public PageViewModel(IAnalyticsService analytics, INavigator navigator, Models.Page page, IDialogProvider dialogProvider) : base(analytics) { Title = page.Title; _navigator = navigator; _dialogProvider = dialogProvider; Page = page; ShowPageCommand = new Command(ShowPage); }
/// <summary> /// Async method retrieving the string content of the HTML page to load and wrapping it in a class. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">String of the web page address to visit</param> /// <param name="formerPage"><seealso cref="Models.Page"/> instance of the former page</param> /// <returns><seealso cref="Task{Models.Page}"/>: loaded page returned in a Task. Can also return any error page depending on the HttpError exception thrown by the <seealso cref="HttpRequestController"/></returns> public async Task <Models.Page> LoadPage(string address, Models.Page formerPage) { if (formerPage != null) { backwardPages.Push(formerPage); } if (address != null && address != "") { try { var responseBody = await httpRequestController.SendGetAsync(address); return(new Models.Page(address, responseBody)); } catch (Exceptions.PageNotFoundException e) { return(new Models.NotFoundPage(address)); } catch (Exceptions.ServerErrorException) { return(new Models.ServerErrorPage(address)); } catch (Exceptions.BadRequestException) { return(new Models.BadRequestPage(address)); } catch (Exceptions.ForbiddenPageException) { return(new Models.ForbiddenPage(address)); } catch (Exceptions.UnsupportedErrorException) { return(new Models.UnsupportedErrorPage(address)); } } else { Models.Page page = new Models.NotFoundPage(address); return(page); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve the <seealso cref="Models.Page"/> instance that was right after the current page /// </summary> /// <param name="currentPage">Current page to be added to the <seealso cref="Controllers.NavigationController.backwardPages"/> stack</param> /// <returns><seealso cref="Models.Page"/>: the Page instance that came after the current page. If no page after, returns the currentPage</returns> public Models.Page ForwardPage(Models.Page currentPage) { if (currentPage == null) { throw new Exceptions.InvalidValuedVariableException("currentPage cannot be null."); } if (forwardPages.Count != 0) { backwardPages.Push(currentPage); Models.Page toReturn = forwardPages.Pop(); if (toReturn == null) { throw new Exceptions.InvalidValuedVariableException("Returned Page cannot be null."); } return(toReturn); } else { return(currentPage); } }
public string AddPage(string blogid, string username, string password, WilderMinds.MetaWeblog.Post post, bool publish) { ValidateUser(username, password); var newPage = new Models.Page { Title = post.title, Slug = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(post.wp_slug) ? post.wp_slug : Models.Post.CreateSlug(post.title), Content = post.description, IsPublished = publish }; if (post.dateCreated != DateTime.MinValue) { newPage.PubDate = post.dateCreated; } _page.SavePage(newPage).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return(newPage.ID); }
private void InsertOrUpdate(Models.Page @new, Models.Page old) { @new.OnSaving(); var dbContext = SiteDbContext.CreateDbContext(); var entity = dbContext.Pages .Where(it => it.SiteName == old.Site.FullName && it.FullName == old.FullName) .FirstOrDefault(); if (entity != null) { PageEntityHelper.ToPageEntity(@new, entity); } else { dbContext.Pages.Add(PageEntityHelper.ToPageEntity <PageEntity>(@new)); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); ClearCache(); }
public static async Task <StorageFile> giveMeImage(string link, Models.Page page) { StorageFile tempFile = null; string type = Helpers.Any.GetType(link); string hash = Helpers.Any.CreateMD5(link); try { tempFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.GetFileAsync(hash + type); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("File from cache:" + link); } catch (Exception) { tempFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync(hash + type, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); await Helpers.Request.rh.DownloadFile(link, tempFile, page); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("File to cache:" + link); } return(tempFile); }
// // GET: /Page/ public ActionResult Index() { RoteValueHelper rvh = new RoteValueHelper(); var pageId = rvh.GetInt("pageId", 1); var pageBll = new BLL.Page(); var tagBll = new BLL.Tag(); var fileBll = new BLL.File(); Models.Page page = null; try { var pageInfo = pageBll.GetPage(pageId); var tagInfos = tagBll.GetPageTags(pageId); var imgs = fileBll.GetFileInfos(pageId); page = new Models.Page { Title = pageInfo.title, AddTime = pageInfo.add_time }; page.Tags = (from t in tagInfos select new Models.Tag { ID =, Name = t.tag }).ToList(); page.Imgs = (from i in imgs select new Models.Img { Id =, Path = i.path }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return View(page); }
public static Models.Page UpdatePage(ContentServiceConfiguration settings, Models.Page pageToUpdate) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(settings.BaseUrl); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-version", "1.0"); var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pageToUpdate), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.PutAsync(settings.ResourceRoot + "/pages/" + pageToUpdate.PageId.ToString(), stringContent).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string stringData = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.Page>(stringData)); } } return(null); }
// к следующей главе private void MangaPages_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (MangaPages.SelectedItem == null) { return; } Models.Page page = MangaPages.SelectedItem as Models.Page; // Next chapter if (page.number == Models.Page.NEXT_CHAPTER) { if (MangaOnPagesPage.Manga.CurrentChapter + 1 != MangaOnPagesPage.Manga.ChaptersCount) { MangaOnPagesPage.NextChapter(); Helpers.Cache.checkAndFixSize(); } else { ClosePages(); return; } } // Scroll to 0 0 then page open if (page.is_loaded) { SetZoomAll(); } else { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MangaPages_SelectionChanged:" + page.number); page.PropertyChanged += Page_PropertyChanged; } ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Title = (MangaPages.SelectedIndex + 1) + " / " + MangaOnPagesPage.Manga.PagesCount; }
private void BtnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Page = null; Close(); }
private DataTable GetDataTable() { int productionID = Utils.StringToInt(HiddenProductionID.Value); DataTable dtImageGallery = new DataTable(); DataColumn newColumn; newColumn = dtImageGallery.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32")); newColumn = dtImageGallery.Columns.Add("Picture", Type.GetType("System.String")); newColumn = dtImageGallery.Columns.Add("Description", Type.GetType("System.String")); string errmsg = ""; DataProviders.DBaccess db = new DataProviders.DBaccess(); List <int> masterSetList = new List <int>(); if (db.GetMasterCopySeparationSetsForProduction(productionID, ref masterSetList, out errmsg) == false) { return(dtImageGallery); } string virtualImageFolder = "/CCPreviews"; string realImageFolder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(virtualImageFolder); foreach (int masterSet in masterSetList) { Models.Page page = new Models.Page() { MasterCopySeparationSet = masterSet }; db.MasterCopySeparationSetPage(ref page, out errmsg); if (page.ProofStatus >= 10 && page.Status >= 10) { string fileTitle = $"{page.MasterCopySeparationSet}-{page.Version}.jpg"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(realImageFolder + "\\" + fileTitle)) { page.VirtualImagePath = virtualImageFolder + "/" + fileTitle; } else { fileTitle = $"{page.MasterCopySeparationSet}.jpg"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(realImageFolder + "\\" + fileTitle)) { page.VirtualImagePath = virtualImageFolder + "/" + fileTitle; } } } if (page.VirtualImagePath == "") { page.VirtualImagePath = "/Images/NoPage.png"; } DataRow newRow = dtImageGallery.NewRow(); newRow["ID"] = page.MasterCopySeparationSet; newRow["Picture"] = page.VirtualImagePath; newRow["Description"] = page.PageName + " of " + masterSetList.Count.ToString(); dtImageGallery.Rows.Add(newRow); } return(dtImageGallery); }
private UInt32Value CreateSummaryTableHeader(Worksheet worksheet, SheetData sheetData, UInt32Value currentRowIndex, Models.Page currentPage) { Row summaryTableCaptionRow = new Row { RowIndex = currentRowIndex }; Cell summaryTableCaptionCell = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue($"Riepilogo {currentPage.NumberSeriesName}"), CellReference = $"A{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 1, }; summaryTableCaptionRow.Append(summaryTableCaptionCell); sheetData.Append(summaryTableCaptionRow); Merge(worksheet, summaryTableCaptionCell.CellReference, $"C{currentRowIndex}"); currentRowIndex += 1; Row summaryHeaderRow = new Row { RowIndex = currentRowIndex }; Cell summaryHeaderCell_VatCode = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("Cod. IVA"), CellReference = $"A{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 2, }; Cell summaryHeaderCell_VatDescription = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("Descrizione IVA"), CellReference = $"B{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 2, }; Cell summaryHeaderCell_VatRate = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("% IVA"), CellReference = $"D{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 2, }; Cell summaryHeaderCell_Amount = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("Imponibile"), CellReference = $"E{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 2, }; Cell summaryHeaderCell_Vat = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("Imposta"), CellReference = $"F{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 2, }; Cell summaryHeaderCell_Total = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("Totale"), CellReference = $"G{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 2, }; summaryHeaderRow.Append(summaryHeaderCell_VatCode, summaryHeaderCell_VatDescription, summaryHeaderCell_VatRate, summaryHeaderCell_Amount, summaryHeaderCell_Vat, summaryHeaderCell_Total); sheetData.Append(summaryHeaderRow); Merge(worksheet, summaryHeaderCell_VatDescription.CellReference, $"C{currentRowIndex}"); return(currentRowIndex); }
public static Models.Page RaisePageEvent(enumEventType eventtype, RenderContext context, Models.Page page = null) { if (eventtype == enumEventType.PageFinding) { PageFinding finding = new PageFinding(context); RaiseEvent(context, finding); return(finding.Page); } else if (eventtype == enumEventType.PageFound) { if (page != null) { PageFound found = new PageFound(context, page); RaiseEvent(context, found); if (found.DataChange && found.Page != null) { return(found.Page); } } } //else if (eventtype == enumEventType.) //{ // PageNotFound notfound = new PageNotFound(context); // RaiseEvent(context, notfound); // return notfound.Page; //} return(null); }
private UInt32Value CreateSummaryTableRows(Worksheet worksheet, SheetData sheetData, UInt32Value currentRowIndex, Models.Page currentPage) { foreach (var item in currentPage.Summary) { Row summaryRow = new Row { RowIndex = currentRowIndex }; Cell summaryCell_VatCode = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue(item.VatCode), CellReference = $"A{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 0, }; Cell summaryCell_VatDescription = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue(item.VatDescription), CellReference = $"B{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 0, }; Cell summaryCell_VatRate = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(item.RatePercentage.Value)), CellReference = $"D{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 0, }; Cell summaryCell_Amount = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(item.Amount.Value)), CellReference = $"E{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 0, }; Cell summaryCell_Vat = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(item.Vat.Value)), CellReference = $"F{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 0, }; Cell summaryCell_Total = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(item.Total.Value)), CellReference = $"G{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 0, }; summaryRow.Append(summaryCell_VatCode, summaryCell_VatDescription, summaryCell_VatRate, summaryCell_Amount, summaryCell_Vat, summaryCell_Total); sheetData.Append(summaryRow); Merge(worksheet, summaryCell_VatDescription.CellReference, $"C{currentRowIndex}"); currentRowIndex += 1; } Row summaryTotalRow = new Row { RowIndex = currentRowIndex }; Cell summaryTotalCaptionCell = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.String, CellValue = new CellValue("Totale"), CellReference = $"D{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 1, }; Cell summaryAmountCell = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(currentPage.SummaryAmount.Value)), CellReference = $"E{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 1, }; Cell summaryVatCell = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(currentPage.SummaryVat.Value)), CellReference = $"F{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 1, }; Cell summaryTotalCell = new Cell { DataType = CellValues.Number, CellValue = new CellValue(Convert.ToString(currentPage.SummaryTotal.Value)), CellReference = $"G{currentRowIndex}", StyleIndex = 1, }; summaryTotalRow.Append(summaryTotalCaptionCell, summaryAmountCell, summaryVatCell, summaryTotalCell); sheetData.Append(summaryTotalRow); return(currentRowIndex); }
private void Initialize(BaseViewModel parent, ProjectItemViewModel item, Models.PageType type) { _ProjectItem = item; _Model = new Models.Page(); Header = item.Name; Identifier = Guid.NewGuid(); Type = type; item.PropertyChanged += ProjectItem_PropertyChanged; BuildEditor(); _CloseFileCommand = new Commands.DelegateCommand(PerformCloseFile); _SelectPageCommand = new Commands.DelegateCommand(PerformSelectPage); }
public void Update(Models.Page @new, Models.Page old) { InsertOrUpdate(@new, old); }
public IEnumerable <Models.Page> ChildPages(Models.Page parentPage) { return(ChildPagesEnumerable(parentPage).AsQueryable()); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the current page to the given value. This can be /// useful when using the UI helper in passive mode and the /// routing never sets the current page. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page</param> public static void SetCurrent(Models.Page page) { HttpContext.Current.Items["Piranha_CurrentPage"] = page; }
public void Remove(Models.Page item) { RemovePageWithChildPages(item); }
public IEnumerable <Page> ChildPages(Models.Page parentPage) { return(DataHelper.QueryList <Page>(parentPage.Site, ModelExtensions.GetQueryView(ModelExtensions.PageDataType), createModel) .Where(it => it.Parent == parentPage)); }
public PageViewModel(Models.Page page) { SetPage(page); }
public SelectSection(Models.Page page) { InitializeComponent(); LoadSections(page); }
public async Task <ResponseAddCommentViewModel> Post(PostCommentViewModel model) { if (model.AuthenticatedMode && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Token))) { return(new ResponseAddCommentViewModel(ResponseAddCommentViewModel.OperationResult.Invalid)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SourcePlatform) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.PageIdentifier) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Content)) { return(new ResponseAddCommentViewModel(ResponseAddCommentViewModel.OperationResult.Invalid)); } if (!(await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(null, model, new Requirements.AuthorizedUserRequirement()))) { return(new ResponseAddCommentViewModel(ResponseAddCommentViewModel.OperationResult.AuthorizationFailed)); } bool IsNewPage = false; var page = await _dbContext.Pages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(p => p.PublicIdentifier == model.PageIdentifier && p.SourcePlatformId == model.SourcePlatform); if (page == null) { page = new Models.Page() { Id = ShortGuid.NewGuid().Value, SourcePlatformId = model.SourcePlatform, PublicIdentifier = model.PageIdentifier }; IsNewPage = true; } var parentComment = await _dbContext.Comments.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == model.Parent && c.PageId == page.Id); bool added = true; ResponseAddCommentViewModel commentResponse = null; Models.Comment comment = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Current) && model.Current.Length == 22) { //Editing comment is only available in authenticated mode. if (model.AuthenticatedMode) { comment = await _dbContext.Comments.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == model.Current && c.AuthorId == model.Id); } if (comment == null) { return(new ResponseAddCommentViewModel(ResponseAddCommentViewModel.OperationResult.AuthorizationFailed)); } commentResponse = new ResponseAddCommentViewModel(ResponseAddCommentViewModel.OperationResult.CommentEdited); comment.Content = model.Content; added = false; } else { commentResponse = new ResponseAddCommentViewModel(ResponseAddCommentViewModel.OperationResult.CommentAdded); comment = new Models.Comment() { Title = model.Title, Content = model.Content, PostDate = DateTime.UtcNow, PageId = page.Id, }; } if (!model.AuthenticatedMode) { Models.Author AnonymousAuthor = new Models.Author() { Id = ShortGuid.NewGuid().Value, SourcePlatformId = model.SourcePlatform, DisplayName = model.Pseudonym ?? "Anonymous", Email = model.Email, IsAnonymous = true, WebSite = model.Website, }; //set comment's author to newly created Anonymous Author comment.AuthorId = AnonymousAuthor.Id; //Fill response data commentResponse.Author = AnonymousAuthor.DisplayName; commentResponse.ProfileUrl = AnonymousAuthor.WebSite; //Add anonymous user to database. await _dbContext.Authors.AddAsync(AnonymousAuthor); } else { var author = await _dbContext.Authors.SingleOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == model.Id); //Set AuthorId comment.AuthorId = model.Id; //Fill Response data commentResponse.Author = author.DisplayName; commentResponse.AvatarUrl = author.AvatarUrl; //todo : profile url. } commentResponse.Title = model.Title; commentResponse.Content = model.Content; if (parentComment != null) { comment.Depth = (byte)(parentComment.Depth + 1); comment.ParentId = parentComment.Id; commentResponse.ParentCommentId = parentComment.Id; commentResponse.Depth = comment.Depth; } else { commentResponse.Depth = 1; } if (added) { //Add comment await _dbContext.Comments.AddAsync(comment); //Update page count page.CommentsCount++; //Insert/Update page in dbContext. if (!IsNewPage) { _dbContext.Pages.Update(page); } else { await _dbContext.Pages.AddAsync(page); } } else { //Update comment _dbContext.Comments.Update(comment); } //Save changes await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(commentResponse); }
public Models.Page Get(Models.Page dummy) { var bucketDocumentKey = ModelExtensions.GetBucketDocumentKey(ModelExtensions.PageDataType, dummy.FullName); return(DataHelper.QueryByKey <Page>(dummy.Site, bucketDocumentKey, createModel)); }
public void Localize(Models.Page o, Models.Site targetSite) { inner.Localize(o, targetSite); targetSite.ClearCache(); }
public void Localize(Models.Page o, Models.Site targetSite) { LocalizeWithChildPages(o, targetSite); }
public PageView(Models.Page page) { InitializeComponent(); Page = page; }
public NewSection(Models.Page page) { = page; InitializeComponent(); }
public async Task WhenIReadUsers() { _pageUser = await _usersController.ReadAll(null, CancellationToken.None); }
public void Add(Models.Page item) { InsertOrUpdate(item, item); }
public Page(Models.Page businessPage) { _width = Convert.ToInt32(businessPage.Width.Points); _height = Convert.ToInt32(businessPage.Height.Points); //TODO: Bleed and slug _bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(_width, _height); Graphics pageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(_bitmap); _bitmap.MakeTransparent(); foreach (IPageElement bElement in businessPage.Contents.Elements) { switch (bElement.GetType().Name.ToLower()) { case "image": var bImage = (Image)bElement; try { System.Drawing.Image dImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(new Uri(bImage.Uri).LocalPath); pageGraphics.DrawImage(dImage, new Rectangle(bImage.LayoutContainer.Layout.Left.GetIntegerValue(), bImage.LayoutContainer.Layout.Top.GetIntegerValue(), bImage.LayoutContainer.Layout.Width.GetIntegerValue(), bImage.LayoutContainer.Layout.Height.GetIntegerValue())); } catch (Exception) { throw; } break; case "line": var bLine = (Line)bElement; var linePen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(bLine.Color.RGBColor.Red, bLine.Color.RGBColor.Green, bLine.Color.RGBColor.Blue), bLine.Width.Points); pageGraphics.DrawLine(linePen, bLine.LayoutContainer.Layout.Left.GetIntegerValue(), bLine.LayoutContainer.Layout.Top.GetIntegerValue(), bLine.LayoutContainer.Layout.Right.GetIntegerValue(), bLine.LayoutContainer.Layout.Bottom.GetIntegerValue()); break; case "rectangle": var bRectangle = (Models.Rectangle)bElement; var rectPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(bRectangle.BorderColor.RGBColor.Red, bRectangle.BorderColor.RGBColor.Green, bRectangle.BorderColor.RGBColor.Blue, bRectangle.BorderWidth.GetIntegerValue())); var rectangle = new Rectangle(bElement.LayoutContainer.Layout.Left.GetIntegerValue(), bElement.LayoutContainer.Layout.Top.GetIntegerValue(), bElement.LayoutContainer.Layout.Width.GetIntegerValue(), bElement.LayoutContainer.Layout.Height.GetIntegerValue()); pageGraphics.DrawRectangle(rectPen, rectangle); if (bRectangle.FillColor != null) { Color fillColor = Color.FromArgb(bRectangle.FillColor.RGBColor.Red, bRectangle.FillColor.RGBColor.Green, bRectangle.FillColor.RGBColor.Blue); pageGraphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(fillColor), rectangle); } break; case "text": var bText = (Text)bElement; var placeholderRectangle = new RectangleF(bText.LayoutContainer.Layout.Left.GetIntegerValue(), bText.LayoutContainer.Layout.Top.GetIntegerValue(), bText.LayoutContainer.Layout.Width.GetIntegerValue(), bText.LayoutContainer.Layout.Height.GetIntegerValue()); foreach (Paragraph bTextParagraph in bText.Paragraphs) { var paragraphFormat = new StringFormat(); paragraphFormat.LineAlignment = GetAligment(bTextParagraph.Alignment); foreach (TextElement bTextElement in bTextParagraph.TextElements) { //TODO: Use logic from PDF text to calculate text width and height + placement. var font = new Font(bTextElement.FontStyle.Path, bTextElement.FontSize.Points, FontStyle.Regular); var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(bTextElement.Color.RGBColor.Red, bTextElement.Color.RGBColor.Green, bTextElement.Color.RGBColor.Blue)); pageGraphics.DrawString(bTextElement.Text, font, brush, placeholderRectangle, paragraphFormat); SizeF stringArea = pageGraphics.MeasureString(bTextElement.Text, font, bElement.LayoutContainer.Layout.Width. GetIntegerValue(), paragraphFormat); } } break; } pageGraphics.Save(); } _bitmap.Save("Page_" + businessPage.Key + ".png"); }
/// <summary> /// Triggered before an action is executed on the controller /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext">The context</param> protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { string permalink = Request["permalink"]; bool draft = false; bool cached = false; // Check if we want to see the draft if (User.HasAccess("ADMIN_PAGE")) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["draft"])) { try { draft = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["draft"]); } catch {} } } // Load the current page if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(permalink)) { page = Models.Page.GetByPermalink(permalink, draft); } else { page = Models.Page.GetStartpage(draft); } // Check permissions if (page.GroupId != Guid.Empty) { if (!User.IsMember(page.GroupId)) { SysParam param = SysParam.GetByName("LOGIN_PAGE"); if (param != null) { Response.Redirect(param.Value); } else { Response.Redirect("~/"); } } Response.Cache.SetCacheability(System.Web.HttpCacheability.NoCache); } else { // Only cache public pages DateTime mod = GetLastModified(); cached = false; // ClientCache.HandleClientCache(HttpContext.Current, page.Id.ToString(), mod) ; } // Load the model if the page wasn't cached if (!cached) { model = PageModel.Get(page); } // Execute hook, if it exists if (WebPages.Hooks.Model.PageModelLoaded != null) { WebPages.Hooks.Model.PageModelLoaded(model); } base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public ActionResult Create() { var page = new Models.Page(); return(View(page)); }