public void correct_banker_should_be_loaded_on_load_game()
            var gameOfMonopoly = new Monopoly();

            // Make him pay a bit of money so we know if it's the same
            // banker being loaded

            var bankerBeforeSavedBalance = Banker.Access().GetBalance();

            // Need to players on the board for saving and loading correctly
            Board.Access().AddPlayer(new Player());
            Board.Access().AddPlayer(new Player());


            // Set the banker's balance to something random so we know
            // it's then changed when we load the game that has the
            // other banker's balance from the previous save


            var bankerAfterLoadedBalance = Banker.Access().GetBalance();

            // The balance should be what it was when we saved it even though we
            // changed it, this is because the banker we're loading is the one
            // before we changed the balance
            Assert.AreEqual(bankerBeforeSavedBalance, bankerAfterLoadedBalance);
        public void correct_banker_should_be_loaded_on_load_game()
            var gameOfMonopoly = new Monopoly();

            // Make him pay a bit of money so we know if it's the same
            // banker being loaded

            var bankerBeforeSavedBalance = Banker.Access().GetBalance();

            // Need to players on the board for saving and loading correctly
            Board.Access().AddPlayer(new Player());
            Board.Access().AddPlayer(new Player());


            // Set the banker's balance to something random so we know
            // it's then changed when we load the game that has the
            // other banker's balance from the previous save


            var bankerAfterLoadedBalance = Banker.Access().GetBalance();

            // The balance should be what it was when we saved it even though we 
            // changed it, this is because the banker we're loading is the one
            // before we changed the balance
            Assert.AreEqual(bankerBeforeSavedBalance, bankerAfterLoadedBalance);
Example #3
        public void loading_board_from_saved_board()


            Board.Access().AddPlayer(new Player());
            Board.Access().AddPlayer(new Player());


            Assert.AreEqual(40, Board.Access().GetProperties().Count);

            var bankerOwnedProperty = (Property)Board.Access().GetProperties().ToArray().First();

            // Owner should be the banker for this property
            Assert.AreEqual(Banker.Access(), bankerOwnedProperty.GetOwner());

            // Need to reset the the save file to a blank board
            // for when actually playing the game