public static string GetSQLCreateTable(ModelRoot model, Table table) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string tableName = Globals.GetTableDatabaseName(model, table); sb.AppendLine("if not exists(select * from sysobjects where name = '" + tableName + "' and xtype = 'U')"); sb.AppendLine("CREATE TABLE [dbo].[" + tableName + "] ("); bool firstLoop = true; foreach (Reference columnRef in table.Columns) { Column column = (Column)columnRef.Object; if (!firstLoop) sb.AppendLine(","); else firstLoop = false; sb.Append(AppendColumnDefinition(column, true, true)); } AppendModifiedAudit(model, table, sb); AppendCreateAudit(model, table, sb); AppendTimestamp(model, table, sb); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(") ON [PRIMARY]"); sb.AppendLine(); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GetBody(Table table, ModelRoot model) { try { List<Column> allColumns = new List<Column>(); foreach (Column dc in table.GetColumnsFullHierarchy()) { if (!(dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Binary || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Image || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.NText || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Text || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Timestamp || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Udt || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.VarBinary || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Variant || dc.DataType == System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)) { allColumns.Add(dc); } } if (allColumns.Count != 0) { return BuildStoredProcedure(table, model, allColumns); } return ""; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(table.DatabaseName + ": Failed on generation of paging select statement", ex); } }
public SQLSelectBusinessObjectByForeignKeyTemplate(ModelRoot model, Relation currentRelation, Table realTable) { _model = model; _currentRelation = currentRelation; _childTable = (Table)_currentRelation.ChildTableRef.Object; if (realTable.IsInheritedFrom(_childTable)) _childTable = realTable; _parentTable = (Table)_currentRelation.ParentTableRef.Object; }
public static string SetExistingConnection(ModelRoot root) { string connectionString = string.Empty; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { connectionString = ChooseDatabase(); } using (Transaction tx = root.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("SetConnectionString", false)) { root.ConnectionString = connectionString; tx.Commit(); } return connectionString; }
private static void AppendFullTemplate(StringBuilder sb, Table table, ModelRoot model) { try { sb.AppendLine("if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[" + GetStoredProcedureName(table, model) + "]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)"); sb.AppendLine(" drop procedure [dbo].[" + GetStoredProcedureName(table, model) + "]"); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON"); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine("SET ANSI_NULLS ON"); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[" + GetStoredProcedureName(table, model) + "]"); sb.AppendLine("("); sb.AppendLine(BuildParameterList(table, model)); sb.AppendLine(")"); sb.AppendLine("AS"); sb.AppendLine("SET NOCOUNT OFF;"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(SQLGeneratedBodyHelper.SQLInsertBusinessObjectBody(table, model)); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF"); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine("SET ANSI_NULLS ON"); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine(); if (model.Database.GrantExecUser != string.Empty) { sb.AppendFormat("GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[{0}] TO [{1}]", GetStoredProcedureName(table, model), model.Database.GrantExecUser).AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("GO"); sb.AppendLine(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public static string GetSQLCreateAuditTable(ModelRoot model, Table table) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string tableName = "__AUDIT__" + Globals.GetTableDatabaseName(model, table); sb.AppendLine("if not exists(select * from sysobjects where name = '" + tableName + "' and xtype = 'U')"); sb.AppendLine("CREATE TABLE [dbo].[" + tableName + "] ("); sb.AppendLine("[__rowid] [INT] NOT NULL IDENTITY,"); sb.AppendLine("[__action] [INT] NOT NULL,"); sb.AppendLine("[__insertdate] [DATETIME] CONSTRAINT [DF__" + table.DatabaseName + "__AUDIT] DEFAULT " + (model.UseUTCTime ? "GetUTCDate()" : "GetDate()") + " NOT NULL,"); ColumnCollection columnList = table.GetColumns(); foreach (Column column in columnList) { sb.Append(AppendColumnDefinition(column, false, false, false)); if (columnList.IndexOf(column) < columnList.Count - 1) sb.Append(","); sb.AppendLine(); } sb.AppendLine(") ON [PRIMARY]"); sb.AppendLine(); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GetOrCreateConnectionString(ModelRoot root, string diagramName) { string connectionString = root.ConnectionString; while(string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { var dbName = string.Join("", diagramName.Split(' ')) + "Db"; var getOrCreateConnectionDlg = new GetOrCreateConnectionForm(dbName); if (getOrCreateConnectionDlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { switch (getOrCreateConnectionDlg.ConfigurationType) { case ConnectionConfigurationType.CreateLocal: try { connectionString = CreateLocalConnection(dbName); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\nPlease choose a connection."); connectionString = ChooseDatabase(); } break; case ConnectionConfigurationType.ChooseDatabase: connectionString = ChooseDatabase(); break; case ConnectionConfigurationType.UseCustomConnection: connectionString = getOrCreateConnectionDlg.ConnectionString; break; } } } using (Transaction tx = root.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("SetConnectionString", false)) { root.ConnectionString = connectionString; tx.Commit(); } return connectionString; }
public ObjectGridJSTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public DefinedStoredProcedureSelectCommandExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomStoredProcedure currentStoredProcedure) { _model = model; _currentStoredProcedure = currentStoredProcedure; }
public SQLSelectStoredProcedureTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomStoredProcedure currentStoredProcedure) { _model = model; _currentStoredProcedure = currentStoredProcedure; }
private static string BuildParameterList(Table table, ModelRoot model) { ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); List<Column> columnList = new List<Column>(); foreach (Column c in table.GetColumnsFullHierarchy()) columnList.Add(c); for (int ii = 0; ii < columnList.Count; ii++) { Column dc = columnList[ii]; //if (dc.Identity != IdentityTypeConstants.Database) items.Add(columnList[ii]); } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (int ii = 0; ii < items.Count; ii++) { Column dc = (Column)(items[ii]); output.Append(" @" + ValidationHelper.MakeDatabaseScriptIdentifier(dc.DatabaseName) + " " + dc.GetSQLDefaultType() + " = default"); if (ii < items.Count - 1 || (table.AllowCreateAudit) || (table.AllowModifiedAudit)) output.Append(","); output.AppendLine(); } if (table.AllowCreateAudit) { //Create Date output.AppendFormat(" @{0} datetime", model.Database.CreatedDateColumnName); output.Append(","); output.AppendLine(); //Create By output.AppendFormat(" @{0} varchar (50)", model.Database.CreatedByColumnName); if (table.AllowModifiedAudit) output.Append(","); output.AppendLine(); } if (table.AllowModifiedAudit) { //Modified By output.AppendFormat(" @{0} varchar (50)", model.Database.ModifiedByColumnName); output.AppendLine(); } return output.ToString(); }
public ObjectListPagesExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public BusinessObjectExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public CreateSchemaTemplate(ModelRoot model) { _model = model; }
public ProxyFactoryExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model) { _model = model; }
private void LoadEntityMeshes(ModelRoot exportedModel, Scene scene, VEntityLump entityLump) { foreach (var entity in entityLump.GetEntities()) { var modelName = entity.GetProperty <string>("model"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName)) { // Only worrying about models for now continue; // TODO: Think about adding lights with KHR_lights_punctual } var modelResource = FileLoader.LoadFile(modelName + "_c"); if (modelResource == null) { continue; } // TODO: skybox/skydome var model = (VModel)modelResource.DataBlock; var skinName = entity.GetProperty <string>("skin"); if (skinName == "0" || skinName == "default") { skinName = null; } var transform = EntityTransformHelper.CalculateTransformationMatrix(entity); // Add meshes and their skeletons var meshes = LoadModelMeshes(model, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modelName)); for (var i = 0; i < meshes.Length; i++) { var meshName = meshes[i].Name; if (skinName != null) { meshName += "." + skinName; } var node = AddMeshNode(exportedModel, scene, model, meshName, meshes[i].Mesh, model.GetSkeleton(i), skinName != null ? GetSkinPathFromModel(model, skinName) : null); if (node == null) { continue; } // Swap Rotate upright, scale inches to meters. node.WorldMatrix = transform * TRANSFORMSOURCETOGLTF; } } foreach (var childEntityName in entityLump.GetChildEntityNames()) { if (childEntityName == null) { continue; } var childEntityLumpResource = FileLoader.LoadFile(childEntityName + "_c"); if (childEntityLumpResource == null) { continue; } var childEntityLump = (VEntityLump)childEntityLumpResource.DataBlock; LoadEntityMeshes(exportedModel, scene, childEntityLump); } }
public static ModelRoot RawMeshesToGLTF(List <RawMeshContainer> meshes, RawArmature Rig) { var model = ModelRoot.CreateModel(); var mat = model.CreateMaterial("Default"); mat.WithPBRMetallicRoughness().WithDefault(); mat.DoubleSided = true; List <Skin> skins = new List <Skin>(); if (Rig != null) { var skin = model.CreateSkin(); skin.BindJoints(RIG.ExportNodes(ref model, Rig).Values.ToArray()); skins.Add(skin); } var ms = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); foreach (var mesh in meshes) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.vertices[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.vertices[i].Y); bw.Write(mesh.vertices[i].Z); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.normals.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.normals[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.normals[i].Y); bw.Write(mesh.normals[i].Z); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.tangents.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.tangents[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.tangents[i].Y); bw.Write(mesh.tangents[i].Z); bw.Write(mesh.tangents[i].W); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.colors.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.colors[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.colors[i].Y); bw.Write(mesh.colors[i].Z); bw.Write(mesh.colors[i].W); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.tx0coords.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.tx0coords[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.tx0coords[i].Y); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.tx1coords.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.tx1coords[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.tx1coords[i].Y); } if (mesh.weightcount > 0) { if (Rig != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 0]); bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 1]); bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 2]); bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 3]); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 0]); bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 1]); bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 2]); bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 3]); } if (mesh.weightcount > 4) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 4]); bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 5]); bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 6]); bw.Write(mesh.boneindices[i, 7]); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 4]); bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 5]); bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 6]); bw.Write(mesh.weights[i, 7]); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.indices.Length; i += 3) { bw.Write(Convert.ToUInt16(mesh.indices[i + 1])); bw.Write(Convert.ToUInt16(mesh.indices[i + 0])); bw.Write(Convert.ToUInt16(mesh.indices[i + 2])); } if (mesh.extraExist) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) { bw.Write(mesh.extradata[i].X); bw.Write(mesh.extradata[i].Y); bw.Write(mesh.extradata[i].Z); } } } var buffer = model.UseBuffer(ms.ToArray()); int BuffViewoffset = 0; foreach (var mesh in meshes) { var mes = model.CreateMesh(; var prim = mes.CreatePrimitive(); prim.Material = mat; { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.vertices.Length * 12); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.vertices.Length, DimensionType.VEC3, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("POSITION", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.vertices.Length * 12; } if (mesh.normals.Length > 0) { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.normals.Length * 12); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.normals.Length, DimensionType.VEC3, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("NORMAL", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.normals.Length * 12; } if (mesh.tangents.Length > 0) { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.tangents.Length * 16); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.tangents.Length, DimensionType.VEC4, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("TANGENT", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.tangents.Length * 16; } if (mesh.colors.Length > 0) { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.colors.Length * 16); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.colors.Length, DimensionType.VEC4, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("COLOR_0", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.colors.Length * 16; } if (mesh.tx0coords.Length > 0) { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.tx0coords.Length * 8); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.tx0coords.Length, DimensionType.VEC2, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("TEXCOORD_0", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.tx0coords.Length * 8; } if (mesh.tx1coords.Length > 0) { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.tx1coords.Length * 8); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.tx1coords.Length, DimensionType.VEC2, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("TEXCOORD_1", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.tx1coords.Length * 8; } if (mesh.weightcount > 0) { if (Rig != null) { { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.vertices.Length * 8); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.vertices.Length, DimensionType.VEC4, EncodingType.UNSIGNED_SHORT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("JOINTS_0", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.vertices.Length * 8; } { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.vertices.Length * 16); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.vertices.Length, DimensionType.VEC4, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("WEIGHTS_0", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.vertices.Length * 16; } if (mesh.weightcount > 4) { { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.vertices.Length * 8); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.vertices.Length, DimensionType.VEC4, EncodingType.UNSIGNED_SHORT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("JOINTS_1", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.vertices.Length * 8; } { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.vertices.Length * 16); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.vertices.Length, DimensionType.VEC4, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); prim.SetVertexAccessor("WEIGHTS_1", acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.vertices.Length * 16; } } } } { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.indices.Length * 2); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.indices.Length, DimensionType.SCALAR, EncodingType.UNSIGNED_SHORT, false); prim.SetIndexAccessor(acc); BuffViewoffset += mesh.indices.Length * 2; } var nod = model.UseScene(0).CreateNode(; nod.Mesh = mes; if (Rig != null && mesh.weightcount > 0) { nod.Skin = skins[0]; } if (mesh.extraExist) { string[] arr = { "GarmentSupport" }; var obj = new { appNames = mesh.appNames, materialNames = mesh.materialNames, targetNames = arr }; mes.Extras = SharpGLTF.IO.JsonContent.Serialize(obj); } else { var obj = new { appNames = mesh.appNames, materialNames = mesh.materialNames }; mes.Extras = SharpGLTF.IO.JsonContent.Serialize(obj); } if (mesh.extraExist) { var acc = model.CreateAccessor(); var buff = model.UseBufferView(buffer, BuffViewoffset, mesh.extradata.Length * 12); acc.SetData(buff, 0, mesh.extradata.Length, DimensionType.VEC3, EncodingType.FLOAT, false); var dict = new Dictionary <string, Accessor>(); dict.Add("POSITION", acc); prim.SetMorphTargetAccessors(0, dict); BuffViewoffset += mesh.extradata.Length * 12; } } model.UseScene(0).Name = "Scene"; model.DefaultScene = model.UseScene(0); model.MergeBuffers(); return(model); }
public bool ExportMultiMeshWithRig(List <Stream> meshStreamS, List <Stream> rigStreamS, FileInfo outfile, bool LodFilter = true, bool isGLBinary = true) { List <RawArmature> Rigs = new List <RawArmature>(); rigStreamS = rigStreamS.OrderByDescending(r => r.Length).ToList(); // not so smart hacky method to get bodybase rigs on top/ orderby descending for (int r = 0; r < rigStreamS.Count; r++) { RawArmature Rig = _rig.ProcessRig(rigStreamS[r]); Rigs.Add(Rig); } RawArmature expRig = RIG.CombineRigs(Rigs); List <RawMeshContainer> expMeshes = new List <RawMeshContainer>(); for (int m = 0; m < meshStreamS.Count; m++) { var cr2w = _wolvenkitFileService.TryReadRED4File(meshStreamS[m]); if (cr2w == null || !cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMesh>().Any() || !cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <rendRenderMeshBlob>().Any()) { continue; } MemoryStream ms = GetMeshBufferStream(meshStreamS[m], cr2w); MeshesInfo meshinfo = GetMeshesinfo(cr2w); MeshBones bones = new MeshBones(); CMesh cmesh = cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMesh>().First(); if (cmesh.BoneNames.Count != 0) // for rigid meshes { bones.Names = RIG.GetboneNames(cr2w); bones.WorldPosn = GetMeshBonesPosn(cr2w); } List <RawMeshContainer> Meshes = ContainRawMesh(ms, meshinfo, LodFilter); for (int i = 0; i < Meshes.Count; i++) { Meshes[i].name = m + "_" + Meshes[i].name; if (cmesh.BoneNames.Count == 0) // for rigid meshes { Meshes[i].weightcount = 0; } } UpdateMeshJoints(ref Meshes, expRig, bones); expMeshes.AddRange(Meshes); } ModelRoot model = RawMeshesToGLTF(expMeshes, expRig); if (isGLBinary) { model.SaveGLB(outfile.FullName); } else { model.SaveGLTF(outfile.FullName); } for (int i = 0; i < meshStreamS.Count; i++) { meshStreamS[i].Dispose(); meshStreamS[i].Close(); } for (int i = 0; i < rigStreamS.Count; i++) { rigStreamS[i].Dispose(); rigStreamS[i].Close(); } return(true); }
public bool ExportMesh(Stream meshStream, FileInfo outfile, bool LodFilter = true, bool isGLBinary = true) { var cr2w = _wolvenkitFileService.TryReadRED4File(meshStream); if (cr2w == null || !cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMesh>().Any()) { return(false); } if (!cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <rendRenderMeshBlob>().Any()) { return(WriteFakeMeshToFile()); } MeshBones meshBones = new MeshBones(); meshBones.boneCount = cr2w.Chunks.Select(_ => _.Data).OfType <CMesh>().First().BoneNames.Count; if (meshBones.boneCount != 0) // for rigid meshes { meshBones.Names = RIG.GetboneNames(cr2w); meshBones.WorldPosn = GetMeshBonesPosn(cr2w); } RawArmature Rig = GetNonParentedRig(meshBones); MemoryStream ms = GetMeshBufferStream(meshStream, cr2w); MeshesInfo meshinfo = GetMeshesinfo(cr2w); List <RawMeshContainer> expMeshes = ContainRawMesh(ms, meshinfo, LodFilter); if (meshBones.boneCount == 0) // for rigid meshes { for (int i = 0; i < expMeshes.Count; i++) { expMeshes[i].weightcount = 0; } } UpdateMeshJoints(ref expMeshes, Rig, meshBones); ModelRoot model = RawMeshesToGLTF(expMeshes, Rig); WriteMeshToFile(); meshStream.Dispose(); meshStream.Close(); return(true); bool WriteFakeMeshToFile() { if (WolvenTesting.IsTesting) { return(true); } if (isGLBinary) { ModelRoot.CreateModel().SaveGLB(outfile.FullName); } else { ModelRoot.CreateModel().SaveGLTF(outfile.FullName); } return(true); } void WriteMeshToFile() { if (WolvenTesting.IsTesting) { return; } if (isGLBinary) { model.SaveGLB(outfile.FullName); } else { model.SaveGLTF(outfile.FullName); } } }
public IncludeTreeLINQExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model) : base(model) { }
public DefinedViewSelectCommandExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomView currentView) { _model = model; _currentView = currentView; }
public SQLStoredProcedureTableAllTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table table, bool useSingleFile) : base(model) { _table = table; _useSingleFile = useSingleFile; }
public static string GetParentStoredProcedureName(Table table, ModelRoot model) { if (table.ParentTable == null) return ""; else return "gen_" + Globals.GetPascalName(model, table.ParentTable) + "Insert"; }
public SQLHelperExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model) : base(model) { }
public SQLSelectBusinessObjectTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public BusinessViewExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomView currentView) { _model = model; _currentView = currentView; }
public DomainComponentCollectionExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, TableComponent currentComponent) { _model = model; _currentComponent = currentComponent; }
public SQLSelectComponentByModifiedDateTemplate(ModelRoot model, TableComponent currentComponent) { _model = model; _currentComponent = currentComponent; }
protected bool Equals(ModelRoot other) { return IntProp == other.IntProp && DateTime.Equals(other.DateTime) && ModelEnum == other.ModelEnum && string.Equals(StrProp, other.StrProp) && Equals(SubModel, other.SubModel); }
public ComplexTypesSPGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomStoredProcedure item) : base(model) { _item = item; }
public ComplexTypesFuncGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model, Function item) : base(model) { _item = item; }
public DataServiceJSPageHelperTemplate(ModelRoot model) { _model = model; }
public ContextStartupGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model) : base(model) { }
public DomainObjectGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public ContextExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model) : base(model) { }
public DatasiteOverviewTemplate(ModelRoot model, string templateLocation) : base(model) { _templateLocation = templateLocation; }
public ObjectServiceExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table table) { _model = model; _currentTable = table; }
public DomainObjectExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public BusinessSQLHelperExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model) { _model = model; }
public LINQGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model) : base(model) { }
public ServiceWebConfigTemplate(ModelRoot model) { _model = model; }
public ViewEntityExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomView table) : base(model) { _currentView = table; }
public BusinessStoredProcedureExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomStoredProcedure currentStoredProcedure) { _model = model; _currentStoredProcedure = currentStoredProcedure; }
public SQLSelectViewByAndTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomView currentView) { _model = model; _currentView = currentView; }
private static string GetStoredProcedureName(Table table, ModelRoot model) { return "gen_" + Globals.GetPascalName(model, table) + "Insert"; }
private IContentContainer ReadStream(Stream stream) { return(Read(ModelRoot.Read(stream, _readSettings))); }
public SQLInsertBusinessObjectTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; table = currentTable; }
public void ExportActiveDesign(Application application, AssemblyDocument assemblyDocument, string filePath, bool glb, bool checkMaterialsChecked, bool checkFaceMaterials, bool checkHiddenChecked, decimal numericToleranceValue, bool includeSynthChecked) { try { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); exportTolerance = numericToleranceValue; exportHidden = checkHiddenChecked; exportFaceMaterials = checkFaceMaterials; exportMaterials = checkMaterialsChecked; includeSynthData = includeSynthChecked; materialCache = new Dictionary <string, MaterialBuilder>(); massPropertiesMap = new Dictionary <string, MassProperties>(); jointedComponentUUIDMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); allComponentRealNames = new Dictionary <string, string>(); warnings = new List <string>(); progressTotal = 2 + assemblyDocument.AllReferencedDocuments.Count; progressBar = application.CreateProgressBar(false, progressTotal, "Exporting " + assemblyDocument.DisplayName + " to glTF"); progressBar.Message = "Preparing for export..."; var sceneBuilder = ExportScene(application, assemblyDocument); progressBar.Message = "Exporting joints..."; progressBar.UpdateProgress(); var modelRoot = sceneBuilder.ToSchema2(); if (includeSynthData) { // TODO: Figure out a more elegant solution for extras. This is only needed because sharpGLTF (this version anyways) doesn't support writing extras so we need to do it manually. var dictionary = modelRoot.WriteToDictionary("temp"); // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute var jsonString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dictionary["temp.gltf"].Array); var parsedJToken = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(jsonString))); var rootExtras = new JObject(); rootExtras.Add("joints", ExportJoints(FindJointsScene(assemblyDocument))); parsedJToken.Add("extras", rootExtras); try { ExportMassProperties((JArray)parsedJToken.GetValue("meshes")); } catch { } ExportJointedCompUUID((JArray)parsedJToken.GetValue("nodes")); try { var asset = (JObject)parsedJToken.GetValue("asset"); asset.Property("generator").Value = appName; } catch { } var readSettings = new ReadSettings(); readSettings.FileReader = assetFileName => dictionary[assetFileName]; modelRoot = ModelRoot.ReadGLTF(new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJToken))), readSettings); } progressBar.Message = "Saving file..."; progressBar.UpdateProgress(); if (glb) { modelRoot.SaveGLB(filePath); } else { modelRoot.SaveGLTF(filePath); } Debug.WriteLine("-----gltf export warnings-----"); foreach (var warning in warnings) { Debug.WriteLine(warning); } Debug.WriteLine("----------"); progressBar.Close(); sw.Stop(); MessageBox.Show("glTF export completed successfully.\nFile saved to: " + filePath); } catch { MessageBox.Show("glTF export failed!\nPlease contact [email protected] to report this bug."); } }
public SQLSelectComponentByPrimaryKeyTemplate(ModelRoot model, TableComponent currentComponent) { _model = model; _currentComponent = currentComponent; }
public ZeroInstallSQL_UpdateTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) { _model = model; _currentTable = currentTable; }
public SQLSelectRetrieveRuleTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomRetrieveRule currentRule) { _model = model; _currentRule = currentRule; this.ParentTable = (Table)currentRule.ParentTableRef.Object; }
public BusinessViewCollectionGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomView currentView) { _model = model; _currentView = currentView; }
public static string GetTableDatabaseName(ModelRoot model, Table table) { return(table.DatabaseName); }
public DefinedSelectCommandExtenderTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomRetrieveRule currentRule) { _model = model; _currentRule = currentRule; this.ParentTable = (Table)currentRule.ParentTableRef.Object; }
public static SceneBuilder Load(string filePath, ReadSettings settings = null) { var mdl = ModelRoot.Load(filePath, settings); return(mdl.DefaultScene.ToSceneBuilder()); }
public BusinessStoredProcedureCollectionGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model, CustomStoredProcedure currentStoredProcedure) { _model = model; _currentStoredProcedure = currentStoredProcedure; }
public HelperGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model) : base(model) { }
public DataServiceGlobalModuleASAXTemplate(ModelRoot model) { _model = model; }
public AuditEntityGeneratedTemplate(ModelRoot model, Table currentTable) : base(model) { _model = model; _item = currentTable; }