public ActionResult Edit(int modelId) { ModelVM model = _repo.ConvertModelToVM(_repo.GetModelById(modelId)); model.SetMakeItems(_repo.GetMakeList()); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Edit(ModelVM model) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Description) && model.MakeId > 0) { model.EditUserId = CurrentUser.User.Id; model.EditDate = DateTime.Now; model = _repo.UpdateModel(model); if (model.Result.Success) { return(RedirectToAction("List")); } } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Description)) { model.Result = _repo.ReturnSuccess(); model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = "Description is required"; } else if (model.MakeId <= 0) { model.Result = _repo.ReturnSuccess(); model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = "Please choose make"; } model.Result.Success = false; model.SetMakeItems(_repo.GetMakeList()); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult AddModel(ModelVM modelVM) { var repo = VehicleComponentsRepoFactory.CreateVehicleComponentsRepo(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { modelVM.ModelToADO = new Model(); modelVM.ModelToADO.ModelName = modelVM.NameOfNewModel; modelVM.ModelToADO.MakeName = modelVM.MakeName; //fake work-around until security is in place modelVM.ModelToADO.UserName = "******"; repo.InsertModel(modelVM.ModelToADO); return(RedirectToAction("AddModel", "Admin")); } else { modelVM.Makes = GetMakeSelectList(); modelVM.Models = repo.GetAllModels(); return(View(modelVM)); } }
public ActionResult Add() { ModelVM model = _repo.ConvertModelToVM(new Model()); model.SetMakeItems(_repo.GetMakeList()); return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the View Model for the Texture and Model tab when an item is selected from the treeview /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void TreeView_SelectionChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var itemVM = sender as ItemViewModel; if (itemVM.IsSelected) { //dispose of the data from teh previously selected item if (ModelVM != null) { ModelVM.Dispose(); } TextureVM = new TextureViewModel(itemVM.Item, ((CategoryViewModel)itemVM.Parent).CategoryName); if (itemVM.ItemName.Equals(Strings.Face_Paint) || itemVM.ItemName.Equals(Strings.Equipment_Decals)) { if (ModelVM != null) { ModelVM.ModelTabEnabled = false; } } else { ModelVM = new ModelViewModel(itemVM.Item, ((CategoryViewModel)itemVM.Parent).CategoryName); ModelVM.ModelTabEnabled = true; } } }
public async Task <ApiResultVM <string> > Update(ModelVM modelVM, int id) { var checkValue = await GetById(id); if (checkValue == null) { _dbContextDTO.Dispose(); return(new ApiErrorResultVM <string>("Model doesn't exist")); } var checkModel = await dbset.Where(x => x.Id != id).Where(x => x.Name.Equals(modelVM.Name)).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (checkModel != null) { _dbContextDTO.Dispose(); return(new ApiErrorResultVM <string>("Model's name already exist")); } var modelDTO = _mapper.Map <ModelDTO>(modelVM); modelDTO.Id = id; modelDTO.UpdateAt = DateTime.Now; dbset.Update(modelDTO); await _dbContextDTO.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new ApiSuccessResultVM <string>("Update Success")); }
public ActionResult Models() { ModelVM modelVM = new ModelVM(); modelVM.Models = modelRepo.GetAll(); modelVM.Makes = new SelectList(makeRepo.GetAll(), "MakeId", "MakeName"); return(View(modelVM)); }
private void EditMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { btnUpdate.IsEnabled = true; ModelVM model = (DBGrid.SelectedItem as ModelVM); txtModel.Text = model.Name; cbMake.Text = model.Make.Name; }
public static ClientCredentials GetClient(this ModelVM model) { var client = new ClientCredentials { Email = model.Email }; return(client); }
ModelVM GetAllMakes() { var vmodel = new ModelVM { Marques = FillSelectList() }; return(vmodel); }
public ModelsController(CarsRentalContext context, IStringLocalizer <ModelsController> localizer) { _context = context; _localizer = localizer; VM = new ModelVM() { Marques = _context.Marques.ToList(), Model = new Models.Model() }; }
public ActionResult AddModel() { ModelVM modelVM = new ModelVM(); var repo = VehicleComponentsRepoFactory.CreateVehicleComponentsRepo(); modelVM.Makes = GetMakeSelectList(); modelVM.Models = repo.GetAllModels(); return(View(modelVM)); }
public void OpenID(ItemData item, string race, string category, string part, string variant) { if (ModelVM != null) { ModelVM.Dispose(); } TextureVM.UpdateTextureFromID(item, race, category, part, variant); ModelVM.UpdateModel(item, category); ModelVM.ModelTabEnabled = true; }
public async Task <ApiResultVM <string> > Insert(ModelVM modelVM, string token) { var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_configuration["UrlApi"]); var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/models", modelVM); var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApiResultVM <string> >(body)); }
public ActionResult Delete(ModelVM model) { model.Result = _repo.DeleteModel(model); if (model.Result.Success) { return(RedirectToAction("List")); } else { return(View(model)); } }
public Response DeleteModel(ModelVM model) { model.Result = ReturnSuccess(); if (GetCarList().Any(m => m.ModelId == model.ModelId)) { model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = model.Description + " is in used"; return(model.Result); } _modelList.RemoveAll(m => m.ModelId == model.ModelId); return(ReturnSuccess()); }
public ActionResult List() { #region Cart list HttpCookie cookieCart = Request.Cookies["Cart"]; List <string> CartList = new List <string>(); if (cookieCart != null) { CartList = cookieCart.Value.Split(',').ToList(); CartList.RemoveAt(CartList.Count - 1); ViewBag.CartList = CartList; ViewBag.CartListCount = CartList.Count; } else { ViewBag.CartListCount = 0; } List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); foreach (var item in CartList) { foreach (var prd in db.Products.Include("ProductImages").Include("Admin").Include("ProductToCategory").Include("ProductToCategory.ProductCategory").ToList()) { if (Convert.ToInt32(item.Split('-')[0]) == prd.Id) { prd.Count = Convert.ToDecimal(item.Split('-')[1]); products.Add(prd); } } } ViewBag.Products = products; #endregion ViewBag.ModelPage = true; ViewBag.Blogs = db.Blog.Where(c => c.isActive).OrderByDescending(c => c.PostDate).Take(3).ToList(); ViewBag.Address = db.Layout.FirstOrDefault().Address; ViewBag.Phone = db.Layout.FirstOrDefault().Phone; ViewBag.Email = db.Layout.FirstOrDefault().Email; ViewBag.FooterLogo = db.Layout.FirstOrDefault().LogoFooter; ViewBag.HeaderLogo = db.Layout.FirstOrDefault().Logo; ModelVM v = new ModelVM(); v.Models = db.Model.Where(c => c.isActive == true).Include("ModelImages").Include("Brand").ToList(); v.Brands = db.Brand.Where(c => c.isActive == true).Include("Models").Include("Models.ModelImages").ToList(); return(View(v)); }
public Response DeleteModel(ModelVM model) { model.Result = ReturnSuccess(); if (GetCarList().Any(m => m.ModelId == model.ModelId)) { model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = model.Description + " is in used"; return(model.Result); } _ctx.Entry(model).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted; _ctx.SaveChanges(); return(ReturnSuccess()); }
public ModelVM AddModel(ModelVM model) { model.Result = ReturnSuccess(); if (GetMakeList().Any(m => m.Description == model.Description)) { model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = model.Description + " is alreay existed"; return(model); } model.ModelId = _modelList.Count + 1; _modelList.Add(ConvertVMToModel(model)); return(model); }
public ModelVM UpdateModel(ModelVM model) { model.Result = ReturnSuccess(); if (GetModelList().Any(m => m.Description == model.Description && m.ModelId != model.ModelId)) { model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = model.Description + " is alreay existed"; return(model); } _ctx.Set <Model>().AddOrUpdate(ConvertVMToModel(model)); //_ctx.Entry(ConvertVMToModel(model)).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; _ctx.SaveChanges(); return(model); }
public ModelVM UpdateModel(ModelVM model) { model.Result = ReturnSuccess(); if (GetModelList().Any(m => m.Description == model.Description && m.ModelId != model.ModelId)) { model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = model.Description + " is alreay existed"; return(model); } _modelList.RemoveAll(m => m.ModelId == model.ModelId); _modelList.Add(ConvertVMToModel(model)); return(model); }
//public IActionResult Index(id) public IActionResult Index(int id) { /// var motocykl = _motocyklRepository.PobierzMotocykl(id); /// if (motocykl == null) // return NotFound(); var motocykle = _motocyklRepository.GetModels(id); string modelname = "none"; switch (id) { case 1: modelname = "BMW"; break; case 2: modelname = "Ducati"; break; case 3: modelname = "Kawasaki"; break; case 4: modelname = "KTM"; break; case 5: modelname = "Timbersled"; break; case 6: modelname = "Triumph"; break; case 7: modelname = "Yeti snowMX"; break; } var modelVM = new ModelVM { MyModel = modelname, Motocykle = motocykle.ToList() }; return(View(modelVM)); }
public dynamic PutModel(ModelVM m) { var model = db.Models.Find(m.ID); model.NameAr = m.NameAr; model.NameEn = m.NameEn; model.BrandId = m.BrandId; var result = db.SaveChanges() > 0 ? true : false; return(new { result = result }); }
public ActionResult Models(ModelVM carModel) { Model model = new Model(); { model.ModelName = carModel.ModelName; model.MakeID = carModel.MakeID; model.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; model.UserId = "1"; } Factory.ModelRepo().Create(model); return(RedirectToAction("Models")); }
public ModelVM AddModel(ModelVM model) { model.Result = ReturnSuccess(); if (GetMakeList().Any(m => m.Description == model.Description)) { model.Result.Success = false; model.Result.ErrorMessage = model.Description + " is alreay existed"; return(model); } _ctx.Models.Add(ConvertVMToModel(model)); _ctx.SaveChanges(); model.ModelId = _ctx.Models.Max(m => m.ModelId); return(model); }
public dynamic PostModel(ModelVM m) { var model = db.Models.Add(new Model { NameAr = m.NameAr, NameEn = m.NameEn, BrandId = m.BrandId, }); var result = db.SaveChanges() > 0 ? true : false; return(new { result = result, modelId = model.Id }); }
public Model ConvertVMToModel(ModelVM modelVM) { Model result = new Model() { AddDate = modelVM.AddDate, AddUserId = modelVM.AddUserId, Description = modelVM.Description, EditDate = modelVM.EditDate, EditUserId = modelVM.EditUserId, Make = GetMakeById(modelVM.MakeId), MakeId = modelVM.MakeId, ModelId = modelVM.ModelId }; return(result); }
public Model ConvertVMToModel(ModelVM modelVM) { Model result = new Model() { AddDate = modelVM.AddDate, AddUserId = modelVM.AddUserId, Description = modelVM.Description, EditDate = modelVM.EditDate.Year < 1900 ? DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900") : modelVM.EditDate, EditUserId = modelVM.EditUserId, Make = GetMakeById(modelVM.MakeId), MakeId = modelVM.MakeId, ModelId = modelVM.ModelId }; return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult> CreateAsync([Bind(Include = "VehicleModelId,VehicleMakeId,Name,Abrv")] ModelVM modelVM) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var dest = Mapper.Map <VehicleModel>(modelVM); await service.CreateAsync(dest); return(RedirectToAction("")); } } catch (Exception ex) { // throw ex; return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message)); } return(View(modelVM)); }
public ModelVM ConvertModelToVM(Model model) { ModelVM result = new ModelVM() { AddDate = model.AddDate, AddUser = GetUserById(model.AddUserId), AddUserId = model.AddUserId, Description = model.Description, EditDate = model.EditDate, EditUser = GetUserById(model.EditUserId), EditUserId = model.EditUserId, Make = GetMakeById(model.MakeId), MakeId = model.MakeId, ModelId = model.ModelId, Result = ReturnSuccess() }; return(result); }