/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", string categoryId = "", string supplierId = "")
            List <Product> data = new List <Product>();

                data = CatalogBLL.Product_List(page, AppSettings.DefaultPageSize, searchValue, categoryId, supplierId);
            catch (Exception e)
            var model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page     = page,
                PageSize = AppSettings.DefaultPageSize,

                RowCount = CatalogBLL.Product_Count(searchValue, categoryId, supplierId),

                Data        = data,
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                CategoryID  = categoryId,
                SupplierID  = supplierId

Example #2
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", int categoryName = 0, int companyName = 0)
            var model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page         = page,
                PageSize     = AppSetting.DefaultPageSize,
                RowCount     = CatalogBLL.Product_Count(searchValue, categoryName, companyName),
                Data         = CatalogBLL.Product_List(page, AppSetting.DefaultPageSize, searchValue, categoryName, companyName),
                searchValue  = searchValue,
                categoryName = categoryName,
                companyName  = companyName,

        // GET: Product
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "")
            int            pageSize      = 10;
            int            rowCount      = 0;
            List <Product> listOfProduct = CatelogBLL.ListOfProduct(page, pageSize, searchValue, out rowCount);
            var            model         = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page        = page,
                PageSize    = pageSize,
                RowCount    = rowCount,
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                Data        = listOfProduct

        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", int category = 0, int supplier = 0)
            var model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page     = page,
                PageSize = AppSettings.DefaultPageSize,
                RowCount = CatalogBLL.Product_Count(searchValue, category, supplier),
                Data     = CatalogBLL.Products_List(page, AppSettings.DefaultPageSize, searchValue, category, supplier),
                Category = category,
                Supplier = supplier

            ViewData["Category"] = CatalogBLL.Categorys_List(1, CatalogBLL.Category_Count(""), "");
            ViewData["Supplier"] = CatalogBLL.Suppliers_List(1, CatalogBLL.Supplier_Count(""), "");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Quản lý sản phẩm
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", string categoryId = "0", string supplierId = "0")
            var model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page        = page,
                PageSize    = AppSettings.DefaultPageSize,
                RowCount    = CatalogBLL.Product_Count(searchValue, categoryId, supplierId),
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                Category    = categoryId,
                Supplier    = categoryId,
                Data        = CatalogBLL.Product_List(page, AppSettings.DefaultPageSize, searchValue, Convert.ToInt32(categoryId), Convert.ToInt32(supplierId))

            //ViewData["Category"] = CatalogBLL.Category_List(1, CatalogBLL.Category_Count(""), "");
            //ViewData["Supplier"] = CatalogBLL.Supplier_List(1, CatalogBLL.Supplier_Count(""), "");
Example #6
        // GET: Products
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", int supplier = 0, int category = 0)
            int            pageSize      = 3;
            int            rowCount      = 0;
            List <Product> ListOfProduct = CatalogBLL.ListOfProducts(page, pageSize, searchValue, out rowCount, supplier, category);
            var            model         = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page        = page,
                PageSize    = pageSize,
                RowCount    = rowCount,
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                Category    = category.ToString(),
                Supplier    = supplier.ToString(),
                Data        = ListOfProduct

Example #7
        // GET: Product
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", int CategoryID = 0, int SupplierID = 0)
            var model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                CategoryID  = CategoryID,
                SupplierID  = SupplierID,
                Page        = page,
                PageSize    = AppSettings.DefaultPagesize,
                RowCount    = CatalogBLL.Products_Count(searchValue, CategoryID, SupplierID),
                Data        = CatalogBLL.Products_List(page, AppSettings.DefaultPagesize, searchValue, CategoryID, SupplierID)

            //var listofSuppliers = CatalogBLL.Suppliers_List(page, 10, searchValue);
            //int rowcount = CatalogBLL.Supplier_count(searchValue);
            //ViewBag.Count = rowcount;
        public ActionResult Index(string category = "", string supplier = "", string searchValue = "", int page = 1)
            int pageSize = 10;
            int rowCount = 0;
            //Muốn sử dụng out bắt buộc phải chỉ định giá trị trước khi sử dụng
            List <Product> listOfProduct = CatalogBLL.ListOfProducts(page, pageSize, searchValue, out rowCount, category, supplier);
            var            model         = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page        = page,
                PageSize    = pageSize,
                RowCount    = rowCount,
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                Category    = category,
                Supplier    = supplier,
                Data        = listOfProduct

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index(string Category = "", string Supplier = "", string SeachValue = "", int page = 1)
            int pageSize = 5;
            int rowCount = 0;
            // Class CatalogBLL is static => dont need new instance class
            List <Product> listOfProduct = CatalogBLL.ListOfProducts(page, pageSize, SeachValue, out rowCount, Category, Supplier);

            // class ProductPaginationResult is normar class => must be new instance
            Models.ProductPaginationResult model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page       = page,
                PageSize   = pageSize,
                RowCount   = rowCount,
                SeachValue = SeachValue,
                Category   = Category,
                Supplier   = Supplier,
                Data       = listOfProduct
        /// <summary>
        /// View page: List of products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="searchValue"></param>
        /// <param name="category"></param>
        /// <param name="supplier"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", string category = "", string supplier = "")
            int rowCount = 0;
            int pageSize = 10;

            List <Product> listOfProduct = CatalogBLL.ListOfProduct(page, pageSize, searchValue ?? "", out rowCount, category, supplier);

            var model = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page             = page,
                Data             = listOfProduct,
                PageSize         = pageSize,
                RowCount         = rowCount,
                SearchValue      = searchValue,
                SelectedCategory = category,
                SelectedSupplier = supplier,

        // GET: Product
        /// <summary>
        /// trang chủ của sản phẩm
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string searchValue = "", int category = 1, int supplier = 1)
            int            pageSize      = 3;
            int            rowCount      = 0;
            List <Product> listOfProduct = CataLogBLL.ListOfProduct(page, pageSize, searchValue, out rowCount, supplier, category);
            var            model         = new Models.ProductPaginationResult()
                Page        = page,
                PageSize    = pageSize,
                RowCount    = rowCount,
                Data        = listOfProduct,
                SearchValue = searchValue,
                Supplier    = CataLogBLL.GetSupplier(supplier),
                Category    = CataLogBLL.GetCategory(category)
                              // Attribute = CataLogBLL.GetAttribute()

            //  int pagesize = 3;
            // int rowcount = 0;
            // list<supplier> model = catalogbll.listofsupplier(page, pagesize, searchvalue, out rowcount);
            //  viewbag.rowcount = rowcount;