/// <summary>
        /// Generates a pdf report of all the information relevant to that machine
        /// </summary>
        public void PrintReport()
            var propDic = new Dictionary<String, String>();

            propDic.Add("ComputerName", "Computer Name: ");
            propDic.Add("AssetTag", "Asset Number: ");
            propDic.Add("UpdateGroup", "Update Policy: ");
            propDic.Add("EPPositionName", "EP Title: ");
            propDic.Add("IPStatic", "Static IP Address: ");

                using (var assocConn = new Model.EoF_Configuration_Database_TEST_REGIONDataSetTableAdapters.MachinesSoftwareTableAdapter())
                    using (var softConn = new Model.EoF_Configuration_Database_TEST_REGIONDataSetTableAdapters.SoftwareTableAdapter())
                        // grab the software relevant to the machine
                        var _software = from _soft in softConn.GetData()
                                        join _assoc in assocConn.GetData()
                                        on _soft.ID equals _assoc.SoftwareId
                                        where SelectedMachine.ID == _assoc.MachineId
                                        select _soft;
                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (var software in _software)
                            propDic.Add("Software Number " + i.ToString() + ": ", software.SoftwareName);

            catch (Exception ex)

            Helpers.Reports.PDFIndividualReport.GenerateReport<Model.EoF_Configuration_Database_TEST_REGIONDataSet.MachinesRow>(SelectedMachine, propDic, SelectedMachine.ComputerName);