protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoaiNguoiDung"] != "NhanVien" && Session["LoaiNguoiDung"] != "QuanLy") { Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx"); return; } string r = (string)Request["request"]; if (r == "LayDanhSachMonAn") { LayDanhSachMonAn(); return; } if (r == "CapNhatTinhTrang") { MonAnBUS bus = new MonAnBUS(); CapNhat(bus.CapNhatTinhTrang); return; } if (r == "CapNhatTrangThaiHienThi") { MonAnBUS bus = new MonAnBUS(); CapNhat(bus.CapNhatTrangThaiHienThi); return; } if (r == "XoaMonAn") { XoaMonAn(); return; } }
private void MonAn_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dsnlBUS = new DSNguyenLieuBUS(); maBUS = new MonAnBUS(); this.loadData_Vao_GridView(); clear(); }
//Hàm của Nghi, truyền mã thực đơn lên từ client, chứ không gán vào session private void ChiTietThucDon() { int ma_thuc_don = int.Parse(Request["mathucdon"].ToString()); ThucDonBUS thucdonBUS = new ThucDonBUS(); MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); ArrayList arr = thucdonBUS.ThongTinThucDon(ma_thuc_don); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { MonAnDTO MonAn = monanBUS.ChiTietMonAn(int.Parse(arr[i].ToString())); XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
private void Ghi_nhan_dat_hang() { ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); int ma = int.Parse(Request["Ma"].ToString()); MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); if (Request["Loai"] == "0") { MonAnDTO MonAn = monanBUS.ChiTietMonAn(ma); Item_online mon_an = new Item_online(); mon_an.Ma_item = MonAn.Ma_mon; mon_an.Ten_item = MonAn.Ten_mon; mon_an.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa = MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa; mon_an.Gia = MonAn.Gia; mon_an.Loai_item = 0; mon_an.So_luong = int.Parse(Request["So_luong"].ToString()); Session["Item_online"] = mon_an; } else if (Request["Loai"] == "1") { ThucDonBUS thucdonBUS = new ThucDonBUS(); //ThucDonDTO ThucDon = thucdonBUS.ThongTinThucDon(ma); ThucDonDTO thuc_don = thucdonBUS.ChiTietThucDon(ma); Item_online mon_an = new Item_online(); mon_an.Ma_item = thuc_don.Ma_thuc_don; mon_an.Ten_item = thuc_don.Ten_thuc_don; mon_an.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa = thuc_don.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa; mon_an.Gia = thuc_don.Gia; mon_an.Loai_item = 1; mon_an.So_luong = int.Parse(Request["So_luong"].ToString()); Session["Item_online"] = mon_an; } else { ThucDonCaNhanBUS thucdonBUS = new ThucDonCaNhanBUS(); //ThucDonDTO ThucDon = thucdonBUS.ThongTinThucDon(ma); ThucDonCaNhanDTO thuc_don = thucdonBUS.ChiTietThucDonCaNhan(ma); Item_online mon_an = new Item_online(); mon_an.Ma_item = thuc_don.Ma_thuc_don_ca_nhan; mon_an.Ten_item = thuc_don.Ten_thuc_don; mon_an.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa = thuc_don.Hinh_anh; mon_an.Gia = thuc_don.Gia; mon_an.Loai_item = 1; mon_an.So_luong = int.Parse(Request["So_luong"].ToString()); Session["Item_online"] = mon_an; } }
public ChiTietMonAn(MonAnDTO ma) { maBUS = new MonAnBUS(); nlBUS = new NguyenLieuBUS(); dsnlBUS = new DSNguyenLieuBUS(); qdBUS = new QuyDinhBUS(); quydinh = qdBUS.Laydulieu(); this.maDTO = ma; GiaTien = ma.dongia; InitializeComponent(); loadDataVaoComboBox(); loadData_Vao_GridView(); }
public static void showDanhSachNguyenLieuTheoMonAnLenComboNguyenLieu(MonAnDTO monAn, ComboBox cb) { ArrayList dsNguyenLieuTheoMon = new ArrayList(); dsNguyenLieuTheoMon = MonAnBUS.layDanhSachNguyenLieuTheoMonAn(monAn); for (int i = 0; i < dsNguyenLieuTheoMon.Count; i++) { MonAn_NguyenLieuDTO dto = (MonAn_NguyenLieuDTO)dsNguyenLieuTheoMon[i]; cb.Items.Add(dto); } }
public ChiTietHoaDon(hoaDonDTO hoadon) { maBUS = new MonAnBUS(); nlBUS = new NguyenLieuBUS(); dsmaBUS = new DSMonAnBUS(); hdBUS = new hoaDonBUS(); qdBUS = new QuyDinhBUS(); dsnlBUS = new DSNguyenLieuBUS(); quydinh = qdBUS.Laydulieu(); this.hoadon = hoadon; InitializeComponent(); loadDataVaoComboBox(); loadData_Vao_GridView(); }
private void XoaMonAn() { string strMaMonAn = (string)Request["MaMonAn"]; int maMonAn = int.Parse(strMaMonAn); MonAnBUS bus = new MonAnBUS(); bool flag = bus.XoaMonAn(maMonAn); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", flag ? "1" : "0"); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoctinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
private void Lay_danh_sach() { MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); MonAnDTO[] DsMonAn = monanBUS.DanhSachMonAn(); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); for (int i = 0; i < DsMonAn.Length; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = DsMonAn[i]; if (MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi == false) { continue; } XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Mo_ta", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Diem_binh_chon", MonAn.Diem_binh_chon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Don_vi_tinh", MonAn.Don_vi_tinh); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_loai_mon", MonAn.Ma_loai_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Tinh_trang", MonAn.Tinh_trang.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Trang_thai_hien_thi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
private void Chi_tiet_thuc_don() { int ma_thuc_don = int.Parse(Session["MaThucDon"].ToString()); //oFFS_BUS_WS.WebService service = new oFFS_BUS_WS.WebService(); ThucDonBUS thucdonBUS = new ThucDonBUS(); MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); ArrayList arr = thucdonBUS.ThongTinThucDon(ma_thuc_don); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { MonAnDTO MonAn = monanBUS.ChiTietMonAn(int.Parse(arr[i].ToString())); XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Mo_ta", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Diem_binh_chon", MonAn.Diem_binh_chon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Don_vi_tinh", MonAn.Don_vi_tinh); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_loai_mon", MonAn.Ma_loai_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Tinh_trang", MonAn.Tinh_trang.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Trang_thai_hien_thi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
private void LayDSMonAnHienThi() { int pageNum = int.Parse((string)Request["pageNum"]); MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); MonAnDTO[] DsMonAn = monanBUS.LayDSMonAnHienThi(pageNum, pageSize); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); for (int i = 0; i < DsMonAn.Length; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = DsMonAn[i]; XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Mo_ta", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Diem_binh_chon", MonAn.Diem_binh_chon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Don_vi_tinh", MonAn.Don_vi_tinh); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_loai_mon", MonAn.Ma_loai_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Tinh_trang", MonAn.Tinh_trang.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); //Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Trang_thai_hien_thi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi.ToString()); //Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
void TongSoTrang() { MonAnBUS bus = new MonAnBUS(); int tongsomon = bus.TongSoMonAn(); int kq = -1; // không lỗi if (tongsomon != -1) { kq = tongsomon / pageSize; kq += (tongsomon % pageSize != 0) ? 1 : 0; } XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TongSoTrang", kq.ToString()); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoctinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
protected void DsQuaTang() { MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); double limit = double.Parse((string)Request["limit"]); MonAnDTO[] DsMonAn = monanBUS.LayDSQuaTang(limit); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); for (int i = 0; i < DsMonAn.Length; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = DsMonAn[i]; XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Mo_ta", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Diem_binh_chon", MonAn.Diem_binh_chon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Don_vi_tinh", MonAn.Don_vi_tinh); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_loai_mon", MonAn.Ma_loai_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Tinh_trang", MonAn.Tinh_trang.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Trang_thai_hien_thi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
private void showDanhSachNguyenLieuTheoMonAn(MonAnDTO monAn) { ArrayList dsNguyenLieuTheoMon = new ArrayList(); dsNguyenLieuTheoMon = MonAnBUS.layDanhSachNguyenLieuTheoMonAn(monAn); for (int i = 0; i < dsNguyenLieuTheoMon.Count; i++) { ArrayList dsKQ = new ArrayList(); dsKQ = KhoHangBUS.layDSKhoHang_NguyenLieu(GlobalVariables.maNhaHang, ((MonAn_NguyenLieuDTO)dsNguyenLieuTheoMon[i]).NguyenLieu); for (int j = 0; j < dsKQ.Count; j++) { KhoHang_NguyenLieuDTO dto = (KhoHang_NguyenLieuDTO)dsKQ[j]; if (!ingrid_dsOrNot(dto)) { grid_ds.Rows.Add(); showThongTinKhoHang_NguyenLieuDTOLenGrid(grid_ds.RowCount - 1, dto); } } } }
protected void ThemMonMoi() { MonAnDTO monanDTO = new MonAnDTO(); monanDTO.Ten_mon = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tenmon"); monanDTO.Ma_loai_mon = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "loaimon")); monanDTO.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hinhanh"); monanDTO.Mo_ta = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "mota"); monanDTO.Gia = Decimal.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gia")); monanDTO.Don_vi_tinh = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "donvitinh"); String strTag = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tag"); monanDTO.Diem_binh_chon = 0; monanDTO.Tinh_trang = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tinhtrang")); monanDTO.Trang_thai_hien_thi = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hienthi")); MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); int Kq = monanBUS.ThemMonAn(monanDTO, strTag); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; if (Kq != 0) { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
public void LayDSTenMonAn() { MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); MonAnDTO[] DsMonAn = monanBUS.DanhSachMonAn(); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); for (int i = 0; i < DsMonAn.Length; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = DsMonAn[i]; XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("MaMon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TenMon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
private void LayCTDonHang() { int maDonHang = int.Parse(Request["MaDonHang"]); XL_THE kq = new XL_THE("DanhSachCTDonHang"); CTDonHangBUS ctdhbus = new CTDonHangBUS(); CTDonHangDTO[] arrCtdhDto = ctdhbus.DanhSachCTDonHang(maDonHang); foreach (CTDonHangDTO ctdh in arrCtdhDto) { XL_THE the = new XL_THE("CTDonHang"); // mã chi tiết đơn hàng XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("MaCTDonHang", ctdh.Ma_ct_don_hang.ToString()); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); string loai = ""; string ten = ""; switch (ctdh.Loai_item) { case 0: // món ăn loai = "Món ăn"; MonAnBUS maBus = new MonAnBUS(); MonAnDTO ma = maBus.ChiTietMonAn(ctdh.Ma_item); if (ma != null) { ten = ma.Ten_mon; } else { ten = "Món ăn này không tồn tại"; } break; case 1: // thực đơn loai = "Thực đơn"; ThucDonBUS tdBus = new ThucDonBUS(); ThucDonDTO tdDto = tdBus.ChiTietThucDon(ctdh.Ma_item); if (tdDto != null) { ten = tdDto.Ten_thuc_don; } else { ten = "Thực đơn này không tồn tại"; } break; case 2: // thực đơn cá nhân loai = "Thực đơn cá nhân"; ThucDonCaNhanBUS tdcnBus = new ThucDonCaNhanBUS(); ThucDonCaNhanDTO tdcnDto = tdcnBus.ChiTietThucDonCaNhan(ctdh.Ma_item); if (tdcnDto != null) { ten = tdcnDto.Ten_thuc_don; } else { ten = "Thực đơn cá nhân này không tồn tại"; } break; } // Tên món hoặc tên thực đơn Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten", ten); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); // Loại đơn hàng Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("LoaiItem", loai); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); // Số lượng Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("SoLuong", ctdh.So_luong.ToString()); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); // Thành tiền Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("ThanhTien", ctdh.Thanh_tien.ToString()); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(the); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, kq.Chuoi()); }
public int ThemMonAn(MonAnDTO monan, String strTag) { MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); return(monanBUS.ThemMonAn(monan, strTag)); }
protected void DsMonAnThuocLoaiMonBatKy() { int pageSize = 5; if (Request["results"] != null) { pageSize = int.Parse((string)Request["results"]); } int pageNum = 1; int startIndex = 0; if (Request["startIndex"] != null) { startIndex = int.Parse((string)Request["startIndex"]); pageNum = (startIndex / pageSize) + 1; } MonAnBUS mon_anBUS = new MonAnBUS(); ArrayList dsMonAn = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; int loaimon = -1; if (Session["LoaiNguoiDung"].ToString() == "NhanVien") { loaimon = int.Parse((string)Request["LoaiMon"]); } else { loaimon = int.Parse(Session["LoaiMon"].ToString()); } dsMonAn = mon_anBUS.LayDSMonAnThuocLoaiMonBatKy(loaimon); int n = dsMonAn.Count; XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); if (Session["LoaiNguoiDung"].ToString() == "NhanVien") //co phan trang { index = startIndex; n = startIndex + pageSize; n = (n < dsMonAn.Count) ? n : dsMonAn.Count; XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("totalRecords", dsMonAn.Count.ToString()); Kq.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); } for (int i = index; i < n; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = (MonAnDTO)dsMonAn[i]; if (MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi == false) { continue; } XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Mo_ta", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Diem_binh_chon", MonAn.Diem_binh_chon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Don_vi_tinh", MonAn.Don_vi_tinh); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_loai_mon", MonAn.Ma_loai_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Tinh_trang", MonAn.Tinh_trang.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Trang_thai_hien_thi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
public MonAnDTO[] DanhSachMonAn() { MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); return(monanBUS.DanhSachMonAn()); }
void LayDanhSachMonAn() { // Xử lý request int pageSize = 10; if (Request["results"] != null) { pageSize = int.Parse((string)Request["results"]); } int pageNum = 1; if (Request["startIndex"] != null) { pageNum = (int.Parse((string)Request["startIndex"]) / pageSize) + 1; } LoaiMonBUS lmBus = new LoaiMonBUS(); MonAnBUS bus = new MonAnBUS(); MonAnDTO[] kq = bus.DanhSachMonAn(pageNum, pageSize); int tongSoMonAn = bus.TongSoMonAn(); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("totalRecords", tongSoMonAn.ToString()); Kq.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); foreach (MonAnDTO dto in kq) { XL_THE the = new XL_THE("MonAn"); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("MaMonAn", dto.Ma_mon.ToString()); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TenMonAn", dto.Ten_mon); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); LoaiMonDTO lmDto = lmBus.ChiTietLoaiMon(dto.Ma_loai_mon); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("LoaiMonAn", lmDto.Ten_loai_mon); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("MoTa", dto.Mo_ta); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("HinhAnhMinhHoa", dto.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", dto.Gia.ToString()); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TrangThaiHienThi", dto.Trang_thai_hien_thi ? "1" : "0"); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TinhTrang", dto.Tinh_trang ? "1" : "0"); the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(the); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
protected void DsMonAnThuocLoaiMon() { // Xử lý request int pageSize = 5; if (Request["results"] != null) { pageSize = int.Parse((string)Request["results"]); } int pageNum = 1; int startIndex = 0; if (Request["startIndex"] != null) { startIndex = int.Parse((string)Request["startIndex"]); pageNum = (startIndex / pageSize) + 1; } MonAnBUS mon_anBUS = new MonAnBUS(); ArrayList dsMonAn = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; int loaimon = -1; if (Session["LoaiNguoiDung"] == "NhanVien" || Session["LoaiNguoiDung"] == "QuanLy") { loaimon = int.Parse((string)Request["LoaiMon"]); } else { loaimon = int.Parse(Session["LoaiMon"].ToString()); } dsMonAn = mon_anBUS.LayDSMonAnThuocLoaiMonBatKy(loaimon); int n = dsMonAn.Count; XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); if (Session["LoaiNguoiDung"] == "NhanVien" || Session["LoaiNguoiDung"] == "QuanLy") //co phan trang { index = startIndex; n = startIndex + pageSize; n = (n < dsMonAn.Count) ? n : dsMonAn.Count; XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("totalRecords", dsMonAn.Count.ToString()); Kq.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); } LoaiMonDTO lmDto = (new LoaiMonBUS()).ChiTietLoaiMon(loaimon); //chu íu lấy tên loại món for (int i = index; i < n; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = (MonAnDTO)dsMonAn[i]; // if (MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi == false) // continue; XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("MaMonAn", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TenMonAn", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("LoaiMonAn", lmDto.Ten_loai_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("MoTa", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("HinhAnhMinhHoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TrangThaiHienThi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi ? "1" : "0"); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("TinhTrang", MonAn.Tinh_trang ? "1": "0"); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
protected void TimKiem() { MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); ArrayList arr = (ArrayList)Session["info"]; MonAnDTO[] dsMonAn; if (arr.Count == 1) { string ten_mon = arr[0].ToString(); dsMonAn = monanBUS.TimKiemMonAnTheoTen(ten_mon); } else { string ten_mon = ""; int ma_loai_mon = -1; string tag = ""; double gia_min = -1; double gia_max = -1; if (arr[0].ToString() != "null") { ten_mon = arr[0].ToString(); } if (arr[1].ToString() != "null") { ma_loai_mon = int.Parse(arr[1].ToString()); } if (arr[2].ToString() != "null") { tag = arr[2].ToString(); } if (arr[3].ToString() != "null") { gia_min = double.Parse(arr[3].ToString()); } if (arr[4].ToString() != "null") { gia_max = double.Parse(arr[4].ToString()); } dsMonAn = monanBUS.TimKiemMonAnNangCao(ten_mon, ma_loai_mon, tag, gia_min, gia_max); } XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("DANH_SACH"); for (int i = 0; i < dsMonAn.Length; i++) { XL_THE Kq1 = new XL_THE("MonAn"); MonAnDTO MonAn = dsMonAn[i]; if (MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi == false) { continue; } XL_THUOC_TINH Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_mon", MonAn.Ma_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ten_mon", MonAn.Ten_mon); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Hinh_anh_minh_hoa", MonAn.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Mo_ta", MonAn.Mo_ta); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Diem_binh_chon", MonAn.Diem_binh_chon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Don_vi_tinh", MonAn.Don_vi_tinh); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Gia", MonAn.Gia.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Ma_loai_mon", MonAn.Ma_loai_mon.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Tinh_trang", MonAn.Tinh_trang.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Trang_thai_hien_thi", MonAn.Trang_thai_hien_thi.ToString()); Kq1.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(Thuoc_tinh); Kq.Danh_sach_the.Add(Kq1); } XL_CHUOI.XuatXML(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }