//销售流水 List <Model.t_order_detail> IBLL.ISaleData.GetSaleFlow(string date1, string date2, string order_key, int page_no, int page_size, out int total) { total = 0; try { var d2 = Conv.ToDateTime(date2).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); var sql = "select * from t_order_detail where ifnull(approve_flag,'0')='1' and oper_date>='" + date1 + "' and oper_date<='" + d2 + "' and sheet_no like '" + order_key + "%' "; sql += "order by oper_date,sheet_no,flow_id asc limit " + (page_no - 1) * page_size + "," + page_size; var dt = Program.db.ExecuteToTable(sql, null); var lst = new List <Model.t_order_detail>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var item = new Model.t_order_detail(); item.flow_id = Conv.ToInt(dr["flow_id"].ToString()); item.sheet_no = dr["sheet_no"].ToString(); item.amt = Conv.ToDecimal(dr["amt"].ToString()); item.item_name = dr["item_name"].ToString(); item.item_no = dr["item_no"].ToString(); item.item_subno = dr["item_subno"].ToString(); item.unit_no = dr["unit_no"].ToString(); item.branch_no = dr["branch_no"].ToString(); item.cus_no = dr["cus_no"].ToString(); item.oper_date = Conv.ToDateTime(dr["oper_date"].ToString()); item.qty = Conv.ToDecimal(dr["qty"].ToString()); item.price = Conv.ToDecimal(dr["price"].ToString()); item.cost_price = Conv.ToDecimal(dr["cost_price"].ToString()); item.approve_flag = dr["approve_flag"].ToString(); item.source_price = Conv.ToDecimal(dr["source_price"].ToString()); item.discount = Conv.ToDecimal(dr["discount"].ToString()); item.is_give = dr["is_give"].ToString(); lst.Add(item); } sql = "select count(*) total from t_order_detail where ifnull(approve_flag,'0')='1' and oper_date>='" + date1 + "' and oper_date<='" + d2 + "' and sheet_no like '" + order_key + "%' "; dt = Program.db.ExecuteToTable(sql, null); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { total = Conv.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["total"]); } return(lst); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.writeLog("SaleData->GetSaleFlow()", ex.ToString()); throw ex; } }
void IBLL.ISaleData.Insert(Model.t_order_detail item, out int flow_id) { try { var sql = "select ifnull(max(flow_id),0)+1 as flow_id from t_order_detail where sheet_no='" + item.sheet_no + "' "; var dt = Program.db.ExecuteToTable(sql, null); flow_id = 1; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { flow_id = Conv.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["flow_id"]); } sql = "insert into t_order_detail values('" + flow_id + "','" + item.sheet_no + "','" + item.item_no + "','" + item.item_subno + "','" + item.item_name + "','" + item.unit_no + "'"; sql += ",'" + item.oper_id + "','" + item.oper_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + item.qty + "','" + item.price + "','" + item.amt + "'"; sql += ",'" + item.jh + "','" + item.cost_price + "','" + item.branch_no + "','" + item.cus_no + "','" + item.sup_no + "','0','0','" + item.oper_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'"; sql += ",'" + item.oper_id + "','" + item.source_price + "','" + item.discount + "','" + item.is_give + "') "; Program.db.ExecuteScalar(sql, null); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.writeLog("SaleData->Insert()", ex.ToString(), null); throw ex; } }
public CellInfo(Rectangle rec, Model.t_order_detail item, string columnName) { this.rec = rec; this.item = item; this.columnName = columnName; }