"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 20)
                                            objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.Substring(0, 20);
                                            objLead.SecondaryPhone = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Salutation") && table.Rows[i]["Salutation"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Salutation"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50)
                                            objLead.Salutation = str.Substring(0, 20);
                                            objLead.Salutation = str;
                                catch (Exception ex) {
                                    lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in  data save  !!!";
                                    lblError.Visible = true;


                                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);

                                string adjusterName = null;
                                int? adjusterID = null;
                                AdjusterMaster adjuster = null;

                                if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Name") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"] != string.Empty)
                                    adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"].ToString();

                                string adjusterEmail = null;
                                string adjusterFax = null;
                                string AdjusterPhone = null;
                                string AdjusterCo = null;
                                string AdjusterAddress = null;

                                if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Email") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Email"] != string.Empty)
                                    adjusterEmail = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Email"].ToString();

                                if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Fax") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Fax"] != string.Empty)
                                    adjusterFax = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Fax"].ToString();

                                if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Phone") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Phone"] != string.Empty)
                                    AdjusterPhone = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Phone"].ToString();

                                if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Co") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Co"] != string.Empty)
                                    AdjusterCo = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Co"].ToString();

                                if (columnExists(table, "Adj Address") && table.Rows[i]["Adj Address"] != string.Empty)
                                    AdjusterAddress = table.Rows[i]["Adj Address"].ToString();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjusterName)) {
                                    adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetByAdjusterName(adjusterName.Trim());
                                    if (adjuster.AdjusterId == 0) {
                                        // add adjuster
                                        adjuster = new AdjusterMaster();
                                        adjuster.Status = true;
                                        adjuster.AdjusterName = adjusterName.Trim();
                                        adjuster.ClientId = clientID;
                                        adjuster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId;
                                        adjuster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now;
                                        adjuster.isEmailNotification = true;
                               = adjusterEmail;
                                        adjuster.Address1 = AdjusterAddress;
                                        adjuster.PhoneNumber = AdjusterPhone;
                                        adjuster.FaxNumber = adjusterFax;
                                        adjuster.CompanyName = AdjusterCo;
                                        adjuster = AdjusterManager.Save(adjuster);

                                    adjusterID = adjuster.AdjusterId;

                                if (columnExists(table, "ExaminerName") && table.Rows[i]["ExaminerName"] != string.Empty) {
                                    InspectorMaster inspector = InspectorManager.GetByName(table.Rows[i]["ExaminerName"].ToString());
                                    if (inspector.InspectorId > 0) {
                                        objLead.InspectorName = inspector.InspectorId;


                                //if (columnExists(table, "Loss Location") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"] != string.Empty)
                                //     objLead.LossLocation = table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"].ToString();

                                //if (columnExists(table, "Date of Loss") && table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"] != string.Empty) {
                                //     DateTime lossDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                //     if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"].ToString(), out lossDate))
                                //          objLead.LossDate = lossDate;

                                if (columnExists(table, "Contract Signed Date") && table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"] != string.Empty)
                                    objLead.ContractDate = Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"].ToString());

                                if (columnExists(table, "Address 1") && table.Rows[i]["Address 1"] != string.Empty) {
                                    str = table.Rows[i]["Address 1"].ToString();

                                    if (str.Length > 100)
                                        objLead.MailingAddress = str.Substring(0, 99);
                                        objLead.LossAddress = str.ToString();

                                try {

                                    if (columnExists(table, "City") && table.Rows[i]["City"] != string.Empty)
                                        objLead.MailingCity = table.Rows[i]["City"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "State") && table.Rows[i]["State"] != string.Empty)
                                        objLead.MailingState = table.Rows[i]["State"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "ZIP Code") && table.Rows[i]["ZIP Code"] != string.Empty)
                                        objLead.MailingZip = table.Rows[i]["ZIP Code"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Business Name") && table.Rows[i]["Business Name"] != string.Empty)
                                        objLead.BusinessName = table.Rows[i]["Business Name"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Name") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"] != string.Empty)
                                        adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Phone") && table.Rows[i]["Phone"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Phone"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 20)
                                            objLead.PhoneNumber = str.Substring(0, 20);
                                            objLead.PhoneNumber = str.ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Loss Address") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Address"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Loss Address"].ToString();

                                        if (str.Length > 100)
                                            objLead.LossAddress = str.Substring(0, 99);
                                            objLead.LossAddress = str.ToString();
                                    if (columnExists(table, "Loss City") && table.Rows[i]["Loss City"] != string.Empty)
                                        objLead.CityName = table.Rows[i]["Loss City"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Loss State") && table.Rows[i]["Loss State"] != string.Empty)
                                        objLead.StateName = table.Rows[i]["Loss State"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Loss Zip Code") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Zip Code"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Loss Zip Code"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length < 5)
                                            str = "0" + str;

                                        objLead.Zip = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Fax") && table.Rows[i]["Fax"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Fax"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 20)
                                            objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.Substring(0, 20);
                                            objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "File Status") && table.Rows[i]["File Status"] != string.Empty) {
                                        statusName = table.Rows[i]["File Status"].ToString();
                                        statusMaster = StatusManager.GetByStatusName(statusName);

                                        if (statusMaster.StatusId == 0) {
                                            statusMaster = new StatusMaster();
                                            statusMaster.clientID = clientID;
                                            statusMaster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId;
                                            statusMaster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now;
                                            statusMaster.isCountable = true;
                                            statusMaster.Status = true;
                                            statusMaster.StatusName = statusName;

                                            statusMaster = StatusManager.Save(statusMaster);
                                catch (Exception ex) {
                                    lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in  data save  !!!";
                                    lblError.Visible = true;


                                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);

                                if (columnExists(table, "Peril") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString())) {
                                    var id = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString());
                                    if (id.TypeOfDamageId > 0)
                                        objLead.TypeOfDamage = id.TypeOfDamageId.ToString() + ",";

                                    //string dmgid = string.Empty;
                                    //string[] dmg = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString().Split(',');
                                    //for (int d = 0; d < dmg.Length; d++) {
                                    //     string dmgtext = dmg[d];
                                    //     var dmgdata = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(dmgtext);
                                    //     if (dmgdata != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage.ToString() != string.Empty) {
                                    //          dmgid += dmgdata.TypeOfDamageId + ",";
                                    //     }
                                    //     else {
                                    //          TypeOfDamageMaster objdmg = new TypeOfDamageMaster();
                                    //          objdmg.TypeOfDamage = dmgtext.Length > 100 ? dmgtext.Substring(0, 100) : dmgtext;
                                    //          objdmg.Status = true;
                                    //          TypeOfDamageMaster sv = TypeofDamageManager.Save(objdmg);
                                    //          dmgid += sv.TypeOfDamageId + ",";
                                    //     }

                                    //objLead.TypeOfDamage = dmgid;

                                    str = table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString();
                                    if (str.Length > 250)
                                        objLead.TypeofDamageText = str.Substring(0, 250).Replace("/", ",");
                                        objLead.TypeofDamageText = str.Replace("/", ",");

                                objLead.Status = 1;

                                // 2013-08-29 tortega
                                if (clientID > 0)
                                    objLead.ClientID = clientID;

                                Leads newLead = LeadsManager.Save(objLead);
                                int policyTypeID = 1;

                                if (newLead != null) {
                                    // add policy
                                    CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = new CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "PolicyType") && table.Rows[i]["PolicyType"] != string.Empty) {
                                        policyTypeID = getPolicyType(table.Rows[i]["PolicyType"].ToString());


                                    policy.PolicyType = policyTypeID;

                                    policy.LeadId = newLead.LeadId;
                                    policy.IsActive = true;
                                    policy.isAllDocumentUploaded = false;

                                    if (adjusterID != null)
                                        policy.AdjusterID = adjusterID;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "LoanID") && table.Rows[i]["LoanID"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["LoanID"].ToString();

                                        if (str.Length > 50)
                                            policy.LoanNumber = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                            policy.LoanNumber = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "DateOfEvaluation") && table.Rows[i]["DateOfEvaluation"] != string.Empty) {
                                        DateTime SiteSurveyDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["DateOfEvaluation"].ToString(), out SiteSurveyDate))
                                            policy.SiteSurveyDate = SiteSurveyDate;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Mortgagee") && table.Rows[i]["Mortgagee"] != string.Empty) {
                                        int id = getMortgageeID(table.Rows[i]["Mortgagee"].ToString(), clientID);
                                        if (id > 0)
                                            policy.MortgageeID = id;
                                        else {
                                            mortgagee = new Mortgagee();
                                            mortgagee.ClientID = clientID;
                                            mortgagee.Status = true;
                                            mortgagee.MortageeName = table.Rows[i]["Mortgagee"].ToString();

                                            mortgagee = MortgageeManager.Save(mortgagee);
                                            if (mortgagee.MortgageeID > 0)
                                                policy.MortgageeID = mortgagee.MortgageeID;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Loss Location") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"] != string.Empty)
                                        policy.LossLocation = table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"].ToString();

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Date of Loss") && table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"] != string.Empty) {
                                        DateTime lossDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"].ToString(), out lossDate))
                                            policy.LossDate = lossDate;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Policy Period") && table.Rows[i]["Policy Period"] != string.Empty)
                                        policy.PolicyPeriod = table.Rows[i]["Policy Period"].ToString();

                                    string PolicyExpirationDate = null;
                                    if (columnExists(table, "PolicyExpirationDate") && table.Rows[i]["PolicyExpirationDate"] != string.Empty)
                                        PolicyExpirationDate = table.Rows[i]["PolicyExpirationDate"].ToString();

                                    string effectiveDate = null;
                                    if (columnExists(table, "PolicyEffectiveDate") && table.Rows[i]["PolicyEffectiveDate"] != string.Empty)
                                        effectiveDate = table.Rows[i]["PolicyEffectiveDate"].ToString();

                                    str = string.Format("{0} - {1}", effectiveDate ?? "N/A", PolicyExpirationDate ?? "N/A");
                                    if (str.Length > 50)
                                        policy.PolicyPeriod = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                        policy.PolicyPeriod = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Claim Number") && table.Rows[i]["Claim Number"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Claim Number"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50)
                                            policy.ClaimNumber = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                            policy.ClaimNumber = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Policy Number") && table.Rows[i]["Policy Number"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Policy Number"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 100)
                                            policy.PolicyNumber = str.Substring(0, 100);
                                            policy.PolicyNumber = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "File Number") && table.Rows[i]["File Number"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["File Number"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 20)
                                            policy.InsurerFileNo = str.Substring(0, 20);
                                            policy.InsurerFileNo = str;

                                    if (statusMaster != null)
                                        policy.LeadStatus = statusMaster.StatusId;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Ins Carrier") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Carrier"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Ins Carrier"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50)
                                            policy.InsuranceCompanyName = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                            policy.InsuranceCompanyName = str;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co Address") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Address"] != string.Empty) {
                                        str = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Address"].ToString();
                                        if (str.Length > 50)
                                            policy.InsuranceAddress = str.Substring(0, 50);
                                            policy.InsuranceAddress = str;


                                    if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co City") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co City"] != string.Empty) {
                                        string cityName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co City"].ToString();
                                        CityMaster cityMaster = City.GetByCityName(cityName);
                                        if (cityMaster != null && cityMaster.CityId > 0)
                                            policy.InsuranceCity = cityMaster.CityId;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co State") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co State"] != string.Empty) {
                                        string stateName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co State"].ToString();
                                        StateMaster stateMaster = State.Getstateid(stateName);
                                        if (stateMaster != null && stateMaster.StateId > 0)
                                            policy.InsuranceState = stateMaster.StateId;

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co Zip") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Zip"] != string.Empty) {
                                        string zipCode = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Zip"].ToString();
                                        ZipCodeMaster zipMaster = ZipCode.GetByZipCode(zipCode);
                                        if (zipMaster != null && zipMaster.ZipCodeID > 0)
                                            policy.InsuranceZipCode = zipMaster.ZipCodeID.ToString();


                                    // add policy comments
                                    if (columnExists(table, "Notes") && table.Rows[i]["Notes"] != string.Empty) {
                                        char[] splitTokens = { '\n' };

                                        string[] lines = table.Rows[i]["Notes"].ToString().Split(splitTokens, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        if (lines != null && lines.Length > 0)
                                            foreach (string line in lines) {

                                                string[] datetimeValues = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                                                if (datetimeValues.Length > 3) {
                                                    string datetime = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", datetimeValues[0] ?? "", datetimeValues[1] ?? "", datetimeValues[2] ?? "");
                                                    DateTime commentInsertDate = DateTime.Now;
                                                    if (DateTime.TryParse(datetime, out commentInsertDate))
                                                        AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, line, commentInsertDate);
                                                        AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, line);

                                                    AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, line);
                                        //AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, table.Rows[i]["Notes"].ToString().Replace("\n","<br/>");

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Certified Mail Number") && table.Rows[i]["Certified Mail Number"] != string.Empty)
                                        AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Certified Mail Number: " + table.Rows[i]["Certified Mail Number"].ToString());

                                    //if (columnExists(table, "Contract Signed Date") && table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"] != string.Empty)
                                    //     AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Contract Signed Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"].ToString());

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Last E-mail") && table.Rows[i]["Last E-mail"] != string.Empty)
                                        AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Last E-mail Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Last E-mail"].ToString());

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Last Meeting") && table.Rows[i]["Last Meeting"] != string.Empty)
                                        AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Last Meeting Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Last Meeting"].ToString());

                                    if (columnExists(table, "Letter Date") && table.Rows[i]["Letter Date"] != string.Empty)
                                        AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Letter Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Letter Date"].ToString());

                            }	//for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) {


                        string rootFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//");
                        string filesToDelete = FileUpload1.FileName;
                        string[] fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, filesToDelete);
                        foreach (string file in fileList) {
                        lblSave.Text = "Data Saved Successfully !!!";
                        lblSave.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in  data save  !!!";
                lblError.Visible = true;
        protected bool saveLienholder()
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(hf_id.Value);
            clientID = Core.SessionHelper.getClientId();

            Mortgagee mortgagee = null;

            // 2013-08-07 tortega
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) {

                if (id > 0) {
                    mortgagee = MortgageeManager.Get(id);
                else {
                    bool exists = MortgageeManager.IsExist(txtName.Text.Trim(), clientID);
                    if (exists) {
                        lblMessage.Text = "Mortgagee name already exists.";
                        lblMessage.CssClass = "error";
                        return false;

                    mortgagee = new Mortgagee();
                    mortgagee.Status = true;

                mortgagee.ClientID = clientID;
                mortgagee.MortageeName = txtName.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.AddressLine1 = txtAddress.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.AddressLine2 = txtAddress2.Text.Trim();

                mortgagee.CityID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCity.SelectedValue);
                mortgagee.StateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlState.SelectedValue);
                mortgagee.ZipCodeID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlLossZip.SelectedValue);

                mortgagee.Phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.Fax = txtFax.Text.Trim();
                mortgagee.Email = txtEmail.Text;

                mortgagee.ContactName = txtContactName.Text;

                if (ddlCountry.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    mortgagee.CountryID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCountry.SelectedValue);



            return true;