Example #1
        public void UpdatePhoneGrid(String attribute)
            string evalStr = "(update_mobilephone_list " + attribute + ")";
               // string evalStr = "(get_weightagephone_list)";

            MultifieldValue mv = (MultifieldValue)environment.Eval(evalStr);

            DataTable testdt = new DataTable();
            for (int i = 0; i < mv.Count; i++)
                String sModel = "";
                float fWeightage = 0;
                FactAddressValue fv = (FactAddressValue)mv[i];

                 * Because the function returns a list of weightage_phone and phone facts so getting the fact slot brand
                 * will throw exception for weightage_phone facts, once thrown will catch and actually assign the model and
                 * weightage values
                 * Hence those weightage_phone facts will be shown on the grid instead.
                 * @kwanghock
                    String sCehck = (String)(SymbolValue)fv.GetFactSlot("brand");
                catch(Exception exception)
                    if ((fv.GetFactSlot("model").GetType().ToString()).Equals("Mommosoft.ExpertSystem.SymbolValue"))
                        sModel = (String)(SymbolValue)fv.GetFactSlot("model");
                    else if ((fv.GetFactSlot("model").GetType().ToString()).Equals("Mommosoft.ExpertSystem.IntegerValue"))
                        sModel = ((int)(IntegerValue)fv.GetFactSlot("model")).ToString();

                    fWeightage = (float)(FloatValue)fv.GetFactSlot("weightage");

                MobilePhoneRecommendation a = new MobilePhoneRecommendation();
                a.sModel = sModel;
                a.fWeightage = fWeightage;
                String sAttributeModel = "(model " + a.sModel + ")";
                String sAttributeWeightage = "(weightage " + a.fWeightage.ToString() + ")";

                String sFact = "(weightage_phone " + sAttributeModel + sAttributeWeightage + ")";

                MobileResultDisplay addon = new MobileResultDisplay();
                addon.fWeightage = a.fWeightage;
                addon.sModel = a.sModel;

            // Debug purpose
            // MessageBox.Show(phase3Results.Count.ToString());

               // for (int i = 0; i < phase3Results.Count; i++)
               // {
               //     if (phase3Results.ElementAt(i).fWeightage == 0)
            //        phase3Results.RemoveAt(i);
               // }
            dataGridView.DataSource = phase3Results;
        public void InitDataGrid()
            string evalStr = "(get_weightagephone_list)";

            MultifieldValue mv = (MultifieldValue)environment.Eval(evalStr);

            DataTable testdt = new DataTable();
            for (int i = 0; i < mv.Count; i++)
                String sModel = "";
                float fWeightage = 0;
                FactAddressValue fv = (FactAddressValue)mv[i];

                 * Because the function returns a list of weightage_phone and phone facts so getting the fact slot brand
                 * will throw exception for weightage_phone facts, once thrown will catch and actually assign the model and
                 * weightage values
                 * Hence those weightage_phone facts will be shown on the grid instead.
                    String sCehck = (String)(SymbolValue)fv.GetFactSlot("brand");
                catch (Exception exception)
                    if ((fv.GetFactSlot("model").GetType().ToString()).Equals("Mommosoft.ExpertSystem.SymbolValue"))
                        sModel = (String)(SymbolValue)fv.GetFactSlot("model");
                    else if ((fv.GetFactSlot("model").GetType().ToString()).Equals("Mommosoft.ExpertSystem.IntegerValue"))
                        sModel = ((int)(IntegerValue)fv.GetFactSlot("model")).ToString();

                    fWeightage = (float)(FloatValue)fv.GetFactSlot("normalizedWeightage");

                MobilePhoneRecommendation a = new MobilePhoneRecommendation();
                a.sModel = sModel;
                a.fWeightage = fWeightage;
                String sAttributeModel = "(model " + a.sModel + ")";
                String sAttributeWeightage = "(weightage " + a.fWeightage.ToString() + ")";

                String sFact = "(weightage_phone " + sAttributeModel + sAttributeWeightage + ")";

                MobileResultDisplay addon = new MobileResultDisplay();
                addon.fWeightage = a.fWeightage;
                addon.sModel = a.sModel;


            //Convert binding list to list. Sort by weightage in descending order.
            List<MobileResultDisplay> listConvert = phase3Results.ToList();
            listConvert = listConvert.OrderByDescending(x => x.fWeightage).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < listConvert.Count; i++)

            dataGridView.DataSource = phase3Results;