public Puzzle(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info, bool vanilla = false) { this.module = module; this.moduleId = moduleId; = info; this.vanilla = vanilla; }
public KeyScore(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Key Score. Symbols present: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present: {2}. LEDs: {3}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < info.alphabet.Length; i++) { alphabetScore[i] = (info.alphabet[i][0] - 'A' + 1) * (info.alphabet[i][1] - '0'); } for (int i = 0; i < info.symbols.Length; i++) { symbolScore[i] = (info.symbols[i] + 1) * (info.LED[i] + 1); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Symbol keys' scores: [ {1} ].", moduleId, symbolScore.Join(", ")); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Alphanumeric keys' scores: [ {1} ].", moduleId, alphabetScore.Join(", ")); List <int> combinedScoreList = new List <int>(); foreach (int one_score in symbolScore) { combinedScoreList.Add(one_score); } foreach (int one_score in alphabetScore) { combinedScoreList.Add(one_score); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] One possible set of key presses to solve this module: [ {1} ].", moduleId, combinedList.OrderBy(a => combinedScoreList[Array.IndexOf(combinedList, a)]).Join(", ")); }
public EdgeworkKeys(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Edgework Keys. Alphanumeric keys present are: {1}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", ")); GetLetterVals(); CalcPresses(); }
public AlphanumericOrder(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Alphanumeric Order. Alphanumeric keys present: {1}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (rnd.Range(0, 2) == 1) { onArrows.Add(i); } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Lighten up arrows: [ {1} ].", moduleId, !onArrows.Any() ? "none" : onArrows.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcOrder(); for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < info.alphabet.Length; j++) { if (info.alphabet[j][0] == order[i] || info.alphabet[j][1] == order[i]) { presses.Add(j); } } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Button press order: [ {1} ].", moduleId, presses.Select(x => x + 1).Join(", ")); }
public GatedMaze(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Gated Maze. LEDs are: {1}.", moduleId, info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); destination = module.bomb.GetSerialNumberNumbers().Sum() % 64; if (numberGroup.Contains(destination)) { do { origin = rnd.Range(0, 64); } while(numberGroup.Contains(origin)); } else { do { origin = rnd.Range(0, 64); } while(!numberGroup.Contains(origin)); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Origin: {1}. Destination: {2}.", moduleId, origin, destination); for (int i = 0; i < maze.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < maze[i].Length; j++) { if (maze[i][j] == origin) { row = i; col = j; break; } } } }
public LEDPattern(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving LED Pattern. LEDs are: {1}.", moduleId, info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < maps[i][0].Length - 2; j++) { if ((info.LED[0] == maps[i][0][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][0][j + 1] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][0][j + 2]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][0][j + 2] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][0][j + 1] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][0][j]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][1][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][1][j + 1] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][1][j + 2]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][1][j + 2] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][1][j + 1] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][1][j]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][2][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][2][j + 1] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][2][j + 2]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][2][j + 2] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][2][j + 1] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][2][j]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][0][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][1][j] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][2][j]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][2][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][1][j] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][0][j])) { matches.Add(i); break; } } for (int j = maps[i][0].Length - 2; j < maps[i][0].Length; j++) { if ((info.LED[0] == maps[i][0][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][1][j] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][2][j]) || (info.LED[0] == maps[i][2][j] && info.LED[1] == maps[i][1][j] && info.LED[2] == maps[i][0][j])) { matches.Add(i); break; } } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Corresponding grids are: {1}.", moduleId, matches.Join(", ")); }
public ParanormalWires(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Paranormal Wires. Symbols present are: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present are: {2}. LEDs are: {3}. Arrows are [Up: {4}, Right: {5}, Down: {6}, Left: {7}]", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", "), ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.UP]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.RIGHT]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.DOWN]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.LEFT]]); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Wires present are {1}.", moduleId, info.GetWireNames()); options = options.OrderBy(x => rnd.Range(0, 10000)).ToArray(); }
public ColorOffset(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Color Offset. Symbols present are: {1}. LEDs are: {2}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < arrowOffset.Length; i++) { arrowOffset[i] = rnd.Range(1, 7); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Arrow offsets are: Up - {1}, Right - {2}, Down - {3}, Left - {4}.", moduleId, arrowOffset[ComponentInfo.UP], arrowOffset[ComponentInfo.RIGHT], arrowOffset[ComponentInfo.DOWN], arrowOffset[ComponentInfo.LEFT]); sol = rnd.Range(0, 3); for (int i = 0; i < symbolOffset.Length; i++) { if (i != sol) { symbolOffset[i] = standardSymbolOffset[info.symbols[i]]; } else { int val = rnd.Range(1, 7); while (val == standardSymbolOffset[info.symbols[i]]) { val = rnd.Range(1, 7); } symbolOffset[i] = val; } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Symbol offsets are: [ {1} ].", moduleId, symbolOffset.Join(", ")); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solution is symbol {1}.", moduleId, sol + 1); }
public SemaphoreKeys(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Semaphore Keys. Alphanumeric keys present are: {1}. LEDs are: {2}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcSolution(); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Keys that can be pressed are [ {1} ].", moduleId, presses.Select(x => x + 1).Join(", ")); }
public CruelWireSequence(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Cruel Wire Sequence. Alphanumeric keys present: {1}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", ")); pannels = new ComponentInfo[] { info, new ComponentInfo(), new ComponentInfo() }; CalcSolution(); }
public SimonShifts(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Simon Shifts. Arrows are [Up: {1}, Right: {2}, Down: {3}, Left: {4}].", moduleId, ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.UP]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.RIGHT]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.DOWN]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.LEFT]]); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Length; i++) { sequence[i] = rnd.Range(0, 4); } }
public ColorfulWires(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { index = indexes[module.bomb.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray()[0]]; direction = module.bomb.GetSerialNumberNumbers().Count() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1; Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Colorful Wires. Starting color is {1} and direction is {2}.", moduleId, ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[colors[index]], direction == 1 ? "clockwise" : "counter-clockwise"); CalcSolution(); }
public LEDDirections(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving LED Directions. Alphanumeric keys present are: {1}. LEDs are: {2}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < stages.Length; i++) { CalcStage(i); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Stage {1} presses are {2}.", moduleId, i + 1, stages[i].Select(x => ComponentInfo.DIRNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); } }
public RunicWires(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Runic Wires. Symbols present: {1}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols()); for (int i = 0; i < info.symbols.Length; i++) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Symbol {1} runes: [ {2} ].", moduleId, i + 1, runes[info.symbols[i]].Select(x => GetRuneName(x)).Join(", ")); } CalcSolution(); }
public PerspectiveSymbols(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Perspective Symbols. Symbols present are: {1}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols()); startingRow = module.bomb.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray()[0]; startingCol = module.bomb.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray()[1]; currentRow = startingRow; currentCol = startingCol; Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Starting position is row={1}, column={2}.", moduleId, startingRow, startingCol); }
public LyingKeys(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Lying Keys. Symbols present: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present: {2}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { patterns[selectedSeq[i]][order[i]] = !patterns[selectedSeq[i]][order[i]]; Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Sequence {1}: [ {2} ].", moduleId, i + 1, patterns[selectedSeq[i]].Select(x => x ? "ON" : "OFF").Join(", ")); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Correct key: {1}.", moduleId, order[5] > 2 ? "alphanumeric key " + (order[5] - 2) : "symbol key " + (order[5] + 1)); }
public PreciseWires(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Precise Wires. Alphanumeric keys present are: {1}. LEDs are: {2}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < info.alphabet.Length; i++) { keyColors[i] = map[info.alphabet[i][1] - '0'][info.alphabet[i][0] - 'A']; } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Alphanumeric keys colors are: {1}.", moduleId, keyColors.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcSolution(); }
public ColorCompass(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Color Compass. Arrows are [Up: {1}, Right: {2}, Down: {3}, Left: {4}].", moduleId, ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.UP]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.RIGHT]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.DOWN]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.LEFT]]); LED = info.LED.ToList(); off = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }.OrderBy(x => rnd.Range(0, 1000)).ToList(); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}]] Different LED colors are [ {1} ].", moduleId, info.LED.Distinct().Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); index = CalcIndex(); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}]] Input sequence is [ {1} ].", moduleId, GetSequenceString()); }
public SequenceCut(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Sequence Cut. Symbols present are: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present are: {2}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", ")); row = info.symbols.Select(x => symbolToRow[x]).Min(); seq = sequences[row]; Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Using sequence {1} - [ {2} ].", moduleId, row + 1, seq.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcKeysSwitches(); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] New sequence is [ {1} ].", moduleId, seq.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcWireCuts(); }
public KeyScore(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Key Score. Symbols present are: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present are: {2}. LEDs are: {3}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < info.alphabet.Length; i++) { alphabetScore[i] = (info.alphabet[i][0] - 'A' + 1) * (info.alphabet[i][1] - '0'); } for (int i = 0; i < info.symbols.Length; i++) { symbolScore[i] = (info.symbols[i] + 1) * (info.LED[i] + 1); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Symbol keys' scores are [ {1} ].", moduleId, symbolScore.Join(", ")); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Alphanumeric keys' scores are [ {1} ].", moduleId, alphabetScore.Join(", ")); }
public AdjacentSymbols(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Adjacent Symbols. Symbols present are: {1}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols()); string sn = module.bomb.GetSerialNumber(); string convertedSN = ""; foreach (char c in sn) { if (c < 65) { convertedSN += c; } else { convertedSN += ((int)c - 64); } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Converted serial number is: {1}.", moduleId, convertedSN); List <int> dir = new List <int>(); foreach (char c in convertedSN) { if (c == '1' || c == '5' || c == '9') { dir.Add(ComponentInfo.UP); } else if (c == '2' || c == '6' || c == '0') { dir.Add(ComponentInfo.RIGHT); } else if (c == '3' || c == '7') { dir.Add(ComponentInfo.DOWN); } else if (c == '4' || c == '8') { dir.Add(ComponentInfo.LEFT); } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Direction sequence is: {1}.", moduleId, dir.Select(x => ComponentInfo.DIRNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); List <int> symbolOrder = new List <int>(); int row = 1; int col = 4; foreach (int d in dir) { if (d == ComponentInfo.UP) { row--; } else if (d == ComponentInfo.DOWN) { row++; } else if (d == ComponentInfo.LEFT) { col--; } else if (d == ComponentInfo.RIGHT) { col++; } if (row < 0) { row = 3; } if (row > 3) { row = 0; } if (col < 0) { col = 7; } if (col > 7) { col = 0; } symbolOrder.Add(map[row][col]); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Symbol order is: {1}.", moduleId, symbolOrder.Select(x => x == -1 ? "black" : ComponentInfo.SYMBOLCHARS[x]).Join(", ")); foreach (int s in symbolOrder) { if (info.symbols.Contains(s) && !presses.Contains(s)) { presses.Add(s); } } foreach (int s in info.symbols) { if (!presses.Contains(s)) { presses.Add(s); } } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Keys press order is: {1}.", moduleId, presses.Select(x => ComponentInfo.SYMBOLCHARS[x]).Join(", ")); }
public ColorDominance(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Color Dominance. Symbols present are: {1}. LEDs are: {3}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Wires present are {1}.", moduleId, info.GetWireNames()); }
public HierarchicalWires(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Hierarchical Wires. Symbols present are: {1}. LEDs are: {2}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcSolution(); }
public WireMaze(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Wire Maze. Wires present: {1}.", moduleId, info.GetWireNames()); }
public TheThirdWire(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving The Third Wire. Symbols present are: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present are: {2}. LEDs are: {3}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", "), info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcSolution(); }
public WireInstructions(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Wire Instructions. LEDs are: {1}.", moduleId, info.LED.Select(x => ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[x]).Join(", ")); CalcSoltuion(); }
public TheLastInLine(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving The Last In Line. Symbols present are: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present are: {2}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", ")); string snLetters = module.bomb.GetSerialNumberLetters().Join(""); string snDigits = module.bomb.GetSerialNumberNumbers().Join(""); rules.Add(00, new string[] { "02468", snDigits }); rules.Add(11, new string[] { snLetters, "13579" }); rules.Add(22, new string[] { "**", snDigits }); rules.Add(33, new string[] { snLetters, "02468" }); rules.Add(44, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "02468" }); rules.Add(55, new string[] { "**", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(66, new string[] { snDigits, "**" }); rules.Add(01, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "13579" }); rules.Add(10, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "13579" }); rules.Add(02, new string[] { "13579", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(20, new string[] { "13579", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(03, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "**" }); rules.Add(30, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "**" }); rules.Add(04, new string[] { "AEIOU", snDigits }); rules.Add(40, new string[] { "AEIOU", snDigits }); rules.Add(05, new string[] { "**", "02468" }); rules.Add(50, new string[] { "**", "02468" }); rules.Add(06, new string[] { "13579", "**" }); rules.Add(60, new string[] { "13579", "**" }); rules.Add(12, new string[] { "**", "13579" }); rules.Add(21, new string[] { "**", "13579" }); rules.Add(13, new string[] { "02468", "**" }); rules.Add(31, new string[] { "02468", "**" }); rules.Add(14, new string[] { "**", snLetters }); rules.Add(41, new string[] { "**", snLetters }); rules.Add(15, new string[] { "AEIOU", "13579" }); rules.Add(51, new string[] { "AEIOU", "13579" }); rules.Add(16, new string[] { "13579", "02468" }); rules.Add(61, new string[] { "13579", "02468" }); rules.Add(23, new string[] { "02468", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(32, new string[] { "02468", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(24, new string[] { "02468", "13579" }); rules.Add(42, new string[] { "02468", "13579" }); rules.Add(25, new string[] { snLetters, "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(52, new string[] { snLetters, "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(26, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", snLetters }); rules.Add(62, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", snLetters }); rules.Add(34, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(43, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", "AEIOU" }); rules.Add(35, new string[] { "13579", snDigits }); rules.Add(53, new string[] { "13579", snDigits }); rules.Add(36, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", snDigits }); rules.Add(63, new string[] { "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890", snDigits }); rules.Add(45, new string[] { "**", "**" }); rules.Add(54, new string[] { "**", "**" }); rules.Add(46, new string[] { "**", "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890" }); rules.Add(64, new string[] { "**", "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890" }); rules.Add(56, new string[] { "AEIOU", "02468" }); rules.Add(65, new string[] { "AEIOU", "02468" }); directions.Add(00, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(11, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(22, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(33, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(44, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(55, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(66, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(01, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(10, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(02, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(20, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(03, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(30, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(04, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(40, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(05, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(50, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(06, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(60, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(12, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(21, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(13, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(31, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(14, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(41, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(15, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(51, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(16, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(61, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(23, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(32, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(24, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(42, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(25, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(52, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(26, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(62, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(34, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(43, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(35, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(53, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(36, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(63, ComponentInfo.LEFT); directions.Add(45, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(54, ComponentInfo.RIGHT); directions.Add(46, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(64, ComponentInfo.UP); directions.Add(56, ComponentInfo.DOWN); directions.Add(65, ComponentInfo.DOWN); CalcSolution(); }
public PowerGrid(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Power Grid. Alphanumeric keys present are: {1}.", moduleId, info.alphabet.Join(", ")); CalcSolution(); }
public WireSignaling(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Wire Signaling. Symbols present: {1}. Arrows: [Up: {2}, Right: {3}, Down: {4}, Left: {5}].", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.UP]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.RIGHT]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.DOWN]], ComponentInfo.COLORNAMES[info.arrows[ComponentInfo.LEFT]]); CalcSolution(); }
public EncryptedKeypad(Modkit module, int moduleId, ComponentInfo info) : base(module, moduleId, info) { Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Solving Encrypted Keypad. Symbols present are: {1}. Alphanumeric keys present are: {2}.", moduleId, info.GetSymbols(), info.alphabet.Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < info.alphabet.Length; i++) { int letterVal = info.alphabet[i][0]; if (letterVal <= 'E') { letterVal = 0; } else if (letterVal <= 'J') { letterVal = 1; } else if (letterVal <= 'N') { letterVal = 2; } else if (letterVal <= 'R') { letterVal = 3; } else if (letterVal <= 'V') { letterVal = 4; } else { letterVal = 5; } convertedKeys.Add(columns[letterVal][info.alphabet[i][1] - '0']); } Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Alphanumeric keys corresponding symbols are: {1}.", moduleId, convertedKeys.Select(x => ComponentInfo.SYMBOLCHARS[x]).Join(", ")); for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < info.symbols.Length; j++) { if (columns[i].Contains(info.symbols[j])) { symbolMatches[i]++; } if (columns[i].Contains(convertedKeys[j])) { symbolMatches[i]++; } } } correctColumn = Array.IndexOf(symbolMatches, symbolMatches.Max()); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Using column {1} ({2} matched symbols).", moduleId, correctColumn + 1, symbolMatches.Max()); for (int j = 0; j < info.symbols.Length; j++) { if (columns[correctColumn].Contains(info.symbols[j])) { presses.Add(j); } if (columns[correctColumn].Contains(convertedKeys[j])) { presses.Add(j + 3); } } presses.Sort(); Debug.LogFormat("[The Modkit #{0}] Keys that need to be pressed are symbols [ {1} ] and alphanumeric keys [ {2} ].", moduleId, presses.Where(x => x < 3).Select(x => x + 1).Join(", "), presses.Where(x => x >= 3).Select(x => x - 2).Join(", ")); }