Example #1

        private bool GetEngValue(ModbusRegs_Holding_RO register, ref double engValue, ref string units)
            bool success;

            // Find the register mapping
            int             index   = this.FindRegisterMapping(register);
            RegisterMapping mapping = RegisterMapRO[index];

            // Read the register
            ushort regValue = 0;

            if ((success = this.ReadHoldingRegister((int)register, ref regValue)) == true)
                // Convert the register value to eng. units
                engValue = this.ConvertRawToEng(regValue, mapping.raw, mapping.eng);
                units    = mapping.units;

            //Trace.WriteLine((success == true) ? STRLOG_IsOk : STRLOG_HasFailed);

Example #2

        private int FindRegisterMapping(ModbusRegs_Holding_RO register)
            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < RegisterMapRO.Length; i++)
                if ((int)register == RegisterMapRO[i].register)
                    index = i;

        private bool GetEngValue(ModbusRegs_Holding_RO register, ref double engValue, ref string units)
            bool success;

            // Find the register mapping
            int index = this.FindRegisterMapping(register);
            RegisterMapping mapping = RegisterMapRO[index];

            // Read the register
            ushort regValue = 0;
            if ((success = this.ReadHoldingRegister((int)register, ref regValue)) == true)
                // Convert the register value to eng. units
                engValue = this.ConvertRawToEng(regValue, mapping.raw, mapping.eng);
                units = mapping.units;

            //Trace.WriteLine((success == true) ? STRLOG_IsOk : STRLOG_HasFailed);

            return success;
        private int FindRegisterMapping(ModbusRegs_Holding_RO register)
            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < RegisterMapRO.Length; i++)
                if ((int)register == RegisterMapRO[i].register)
                    index = i;

            return index;