void ProcessSkeleton(Skeleton skeleton)
        print($"Frame Counter: {frameCtr}");
        //Calculate the model position: take the Torso position and invert movement along the Z axis

        UnityEngine.Vector3 torsoPos = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f) * (-0.001f * skeleton.GetJoint(JointType.Torso).ToVector3());
        torsoPos[0] = torsoPos[0] * posModifier[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            torsoPos[i] = torsoPos[i] + posModifier[i];
        torsoPos           = torsoPos + posModifierPreview;
        transform.position = torsoPos;

        foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
            try {
                //Get joint from the Nuitrack
                nuitrack.Joint joint = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);

                ModelJoint modelJoint = riggedJoint.Value;

                //Calculate the model bone rotation: take the mirrored joint orientation, add a basic rotation of the model bone, invert movement along the Z axis
                Quaternion jointOrient = Quaternion.Inverse(CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation) * (joint.ToQuaternion()) * modelJoint.baseRotOffset;

                modelJoint.bone.rotation = jointOrient;
            } catch {
                // Ignore IndexOutOfRangeException (it occurs because model has more available joints than those provided by orbbec)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Quaternion で渡された姿勢のうち、X, Y, Z 軸いずれか周り成分を抽出してサーボ角に反映します
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rot">目標姿勢</param>
        /// <param name="joint">指定サーボ</param>
        /// <returns>回転させた軸成分を除いた残りの回転 Quaternion</returns>
        Quaternion ApplyDirectRotation(Quaternion rot, float angle, ModelJoint joint)
            Quaternion q;
            Vector3    axis      = Vector3.right;
            float      direction = (joint.isInverse ? -1f : 1f); // 逆転なら-1

            switch (joint.targetAxis)
            case ModelJoint.Axis.X:
                axis = Vector3.right;

            case ModelJoint.Axis.Y:
                axis = Vector3.up;

            case ModelJoint.Axis.Z:
                axis = Vector3.forward;
            var actualAngle = joint.SetServoValue(angle * direction);

            //q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
            q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(actualAngle / direction, axis);    // 角度制限を考慮
            return(Quaternion.Inverse(q) * rot);
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Getting skeleton data from thr sensor and updating transforms of the model bones
    /// </summary>
    void ProcessSkeleton(nuitrack.Skeleton skeleton)
        foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
            //Get joint from the Nuitrack
            nuitrack.Joint joint = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);

            //Get modelJoint
            ModelJoint modelJoint = riggedJoint.Value;

            //Bone position
            Vector3 newPos = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f) * (0.001f * joint.ToVector3());
            modelJoint.bone.position = newPos;

            //Bone rotation
            Quaternion jointOrient = Quaternion.Inverse(CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation) * (joint.ToQuaternionMirrored()) * modelJoint.baseRotOffset;
            modelJoint.bone.rotation = jointOrient;

            //Bone scale
            if (modelJoint.parentBone != null)
                //Take the Transform of a parent bone
                Transform parentBone = modelJoint.parentBone;
                //calculate how many times the distance between the child bone and its parent bone has changed compared to the base distance (which was recorded at the start)
                float scaleDif = modelJoint.baseDistanceToParent / Vector3.Distance(newPos, parentBone.position);
                //change the size of the bone to the resulting value (On default bone size (1,1,1))
                parentBone.localScale = Vector3.one / scaleDif;
 private void RefreshJointRotation(nuitrack.Skeleton skeleton)
     foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
         nuitrack.Joint joint       = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);
         ModelJoint     modelJoint  = riggedJoint.Value;
         Quaternion     jointOrient = Quaternion.Inverse(CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation) * (joint.ToQuaternion()) * modelJoint.baseRotOffset;
         modelJoint.bone.rotation = jointOrient;
Example #5
        void SetJoint(Transform tr, JointType jointType)
            ModelJoint modelJoint = new ModelJoint()
                bone      = tr,
                jointType = jointType

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (NuitrackManager.NumUsers > 0)
            if (timer <= waitTime)
                timer += Time.deltaTime;
                BoneScalingProgress.text = "Bone Scaling: In Progress...";
            else if (timer >= waitTime)
                BoneScalingProgress.text = "Bone Scaling: Completed";

            // get ID of user
            nuitrack.User[] users         = NuitrackManager.Users;
            nuitrack.User   CurrentUser   = users[0];
            int             CurrentUserID = CurrentUser.ID;

            foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
                //Get joint from the Nuitrack
                nuitrack.Joint joint = NuitrackManager.SkeletonData.GetSkeletonByID(CurrentUserID).GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);

                if (joint.Confidence > 0.5)                         //Currently, there are only two values of confidence: 0 (Nuitrack thinks that this isn't a joint) and 0.75 (a joint).
                    ModelJoint     modeljoint  = riggedJoint.Value; //get modelJoint
                    nuitrack.Joint parentjoint = NuitrackManager.SkeletonData.GetSkeletonByID(CurrentUserID).GetJoint(modeljoint.parentJointType);

                    Vector3 newPos    = 0.001f * joint.ToVector3(); //given in mm
                    Vector3 parentPos = 0.001f * parentjoint.ToVector3();

                    // Coinvert nuitrack joint orientation to quaternion
                    Quaternion jointOrient = joint.ToQuaternion();

                    // Update Model joint to tracked orientation

                    modeljoint.bone.rotation = jointOrient * modeljoint.baseRotOffset;

                    // perform bone  scaling for 5 seconds at the start maybe?
                    if (modeljoint.parentBone != null && timer <= waitTime)
                        Debug.Log("BONE SCALING PERFORMED...........");
                        // take the transform of the parent bone
                        //Transform parentBone = modeljoint.parentBone;
                        // calculate how many times the distance between the child bone and its parent bone has changed compared to the base distances (which was recorded at the start)
                        float scaleDif = modeljoint.baseDistanceToParent / Vector3.Distance(newPos, parentPos);
                        // change the size of the bone to the resulting value
                        modeljoint.parentBone.localScale = Vector3.one / scaleDif;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Quaternion で渡された姿勢のうち、X, Y, Z 軸いずれか周り成分を抽出してサーボ角に反映します
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rot">目標姿勢</param>
        /// <param name="joint">指定サーボ</param>
        /// <returns>回転させた軸成分を除いた残りの回転 Quaternion</returns>
        Quaternion ApplyPartialRotation(Quaternion rot, ModelJoint joint)
            Quaternion q         = rot;
            Vector3    axis      = Vector3.right;
            float      direction = (joint.isInverse ? -1f : 1f); // 逆転なら-1

            switch (joint.targetAxis)
            case ModelJoint.Axis.X:
                q.y = q.z = 0;
                if (q.x < 0)
                    direction = -direction;
                axis = Vector3.right;

            case ModelJoint.Axis.Y:
                q.x = q.z = 0;
                if (q.y < 0)
                    direction = -direction;
                axis = Vector3.up;

            case ModelJoint.Axis.Z:
                q.x = q.y = 0;
                if (q.z < 0)
                    direction = -direction;
                axis = Vector3.forward;
            if (q.w == 0 && q.x == 0 && q.y == 0 && q.z == 0)
                Debug.Log("Joint: " + joint.name + " rotation N/A");
                q = Quaternion.identity;
            float angle = Mathf.Acos(q.w) * 2.0f * Mathf.Rad2Deg * direction;

            var actualAngle = joint.SetServoValue(angle);

            return(rot * Quaternion.Inverse(q));
            //return rot * Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.AngleAxis(actualAngle, axis);
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (controller)
                foreach (var servo in controller.Servos)
                    string     servoId = servo.GetServoIdString();
                    ModelJoint joint   = GetJointById(servoId);

                    if (joint != null)
Example #9
    void ProcessSkeleton(nuitrack.Skeleton skeleton)
        //Vector3 torsoPos = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f) * (0.001f * skeleton.GetJoint(nuitrack.JointType.Torso).ToVector3());
        //transform.position = torsoPos;

        foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
            nuitrack.Joint joint      = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);
            ModelJoint     modelJoint = riggedJoint.Value;

            Quaternion jointOrient =
                * (joint.ToQuaternionMirrored())
                * modelJoint.baseRotOffset;
            modelJoint.bone.rotation = jointOrient;
    /// <summary>
    /// Getting skeleton data from sensor and update model bones transforms
    /// </summary>
    void ProcessSkeleton(nuitrack.Skeleton skeleton)
        if (skeleton == null)

        if (!firstOffset)
            firstOffset = true;

        foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
            nuitrack.Joint j = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);
            if (j.Confidence > 0.5f)
                //Bone position
                Vector3 newPos = (q180) * (Vector3.up * CalibrationInfo.FloorHeight + CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation * (0.001f * j.ToVector3())) * scale + basePivotOffset;

                ModelJoint rj = riggedJoint.Value;

                //Bone scale
                if (rj.parentBone != null)
                    Transform bone = rj.parentBone;
                    bone.parent = bone.root;
                    float scaleDif = rj.baseDistanceToParent / Vector3.Distance(newPos, bone.position);
                    bone.localScale = Vector3.one / scaleDif;

                rj.bone.position = newPos;

                if (j.Type != nuitrack.JointType.None)
                    Quaternion jointOrient = CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation * (j.ToQuaternionMirrored());
                    rj.bone.rotation = q0 * Quaternion.Inverse(CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation) * jointOrient * rj.baseRotOffset;

        leftHandPos  = jointsRigged[nuitrack.JointType.LeftWrist].bone.position;
        rightHandPos = jointsRigged[nuitrack.JointType.RightWrist].bone.position;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Getting skeleton data from thr sensor and updating transforms of the model bones
        /// </summary>
        void Process(UserData user)
            if (!alignmentBoneLength)
                jointsRigged[rootJoint].bone.position = GetJointLocalPos(GetJoint(rootJoint).Position);

            foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
                //Get joint from the Nuitrack
                //nuitrack.Joint joint = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);
                UserData.SkeletonData.Joint jointTransform = user.Skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);

                if (jointTransform.Confidence > JointConfidence)
                    //Get modelJoint
                    ModelJoint modelJoint = riggedJoint.Value;

                    //Bone rotation
                    Quaternion jointRotation = IsTransformSpace ? jointTransform.RotationMirrored : jointTransform.Rotation;

                    modelJoint.bone.rotation = SpaceTransform.rotation * (jointRotation * modelJoint.baseRotOffset);

                    if (alignmentBoneLength)
                        Vector3 newPos = GetJointLocalPos(jointTransform.Position);

                        modelJoint.bone.position = newPos;

                        //Bone scale
                        if (modelJoint.parentBone != null && modelJoint.jointType.GetParent() != rootJoint)
                            //Take the Transform of a parent bone
                            Transform parentBone = modelJoint.parentBone;
                            //calculate how many times the distance between the child bone and its parent bone has changed compared to the base distance (which was recorded at the start)
                            float scaleDif = modelJoint.baseDistanceToParent / Vector3.Distance(newPos, parentBone.position);
                            //change the size of the bone to the resulting value (On default bone size (1,1,1))
                            parentBone.localScale = Vector3.one / scaleDif;
                            //compensation for size due to hierarchy
                            parentBone.localScale *= parentBone.localScale.x / parentBone.lossyScale.x;
Example #12
    void ProcessSkeleton(nuitrack.Skeleton skeleton)
        //Calculate the model position: take the Torso position and invert movement along the Z axis
        Vector3 torsoPos = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f) * (0.001f * skeleton.GetJoint(nuitrack.JointType.Torso).ToVector3());

        transform.position = torsoPos + basePivotOffset;

        foreach (var riggedJoint in jointsRigged)
            //Get joint from the Nuitrack
            nuitrack.Joint joint = skeleton.GetJoint(riggedJoint.Key);

            ModelJoint modelJoint = riggedJoint.Value;

            //Calculate the model bone rotation: take the mirrored joint orientation, add a basic rotation of the model bone, invert movement along the Z axis
            Quaternion jointOrient = Quaternion.Inverse(CalibrationInfo.SensorOrientation) * (joint.ToQuaternionMirrored()) * modelJoint.baseRotOffset;
            modelJoint.bone.rotation = jointOrient;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// サーボ情報一つ分を記憶
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="servoNo"></param>
        void AddServo(ServoPosition servoNo)
            var joint = ModelJoint.GetJointById((int)servoNo, ref _joints);

            if (joint)
                servos.Add(servoNo, joint);

                // 開発用に、いったん制限なしとする
                joint.minAngle = -179f;
                joint.maxAngle = 180f;
                if (joint.minAngle > 0f)
                    joint.minAngle = 0f;                        // 開発用。Tポーズだと上腕が0degのため
                if (joint.maxAngle < 0f)
                    joint.maxAngle = 0f;                        // 開発用。Tポーズだと上腕が0degのため
            //Debug.Log(servoId + " " + joint.name);
Example #14
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            // 速度をゆっくりに強制

            _controller = GetComponent <PreMaid.RemoteController.PreMaidController>();
            List <TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> serialPortNamesList = new List <TMP_Dropdown.OptionData>();

            var portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames();

            foreach (var VARIABLE in portNames)
                TMP_Dropdown.OptionData optionData = new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(VARIABLE);



            _joints = target.GetComponentsInChildren <ModelJoint>();
Example #15
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            _controller = GetComponent <PreMaid.RemoteController.PreMaidControllerSPUP>();
            List <TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> serialPortNamesList = new List <TMP_Dropdown.OptionData>();

            var portNames = SerialPortUtility.SerialPortUtilityPro.GetConnectedDeviceList(SerialPortUtility.SerialPortUtilityPro.OpenSystem.BluetoothSSP);

            if (portNames != null)
                foreach (var VARIABLE in portNames)
                    TMP_Dropdown.OptionData optionData = new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(VARIABLE.SerialNumber);


                // Android実機でのデバッグ用
                serialPortNamesList.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData("RNBT-4FFA"));
                serialPortNamesList.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData("RNBT-50D6"));
                serialPortNamesList.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData("RNBT-9C50"));
                serialPortNamesList.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData("RNBT-94F6"));


            // 上半身だけを操作対象とする
            _controller.jointMask = (uint)(PreMaidControllerSPUP.JointMask.UpperBody);

            // 関節速度制限

            Transform spineBone = target.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Spine);

            if (target != null)
                var joints = target.GetComponentsInChildren <HumanoidModelJoint>();

                foreach (PreMaidServo.ServoPosition item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PreMaidServo.ServoPosition)))
                    if (Array.FindIndex(joints, joint => joint.TargetServo == item) == -1)
                        var jointScript = spineBone.gameObject.AddComponent <HumanoidModelJoint>();
                        jointScript.TargetServo = item;

                // 手首だけは最高速度を高くしておく
                var modeljoints = target.GetComponentsInChildren <ModelJoint>();
                foreach (ModelJoint j in modeljoints)
                    if (j.ServoID == "15" || j.ServoID == "17")
                        j.maxSpeed = 180f;

            _joints = target.GetComponentsInChildren <HumanoidModelJoint>();