// Function from file: species_types.dm public override void spec_life(Mob_Living H = null) { GasMixture environment = null; double total_moles = 0; dynamic P = null; environment = H.loc.return_air(); if (!(((dynamic)H).w_uniform is Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Plasmaman) || !(((dynamic)H).head is Obj_Item_Clothing_Head_Helmet_Space_Plasmaman)) { if (environment != null) { total_moles = environment.total_moles(); if (total_moles != 0) { if (Lang13.Bool(environment.gases["o2"]) && Convert.ToDouble(environment.gases["o2"][1] / total_moles) >= 0.01) { H.adjust_fire_stacks(0.5); if (!H.on_fire && H.fire_stacks > 0) { H.visible_message("<span class='danger'>" + H + "'s body reacts with the atmosphere and bursts into flames!</span>", "<span class='userdanger'>Your body reacts with the atmosphere and bursts into flame!</span>"); } H.IgniteMob(); } } } } else if (H.fire_stacks != 0) { P = ((dynamic)H).w_uniform; if (P is Obj_Item_Clothing_Under_Plasmaman) { P.Extinguish(H); } } H.update_fire(); return; }