Example #1
		public ThreadTreeNode(ModuleThread aThread)
			theThread = aThread;
			theThread.ScheduleChanged += NotifyModel;
			theThread.StateChanged += NotifyModel;
			theThread.StatusMessageChanged += NotifyModel;
Example #2
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info,
                                        VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues,
                                        Notifier notifier,
                                        ModuleThread moduleThread)
            this.info = info;

            await base.Init(info, restoreVariableValues, notifier, moduleThread);
Example #3
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info,
                                        VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues,
                                        Notifier notifier,
                                        ModuleThread moduleThread)
            await base.Init(info, restoreVariableValues, notifier, moduleThread);

            connection = await HttpConnection.ConnectWithModuleLogin(info, this);

            await connection.EnableAlarmsAndEvents(Severity.Info);
		private ThreadTreeNode CreateThreadTreeNode(ModuleThread thread)
			ThreadTreeNode node = new ThreadTreeNode(thread) {Text = thread.Name, Tag = thread};

			thread.ThreadAdded += thread_ThreadAdded;
			thread.ThreadRemoved += thread_ThreadRemoved;
			thread.StatusMessageChanged += thread_StatusMessageChanged;

			theThreadTreeNodes.Add(thread.Id, node);

			return node;
Example #5
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info,
                                        VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues,
                                        Notifier notifier,
                                        ModuleThread moduleThread)
            theSyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

            await base.Init(info, restoreVariableValues, notifier, moduleThread);

            var config = info.GetConfigReader();

            clientPort = info.LoginPort;

            string baseDir = config.GetString("base-dir");
            string host    = config.GetString("listen-host");
            int    port    = config.GetInt("listen-port");

            string strViewAssemblies = config.GetString("view-assemblies");

            const string releaseDebugPlaceHolder = "{RELEASE_OR_DEBUG}";

            if (strViewAssemblies.Contains(releaseDebugPlaceHolder))
                strViewAssemblies = strViewAssemblies.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Debug");
                strViewAssemblies = strViewAssemblies.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Release");

            string[] viewAssemblies = strViewAssemblies
                                      .Split(new char[] { ';', '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                      .Select(s => s.Trim())

            absolutBaseDir = Path.GetFullPath(baseDir);
            if (!Directory.Exists(absolutBaseDir))
                throw new Exception($"base-dir does not exist: {absolutBaseDir}");

            string[] absoluteViewAssemblies = viewAssemblies.Select(d => Path.GetFullPath(d)).ToArray();
            foreach (string dir in absoluteViewAssemblies)
                if (!File.Exists(dir))
                    throw new Exception($"view-assembly does not exist: {dir}");

            viewTypes = ReadAvailableViewTypes(absolutBaseDir, BundlesPrefix, absoluteViewAssemblies);
            uiModel   = MakeUiModel(model, viewTypes);

            var builder = new WebHostBuilder();
            builder.UseKestrel((KestrelServerOptions options) => {
                if (host.Equals("localhost", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    options.Listen(IPAddress.Parse(host), port);
            builder.UseStartup <Module>();
            //builder.ConfigureLogging(logging => {
            //    logging.AddConsole(); // Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console
            //    logging.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Information);
            webHost = builder.Build();
Example #6
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            this.moduleName = info.ModuleName;
            this.notifier   = notifier;
            logger          = LogManager.GetLogger(info.ModuleName);

            var config = info.GetConfigReader();

            string cmd  = config.GetString("ExternalCommand");
            string args = config.GetString("ExternalArgs");

            const string portPlaceHolder = "{PORT}";

            if (!args.Contains(portPlaceHolder))
                throw new Exception("Missing port placeholder in args parameter: {PORT}");

            var server = TcpConnectorServer.ListenOnFreePort();
            int port   = server.Port;

            args = args.Replace(portPlaceHolder, port.ToString());

            const string releaseDebugPlaceHolder = "{RELEASE_OR_DEBUG}";

            if (args.Contains(releaseDebugPlaceHolder))
                args = args.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Debug");
                args = args.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Release");

            try {
                var taskConnect = server.WaitForConnect(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

                process = StartProcess(cmd, args);

                while (!process.HasExited && !taskConnect.IsCompleted)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));

                if (process.HasExited)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to start command \"{cmd}\" with arguments \"{args}\"");

                connection = await taskConnect;

                var parentInfo = new ParentInfoMsg()
                    PID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id
                Task ignored = SendVoidRequest(parentInfo);

                var initMsg = new InitOrThrowMsg()
                    InitInfo = info,
                    RestoreVariableValues = restoreVariableValues

                Task tInit = SendVoidRequest(initMsg);

                taskReceive = connection.ReceiveAndDistribute(onEvent);

                Task t = await Task.WhenAny(tInit, taskReceive);

                if (t != tInit)
                    if (process.HasExited)
                        throw new Exception("Module process terminated during Init call.");
                        throw new Exception("TCP connection broken to Module process during Init call.");

                await tInit;
            catch (Exception) {
                if (connection != null)
                    connection.Close("Init failed.");
                process = null;
            finally {
Example #7
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            this.notifier = notifier;
            con           = await HttpConnection.ConnectWithModuleLogin(info, listener : null, timeoutSeconds : 10 * 60);

            moduleID = info.ModuleID;
            log      = LogManager.GetLogger(info.ModuleID);
		private void AddThreadNode(ModuleThread aNewThread)
			if (aNewThread.ParentThread != null)
				ThreadTreeNode node = theThreadTreeNodes[aNewThread.ParentThread.Id];
				if (node != null) node.Nodes.Add(CreateThreadTreeNode(aNewThread));
		private void DeleteThreadNode(ModuleThread aDeletedThread)
			if (aDeletedThread.ParentThread != null)
				ThreadTreeNode node = theThreadTreeNodes[aDeletedThread.Id];
				if (node != null && node.Parent != null)
Example #10
		private void ThreadStatusMessageChanged(ModuleThread aThread)
			ThreadTreeNode node = theThreadTreeNodes[aThread.Id];
Example #11
        public override Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            // moduleThread is null here will be set later!
            var promise = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            initPromise = promise;
            queue.Post(new WorkItem(MethodID.Init, promise, info, restoreVariableValues, notifier));
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Called as the first method after module start for initialization.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">Provides information like module id, login information and configuration</param>
 /// <param name="restoreVariableValues">Contains the last value for all module variables with <see cref="Variable.Remember"/> == true</param>
 /// <param name="notifier">Used to notify the Mediator core about events, e.g. variable value changes and alarms</param>
 /// <param name="moduleThread">Can be used to post methods to the module's main thread</param>
 public abstract Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread);
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            await base.Init(info, restoreVariableValues, notifier, moduleThread);

            foreach (VariableValue v in restoreVariableValues)
                if (varVals.ContainsKey(v.Variable.Object))
                    VariableValue[] values = varVals[v.Variable.Object];
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
                        if (values[i].Variable == v.Variable)
                            values[i].Value = v.Value;
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            this.moduleID = info.ModuleID;
            this.notifier = notifier;
            var config = info.GetConfigReader();

            modelFileName = Path.GetFullPath(config.GetString("model-file"));
            modelAsString = ReadConfigFileToString(modelFileName);
            model         = DeserializeModelFromString(modelAsString);
            await OnConfigModelChanged(init : true);
Example #15
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            this.moduleThread = moduleThread;
            this.initInfo     = info;
            this.moduleConfig = info.GetConfigReader();

            await base.Init(info, restoreVariableValues, notifier, moduleThread);

            string strAssemblies = moduleConfig.GetOptionalString("adapter-assemblies", "");

            const string releaseDebugPlaceHolder = "{RELEASE_OR_DEBUG}";

            if (strAssemblies.Contains(releaseDebugPlaceHolder))
                strAssemblies = strAssemblies.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Debug");
                strAssemblies = strAssemblies.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Release");

            string[] assemblies = strAssemblies
                                  .Split(new char[] { ';', '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                  .Select(s => s.Trim())

            string[] absoluteAssemblies = assemblies.Select(d => Path.GetFullPath(d)).ToArray();
            foreach (string assembly in absoluteAssemblies)
                if (!File.Exists(assembly))
                    throw new Exception($"calculation-assembly does not exist: {assembly}");

            var adapterTypes = Reflect.GetAllNonAbstractSubclasses(typeof(CalculationBase)).ToList();

            foreach (Type type in adapterTypes)
                Identify?id = type.GetCustomAttribute <Identify>();
                if (id != null)
                    mapAdapterTypes[id.ID] = type;

            foreach (CalcInstance adapter in adapters)

            Dictionary <VariableRef, VTQ> varMap = restoreVariableValues.ToDictionary(v => v.Variable, v => v.Value);
            foreach (CalcInstance adapter in adapters)

            try {
                Task[] initTasks = adapters.Select(InitAdapter).ToArray();
                await Task.WhenAll(initTasks);
            catch (Exception exp) {
                string[] failedAdapters = adapters
                                          .Where(a => a.State == State.InitError)
                                          .Select(a => "Init of calculation '" + a.CalcConfig.Name + "' failed: " + a.LastError)

                string errMessage = failedAdapters.Length > 0 ? string.Join("; ", failedAdapters) : exp.Message;
                await Shutdown();

                throw new Exception(errMessage);
Example #16
        public override async Task Init(ModuleInitInfo info, VariableValue[] restoreVariableValues, Notifier notifier, ModuleThread moduleThread)
            this.moduleThread = moduleThread;
            await base.Init(info, restoreVariableValues, notifier, moduleThread);

            var config = info.GetConfigReader();

            string strAssemblies = config.GetOptionalString("adapter-assemblies", "");

            const string releaseDebugPlaceHolder = "{RELEASE_OR_DEBUG}";

            if (strAssemblies.Contains(releaseDebugPlaceHolder))
                strAssemblies = strAssemblies.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Debug");
                strAssemblies = strAssemblies.Replace(releaseDebugPlaceHolder, "Release");

            string[] assemblies = strAssemblies.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            string[] absoluteAssemblies = assemblies.Select(d => Path.GetFullPath(d)).ToArray();
            foreach (string assembly in absoluteAssemblies)
                if (!File.Exists(assembly))
                    throw new Exception($"adapter-assembly does not exist: {assembly}");

            foreach (VariableValue v in restoreVariableValues)
                string dataItemID = v.Variable.Object.LocalObjectID;
                if (dataItemsState.ContainsKey(dataItemID))
                    dataItemsState[dataItemID].LastReadValue = v.Value;

            var adapterTypes = Reflect.GetAllNonAbstractSubclasses(typeof(AdapterBase)).ToList();

            foreach (var type in adapterTypes)
                Identify id = type.GetCustomAttribute <Identify>();
                if (id != null)
                    mapAdapterTypes[id.ID] = type;

            foreach (AdapterState adapter in adapters)

            try {
                Task[] initTasks = adapters.Select(InitAdapter).ToArray();
                await Task.WhenAll(initTasks);
            catch (Exception exp) {
                string[] failedAdapters = adapters
                                          .Where(a => a.State == State.InitError)
                                          .Select(a => "Init of IO adapter '" + a.Config.Name + "' failed: " + a.LastError)

                string errMessage = failedAdapters.Length > 0 ? string.Join("; ", failedAdapters) : exp.Message;
                await Shutdown();

                throw new Exception(errMessage);