// Update is called once per frame
    public void summonToField(GameObject ObjectToCopy)
        // if (counter == 0)
        // {

        Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true);
        Collider[] colliderComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(true);

        // Enable rendering:

        foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents)
            // A print statement here prints out multiple times as long as card is in view

            //Debug.Log(mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " is on the field");

            component.enabled = true;

        // Enable colliders:
        foreach (Collider component in colliderComponents)
            component.enabled = true;

        this.SpawnObject = ObjectToCopy;
        SpawnPoint       = GameObject.Find("Spawn"); // add a function that allocates spawn location
        int        spawn_state = 1;
        GameObject tempGameObject;

        tempGameObject = Instantiate(this.SpawnObject, this.SpawnPoint.transform.position, this.SpawnPoint.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
        tempGameObject.transform.parent = this.transform;

        // ---------------------------- Temporary Code (Must Replace in Future Development -----------------------------

        // Only for Blue Eyes (future work is to have an external script to call from that will store values)
        tempGameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.01F, 0.01F, 0.01F);

        GameObject Kuribo_temp = GameObject.Find("DE_temp");  // Uses temp Kuribo as GameObject, must remove as soon as possible
        //batManage = GetComponent("battleManage") as battleManage;

        MonsterTraits spawn_trait = tempGameObject.GetComponent("MonsterTraits") as MonsterTraits;

        spawn_trait.cslot = spawn_state;

        //GameObject master_ob = GameObject.Find("MasterObject");
        MasterControl master_ctrl = GameObject.Find("MasterObject").GetComponent("MasterControl") as MasterControl;

        Debug.Log("master_ctrl is: " + master_ctrl);
        master_ctrl.engageBattlePhase(tempGameObject, Kuribo_temp);

        //batManage.battlePhase(tempGameObject, Kuribo_temp);
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    public void battlePhase(GameObject attacker_i, GameObject defender_i)
        // Turning our input GameObjects into our global variables
        attacker = attacker_i;
        defender = defender_i;

        //GameObject summon = attacker.transform.FindChild("Summon").gameObject;
        //Debug.Log("Summoning animation: " + summon);

        //mShowGUIButton = true;
        // Entering battle phase (monster is preparing an attack)

        MonsterTraits attacker_traits = attacker.GetComponent("MonsterTraits") as MonsterTraits;
        MonsterTraits defender_traits = defender.GetComponent("MonsterTraits") as MonsterTraits;

        Debug.Log(attacker_traits.real_name + " is now attacking " + defender_traits.real_name);

        // Assuming the defender is in attack mode
        if (attacker_traits.atk > defender_traits.atk)
            attackAnimations("Attack_Success"); // Commence attack animations

            // If attacker is stronger than defender
            Debug.Log(attacker_traits.real_name + " destroyed " + defender_traits.real_name + "!");

            Debug.Log("Opponent lost " + (attacker_traits.atk - defender_traits.atk) + "LP!");

            // Explosions
            int explosion_slot = defender_traits.cslot;
        else if (attacker_traits.atk == defender_traits.atk)
            // If attacker and defender are equal
            Debug.Log(attacker_traits.real_name + " and " + defender_traits.real_name + "were both destoryed!");
        else if (attacker_traits.atk < defender_traits.atk)
            // If attacker is weaker than defender
            Debug.Log(attacker_traits.real_name + " was destroyed by " + defender_traits.real_name + "!");
            Debug.Log("You lost " + (defender_traits.atk - attacker_traits.atk) + "LP!");

            int explosion_slot = attacker_traits.cslot;
Example #3
 public MonsterPlaceHolder(MonsterTraits traits)
     traits_ = traits;