/// <summary> /// Exports Material Info to a .txt file /// </summary> private void ExportMaterialInfo(Model.Material material, string path) { try { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path)) { writer.WriteLine("# Textures"); foreach (var texture in material.Images) { writer.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", texture.Key, texture.Value); } writer.WriteLine("# Settings"); foreach (var setting in material.Settings) { writer.Write("{0}:", setting.Key); var things = (float[])setting.Value; foreach (var thing in things) { writer.Write("{0} ", thing); } writer.WriteLine(); } } } catch { return; } }
/// <summary> /// Exports Material Images /// </summary> private void ExportMaterialImages(Model.Material material, string folder) { var imageKeys = material.Images.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (var key in imageKeys) { // Resolve, we try the streaming folder first, as they contain the highest quality images // vs the lowest ones loaded in memory foreach (var prefix in DirectoryPrefixes) { var fullPath = prefix + material.Images[key]; foreach (var suffix in FileSuffixes) { if (ActivePackage.Entries.TryGetValue(MurMur3.Calculate(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(fullPath + suffix)), out var imageFile)) { try { var imagePath = ExportImage(imageFile, Path.Combine(folder, "_images", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath))); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(imagePath)); material.Images[key] = Path.Combine("_images", Path.GetFileName(imagePath)); break; } catch { continue; } } } } } }
public MaterialCreateIfNotExist(Model.Material material, string tobeinsertedMaterialCategory2OrCategory3, string unitName, double unitPrice) { IsValidated = true; if (material.CategoryID0 == 0) { IsValidated = false; ResultMessage += "Please Choose a Category; " + Environment.NewLine; } if (material.CategoryID1 == 0) { IsValidated = false; ResultMessage += "Please Choose a Sub-Category 1; " + Environment.NewLine; } _unitID = GetUnitID(unitName); if (_unitID == 0) { IsValidated = false; ResultMessage += "Can not find the Unit Name; " + Environment.NewLine; } if (!IsValidated) { return; } _tobeinsertedMaterialCategory2OrCategory3 = tobeinsertedMaterialCategory2OrCategory3; _myMaterial = material; _unitPrice = unitPrice; }
private void Delete() { DialogResult result = FormUtility.MsgDelete(); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { int i = gridView1.GetSelectedRows().FirstOrDefault(); Model.Material material = gridView1.GetRow(i) as Model.Material; if (material == null) { return; } try { using (IUnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { uow.MaterialRepository.Remove(material); uow.MaterialRepository.RemoveFromProduct(material.MaterialId); uow.Commit(); } gridView1.DeleteRow(i); } catch { lblNotify1.SetText(UI.removefailed, ToolBoxCS.LabelNotify.EnumStatus.Failed); } } }
/// <summary> /// Get a Material by id from the database /// </summary> public virtual Model.Material GetById(Int32 id) { DbDataReader reader = null; try { var helper = Database.GetDbHelper(); reader = helper.ExecuteSPReader(_storedProcedure_GetById, helper.CreateInputParam("@Id", id)); Model.Material result = null; if (reader.Read()) { result = CreateMaterial(reader); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("{0}", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, id); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }
public frmEditMaterial(Model.Material material) { InitializeComponent(); m_Material = material; lblNotify1.Text = ""; FormUtility.FormatForm(this); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new Material to the database /// </summary> public virtual Int32 Add(Model.Material newMaterial) { try { Trace.WriteVerbose("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, newMaterial.ToString()); var helper = Database.GetDbHelper(); DbParameter IdParam = helper.CreateOutputParam("@Id", DbType.Int32); int recordsAffected = helper.ExecuteSPNonQuery(_storedProcedure_Add, IdParam, helper.CreateInputParam("@MaterialGroupId", newMaterial.MaterialGroupId), helper.CreateInputParam("@Code", newMaterial.Code), helper.CreateInputParam("@Description", newMaterial.Description)); if (recordsAffected == 0) { throw new DalNothingUpdatedException("Unable to add Material with Id={0}", newMaterial); } return((Int32)IdParam.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, newMaterial.ToString()); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } }
public Model.Material Recupera_Material(string strCodMaterial) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Model.Material obj = new Model.Material(); dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strConnection, "Logistica.spp_sel_msto_Material", strCodMaterial); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { obj.CcodMaterial = ""; obj.VnomMaterial = ""; obj.CcodUnidadMedida = ""; obj.Fstock = 0; } else { obj.CcodMaterial = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0][0]); obj.VnomMaterial = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0][1]); obj.CcodUnidadMedida = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0][2]); obj.Fstock = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0][3]); } return(obj); }
public frmEditMaterial(MaterialRequestDataBase materialrequest) { InitializeComponent(); materialRequestDataBase = materialrequest; m_Material = materialrequest.Model; lblNotify1.Text = ""; }
private void cbbMaterialCode_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Material mat = (sender as LookUpEdit).GetSelectedDataRow() as Model.Material; ImportMaterialDetail detail = new ImportMaterialDetail(); ImportMaterialDetail exists = lstDetail.Where(p => p.MaterialId == mat.MaterialId).FirstOrDefault(); int i = gridView2.FocusedRowHandle; ImportMaterialDetail selectedrow = gridView2.GetRow(i) as ImportMaterialDetail; detail.Material = mat; detail.MaterialId = mat.MaterialId; detail.Price = mat.Price; detail.ImportId = import.ImportId; detail.Quantity = 1; if (selectedrow == null || (selectedrow.MaterialId == 0) || selectedrow.MaterialId == null) { gridView2.DeleteRow(i); if (exists == null) { //gridutility.AddNewRow(detail); lstDetail.Add(detail); } else { exists.Quantity += 1; } } else { gridutility.UpdateRow(detail); } gridView2.RefreshData(); }
/// <summary> /// Setup uniforms for specified surface<para/> /// Установка параметров шейдера для поверхности /// </summary> /// <param name="surf">Surface<para/>Поверхность</param> /// <param name="mat">Material<para/>Материал поверхности</param> public override void SetupSurface(Model.SubMesh.Surface surf, Model.Material mat, ModelFile.Geometry geom, Model.SubMesh subMesh) { GL.Uniform1(StaticShader.AppearValue, Fading ? FadingDelta : 1f); GL.Uniform3(StaticShader.AmbientColor, Renderer.SkyState.AmbientStatic); GL.Uniform3(StaticShader.DiffuseColor, Renderer.SkyState.DirectLight); GL.Uniform4(StaticShader.TintColor, new Color4(mat.Color[0], mat.Color[1], mat.Color[2], mat.Color[3])); }
public static string GetMaterialName(Model.Material material) { return(material.MaterialCategory1.CategoryName + " " + (material.CategoryID2 == 0 ? "" : material.MaterialCategory2.CategoryName + " ") + (material.CategoryID3 == 0 ? "" : material.MaterialCategory3.CategoryName + " ") + (material.CategoryID4 == 0 ? "" : material.MaterialCategory4.CategoryName)); }
public static string GetMaterialPrice(Model.Material material) { var currentPrice = string.Format("{0:C2}", material.Price); var unitName = material.MaterialPriceUnit.UnitName; return(currentPrice + "/" + unitName); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the given material file /// </summary> public static Dictionary <string, Model.Material> ConvertRE3(BinaryReader reader) { var results = new Dictionary <string, Model.Material>(); { reader.BaseStream.Position = 0; var header = reader.ReadStruct <MaterialHeaderRE7>(); var materials = reader.ReadArray <MaterialEntryRE2>(header.MaterialCount); Console.WriteLine(Marshal.SizeOf <MaterialEntryRE2>()); foreach (var material in materials) { var result = new Model.Material(reader.ReadUTF16NullTerminatedString(material.NamePointer)); foreach (var texture in reader.ReadArray <MaterialTextureEntryRE3>(material.TexturesPointer, material.TextureCount)) { result.Images[reader.ReadUTF16NullTerminatedString(texture.TypePointer)] = reader.ReadUTF16NullTerminatedString(texture.TextureNamePointer).ToLower(); } //foreach (var setting in reader.ReadArray<MaterialSettingsInfoRE7>(material.SettingsInfoPointer, material.SettingsInfoCount)) // result.Settings[reader.ReadUTF16NullTerminatedString(setting.NamePointer)] = reader.ReadArray<float>(material.SettingsBufferPointer + setting.DataOffset, setting.DataCount); results[result.Name] = result; } } return(results); }
/// <summary> /// Update a Material. /// </summary> public void Update(Model.Material material) { // // todo: add other logic here. // accessor.Update(material); }
/// <summary> /// Delete the given Material from the database /// </summary> public virtual void Delete(Model.Material delMaterial) { try { Trace.WriteInformation("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, delMaterial); //Begin Checks if (!Exists(delMaterial)) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("There is no Material with this id. ({0})", delMaterial)); } DataAccess.Materials materials = new DataAccess.Materials(); materials.Delete(delMaterial); } catch (DalForeignKeyException ex_fk) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex_fk, delMaterial); throw new BusinessException(string.Format("The Material is still used by {0}", ex_fk.Table), ex_fk); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, delMaterial); throw; } }
public bool ExistsExcept(Model.Material e) { Hashtable paras = new Hashtable(); paras.Add("newId", e.Id); paras.Add("oldId", Get(e.MaterialId) == null?null:Get(e.MaterialId).Id); return(sqlmapper.QueryForObject <bool>("Material.existsexcept", paras)); }
/// <summary> /// Insert a Material. /// </summary> public void Insert(Model.Material material) { // // todo:add other logic here // material.InsertTime = DateTime.Now; material.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; accessor.Insert(material); }
public string GetMaterial(Model.Material material) { Util.Ftp.FtpFile ftpFile = new Util.Ftp.FtpFile(); ftpFile.Title = material.Name; ftpFile.FilePath = material.Path; string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempFileDir, material.Name); Util.Ftp.FtpHelper.DownLoad(ftpFile, tempFilePath); return(ftpFile.Title); }
public MaterialContextMenu() { InitializeComponent(); isCopied = false; ContextItem ctxItem = new ContextItem(); ctxItem.ShowDelete = true; Init(ctxItem); m_MaterialOrigin = null; }
private void AddOrUpdateRow(Model.Material material, CRUD flag) { if (flag == CRUD.Insert) { lstUpdate.Add(material); } else { gridView1.RefreshData(); } }
private void AddOrUpdateRow(Model.Material material, CRUD flag) { if (flag == CRUD.Insert) { gridUtility.AddNewRow <Model.Material>(material); } else { gridUtility.UpdateRow <Model.Material>(material); } }
public int DeleteMaterial(Model.Material material) { if (new Rule.MaterialRule().TestDelete(material.MaterialID)) { return(new DAL.Materialdal().DeleteMaterial(material.MaterialID.ToString())); } else { return(-5); } }
public int UpdateMaterial(Model.Material material) { if (new Rule.MaterialRule().TestUpdate(material.MaterialName, material.MaterialID)) { return(new DAL.Materialdal().UpdateMaterial(material)); } else { return(-5); } }
public int InsertMaterial(Model.Material material) { if (new Rule.MaterialRule().TestInsert(material.MaterialName)) { return(new DAL.Materialdal().InsertMaterial(material)); } else { return(-5); } }
/// <summary> /// Equals function to compare class /// </summary> public virtual bool Exists(Model.Material material) { try { return(this.GetById(material.Id) != null); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, material); throw; } }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Material material = gridUtility.GetSelectedItem <Model.Material>() as Model.Material; if (material == null) { return; } frmEditMaterial frmEdit = new frmEditMaterial(material); frmEdit.ShowDialog(); LoadGrid(); }
private void Create() { Model.Material material = new Model.Material(); MaterialRequestDataBase requeset = new MaterialRequestDataBase { IsEdit = false, Model = material, AddOrUpdateRow = AddOrUpdateRow }; frmEditMaterial frmEdit = new frmEditMaterial(requeset); frmEdit.ShowDialog(); }
private void getData(int id) { JavaDLL dll = new JavaDLL(); Model.Material cate = dll.getMaterialList(id); if (cate != null) { txtTitle.Text = cate.title; txtUrl.Text = cate.url; txtPassword.Text = cate.psd; txtRemark.Text = cate.remark; } }
/// <summary> /// Check Datafield constraints /// </summary> protected virtual void CheckConstraints(Model.Material material) { //Range checks, etc checks go here if (material.Description == null) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("Description may not be NULL. ({0})", material.Description)); } if (material.Description.Length > 50) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("Description may not be longer than 50 characters. ({0})", material.Description)); } }