public void CellLifeService_ShouldCorrectly_CalculatesNeighbors() { foreach (var leftState in new[] { false, true }) { for (var leftVertSum = 0; leftVertSum <= 2; leftVertSum++) { var leftCell = Mock.Of <ICell>(cell => cell.State == leftState && cell.VertSum == leftVertSum + (leftState ? 1 : 0)); foreach (var rightState in new[] { false, true }) { for (var rightVertSum = 0; rightVertSum <= 2; rightVertSum++) { var rightCell = Mock.Of <ICell>(cell => cell.State == rightState && cell.VertSum == rightVertSum + (rightState ? 1 : 0)); for (var bornCount = 0; bornCount <= 8; bornCount++) { for (var surviveCount = 0; surviveCount <= 8; surviveCount++) { var lifePreset = Mock.Of <ILifePreset>(); Mock.Get(lifePreset).Setup(preset => preset.Born(It.Is <int>(value => value == bornCount))).Returns(true); Mock.Get(lifePreset).Setup(preset => preset.Survive(It.Is <int>(value => value == surviveCount))).Returns(true); foreach (var currentState in new[] { false, true }) { for (var currentVertSum = 0; currentVertSum <= 2; currentVertSum++) { var currentCell = Mock.Of <ICell>(cell => cell.State == currentState && cell.VertSum == currentVertSum + (currentState ? 1 : 0)); bool?expectedNextState = false; if (currentState) { expectedNextState = (leftCell.VertSum + currentCell.VertSum + rightCell.VertSum - 1) == surviveCount; } else { expectedNextState = (leftCell.VertSum + currentCell.VertSum + rightCell.VertSum) == bornCount; } if (expectedNextState.Value == currentState) { expectedNextState = null; } // execution var lifeCellService = new MooreCellLifeService(lifePreset); lifeCellService.Iterate(leftCell, currentCell, rightCell); // asserts lifeCellService.Should().NotBeNull(); //currentCell.NextState.Should().HaveValue().And.Be(expectedNextState); currentCell.NextState.Should().Be(expectedNextState); } } } } } } } } }
public void CellLifeService_ShouldThrow_ExceptionOnNullLifePreset() { ICellLifeService lifeCellService = null; ILifePreset lifePreset = null; var message = $"Value cannot be null.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: {nameof(lifePreset)}"; //var message = $"Exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' was thrown.{Environment.NewLine}Parameter name: {nameof(lifePreset)}"; var exception = Record.Exception(() => lifeCellService = new MooreCellLifeService(lifePreset)); lifeCellService.Should().BeNull(); exception.Should().NotBeNull(); exception.Message.Should().Be(message); }
public void CellLifeService_Should_BeInitialize() { var lifeCellService = new MooreCellLifeService(Mock.Of <ILifePreset>()); lifeCellService.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void Automaton_Should_ChangeLightingInMooreAndLife() { const int width = 10; const int height = 10; var cellLifeService = new MooreCellLifeService(KnownLifePresets.Life); var automaton = new Automaton(width, height, cellLifeService, Mock.Of <ILogger>()); var pointList = new List <Point>( new[] { // Lighting new Point(4, 3), new Point(4, 4), new Point(4, 5), }); var secondPointList = new List <Point>( new[] { new Point(3, 4), new Point(4, 4), new Point(5, 4), }); var statistics = new Statistics(); automaton.SetPoints(pointList, ref statistics); for (var iteration = 0; iteration < 10; iteration++) { // iteration // X // from X to XXX and backward // X // automaton.Iterate(ref statistics); // checks statistics.Borned.Should().Be(2); statistics.Died.Should().Be(-2); automaton.Count.Should().Be(3); for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var cell = automaton.GetCell(x, y); var point = new Point(x, y); if (iteration % 2 == 0 && secondPointList.Contains(point)) { cell.Should().BeLivingCellNearOther(); if (x == y) { cell.Age.Should().Be((short)(iteration + 2)); } else { cell.Age.Should().Be(1); } } else if (iteration % 2 == 1 && pointList.Contains(point)) { cell.Should().BeLivingCellNearOther(); if (x == y) { cell.Age.Should().Be((short)(iteration + 2)); } else { cell.Age.Should().Be(1); } } else { cell.Should().NotBeNull().And.BeDeadCellNearOther(); } } } } }