/// <summary> /// 字典转化为model /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Model.NormalLisItems DicToNormalLisItemsModel(Dictionary <string, string> dic) { string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic); Model.NormalLisItems NormalLisItems = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.NormalLisItems>(str); return(NormalLisItems); }
private List <Model.NormalLisItems> GetList(string xmlStr, out string Msg) { List <Model.NormalLisItems> list = new List <Model.NormalLisItems>(); XmlDocument xd = HospitalXmlStrHelper.HospitalXmlStrToXmlDoc(xmlStr); Msg = "无数据"; if (xd == null) { } else { if (xd.HasChildNodes) { XmlNode xn = xd.SelectSingleNode("//ResultCode"); if (xn != null) { if (xn.InnerText == "0") { // 有数据 XmlNodeList xnl = xd.SelectNodes("//reocrd"); if (xnl.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlNode item in xnl) { Model.NormalLisItems nn = this.XmlTomModel(item); //&& Common.MatchDic.NeedRecordDic.Values.Contains(nn.ext_mthd) if (nn.ext_mthd != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nn.ext_mthd)) { if (!this.CheckData(nn)) { list.Add(nn); } } } } if (list.Count > 0) { Msg = ""; } } } else { // 查询数据出错,联接无问题 Msg = xd.SelectSingleNode("//ErrorMsg").InnerText; } } else { // 查询数据出错,联接无问题 Msg = xd.InnerText; //保存查询记录 } } } return(list); }
private bool CheckData(Model.NormalLisItems data) { bool result = false; if (data != null) { string whereStr = string.Format("ext_mthd ='{0}' and hospnum ='{1}' and check_date ='{2}' and patname='{3}'", data.ext_mthd, data.hospnum, data.check_date, data.patname); List <Model.NormalLisItems> list = this.GetModelList(whereStr); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { result = true; } } return(result); }
private List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetClinicalInfoDgDicList_Q(string dataStr) { List <Model.NormalLisItems> pageClinicalInfoList = new List <Model.NormalLisItems>(); Model.NormalLisItems cl = new Model.NormalLisItems(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > ClinicalInfoDgDicList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataStr) && dataStr != "[]") { //转换页面上的clinicalInfoDg为对象集合 pageClinicalInfoList = FreezerProUtility.Fp_Common.FpJsonHelper.JsonStrToObject <List <Model.NormalLisItems> >(dataStr);//转换ok } foreach (Model.NormalLisItems item in pageClinicalInfoList) { //给对象拼接--临床数据中需要添加基本信息中的RegisterID,InPatientID ClinicalInfoDgDicList.Add(FormToDic.ConvertModelToDic(item)); } return(ClinicalInfoDgDicList); }
private List<Dictionary<string, string>> GetClinicalInfoDgDicList_Q(string dataStr) { List<Model.NormalLisItems> pageClinicalInfoList = new List<Model.NormalLisItems>(); Model.NormalLisItems cl = new Model.NormalLisItems(); List<Dictionary<string, string>> ClinicalInfoDgDicList = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataStr) && dataStr != "[]") { //转换页面上的clinicalInfoDg为对象集合 pageClinicalInfoList = FreezerProUtility.Fp_Common.FpJsonHelper.JsonStrToObject<List<Model.NormalLisItems>>(dataStr);//转换ok } foreach (Model.NormalLisItems item in pageClinicalInfoList) { //给对象拼接--临床数据中需要添加基本信息中的RegisterID,InPatientID ClinicalInfoDgDicList.Add(FormToDic.ConvertModelToDic(item)); } return ClinicalInfoDgDicList; }