private Key [] ComputeKeys(UnityEngine.Quaternion restRotation, FbxNode node)
            // Get the source pivot pre-rotation if any, so we can
            // remove it from the animation we get from Unity.
            var fbxPreRotationEuler = node.GetRotationActive()
                ? node.GetPreRotation(FbxNode.EPivotSet.eSourcePivot)
                : new FbxVector4();

            // Get the inverse of the prerotation
            var fbxPreRotationInverse = ModelExporter.EulerToQuaternionXYZ(fbxPreRotationEuler);


            // Find when we have keys set.
            var keyTimes = ModelExporter.GetSampleTimes(GetCurves(), SampleRate);

            // Convert to the Key type.
            var keys = new Key[keyTimes.Count];
            int i    = 0;

            foreach (var seconds in keyTimes)
                var fbxFinalAnimation = GetConvertedQuaternionRotation(seconds, restRotation);

                // Cancel out the pre-rotation. Order matters. FBX reads left-to-right.
                // When we run animation we will apply:
                //      pre-rotation
                //      then pre-rotation inverse
                //      then animation.
                var fbxFinalQuat = fbxPreRotationInverse * fbxFinalAnimation;

                var finalUnityQuat = new Quaternion((float)fbxFinalQuat.X, (float)fbxFinalQuat.Y, (float)fbxFinalQuat.Z, (float)fbxFinalQuat.W);

                // Store the key so we can sort them later.
                Key key = new Key();
                key.time  = FbxTime.FromSecondDouble(seconds);
                key.euler = ModelExporter.ConvertToFbxVector4(finalUnityQuat.eulerAngles);
                keys[i++] = key;

            // Sort the keys by time
            System.Array.Sort(keys, (Key a, Key b) => a.time.CompareTo(b.time));
