private void BuildRainByNoise() { MidpointDisplacement mpd = new MidpointDisplacement(MapUtil.nFromDims(xDim, yDim)); Rain = mpd.Elevation; MapUtil.TransformMapMinMax(ref Rain, MapUtil.dNormalize); }
public float[,] NoiseGrid(int _N) { MidpointDisplacement mpd = new MidpointDisplacement(_N, wrapEastWest, wrapNorthSouth); float[,] elevation = mpd.Elevation; return(elevation); }
private float[,] Generate(int chunkSeed, int generationMethod, float roughness, float offsetX, float offsetY) { float[,] heightMap; switch ((int)generationMethod) { case 1: heightMap = MidpointDisplacement.GenerateHeightMap(chunkSize, chunkSeed, 0.5f, roughness); break; case 2: heightMap = DiamondSquare.GenerateHeightMap(chunkSize, chunkSeed, 0.5f, roughness); break; case 3: heightMap = SquareSquare.GenerateHeightMap(chunkSize, chunkSeed, roughness); break; /* * case 4: * heightMap = Perlin.GenerateHeightMap (chunkSize, chunkSeed, offsetX, offsetY, perlin_Lacunarity, perlin_Persistance, perlin_Scale); * break; */ default: heightMap = null; break; } return(heightMap); }
Dictionary <bbPos, bbLand> InitializeLandsFromMidpointDisplacement(int _N, Dictionary <string, bbPos> pm) { Dictionary <bbPos, bbLand> landsDict = new Dictionary <bbPos, bbLand>(); MidpointDisplacement mpd = new MidpointDisplacement(_N, wrapEastWest, wrapNorthSouth); float[,] elevation = mpd.Elevation; MapUtil.TransformMapMinMax(ref elevation, MapUtil.dNormalize); foreach (bbPos p in pm.Values) { bbLand newLand = new bbLand(p); newLand.setFromValue(elevation[(int)p.gridLoc.x(), (int)p.gridLoc.y()]); landsDict[p] = newLand; } return(landsDict); }
public void SetElevationWithMidpointDisplacement(int iExpand, Benchmark bench = null) { if (!(bench == null)) { bench.StartBenchmark("Midpoint Displacement"); } MidpointDisplacement mpd = new MidpointDisplacement(N); Elevation = mpd.Elevation; MapUtil.TransformMapMinMax(ref Elevation, MapUtil.dNormalize); if (iExpand > 1) { ExpandSquare(iExpand, iExpand); Smooth(); } if (!(bench == null)) { bench.EndBenchmark("Midpoint Displacement"); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate Midpoint Displacement procedurally /// /// </summary> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="height"></param> /// <param name="crackedPercent"></param> /// <param name="iterationsPercent"></param> /// <param name="crackDirectionChangePercent"></param> /// <param name="crackLengthPercent"></param> /// <returns>Bitmap stream in jpg format</returns> public async Task <Stream> GetMidpointDisplacement(int width, int height, int crackedPercent, int iterationsPercent, int crackDirectionChangePercent, int crackLengthPercent) { if ((crackedPercent < 1) || (crackedPercent > 100)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(crackedPercent) + " must between 1 and 100"); } if ((iterationsPercent < 1) || (iterationsPercent > 100)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(iterationsPercent) + " must between 1 and 100"); } if ((crackDirectionChangePercent < 1) || (crackDirectionChangePercent > 100)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(crackDirectionChangePercent) + " must between 1 and 100"); } if ((crackLengthPercent < 1) || (crackLengthPercent > 100)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(crackLengthPercent) + " must between 1 and 100"); } return(await Task.Run(() => { return GetStreamFromBitmap(MidpointDisplacement.Generate(Width: width, Height: height, NumberOfCracks: crackedPercent, Iterations: iterationsPercent, MaxChange: crackDirectionChangePercent / 10, MaxLength: crackLengthPercent, Seed: Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode())); })); }
void Generate() { CleanUp(); _chunks = new Chunk[Mathf.FloorToInt(size / chunkSize), Mathf.FloorToInt(worldHeight / chunkSize), Mathf.FloorToInt(size / chunkSize)]; //первый запуск, строим землю if (!_needToLoad) { _mpd = new MidpointDisplacement(size, roughFactor, 0, worldHeight, worldHeight*0.8f); _mpd.SetBaseValue(); _mpd.SetRandomValue(); _mpd.Generate(roughValues); _worldData = new float[size, worldHeight, size]; //generate all world data for (int i = 0; i < size*size; i++) { float height = Mathf.Min([(int) i/size, i%size], worldHeight - 1); for (int h = 0; h < (int) (height); h++) _worldData[(int) i/size, h, i%size] = 1; if (smooth) { if (height >= 0) _worldData[(int) i/size, (int) (height), i%size] = height - (int) height; } } //разбивает worldData на чанки for (var i = 0; i < _chunks.GetLength(0); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _chunks.GetLength(1); j++) { for (var k = 0; k < _chunks.GetLength(2); k++) { float chunkX = (i * chunkSize); float chunkY = (j * chunkSize); float chunkZ = (k * chunkSize); _chunks[i, j, k] = CreateChunk(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ); Block[, ,] chunkData = WorldToBlocks((int)chunkX, (int)chunkY, (int)chunkZ); _chunks[i, j, k].Initialize(chunkData, chunkSize, chunkMaterial, this); } } } } else { var terrain = GameSaver.Instance.LoadTerrain(); var chunksSaveData = Helper.SingleToMulti(terrain.Chunk_0, terrain.Chunk_1, terrain.Chunk_2, terrain.Chunks); for (var i = 0; i < _chunks.GetLength(0); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _chunks.GetLength(1); j++) { for (var k = 0; k < _chunks.GetLength(2); k++) { var saveData = chunksSaveData[i, j, k]; _chunks[i, j, k] = CreateChunk(saveData.Position.x, saveData.Position.y, saveData.Position.z); _chunks[i, j, k].Initialize(saveData, chunkSize, chunkMaterial, this); } } } terrain = null; chunksSaveData = null; _needToLoad = false; } RegenerateAllChunks(); }
public void Setup() { _fakeHeightOffsetGenerator = new FakeHeightOffsetGenerator(); _sut = new MidpointDisplacement(_fakeHeightOffsetGenerator); }