public UserService(ModelStateDictionary modelState, IUserRepository userRepository, IRoleRepository roleRepository) { _modelState = modelState; _users = userRepository; _roles = roleRepository; }
// Cannot use 'SerializableError' here as 'RequiredAttribute' validation errors are added as exceptions // into the model state dictionary and 'SerializableError' sanitizes exceptions with generic error message. // Since the tests need to verify the messages, we are doing the following. private List<string> GetModelStateErrorMessages(ModelStateDictionary modelStateDictionary) { var allErrorMessages = new List<string>(); foreach (var keyModelStatePair in modelStateDictionary) { var key = keyModelStatePair.Key; var errors = keyModelStatePair.Value.Errors; if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0) { string errorMessage = null; foreach (var modelError in errors) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelError.ErrorMessage)) { if (modelError.Exception != null) { errorMessage = modelError.Exception.Message; } } else { errorMessage = modelError.ErrorMessage; } if (errorMessage != null) { allErrorMessages.Add(string.Format("{0}:{1}", key, errorMessage)); } } } } return allErrorMessages; }
public async Task BindPropertyFromService_WithData_WithEmptyPrefix_GetsBound() { // Arrange var argumentBinder = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetArgumentBinder(); var parameter = new ParameterDescriptor() { Name = "Parameter1", BindingInfo = new BindingInfo(), ParameterType = typeof(Person) }; var operationContext = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetOperationBindingContext(); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); // Act var modelBindingResult = await argumentBinder.BindModelAsync(parameter, modelState, operationContext); // Assert // ModelBindingResult Assert.NotNull(modelBindingResult); Assert.True(modelBindingResult.IsModelSet); // Model var boundPerson = Assert.IsType<Person>(modelBindingResult.Model); Assert.NotNull(boundPerson); Assert.NotNull(boundPerson.Address.OutputFormatter); // ModelState Assert.True(modelState.IsValid); // For non user bound models there should be no entry in model state. Assert.Empty(modelState); }
public async Task KeyValuePairModelBinder_SimpleTypes_WithNoKey_AddsError() { // Arrange var argumentBinder = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetArgumentBinder(); var parameter = new ParameterDescriptor { Name = "parameter", ParameterType = typeof(KeyValuePair<string, int>) }; var operationContext = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetOperationBindingContext(request => { request.QueryString = new QueryString("?parameter.Value=10"); }); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); // Act var modelBindingResult = await argumentBinder.BindModelAsync(parameter, modelState, operationContext); // Assert Assert.False(modelBindingResult.IsModelSet); Assert.Equal(2, modelState.Count); Assert.False(modelState.IsValid); Assert.Equal(1, modelState.ErrorCount); var entry = Assert.Single(modelState, kvp => kvp.Key == "parameter.Key").Value; var error = Assert.Single(entry.Errors); Assert.Null(error.Exception); Assert.Equal("A value is required.", error.ErrorMessage); entry = Assert.Single(modelState, kvp => kvp.Key == "parameter.Value").Value; Assert.Empty(entry.Errors); Assert.Equal("10", entry.AttemptedValue); Assert.Equal("10", entry.RawValue); }
internal void AddErrorsToModelState(IEnumerable<DbEntityValidationResult> errors, ModelStateDictionary state) { foreach (var val in errors) { AddErrorsToModelState(val, state); } }
public static bool ShowErrorMessage( this HtmlForm form, ModelStateDictionary modelStates, Func<IHtmlInputControl, IHtmlElement> inputControlFinder ) { return new GenericMvcFormValidator( form, modelStates ) { InputControlFinder = inputControlFinder }.ShowErrorMessage(); }
public ModelStateException(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { if (modelState == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("modelState"); } Errors = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (!modelState.IsValid) { StringBuilder errors; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ModelState> state in modelState) { if (state.Value.Errors.Count > 0) { errors = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ModelError err in state.Value.Errors) { errors.AppendLine(err.ErrorMessage); } Errors.Add(state.Key, errors.ToString()); } } } }
public void StartRegistrationForFamilyMember(int id, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { modelState.Clear(); // ensure we pull form fields from our model, not MVC's HistoryAdd("Register"); int index = List.Count - 1; var p = LoadExistingPerson(id, index); if(p.NeedsToChooseClass()) return; p.ValidateModelForFind(modelState, id, selectFromFamily: true); if (!modelState.IsValid) return; List[index] = p; if (p.ManageSubscriptions() && p.Found == true) return; if ( != null && p.Found == true) { if (!SupportMissionTrip) p.IsFilled = >=; if (p.IsFilled) modelState.AddModelError(this.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[List.IndexOf(p)].Found), "Sorry, but registration is filled."); if (p.Found == true) p.FillPriorInfo(); return; } if ( == null && p.ComputesOrganizationByAge()) modelState.AddModelError(this.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[id].Found), p.NoAppropriateOrgError); }
public static void MapBrokenRules(ModelStateDictionary modelState, Csla.Core.BusinessBase businessObject) { foreach (var brokenRule in businessObject.BrokenRulesCollection) { modelState.AddModelError(brokenRule.Property, brokenRule.Description); } }
public void Validate_SimpleReferenceType_Valid_WithPrefix() { // Arrange var validatorProvider = CreateValidatorProvider(); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); var validationState = new ValidationStateDictionary(); var validator = CreateValidator(); var model = (object)"test"; modelState.SetModelValue("parameter", "test", "test"); validationState.Add(model, new ValidationStateEntry() { Key = "parameter" }); // Act validator.Validate(validatorProvider, modelState, validationState, "parameter", model); // Assert Assert.True(modelState.IsValid); AssertKeysEqual(modelState, "parameter"); var entry = modelState["parameter"]; Assert.Equal(ModelValidationState.Valid, entry.ValidationState); Assert.Empty(entry.Errors); }
public void Validate_SimpleType_MaxErrorsReached() { // Arrange var validatorProvider = CreateValidatorProvider(); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); var validationState = new ValidationStateDictionary(); var validator = CreateValidator(); var model = (object)"test"; modelState.MaxAllowedErrors = 1; modelState.AddModelError("other.Model", "error"); modelState.SetModelValue("parameter", "test", "test"); validationState.Add(model, new ValidationStateEntry() { Key = "parameter" }); // Act validator.Validate(validatorProvider, modelState, validationState, "parameter", model); // Assert Assert.False(modelState.IsValid); AssertKeysEqual(modelState, string.Empty, "parameter"); var entry = modelState["parameter"]; Assert.Equal(ModelValidationState.Skipped, entry.ValidationState); Assert.Empty(entry.Errors); }
public async Task GenericModelBinder_BindsCollection_ElementTypeFromGreedyModelBinder_EmptyPrefix_Success() { // Arrange var argumentBinder = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetArgumentBinder(); var parameter = new ParameterDescriptor() { Name = "parameter", ParameterType = typeof(List<IFormCollection>) }; // Need to have a key here so that the GenericModelBinder will recurse to bind elements. var operationContext = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetOperationBindingContext(request => { request.QueryString = new QueryString("?index=10"); }); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); // Act var modelBindingResult = await argumentBinder.BindModelAsync(parameter, modelState, operationContext); // Assert Assert.NotNull(modelBindingResult); Assert.True(modelBindingResult.IsModelSet); var model = Assert.IsType<List<IFormCollection>>(modelBindingResult.Model); Assert.Equal(1, model.Count); Assert.NotNull(model[0]); Assert.Equal(0, modelState.Count); Assert.Equal(0, modelState.ErrorCount); Assert.True(modelState.IsValid); }
public async Task InvalidModelStateResult_WritesHttpError() { // Arrange var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext(); httpContext.RequestServices = CreateServices(); var stream = new MemoryStream(); httpContext.Response.Body = stream; var context = new ActionContext(httpContext, new RouteData(), new ActionDescriptor()); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); modelState.AddModelError("product.Name", "Name is required."); var expected = "{\"Message\":\"The request is invalid.\"," + "\"ModelState\":{\"product.Name\":[\"Name is required.\"]}}"; var result = new InvalidModelStateResult(modelState, includeErrorDetail: false); // Act await result.ExecuteResultAsync(context); // Assert using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var content = reader.ReadToEnd(); Assert.Equal(expected, content); } }
internal static HtmlHelper Create(ModelStateDictionary modelStateDictionary = null, ValidationHelper validationHelper = null) { modelStateDictionary = modelStateDictionary ?? new ModelStateDictionary(); var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>(); validationHelper = validationHelper ?? new ValidationHelper(httpContext.Object, modelStateDictionary); return new HtmlHelper(modelStateDictionary, validationHelper); }
public async Task BindParameter_WithModelBinderType_NoData_ReturnsNull() { // Arrange var argumentBinder = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetArgumentBinder(); var parameter = new ParameterDescriptor() { Name = "Parameter1", BindingInfo = new BindingInfo() { BinderType = typeof(NullModelNotSetModelBinder) }, ParameterType = typeof(string) }; // No data is passed. var operationContext = ModelBindingTestHelper.GetOperationBindingContext(); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); // Act var modelBindingResult = await argumentBinder.BindModelAsync(parameter, modelState, operationContext); // Assert // ModelBindingResult Assert.Null(modelBindingResult); // ModelState (not set unless inner binder sets it) Assert.True(modelState.IsValid); Assert.Empty(modelState); }
public async Task TryUpdateModel_ReturnsFalse_IfModelValidationFails() { // Arrange var binders = new IModelBinder[] { new TypeConverterModelBinder(), new ComplexModelDtoModelBinder(), new MutableObjectModelBinder() }; var validator = new DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider(); var model = new MyModel(); var modelStateDictionary = new ModelStateDictionary(); var values = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "", null } }; var valueProvider = new DictionaryBasedValueProvider(values); // Act var result = await ModelBindingHelper.TryUpdateModelAsync( model, "", Mock.Of<HttpContext>(), modelStateDictionary, new DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider(), GetCompositeBinder(binders), valueProvider, new[] { validator }); // Assert Assert.False(result); Assert.Equal("The MyProperty field is required.", modelStateDictionary["MyProperty"].Errors[0].ErrorMessage); }
public void Validate(ModelStateDictionary mdlState) { base.Validate(); foreach (var tags in _nameTags) { var error = tags.Value.ValidationError; if (error != null) { var strError = string.Join(", ", error.Errors); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strError)) { if (tags.Value is DataObjectViewModel) { // Special case DatObject: remove any key mdlState.AddModelError("", strError); } else { mdlState.AddModelError(tags.Key, strError); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BaseTestBuilderWithModelError"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="testContext"><see cref="ActionTestContext"/> containing data about the currently executed assertion chain.</param> /// <param name="modelState">Optional <see cref="ModelStateDictionary"/> to use the test builder with. Default is controller's <see cref="ModelStateDictionary"/>.</param> protected BaseTestBuilderWithModelError( ActionTestContext testContext, ModelStateDictionary modelState = null) : base(testContext) { this.ModelState = modelState ?? testContext.ModelState; }
public static void AddErrorsToModelState(ModelStateDictionary modelState, IEnumerable<ValidationError> errors, string parameterName) { foreach(ValidationError invalidValue in errors) { modelState.AddModelError(parameterName + "." + invalidValue.PropertyPath, invalidValue.Message); } }
public async Task JsonPatchInputFormatter_ReadsMultipleOperations_Successfully() { // Arrange var logger = GetLogger(); var formatter = new JsonPatchInputFormatter(logger); var content = "[{\"op\": \"add\", \"path\" : \"Customer/Name\", \"value\":\"John\"}," + "{\"op\": \"remove\", \"path\" : \"Customer/Name\"}]"; var contentBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); var httpContext = GetHttpContext(contentBytes); var provider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(); var metadata = provider.GetMetadataForType(typeof(JsonPatchDocument<Customer>)); var context = new InputFormatterContext( httpContext, modelName: string.Empty, modelState: modelState, metadata: metadata, readerFactory: new TestHttpRequestStreamReaderFactory().CreateReader); // Act var result = await formatter.ReadAsync(context); // Assert Assert.False(result.HasError); var patchDoc = Assert.IsType<JsonPatchDocument<Customer>>(result.Model); Assert.Equal("add", patchDoc.Operations[0].op); Assert.Equal("Customer/Name", patchDoc.Operations[0].path); Assert.Equal("John", patchDoc.Operations[0].value); Assert.Equal("remove", patchDoc.Operations[1].op); Assert.Equal("Customer/Name", patchDoc.Operations[1].path); }
public Order OrderFromCheckoutViewData(CheckoutViewData checkoutViewData, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { if (EmailAddressesDoNotMatch(checkoutViewData, modelState)) return null; var basket = basketRepository.GetById(checkoutViewData.BasketId); userService.CurrentUser.EnsureCanView(basket); var order = new Order { Email = checkoutViewData.Email, AdditionalInformation = checkoutViewData.AdditionalInformation, ContactMe = checkoutViewData.ContactMe, Card = GetCardFromViewData(checkoutViewData, modelState), CardContact = GetCardContactFromViewData(checkoutViewData, modelState), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, DeliveryContact = GetDeliveryContactFromViewData(checkoutViewData, modelState), DispatchedDate = DateTime.Now, OrderStatus = OrderStatus.Pending, UseCardHolderContact = checkoutViewData.UseCardholderContact, PayByTelephone = checkoutViewData.PayByTelephone, User = userService.CurrentUser }; AddOrderLinesFromBasket(order, basket); CalcuatePostage(order, basket); return order; }
public ModelStateDictionary SendEmails(DefaultContext db) { var modelStateDictionary = new ModelStateDictionary(); UserProfile[] userProfiles = UserProfileCache.GetIndex(db); bool success = true; foreach (UserProfile userProfile in userProfiles.Where(up => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(up.Email1))) { bool partialSuccess = Mail.SendEmail(userProfile.Email1, Subject, Body, true, true); if (partialSuccess) { string logMessage = String.Format("Email for user {0} with address {1} was successfully sent.", userProfile.FullName, userProfile.Email1); Logger.SetLog(logMessage); } else { string errorMessage = String.Format("Email for user {0} with address {1} was not sent.", userProfile.FullName, userProfile.Email1); Logger.SetErrorLog(errorMessage); } success &= partialSuccess; } if (!success) { modelStateDictionary.AddModelError(BaseCache.EmptyField, ValidationResource.BulkMail_SomeEmailWasNotSent_ErrorMessage); } return modelStateDictionary; }
public JsonData(ModelStateDictionary modelDic) : this() { List<string> errorList = new List<string>(); List<string> keyList = new List<string>(); List<int> errorIndexList = new List<int>(); int i = 0; foreach (ModelState state in modelDic.Values) { if (state.Errors.Count > 0) { string error = state.Errors[0].ErrorMessage; errorList.Add(error); errorIndexList.Add(i); } i++; } int j = 0; foreach (string key in modelDic.Keys) { if (errorIndexList.Any(x => x == j)) { keyList.Add(key.Replace(".", "_")); } j++; } for (int x = 0; x <= errorList.Count - 1; x++) { ErrorList.Add(new FormFiledError(keyList[x], errorList[x])); } if (errorList.Count > 0) this.HasFormError = true; }
public bool Update(UsersExt model, ModelStateDictionary modelState, Controller ctrl) { bool status = true; //Wrap it all in a transaction TransactionOptions transOptions = SetTransactionTimeoutForDebugging(HttpContext.Current); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transOptions)) { //if (db.tblUsers.Any(u => u.UserID != model.UserID && u.Username.ToLower().Equals(model.Username))) //{ // status = false; // modelState.AddModelError("Username", "Username already Exists."); //} //else //{ // //TODO: Map to DB Object // tblUsers tbluser = Map(model); // tbluser.Password = SecurityUtils.EncryptText(tbluser.Password); // db.tblUsers.Attach(tbluser); // db.Entry(tbluser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; // db.SaveChanges(); // //TOD: Add to Audit Log // SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("User Details has been Updated. User FullName = " + model.Fullname, ctrl); // //To get here, everything must be OK, so commit the transaction // transaction.Complete(); //} } return status; }
public virtual void Delete(SysEventViewModel sys, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { var entity = sys.ToEntity(); db.SysEvents.Attach(entity); db.SysEvents.Remove(entity); db.SaveChanges(); }
public static string ModelStateToString(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { Contract.Assert(modelState != null); if (modelState.IsValid) { return String.Empty; } StringBuilder modelStateBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string key in modelState.Keys) { ModelState state = modelState[key]; if (state.Errors.Count > 0) { foreach (ModelError error in state.Errors) { string errorString = Error.Format(SRResources.TraceModelStateErrorMessage, key, error.ErrorMessage); if (modelStateBuilder.Length > 0) { modelStateBuilder.Append(','); } modelStateBuilder.Append(errorString); } } } return modelStateBuilder.ToString(); }
public bool Create(UsersExt model, ModelStateDictionary modelState, Controller ctrl) { bool status = true; //Wrap it all in a transaction TransactionOptions transOptions = SetTransactionTimeoutForDebugging(HttpContext.Current); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transOptions)) { //if (db.tblUsers.Any(u => u.Username.ToLower().Equals(model.Username))) //{ // status = false; // modelState.AddModelError("Username", "Username already Exists."); //} //else //{ // tblUsers tbluser = Map(model); // tbluser.Password = SecurityUtils.EncryptText(tbluser.Password); // db.tblUsers.Add(tbluser); // db.SaveChanges(); // // UserID = tbluser.UserID; // //Add to Audit Log // SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("User has been Added. User FullName = " + model.Fullname, ctrl); // transaction.Complete(); //} } return status; }
public void ShouldCopyToModelState() { var modelstate = new ModelStateDictionary(); const string property = ""; var validator = new Validator { () => property.Label("Property 1").IsRequired(), () => property.Label("Property 2").IsRequired(), () => property.Label("Property 3").IsRequired() }; try { validator.Validate(); } catch (ValidationException ex) { ex.CopyToModelState(modelstate, "foo"); } modelstate.Count.ShouldEqual(3); modelstate["foo.Property 1"].ShouldNotBeNull(); modelstate["foo.Property 2"].ShouldNotBeNull(); modelstate["foo.Property 3"].ShouldNotBeNull(); }
public void ValidateModelForNew(ModelStateDictionary modelstate, int i) { modelState = modelstate; Index = i; IsValidForNew = true; // Assume true until proven false IsValidForContinue = true; // Assume true until proven false ValidateBasic(); ValidateBirthdate(); if (!IsValidForNew) return; ValidateBirthdayRange(selectFromFamily: false); ValidatePhone(); ValidateEmailForNew(); if (!CanProceedWithThisAddress()) { IsValidForContinue = false; return; } ValidateCampus(); ValidateGender(); ValidateMarital(); ValidateMembership(); IsValidForContinue = IsValidForNew = modelState.IsValid; }
public static List<string> GetErrorList(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { var errorList = from state in modelState.Values from error in state.Errors select error.ErrorMessage; return errorList.ToList(); }
public ApiErrorResp(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { Errors = modelState.Values.SelectMany(modelErrorCollection => modelErrorCollection.Errors).Select(modelError => modelError.ErrorMessage); }
public ModelStateDictionaryWrapper(ModelStateDictionary source) { _state = source; }
protected BaseValidator(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) { ModelState = new ModelStateDictionary(); Alerts = new AlertsContainer(); UnitOfWork = unitOfWork; }
public void EditProfilePostShouldReturnModelErrors(FakeSiteContext siteContext, ModelStateDictionary modelState, string profileItemId, IEnumerable <string> interests, [Substitute] EditProfile editProfile, IUserProfileService userProfileService) { var user = Substitute.For <User>("extranet/John", true); user.Profile.Returns(Substitute.For <UserProfile>()); user.Profile.ProfileItemId = profileItemId; userProfileService.GetUserDefaultProfileId().Returns(profileItemId); userProfileService.GetInterests().Returns(interests); userProfileService.ValidateProfile(Arg.Any <EditProfile>(), Arg.Do <ModelStateDictionary>(x => x.AddModelError("key", "error"))).Returns(false); using (new SiteContextSwitcher(siteContext)) using (new UserSwitcher(user)) { var accounController = new AccountsController(null, null, null, userProfileService); var result = accounController.EditProfile(editProfile); result.Should().BeOfType <ViewResult>().Which.ViewData.ModelState.Should().ContainKey("key").WhichValue.Errors.Should().Contain(e => e.ErrorMessage == "error"); } }
public static IEnumerable <string> Errors(this ModelStateDictionary modelState) { var allErrors = modelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors); return(allErrors.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage)); }
public static async Task <byte[]> ProcessFormFile <T>(IFormFile formFile, ModelStateDictionary modelState, IEnumerable <string> permittedExtensions, long sizeLimit) { if (formFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formFile)); } var fieldDisplayName = string.Empty; var property = typeof(T).GetProperty(formFile.Name.Substring(formFile.Name.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1)); if (property != null) { if (property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayAttribute)) is DisplayAttribute displayAttribute) { fieldDisplayName = $"{displayAttribute.Name} "; } } var trustedFileNameForDisplay = WebUtility.HtmlEncode( formFile.FileName); if (formFile.Length == 0) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"{fieldDisplayName}({trustedFileNameForDisplay}) is empty."); return(new byte[0]); } if (formFile.Length > sizeLimit) { var megabyteSizeLimit = sizeLimit / 1048576; modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"{fieldDisplayName}({trustedFileNameForDisplay}) exceeds " + $"{megabyteSizeLimit:N1} MB."); return(new byte[0]); } try { await using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); await formFile.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); if (memoryStream.Length == 0) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"{fieldDisplayName}({trustedFileNameForDisplay}) is empty."); } if (!IsValidFileExtensionAndSignature( formFile.FileName, memoryStream, permittedExtensions)) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"{fieldDisplayName}({trustedFileNameForDisplay}) file " + "type isn't permitted or the file's signature " + "doesn't match the file's extension."); } else { return(memoryStream.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception ex) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"{fieldDisplayName}({trustedFileNameForDisplay}) upload failed. " + $"Please contact the Help Desk for support. Error: {ex.HResult}"); } return(new byte[0]); }
protected override InvalidModelStateResult BadRequest(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { return(base.BadRequest(modelState)); }
public ModelStateWrapper(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { ModelState = modelState; }
public ModelValidateFailResponse(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { this._modelState = modelState; this.code = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; GenErrorMsg(); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method that performs content negotiation and creates a <see cref="HttpResponseMessage"/> representing an error /// with an instance of <see cref="ObjectContent{T}"/> wrapping an <see cref="HttpError"/> for model state <paramref name="modelState"/>. /// If no formatter is found, this method returns a response with status 406 NotAcceptable. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This method requires that <paramref name="request"/> has been associated with an instance of /// <see cref="HttpConfiguration"/>. /// </remarks> /// <param name="request">The request.</param> /// <param name="statusCode">The status code of the created response.</param> /// <param name="modelState">The model state.</param> /// <returns>An error response for <paramref name="modelState"/> with status code <paramref name="statusCode"/>.</returns> public static HttpResponseMessage CreateErrorResponse(this HttpRequestMessage request, HttpStatusCode statusCode, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { if (request == null) { throw Error.ArgumentNull("request"); } return(request.CreateErrorResponse(statusCode, includeErrorDetail => new HttpError(modelState, includeErrorDetail))); }
//AddErrorToModelState public static ModelStateDictionary AddErrorToModelState(string code, string description, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { modelState.TryAddModelError(code, description); return(modelState); }
public static async Task <string> ProcessFormFile(IFormFile formFile, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { var fieldDisplayName = string.Empty; // Use reflection to obtain the display name for the model // property associated with this IFormFile. If a display // name isn't found, error messages simply won't show // a display name. MemberInfo property = typeof(FileUpload).GetProperty(formFile.Name.Substring(formFile.Name.IndexOf(".") + 1)); if (property != null) { var displayAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayAttribute)) as DisplayAttribute; if (displayAttribute != null) { fieldDisplayName = $"{displayAttribute.Name} "; } } // Use Path.GetFileName to obtain the file name, which will // strip any path information passed as part of the // FileName property. HtmlEncode the result in case it must // be returned in an error message. var fileName = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName)); if (formFile.ContentType.ToLower() != "text/plain") { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) must be a text file."); } // Check the file length and don't bother attempting to // read it if the file contains no content. This check // doesn't catch files that only have a BOM as their // content, so a content length check is made later after // reading the file's content to catch a file that only // contains a BOM. if (formFile.Length == 0) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) is empty."); } else if (formFile.Length > 1048576) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) exceeds 1 MB."); } else { try { string fileContents; // The StreamReader is created to read files that are UTF-8 encoded. // If uploads require some other encoding, provide the encoding in the // using statement. To change to 32-bit encoding, change // new UTF8Encoding(...) to new UTF32Encoding(). using ( var reader = new StreamReader( formFile.OpenReadStream(), new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false, throwOnInvalidBytes: true), detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: true)) { fileContents = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); // Check the content length in case the file's only // content was a BOM and the content is actually // empty after removing the BOM. if (fileContents.Length > 0) { return(fileContents); } else { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) is empty."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) upload failed. " + $"Please contact the Help Desk for support. Error: {ex.Message}"); // Log the exception } } return(string.Empty); }
public static IEnumerable <Error> ConvertModelStateToErrors(ModelStateDictionary modelState) => modelState.SelectMany(entry =>
public UnprocessableEntityObjectResult(ModelStateDictionary modelState) : base(new SerializableError(modelState)) { StatusCode = 422; }
public static IEnumerable <ValidationError> AllErrors(this ModelStateDictionary modelState) { return(modelState.Keys.SelectMany(key => modelState[key].Errors.Select(x => new ValidationError(key, x.ErrorMessage))).ToList()); }
//AddErrorsToModelState public static ModelStateDictionary AddErrorsToModelState(IdentityResult identityResult, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { foreach (var e in identityResult.Errors) { modelState.TryAddModelError(e.Code, e.Description); } return(modelState); }
public static Dictionary <string, string[]> ToDictionary(this ModelStateDictionary modelState) { return(modelState.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.Errors.Count > 0).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.Errors.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage).ToArray())); }
public ValidationErrorResult(ModelStateDictionary modelState) : base(modelState) { }
internal static CustomActionResult getNullException(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { return(new CustomActionResult(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "ERR-VALIDATION-01: validation failed.object is null")); }
public static string ErrorsAsString(this ModelStateDictionary modelStateDic) { return(string.Join("; ", modelStateDic.Values .SelectMany(x => x.Errors).Select(x => x.ErrorMessage))); }
public TestClass3() { Prop1 = new ModelStateDictionary <string>(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ValidationResults"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="modelState">State of the model.</param> public ValidationResults(ModelStateDictionary modelState = null) { this.modelStateDictionary = modelState ?? new ModelStateDictionary(); }
public static bool IsInvalid(this ModelStateDictionary modelState) => !modelState.IsValid;
internal static CustomActionResult getModelValidationException(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { return(new CustomActionResult(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "ERR-VALIDATION-00: validation failed.value required")); }
public static List <string> GetErrorMessages(this ModelStateDictionary dictionary) { return(dictionary.SelectMany(m => m.Value.Errors) .Select(m => m.ErrorMessage) .ToList()); }
public static IEnumerable <string> ToEnumerableString(this ModelStateDictionary modelState) { return(modelState.Values.Where(e => e.Errors.Count > 0) .SelectMany(e => e.Errors) .Select(e => e.ErrorMessage)); }
public ValidationErrorWrapper(ModelStateDictionary modelState) { Message = ErrorMessage; SerializeModelState(modelState); }
public void DateIsWithinTheSeason(Func <DateTimeOffset?> dateToValidate, Season season, ModelStateDictionary modelState, string fieldName, string dateOfWhat) { if (dateToValidate is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dateToValidate)); } if (modelState is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(modelState)); } if (dateToValidate().HasValue&& season != null) { var seasonForMatch = _seasonEstimator.EstimateSeasonDates(dateToValidate().Value); if (seasonForMatch.fromDate.Year != season.FromYear || seasonForMatch.untilDate.Year != season.UntilYear) { modelState.AddModelError(fieldName, $"The {dateOfWhat} date is not in the {season.SeasonFullName()}"); } } }
public static ApiModel <TValue> AsApiModel <TValue>(this ModelStateDictionary modelState, TValue val) where TValue : class { return(new ApiModel <TValue>(val, AsApiResult(modelState))); }
public ValidationErrorWrapper(string message, ModelStateDictionary modelState) { Message = message; SerializeModelState(modelState); }