Example #1
        public static void ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Scene scene)
            if (context.meshes != null && context.meshes.Count > 0)
                using (aiMeshArray meshes = context.scene.Meshes)
                    uint count = (uint)context.meshes.Count;

                    meshes.Reserve(count, true);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh, uint> indexes in context.meshes)
                        if (indexes.Value >= 0 && indexes.Value < count)
                            // Save the values to local variables to avoid the problem of variables passed by reference to lambda functions.
                            Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh mesh_indexes = indexes.Key;

                            aiMesh assimp_mesh = new aiMesh();                             // Allocation in another thread fails so we must do it before starting the task

                            meshes.Set(indexes.Value, assimp_mesh.Unmanaged());

                            context.threads.AddTask(() => ToAssimp(context, scene, mesh_indexes, assimp_mesh));
Example #2
        private static void InitProgress(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Module.ProgressCallback callback, Scene scene)
            uint nb_steps = Node.ASSIMP_PROGRESS_FACTOR * CountNodes(scene.root_node);

            nb_steps += Mesh.ASSIMP_PROGRESS_FACTOR * (uint)(scene.meshes != null ? scene.meshes.Length : 0);
            nb_steps += Material.ASSIMP_PROGRESS_FACTOR * (uint)(scene.materials != null ? scene.materials.Length : 0);
            nb_steps += Texture.ASSIMP_PROGRESS_FACTOR * (uint)(scene.textures != null ? scene.textures.Length : 0);

            context.progress.Init(nb_steps, callback);
Example #3
        public static void ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Scene scene)
            if (scene.materials != null && scene.materials.Length > 0)
                using (aiMaterialArray materials = context.scene.Materials)
                    uint count = (uint)scene.materials.Length;

                    materials.Reserve(count, true);

                    for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        uint index = i;                                // To avoid problems of lambda expression getting 'for' variable by reference (even if uint are not ref normaly!)

                        aiMaterial assimp_material = new aiMaterial(); // Allocation in another thread fails so we must do it before starting the task

                        materials.Set(index, assimp_material.Unmanaged());

                        context.threads.AddTask(() => scene.materials[index].ToAssimp(context, scene, assimp_material));
Example #4
        public IEnumerator ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, string filename, aiPostProcessSteps steps, Module.ExporterSuccessCallback return_callback, Module.ProgressCallback progress_callback)
            bool success = false;

            string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).Remove(0, 1).ToLower();

            uint export_format_count = context.exporter.GetExportFormatCount();

            bool found_exporter = false;

            for (uint i = 0; i < export_format_count; i++)
                using (aiExportFormatDesc desc = context.exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(i))
                    if (extension == desc.fileExtension.ToLower())
                        using (aiScene scene = new aiScene())
                            InitProgress(context, progress_callback, this);

                            context.scene = scene;

                            // Export nodes
                            IResult nodes_result = context.threads.AddTask(() =>
                                using (aiNode root = root_node.ToAssimp(context, this, null))
                                    scene.mRootNode = root.Unmanaged();

                            // Export materials.
                            context.threads.AddTask(() => Material.ToAssimp(context, this));

                            // We must wait for all the nodes to be processed before exporting meshes because indexes are computed during parsing.
                            while (!nodes_result.Done)

                                yield return(null);

                            // Export meshes
                            context.threads.AddTask(() => Mesh.ToAssimp(context, this));

                            // Wait for all tasks to be completed
                            IEnumerator it = context.threads.WaitForTasksCompletion();
                            while (it.MoveNext())

                                yield return(it.Current);

                            // Do the final export using Assimp now that we created the complete structure in the C++ DLL.
                            Result <aiReturn> status = context.threads.AddTask(() => context.exporter.Export(scene, desc.id, filename, steps));

                            // Wait for export to complete
                            while (!status.Done)

                                yield return(null);

                            if (progress_callback != null)


                            // Check export status
                            if (status.Success && status.Value == aiReturn.aiReturn_SUCCESS)
                                success = true;
                                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to export to: {0}. \nThe exporter reported the following error: {1}", filename, context.exporter.GetErrorString());

                        found_exporter = true;


            if (!found_exporter)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("No exporter for format '{0}' was found in Assimp.", extension);

            if (return_callback != null)
Example #5
        private void ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Scene scene, aiMaterial assimp_material)
            // Name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                using (aiString assimp_material_name = new aiString(name))

            // Set flag for transparent texture if the shader use transparency
            if (renderQueue == (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Transparent)
                assimp_material.SetTextureFlags(aiTextureType.aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, aiTextureFlags.aiTextureFlags_UseAlpha);

            // Reflectivity
            float reflectivity;

            if (floats == null || !floats.TryGetValue("_Metallic", out reflectivity))
                reflectivity = 0f;


            // Shininess
            float smoothness;

            if (floats == null || !floats.TryGetValue("_Glossiness", out smoothness))
                smoothness = 0f;

            float shininess = 2.0f * smoothness - (reflectivity > 0.0f ? reflectivity : 0.0f);

            if (shininess > 0.0f)
                const int factor = 128;                 // unity shader factor

                assimp_material.SetShininess(shininess * factor);

            // Colors
            if (colors != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Assimp.Convert.SetColor> pair in Assimp.Convert.SetColors(assimp_material))
                    if (colors.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                        Color unity_color = colors[pair.Key];

                        switch (pair.Key)
                        case Assimp.Convert.unityDiffuseColorName:
                            if (unity_color.a < 1.0f)


                        case Assimp.Convert.unitySpecularColorName:
                            // Revert specular color to original value
                            unity_color = 10.0f * unity_color;



                        using (aiColor4D color = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Color(unity_color))

            // Textures
            if (textures != null)
                Dictionary <Texture, aiTextureType> textures_types = new Dictionary <Texture, aiTextureType>();

                // Get supported textures
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, aiTextureType> pair in Assimp.Convert.textureTypes)
                    if (textures.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                        Texture texture = scene.textures[textures[pair.Key].index];

                        if (texture != null)
                            textures_types.Add(texture, pair.Value);

                // Export each supported textures
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Texture, aiTextureType> texture_pair in textures_types)
                    // Make a copy to avoid problem of loop variable captured by reference by lambda expression
                    Texture       texture      = texture_pair.Key;
                    aiTextureType texture_type = texture_pair.Value;

                    context.threads.AddTask(() => texture.ToAssimp(context, texture_type, assimp_material));

Example #6
        public aiNode ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Scene scene, aiNode parent)
            uint index = 0;

            aiNode node_object = new aiNode(name);

            // Set parent
            node_object.mParent = parent;

            // Set transform
            using (aiVector3D assimp_scale = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3(scale))
                using (aiQuaternion assimp_rotation = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Quaternion(rotation))
                    using (aiVector3D assimp_position = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3(position))
                        using (aiMatrix4x4 matrix = new aiMatrix4x4(assimp_scale, assimp_rotation, assimp_position))
                            node_object.mTransformation = matrix.Unmanaged();

            // Parse the children nodes
            if (children != null && children.Length > 0)
                using (aiNodeArray assimp_children = node_object.Children)
                    assimp_children.Reserve((uint)children.Length, true);

                    index = 0;

                    foreach (Node child in children)
                        using (aiNode assimp_child = child.ToAssimp(context, scene, node_object))
                            if (assimp_child != null)
                                assimp_children.Set(index++, assimp_child.Unmanaged());

            // Parse the mesh objects
            if (meshes != null && meshes.Length > 0)
                using (aiUIntArray assimp_meshes = node_object.Meshes)
                    assimp_meshes.Reserve((uint)meshes.Length, true);

                    index = 0;

                    foreach (GraphicMesh graphic_mesh in meshes)
                        Mesh mesh = scene.meshes[graphic_mesh.meshIndex];

                        int nb_materials = (graphic_mesh.materialsIndexes != null ? graphic_mesh.materialsIndexes.Length : 0);

                        // Handle unity submeshes by creating new meshes for each submesh
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SubMeshesCount; i++)
                            // Assimp meshes can only have one material. Therefore, mutliple instances of one mesh
                            // using different materials must be detected and replaced by different output meshes.

                            uint assimp_mesh_index;

                            int mat_index = (i < nb_materials ? graphic_mesh.materialsIndexes[i] : 0 /*Assimp default*/);

                            Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh key = new Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh(graphic_mesh.meshIndex, i, mat_index);

                            if (!context.meshes.TryGetValue(key, out assimp_mesh_index))
                                assimp_mesh_index = (uint)context.meshes.Count;

                                context.meshes.Add(key, assimp_mesh_index);

                            assimp_meshes.Set(index++, assimp_mesh_index);

            // Parse the node metadata
            if (components != null)
                foreach (UnityComponent component in components)
                    aiMetadata assimp_meta = component.ToAssimpMetadata();

                    if (assimp_meta != null)
                        node_object.mMetaData = assimp_meta.Unmanaged();



Example #7
        private void ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, string texture_name, aiTextureType texture_type, aiMaterial material)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(texture_name))
                string final_texture_name = null;

                if (texture_name.Length >= 1 && texture_name[0] == '*')
                    // Special textures
                    if (texture_name.Length >= 3 && texture_name[1] == '*')
                        switch (texture_name[2])
                        case 'N':
                            // New normal texture generated from height map
                            texture_type = aiTextureType.aiTextureType_HEIGHT;

                            final_texture_name = texture_name.Substring(3);


                        case 'A':
                            // Secondary texture encoded in alpha channel
                            string[] textures = texture_name.Substring(3).Split('|');

                            if (textures.Length == 2)
                                ToAssimp(context, textures[0], texture_type, material);

                                switch (texture_type)
                                case aiTextureType.aiTextureType_DIFFUSE:
                                    texture_type = aiTextureType.aiTextureType_OPACITY;

                                case aiTextureType.aiTextureType_SPECULAR:
                                    texture_type = aiTextureType.aiTextureType_SHININESS;


                                ToAssimp(context, textures[1], texture_type, material);
                                throw new FormatException("The texture + alpha should contain identifiers to only two original textures");


                        case 'E':
                            // Empty texture


                    else                     // Embeded texture
                        if (unityTexture != null)
                            using (aiTextureArray textures = context.scene.Textures)
                                uint index = textures.Size();

                                final_texture_name = "*" + index;

                                using (aiTexture texture = new aiTexture())
                                    texture.data          = unityTexture.EncodeToPNG();
                                    texture.achFormatHint = "png";

                                    textures.Set(index, texture.Unmanaged());
                    final_texture_name = texture_name;

                if (final_texture_name != null)
                    using (aiString assimp_texture_name = new aiString(final_texture_name))
                        lock (material)
                            material.SetTexturePath(texture_type, 0, assimp_texture_name.Unmanaged());

Example #8
 public void ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, aiTextureType texture_type, aiMaterial material)
     ToAssimp(context, filename, texture_type, material);
Example #9
        private static void ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Scene scene, Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh mesh_indexes, aiMesh assimp_mesh)
            Mesh mesh = scene.meshes[mesh_indexes.mesh];

            assimp_mesh.mMaterialIndex = (uint)mesh_indexes.material;

            using (aiString assimp_mesh_name = new aiString(mesh.name))
                assimp_mesh.mName = assimp_mesh_name.Unmanaged();

            if (mesh.vertices.Length > 0)
                using (aiVector3DArray vertices = assimp_mesh.Vertices)
                    Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Array(Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3, mesh.vertices, vertices);
            if (mesh.normals.Length > 0)
                using (aiVector3DArray normals = assimp_mesh.Normals)
                    Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Array(Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3, mesh.normals, normals);
            if (mesh.tangents.Length > 0)
                using (aiVector3DArray tangents = assimp_mesh.Tangents)
                    Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Array(Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Tangent, mesh.tangents, tangents);
            if (mesh_indexes.submesh < mesh.submeshes.Length)
                // Support for submeshes: this mesh represent only one submesh of the original mesh
                SubMesh sub_mesh = mesh.submeshes[mesh_indexes.submesh];

                if (sub_mesh != null && sub_mesh.triangles != null && sub_mesh.triangles.Length > 0)
                    using (aiFaceArray faces = assimp_mesh.Faces)
                        Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Face(sub_mesh.triangles, sub_mesh.topology, faces);
            if (mesh.uv1.Length > 0 || mesh.uv2.Length > 0)
                using (aiVector3DMultiArray texture_coords = assimp_mesh.TextureCoords)
                    if (mesh.uv1.Length > 0)
                        using (aiVector3DArray texture_coords0 = texture_coords.Get(0))
                            Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Array(Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.UV, mesh.uv1, texture_coords0);

                    if (mesh.uv2.Length > 0)
                        using (aiVector3DArray texture_coords1 = texture_coords.Get(1))
                            Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Array(Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.UV, mesh.uv2, texture_coords1);
            if (mesh.colors.Length > 0)
                using (aiColor4DMultiArray colors = assimp_mesh.Colors)
                    using (aiColor4DArray colors0 = colors.Get(0))
                        Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Array(Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Color, mesh.colors, colors0);
