public ViewResult missionFAQs(string Mission)//loads facts for the selcted mission. Also has form for new question.
            HttpCookie authCookie            = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);

            //get the user id from the cookie
            int userID = int.Parse(ticket.Name);

            //go to the mission given in the parameter
            Missions mission = db.Missions.Find(int.Parse(Mission));

            //this object is the one we'll pass to the view. it has user, misison, questions
            MissionMissionQuestions mmq = new MissionMissionQuestions();

            mmq.missions = mission;//set model mission = url mission

            //assing user to question
            mmq.user        = new Users();
            mmq.user.UserID = userID;

            //get questions for this mission
            IEnumerable <MissionQuestions> questions = db.Database.SqlQuery <MissionQuestions>("select * from MissionQuestions where MissionID = " + mmq.missions.MissionID);

            //add questions to model
            mmq.missionQuestions = questions;

        public ActionResult questionEdit(MissionMissionQuestions mmq)
            if (mmq.question.Question != null)                //as long as there is a question to add
                MissionQuestions mq = new MissionQuestions(); //the new/updated question we will add

                mq.MissionID = mmq.missions.MissionID;        //mission parameter from url
                mq.UserID    = 1;                             //hard coded for now. but it needs to be the logged in user.
                mq.Question  = mmq.question.Question;         //question from the form
                mq.UserID    = mmq.user.UserID;               //set the current user as the asker

                db.MissionQuestions.Add(mq);                  //add the new question
                db.SaveChanges();                             //save to DB

                return(RedirectToAction("missionFAQs", new { Mission = mmq.missions.MissionID.ToString() }));