private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region connection to Tekla Structures and basic model path, version information

            Model  Model1        = new Model();
            string modelname     = Model1.GetInfo().ModelName;
            string modelpath     = Model1.GetInfo().ModelPath;
            string configuration = ModuleManager.Configuration.ToString();
            string TSversion     = TeklaStructuresInfo.GetCurrentProgramVersion();

            string tB = textBox1.Text;
            char   ch = '*';

            List <Beam>         ListBeamPlate = new List <Beam>();         // List Beam
            List <ContourPlate> ListPlate     = new List <ContourPlate>(); //List Plate
            List <PolyBeam>     ListPolyBeam  = new List <PolyBeam>();     //List Poly Beam

            ArrayList AllParts = new ArrayList();


            string CNC_Files = textBox2.Text;

            if (!Directory.Exists(modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files);

            //Выбор деталей
            Picker Picker = new Picker();

            {   //Перечесляем выбранные детали
                ModelObjectEnumerator input = Picker.PickObjects(Picker.PickObjectsEnum.PICK_N_PARTS, "Выберите детали");

                IEnumerator enumerator = input.GetEnumerator();

                //добовляем в масив
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Beam         beam         = enumerator.Current as Beam;
                    ContourPlate contourPlate = enumerator.Current as ContourPlate;
                    PolyBeam     polyBeam     = enumerator.Current as PolyBeam;

                    if (beam != null)
                    if (contourPlate != null)
                    if (polyBeam != null)

                //    ArrayList ObjectsToSelect = new ArrayList();

                //    Part part = enumerator.Current as Part;
                //    ObjectsToSelect.Add(part);

                // string partProfileF = part.Profile.ProfileString;
                //    char ch = '*';
                //int partProfileF2 = partProfileF.IndexOf(ch);

                //ArrayList pathPartA = new ArrayList();

                //try { string partProfileF3 = partProfileF.Remove(partProfileF.IndexOf('*'), partProfileF.Length - partProfileF.IndexOf('*')); pathPartA.Add(partProfileF3); }
                //catch { string partProfileF3 = partProfileF; pathPartA.Add(partProfileF3); }

                //    string partProfileF1 = pathPartA[0].ToString();

                //    int indexOf = partProfileF.IndexOf("PL");
                //    string partMaterial = part.Material.MaterialString;
                //    Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.ModelObjectSelector MS = new Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.ModelObjectSelector();
                //    MS.Select(ObjectsToSelect);

                //    if (indexOf == 0)
                //    {

                //        if (!Directory.Exists(modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files + @"\" + partProfileF1 + "_" + partMaterial))
                //        {
                //            Directory.CreateDirectory(modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files + @"\" + partProfileF1 + "_" + partMaterial);
                //        }

                //        string pathPart = modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files + @"\" + partProfileF1 + "_" + partMaterial + @"\";

                //        Operation.CreateNCFilesFromSelected("DSTV for plates", pathPart);

                //        Operation.DisplayPrompt("ok");
                //    }

                // }
            catch { Operation.DisplayPrompt("что то пошло не так..."); }
            // находим в пластины замоделенной балке
            int countPlateBeamT = 0;

            List <MyPlate> PlateBeamT = new List <MyPlate>();

            foreach (Beam beam in ListBeamPlate)
                string PB = beam.Profile.ProfileString;

                if (PB.StartsWith(tB))
                    string  PP1     = PB.Substring(0, PB.LastIndexOf(ch));
                    string  PP2     = beam.Material.MaterialString;
                    MyPlate myPlate = new MyPlate
                        PlateProfile  = PP1,
                        PlateMaterial = PP2

            foreach (PolyBeam beam in ListPolyBeam)
                string PB = beam.Profile.ProfileString;

                if (PB.StartsWith(tB))
                    string  PP1     = PB.Substring(0, PB.LastIndexOf(ch));
                    string  PP2     = beam.Material.MaterialString;
                    MyPlate myPlate = new MyPlate
                        PlateProfile  = PP1,
                        PlateMaterial = PP2


            int countPlatePlate = 0;

            foreach (ContourPlate contourPlate in ListPlate)
                string PP1 = contourPlate.Profile.ProfileString;
                string PP2 = contourPlate.Material.MaterialString;

                MyPlate myPlate = new MyPlate
                    PlateProfile  = PP1,
                    PlateMaterial = PP2


            //Объединение list<>
            List <MyPlate> filterMP        = new List <MyPlate>();
            List <MyPlate> filterMP2       = new List <MyPlate>();
            List <MyPlate> filterMP2Sorted = new List <MyPlate>(); // итоговый список

            var dist = PlateBeamT.Distinct(new MyPlateComparer());

            foreach (MyPlate s in dist)
                    string  PP      = s.PlateProfile.Substring(0, s.PlateProfile.LastIndexOf("."));
                    string  PM      = s.PlateMaterial;
                    MyPlate myPlate = new MyPlate
                        PlateProfile  = PP,
                        PlateMaterial = PM,
                    string  PP      = s.PlateProfile;
                    string  PM      = s.PlateMaterial;
                    MyPlate myPlate = new MyPlate
                        PlateProfile  = PP,
                        PlateMaterial = PM,

            var dist2 = filterMP.Distinct(new MyPlateComparer());

            foreach (MyPlate d in dist2)

            var SortedfMP2 = from u in filterMP2
                             orderby u.PlateMaterial, u.PlateProfile
            select u;

            foreach (MyPlate u in SortedfMP2)
            //выбор деталей по толщине и марке стали
            for (int i = 0; i < filterMP2Sorted.Count; i++)
                    ArrayList y1 = new ArrayList();

                    var x1 = from plate in ListPlate
                             where plate.Profile.ProfileString == filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateProfile
                             where plate.Material.MaterialString == filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateMaterial
                             select plate;

                    var x2 = from plateB in ListBeamPlate
                             where plateB.Profile.ProfileString.StartsWith(filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateProfile)
                             where plateB.Material.MaterialString == filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateMaterial
                             select plateB;

                    var x3 = from plateB in ListPolyBeam
                             where plateB.Profile.ProfileString.StartsWith(filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateProfile)
                             where plateB.Material.MaterialString == filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateMaterial
                             select plateB;

                    foreach (ContourPlate plate in x1)

                    foreach (Beam beam in x2)

                    foreach (PolyBeam polyBeam in x3)

                    Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.ModelObjectSelector MS = new Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.ModelObjectSelector();

                    if (!Directory.Exists(modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files + @"\" + filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateProfile + "_" + filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateMaterial))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files + @"\" + filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateProfile + "_" + filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateMaterial);

                    string pathPart = modelpath + @"\" + CNC_Files + @"\" + filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateProfile + "_" + filterMP2Sorted[i].PlateMaterial + @"\";

                    Operation.CreateNCFilesFromSelected("DSTV for plates", pathPart);

                catch { Operation.DisplayPrompt("что то пошло не так...."); }

            Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.ModelObjectSelector MS1 = new Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.ModelObjectSelector();
            Operation.DisplayPrompt("Готово... //work by Wiz//");