public async Task MoveNext_HappyPath_MoMSort()
            var taskGenerator = new TaskGenerator();

            mockTaskRepository.Setup(tr => tr.ReadAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns <string>((id) => Task.FromResult(new Result <TaskBase>(taskGenerator.GetAllTasksAsList().Where(t => t.Id == id).Single())));
            mockTaskRepository.Setup(tr => tr.ReadAsync(It.IsAny <ContestType>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new Result <IEnumerable <TaskBase> >(taskGenerator.GetAllTasksAsList())));

            var allPilots = ContestThatHasStarted_MoMSort_FirstRound.GetPilots();

            mockPilotRepository.Setup(p => p.ReadAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(new Result <IEnumerable <Pilot> >(allPilots)));

            mockScoringRepository.Setup(s => s.ReadAsync(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(new Result <ContestScoresCollection>(ContestThatHasStarted_MoMSort_FirstRound.GetScores())));

            var algo = new MoMSingleRoundSort();
            var contestScoreAggrigator = new ContestScoreAggregatorWithDrop();

            var contestEngine = new F3KContestEngine(
                new TaskQueryInteractor(mockTaskRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new ContestStorageCmdInteractor(mockContestRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new ScoringStorageCmdInteractor(mockScoringRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new ScoringQueryInteractor(mockScoringRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new ScoringContestScoreAggInteractor(contestScoreAggrigator, mockLogger.Object),
                new FlightMatrixStorageCmdInteractor(mockFlightMatrixRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new FlightMatrixQueryInteractor(mockFlightMatrixRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new PilotQueryInteractor(mockPilotRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object),
                new Top10PilotsFlyoffsSort(),

            await contestEngine.Initialize(ContestThatHasStarted_MoMSort_FirstRound.GetContest());

            Assert.AreEqual(0, contestEngine.CurrentRoundOrdinal);
            Assert.AreEqual(FlightGroup.C, contestEngine.CurrentFlightGroup);

            await contestEngine.MoveToNextContestStage();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, contestEngine.CurrentRoundOrdinal);
            Assert.AreEqual(FlightGroup.A, contestEngine.CurrentFlightGroup);
Example #2
        public void MoMSingleRoundSort_FourPilotsPerGrounp_SevenPilots()
            var momSort = new MoMSingleRoundSort();

            //var scoresList = new List<RoundScoreBase>
            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot1",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.A,
            //        Score = 893,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    },

            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot2",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.A,
            //        Score = 762,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    },

            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot3",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.A,
            //        Score = 934,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    },

            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot4",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //        Score = 553,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    },

            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot5",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //        Score = 893,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    },

            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot6",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //        Score = 300,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    },

            //    new TimeSheet
            //    {
            //        ContestId = "1",
            //        PilotId = "Pilot7",
            //        FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //        Score = 1000,
            //        RoundOrdinal = 0
            //    }
            var scores = new Dictionary <string, PilotContestScoreCollection>
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot1", 893, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot2", 762, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot3", 934, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot4", 553, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot5", 893, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot6", 300, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot7", 999, new Dictionary <int, double>())

            var result = momSort.SortSingleRound(scores, 4);

            Assert.AreEqual("Pilot7", result.First().Key);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, result.Count(x => x.Value == FlightGroup.A));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count(x => x.Value == FlightGroup.B));
            // No flight group C
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count(x => x.Value == FlightGroup.C));
Example #3
        public void MoMSingleRoundSort_TwoPilotsPerGrounp_SevenPilots()
            var momSort = new MoMSingleRoundSort();

            //// Holds all of the contest scores by round
            //var contestScores = new ContestScoresCollection(
            //    // Create the container for all the Rounds
            //    new List<ContestRoundScoresCollection>
            //    {
            //        // Create the First round.
            //        new ContestRoundScoresCollection(
            //            new List<TimeSheet>
            //            {
            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot1",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.A,
            //                    Score = 893,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                },

            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot2",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.A,
            //                    Score = 762,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                },

            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot3",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.A,
            //                    Score = 934,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                },

            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot4",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //                    Score = 553,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                },

            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot5",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //                    Score = 893,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                },

            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot6",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //                    Score = 300,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                },

            //                new TimeSheet
            //                {
            //                    ContestId = "1",
            //                    PilotId = "Pilot7",
            //                    FlightGroup = FlightGroup.B,
            //                    Score = 999,
            //                    RoundOrdinal = 0
            //                }
            //            }
            //            , 0)
            //    });

            //mockContestAgg.Setup(ca => ca.GenerateContestScores(It.IsAny<ContestScoresCollection>())).Returns();

            var scores = new Dictionary <string, PilotContestScoreCollection>
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot1", 893, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot2", 762, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot3", 934, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot4", 553, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot5", 893, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot6", 300, new Dictionary <int, double>())
                    new PilotContestScoreCollection("Pilot7", 999, new Dictionary <int, double>())

            var result = momSort.SortSingleRound(scores, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual("Pilot7", result.First().Key);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count(x => x.Value == FlightGroup.A));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count(x => x.Value == FlightGroup.B));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count(x => x.Value == FlightGroup.C));