Example #1
        public ActionResult Details()
            string str = Request.QueryString["Id"];
            int    id  = Convert.ToInt32(str);
            var    km  = new Models.SaleModel().getAllKhuyenMai1(id);

Example #2
        // GET: Sale

        public ActionResult Index()
            var km = new Models.SaleModel().getAllKhuyenMai();

        // GET: /Products/

        public ActionResult Index()
            Models.SaleModel mySale = new Models.SaleModel();
            //Hard coded array of 10 Products
            mySale.Products = new[] {
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 1,
                    Name        = "Back Pack",
                    Description = "An elegent back pack!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/backPack.png",
                    Price       = 1500,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 2,
                    Name        = "Camera",
                    Description = "Your companion on the go!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/camera.png",
                    Price       = 40000,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 3,
                    Name        = "Data Cable",
                    Description = "Transfer data at lightning speed!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/dataCable.png",
                    Price       = 200,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 4,
                    Name        = "Head Phone",
                    Description = "Listen to the world around you!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/headphone.png",
                    Price       = 1000,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 5,
                    Name        = "Helmet",
                    Description = "Protect what matters the most!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/helmet.png",
                    Price       = 5000,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 6,
                    Name        = "Laptop",
                    Description = "Play games like a pro!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/laptop.png",
                    Price       = 90000,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 7,
                    Name        = "Phone",
                    Description = "Elegent touch, fast processing!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/phone.png",
                    Price       = 60000,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 8,
                    Name        = "Power Bank",
                    Description = "Charge devices on the go!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/powerbank.png",
                    Price       = 1500,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 9,
                    Name        = "Smart Watch",
                    Description = "Offcourse not as smart as you are for buying it!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/smartWatch.png",
                    Price       = 4500,
                new Models.Product()
                    Id          = 10,
                    Name        = "Watch",
                    Description = "Time is money folks!",
                    ImageUrl    = "../../Content/Images/watch.png",
                    Price       = 3000,

            //Check if data has been posted
            if (Request["productID"] != null)
                //Save Posted Data to SaleItem Class
                Models.SaleItem Item = new Models.SaleItem();
                Item.ProductItem = new Models.Product()
                    Id          = int.Parse(Request["productId"]),
                    Name        = Request["productName"],
                    Description = Request["productDescription"],
                    ImageUrl    = Request["productUrl"],
                    Price       = decimal.Parse(Request["productPrice"]),
                Item.Quantity = 1;

                //Retrieve Session Variables if any
                mySale.SaleItems = Session["saleItems"] as List <Models.SaleItem>;
                if (Session["totalPayment"] != null)
                    mySale.totalPayment = decimal.Parse(Session["totalPayment"].ToString());

                //Check if Sale Item list is empty
                if (mySale.SaleItems != null)
                    //Check if SaleITem Already Exists in SaleItem List
                    var savedSaleItem = mySale.SaleItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductItem.Id == Item.ProductItem.Id);
                    if (savedSaleItem != null)
                        //Update the quantity of existing item and total payment
                        savedSaleItem.Quantity += 1;
                        mySale.totalPayment     = decimal.Parse(Session["totalPayment"].ToString());
                        mySale.totalPayment    += savedSaleItem.ProductItem.Price;
                        //Add new sale item to SaleModel and
                        mySale.totalPayment += Item.ProductItem.Price;
                    //Initialize SaleModel SaleItem List for the First Time and Add SaleItem
                    mySale.SaleItems = new List <Models.SaleItem>();
                    mySale.totalPayment += Item.ProductItem.Price;
            //Save objects to session
            Session["saleItems"]    = mySale.SaleItems;
            Session["totalPayment"] = mySale.totalPayment;

            //Pass the SaleModel to view