Example #1
        // Get an attribute group information (ModelContextIdentifier for the attribute group) with specified attribute group name, model id, and entity id.
        private static ModelContextIdentifier GetAttributeGroup(Guid modelId, Guid entityId, string attributeGroupName)
            ModelContextIdentifier AttributeGroupIdentifier = new ModelContextIdentifier();

                // Create the request object for getting attribute group information.
                MetadataGetRequest getRequest = new MetadataGetRequest();
                getRequest.SearchCriteria = new MetadataSearchCriteria();
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.SearchOption = SearchOption.UserDefinedObjectsOnly;
                // Set model id, entity id, and attribute group name.
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.Models = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Identifier> {
                    new Identifier {
                        Id = modelId
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.Entities = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Identifier> {
                    new Identifier {
                        Id = entityId
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.AttributeGroups = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <Identifier> {
                    new Identifier {
                        Name = attributeGroupName
                getRequest.ResultOptions = new MetadataResultOptions();
                getRequest.ResultOptions.AttributeGroups = ResultType.Details;

                // Get an attribute group information.
                MetadataGetResponse getResponse = clientProxy.MetadataGet(getRequest);

                if (getResponse.Metadata.AttributeGroups.Count > 0)
                    AttributeGroupIdentifier = getResponse.Metadata.AttributeGroups[0].Identifier;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex);

        // Get an entity information (ModelContextIdentifier for the entity) with specified entity name and model id.
        private static ModelContextIdentifier GetEntity(Guid modelId, string entityName)
            ModelContextIdentifier entityIdentifier = new ModelContextIdentifier();

                // Create the request object for getting entity information.
                MetadataGetRequest getRequest = new MetadataGetRequest();
                getRequest.SearchCriteria = new MetadataSearchCriteria();
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.SearchOption = SearchOption.UserDefinedObjectsOnly;
                // Set the entity name and model id
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.Entities = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Identifier> { new Identifier { Name = entityName } };
                getRequest.SearchCriteria.Models = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Identifier> { new Identifier { Id = modelId } };
                getRequest.ResultOptions = new MetadataResultOptions();
                getRequest.ResultOptions.Entities = ResultType.Details;
                // Get an entity information.
                MetadataGetResponse getResponse = clientProxy.MetadataGet(getRequest);

                if (getResponse.Metadata.Entities.Count > 0)
                    entityIdentifier = getResponse.Metadata.Entities[0].Identifier;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex);

            return entityIdentifier;
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create a service proxy.
                clientProxy = GetClientProxy(mdsURL);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error creating a service proxy: {0}", ex);

            // Create a model with a specified name.

            // Get a model information with specified model and version names.
            // "VERSION_1" is a default version name for a new model.
            Identifier modelIdentifier = GetModel("TestModel", "VERSION_1");

            // Update the model name.
            UpdateModel(modelIdentifier.Id, "TestModelNew");

            // Create an entity with a specified name.
            CreateEntity(modelIdentifier.Id, "TestEntity");

            // Get an entity information with specified entity name and model id.
            ModelContextIdentifier entityIdentifier = GetEntity(modelIdentifier.Id, "TestEntity");

            // Update the entity name.
            UpdateEntity(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, "TestEntityNew");

            // Create an attribute with a specified name.
            CreateAttribute(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, "TestAttribute");

            // Get an attribute information with specified attribute name, model id, and entity id.
            ModelContextIdentifier attributeIdentifier = GetAttribute(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, "TestAttribute");

            // Update the attribute name.
            UpdateAttribute(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, attributeIdentifier.Id, "TestAttributeNew");

            // Create an attribute group with a specified name.
            CreateAttributeGroup(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, "TestAttributeGroup");

            // Get an attribute group information with specified attribute group name, model id, and entity id.
            ModelContextIdentifier attributeGroupIdentifier = GetAttributeGroup(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, "TestAttributeGroup");

            // Update the attribute group name and add an attribute to it.
            UpdateAttributeGroup(modelIdentifier.Id, entityIdentifier.Id, attributeGroupIdentifier.Id, "TestAttributeGroupNew", attributeIdentifier.Id);

            // Delete the attribute group with the specified attribute group id.

            // Delete the attribute with the specified attribute id.

            // Delete the entity with the specified entity id.

            // Delete the model with the specified model id.