Example #1
    public static void Main()
        long i, n; double[] x, xl, xu;
        Dictionary <string, long>     problem   = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, long>     option    = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, double>   parameter = new Dictionary <string, double>();
        Dictionary <string, double[]> solution  = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

        /***  Step 1: Problem definition  ********************************/

        /* STEP 1.A: Problem dimensions
        problem["o"]  = 1; /* Number of objectives                          */
        problem["n"]  = 2; /* Number of variables (in total)                */
        problem["ni"] = 0; /* Number of integer variables (0 <= ni <= n)    */
        problem["m"]  = 5; /* Number of constraints (in total)              */
        problem["me"] = 0; /* Number of equality constraints (0 <= me <= m) */

        /* STEP 1.B: Lower and upper bounds 'xl' & 'xu'
        n  = problem["n"];
        xl = new double[n];
        xu = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            xl[i] = 0.10;
            xu[i] = 5.0;

        /* STEP 1.C: Starting point 'x'
        x = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            x[i] = 1.0; /* Here for example: starting point = lower bounds */

        /***  Step 2: Choose stopping criteria and printing options   ****/

        /* STEP 2.A: Stopping criteria
        option["maxeval"] = 100;          /* Maximum number of function evaluation (e.g. 1000000)  */
        option["maxtime"] = 60 * 60 * 24; /* Maximum time limit in Seconds (e.g. 1 Day = 60*60*24) */

        /* STEP 2.B: Printing options
        option["printeval"] = 10; /* Print-Frequency for current best solution (e.g. 1000) */
        option["save2file"] = 1;  /* Save SCREEN and SOLUTION to TXT-files [ 0=NO/ 1=YES]  */

        /***  Step 3: Choose MIDACO parameters (FOR ADVANCED USERS)    ***/

        parameter["param1"]  = 0.0; /* ACCURACY  */
        parameter["param2"]  = 0.0; /* SEED      */
        parameter["param3"]  = 0.0; /* FSTOP     */
        parameter["param4"]  = 0.0; /* ALGOSTOP  */
        parameter["param5"]  = 0.0; /* EVALSTOP  */
        parameter["param6"]  = 0.0; /* FOCUS     */
        parameter["param7"]  = 0.0; /* ANTS      */
        parameter["param8"]  = 0.0; /* KERNEL    */
        parameter["param9"]  = 0.0; /* ORACLE    */
        parameter["param10"] = 0.0; /* PARETOMAX */
        parameter["param11"] = 0.0; /* EPSILON   */
        parameter["param12"] = 0.0; /* BALANCE   */
        parameter["param13"] = 0.0; /* CHARACTER */

        /***  Step 4: Choose Parallelization Factor    *******************/

        option ["parallel"] = 0; /* Serial: 0 or 1, Parallel: 2,3,4,... */

        /***********************  Run MIDACO  ****************************/

        solution = Midaco.run(problem, x, xl, xu, option, parameter, key);

        /* Print solution return arguments from MIDACO to console */
        double[] f, g;
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        f = solution["f"];
        g = solution["g"];
        x = solution["x"];
        double vol       = ((x[1] * 1.618 + x[1]) / 2) * 10 * x[0];
        double heightA   = x[1];
        double thickness = x[0];
        double M         = g[0];

        //Get current working directory
        string current_directory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

        //Write output to screeen
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum volume of the beam = " + f[0]);
        Console.WriteLine("Stress in Beam = " + M);
        Console.WriteLine("Dimensions of Optimum Beam: Length = 10  Thickness = " + x[0] + "  A = " + x[1] + "  B = " + (1.618 * x[1]));

        //Delete the old files in the working directory
        //Define the directory to delete the files in
        //System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("J:\\Documents\\ME578\\Midterm\\Working_Directory\\");
        System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(current_directory + "\\Working_Directory\\");

        //Delete each file in the directory, di
        foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles())

        //Write output file with dimensions of beam in current directory
        File.WriteAllText(current_directory + "\\Working_Directory\\Optimum_beam_dimensions.txt",
                          "Volume of Optimal Beam = " + (vol) + "m^3\r\nLength = 10 m" +
                          "\r\nMax Stress = " + (2000000000 - g[0]) + " Pa" +
                          "\r\nThickness = " + (x[0]) + " m\r\nHeightA = " + (x[1]) + " m" + "\r\nHeightB = " + (1.61 * x[1]) + " m");

        //Create optimized beam in NX and do ANSYS analysis on it
        ////Define the name for the prt file and the igs file NX will create
        //string part_name = "J:\\Documents\\ME578\\Midterm\\Working_Directory\\Optimized_beam";
        string part_name = current_directory + "\\Working_Directory\\Optimized_beam";

        //Define path to the run_managed executable to open NX10
        string ex1 = "C:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\NX 10.0\\UGII\\run_managed.exe";

        //Define the path to the NX journal executable and the subsequent arguments needed to pass into the journal:
        //heightA of the beam, length, thickness, name of the part/igs file
        //string ex2 = "J:\\Documents\\ME578\\Midterm\\Golden_Cantilever_VS_NX_Journal.exe " + heightA + " " + 10 + " " + thickness + " " + part_name;
        string ex2 = current_directory + "\\Golden_Cantilever_VS_NX_Journal.exe " + heightA + " " + 10 + " " + thickness + " " + part_name;

        //Start the process of running NX, passing it ex2 as an argument, and wait for it to exit
        using (Process process = Process.Start(ex1, ex2))

        //Wait for the NX journal to create the igs file before moving on
        //while (!System.IO.File.Exists(@"J:\Documents\ME578\Midterm\Working_Directory\Optimized_beam.igs"))
        while (!System.IO.File.Exists(current_directory + "\\Working_Directory\\Optimized_beam.igs"))

        //Define path to the run_managed executable to open ANSYS version 18.1
        string ex3 = "C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\v181\\ansys\\bin\\winx64\\ANSYS181.exe";

        //Define the path to the ANSYS script and the name of the log file for the ANSYS run:
        //string ex4 = "-b -i J:\\Documents\\ME578\\Midterm\\ANSYS_Golden_Cantilever_Session_Editor.txt -o Ansys_batch_log.out ";
        string ex4 = "-b -i " + current_directory + "\\ANSYS_Golden_Cantilever_Session_Editor.txt -o " + current_directory + "\\Working_directory\\Ansys_batch_log.out ";

        //Start the process of running ANSYS and wait for it to exit, passing ex4 as an argument
        using (Process process = Process.Start(ex3, ex4))

        //Create the beam with actual dimensions in meters

        //Check to see if the part file already exists. If so, delete it.
        bool path_already_exists = File.Exists((part_name + ".prt"));

        if (path_already_exists == true)
            File.Delete((part_name + ".prt"));

        //Define the path to the NX journal executable and the subsequent arguments needed to pass into the journal:
        //heightA of the beam, length, thickness, name of the part/igs file
        //ex2 = "J:\\Documents\\ME578\\Midterm\\Golden_Cantilever_VS_NX_Journal.exe " + (1000*heightA) + " " + (10*1000) + " " + (1000*thickness) + " " + part_name;
        ex2 = current_directory + "\\Golden_Cantilever_VS_NX_Journal.exe " + (1000 * heightA) + " " + (10 * 1000) + " " + (1000 * thickness) + " " + part_name;

        //Start the process of running NX, passing it ex2 as an argument, and wait for it to exit
        using (Process process = Process.Start(ex1, ex2))

        //Wait for the NX journal to create the igs file before moving on
        //while (!System.IO.File.Exists(@"J:\Documents\ME578\Midterm\Working_Directory\Optimized_beam.igs"))
        while (!System.IO.File.Exists(current_directory + "\\Working_Directory\\Optimized_beam.igs"))

        /***********************  END OF MAIN  ***************************/
Example #2
    public static void Main()
        long i, n; double[] x, xl, xu;
        Dictionary <string, long>     problem   = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, long>     option    = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, double>   parameter = new Dictionary <string, double>();
        Dictionary <string, double[]> solution  = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

        /***  Step 1: Problem definition  ********************************/

        /* STEP 1.A: Problem dimensions
        problem["o"]  = 1; /* Number of objectives                          */
        problem["n"]  = 2; /* Number of variables (in total)                */
        problem["ni"] = 0; /* Number of integer variables (0 <= ni <= n)    */
        problem["m"]  = 5; /* Number of constraints (in total)              */
        problem["me"] = 0; /* Number of equality constraints (0 <= me <= m) */

        /* STEP 1.B: Lower and upper bounds 'xl' & 'xu'
        n  = problem["n"];
        xl = new double[n];
        xu = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            xl[i] = 0;
            xu[i] = 500;

        /* STEP 1.C: Starting point 'x'
        x = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            x[i] = xl[i]; /* Here for example: starting point = lower bounds */

        /***  Step 2: Choose stopping criteria and printing options   ****/

        /* STEP 2.A: Stopping criteria
        option["maxeval"] = 10000;        /* Maximum number of function evaluation (e.g. 1000000)  */
        option["maxtime"] = 60 * 60 * 24; /* Maximum time limit in Seconds (e.g. 1 Day = 60*60*24) */

        /* STEP 2.B: Printing options
        option["printeval"] = 1000; /* Print-Frequency for current best solution (e.g. 1000) */
        option["save2file"] = 1;    /* Save SCREEN and SOLUTION to TXT-files [ 0=NO/ 1=YES]  */

        /***  Step 3: Choose MIDACO parameters (FOR ADVANCED USERS)    ***/

        parameter["param1"]  = 0.0; /* ACCURACY  */
        parameter["param2"]  = 0.0; /* SEED      */
        parameter["param3"]  = 0.0; /* FSTOP     */
        parameter["param4"]  = 0.0; /* ALGOSTOP  */
        parameter["param5"]  = 0.0; /* EVALSTOP  */
        parameter["param6"]  = 0.0; /* FOCUS     */
        parameter["param7"]  = 0.0; /* ANTS      */
        parameter["param8"]  = 0.0; /* KERNEL    */
        parameter["param9"]  = 0.0; /* ORACLE    */
        parameter["param10"] = 0.0; /* PARETOMAX */
        parameter["param11"] = 0.0; /* EPSILON   */
        parameter["param12"] = 0.0; /* BALANCE   */
        parameter["param13"] = 0.0; /* CHARACTER */

        /***  Step 4: Choose Parallelization Factor    *******************/

        option ["parallel"] = 0; /* Serial: 0 or 1, Parallel: 2,3,4,... */

        /***********************  Run MIDACO  ****************************/

        solution = Midaco.run(problem, x, xl, xu, option, parameter, key);

        /* Print solution return arguments from MIDACO to console */

        //Calculare the final surface area
        double pi = Math.PI;

        double[] f, g;
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        f = solution["f"];
        g = solution["g"];
        x = solution["x"];
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum volume of the beam = " + f[0]);
        double vol = (2 * x[0] * x[1]);
        double M   = 12000 / (x[0] * x[1] * x[1]);

        Console.WriteLine("Stress in Beam = " + M);
        Console.WriteLine("Dimensions of Optimal Cylinder: Length = 2  Width = " + x[0] + "  Height = " + x[1]);

        //File.WriteAllText("C:\\Users\\Devin\\Documents\\School\\ME 578\\lab-3-dadams9\\Optimum Cylinder Output.txt",
        //                  "Max Volume of Optimal Cylinder = " + -f[0] + "\r\nSurface Area of Optimal Cylinder = " + vol +
        //                  "\r\nDimensions of Optimal Cylinder: \r\nRadius = " + x[0] + "  \r\nHeight = " + x[1]);

        Console.ReadKey(); /* pause */

        /***********************  END OF MAIN  ***************************/
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        long i, n; double[] x, xl, xu;
        Dictionary <string, long>     problem   = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, long>     option    = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, double>   parameter = new Dictionary <string, double>();
        Dictionary <string, double[]> solution  = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

        /***  Step 1: Problem definition  ********************************/

        /* STEP 1.A: Problem dimensions
        problem["o"]  = 1; /* Number of objectives                          */
        problem["n"]  = 3; /* Number of variables (in total)                */
        problem["ni"] = 0; /* Number of integer variables (0 <= ni <= n)    */
        problem["m"]  = 5; /* Number of constraints (in total)              */
        problem["me"] = 0; /* Number of equality constraints (0 <= me <= m) */

        /* STEP 1.B: Lower and upper bounds 'xl' & 'xu'
        n  = problem["n"];
        xl = new double[n];
        xu = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            xl[i] = 1.0;
            xu[i] = 100;

        /* STEP 1.C: Starting point 'x'
        x = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            x[i] = xl[i]; /* Here for example: starting point = lower bounds */

        /***  Step 2: Choose stopping criteria and printing options   ****/

        /* STEP 2.A: Stopping criteria
        option["maxeval"] = 1000;         /* Maximum number of function evaluation (e.g. 1000000)  */
        option["maxtime"] = 60 * 60 * 24; /* Maximum time limit in Seconds (e.g. 1 Day = 60*60*24) */

        /* STEP 2.B: Printing options
        option["printeval"] = 1000; /* Print-Frequency for current best solution (e.g. 1000) */
        option["save2file"] = 1;    /* Save SCREEN and SOLUTION to TXT-files [ 0=NO/ 1=YES]  */

        /***  Step 3: Choose MIDACO parameters (FOR ADVANCED USERS)    ***/

        parameter["param1"]  = 0.0; /* ACCURACY  */
        parameter["param2"]  = 0.0; /* SEED      */
        parameter["param3"]  = 0.0; /* FSTOP     */
        parameter["param4"]  = 0.0; /* ALGOSTOP  */
        parameter["param5"]  = 0.0; /* EVALSTOP  */
        parameter["param6"]  = 0.0; /* FOCUS     */
        parameter["param7"]  = 0.0; /* ANTS      */
        parameter["param8"]  = 0.0; /* KERNEL    */
        parameter["param9"]  = 0.0; /* ORACLE    */
        parameter["param10"] = 0.0; /* PARETOMAX */
        parameter["param11"] = 0.0; /* EPSILON   */
        parameter["param12"] = 0.0; /* BALANCE   */
        parameter["param13"] = 0.0; /* CHARACTER */

        /***  Step 4: Choose Parallelization Factor    *******************/

        option ["parallel"] = 0; /* Serial: 0 or 1, Parallel: 2,3,4,... */

        /***********************  Run MIDACO  ****************************/

        //Define the numbers read in from the exe file
        string num_s    = args[0]; //Number of People
        string wall_s   = args[1]; //Wall Thickness (m)
        string vol_pp_s = args[2]; //Personal Space Volume minimum (m^3)

        double num    = double.Parse(num_s);
        double wall   = double.Parse(wall_s);
        double vol_pp = double.Parse(vol_pp_s);

        solution = Midaco.run(problem, x, xl, xu, option, parameter, key, num, wall, vol_pp);

        /* Print solution return arguments from MIDACO to console */

        double[] f, g;
        f = solution["f"];
        g = solution["g"];
        x = solution["x"];

        double L = x[0];
        double W = x[1];
        double H = x[2];

        double vol_material = f[0];
        double vol_habitat  = L * W * H;
        double vol_personal = vol_habitat / num;

        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        Console.WriteLine("L value: " + L);
        Console.WriteLine("W value: " + W);
        Console.WriteLine("H value: " + H);
        Console.WriteLine("Total Inside Volume: " + vol_habitat);
        Console.WriteLine("Material Volume: " + vol_material);
        Console.WriteLine("Personal Volume: " + vol_personal);

        File.WriteAllText("Optimized_Habitat.txt", L + " " + W + " " + H + " " + vol_material + " " + vol_personal);

        /***********************  END OF MAIN  ***************************/
Example #4
    public static void Main()
        long i, n; double[] x, xl, xu;
        Dictionary <string, long>     problem   = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, long>     option    = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, double>   parameter = new Dictionary <string, double>();
        Dictionary <string, double[]> solution  = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

        /***  Step 1: Problem definition  ********************************/

        /* STEP 1.A: Problem dimensions
        problem["o"]  = 1; /* Number of objectives                          */
        problem["n"]  = 2; /* Number of variables (in total)                */
        problem["ni"] = 0; /* Number of integer variables (0 <= ni <= n)    */
        problem["m"]  = 1; /* Number of constraints (in total)              */
        problem["me"] = 0; /* Number of equality constraints (0 <= me <= m) */

        /* STEP 1.B: Lower and upper bounds 'xl' & 'xu'
        n  = problem["n"];
        xl = new double[n];
        xu = new double[n];

        xl[0] = 0.1;
        xu[0] = 5.0;

        xl[1] = 0.1;
        xu[1] = 5.0;

        /* STEP 1.C: Starting point 'x'
        x    = new double[n];
        x[0] = 1.0; /* Here for example: starting point = lower bounds */
        x[1] = 1.0;

        ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo
            Arguments              = "\"J:\\ME 578 Systems\\Midterm\\MidtermProject\\NXJournalPortion\\bin\\Debug\\NXJournalPortion.exe\" " + x[0].ToString() + " " + x[1].ToString(),
            CreateNoWindow         = true,
            ErrorDialog            = true,
            FileName               = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\NX 10.0\\UGII\\run_managed.exe\"",
            RedirectStandardError  = true,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            UseShellExecute        = false

        //Unsure how to execute a batch file from Windows. John helped me on the last lab with the code above, but now I have no clue what it is doing :(

        Console.WriteLine("C:\\Program Files\\ANSYS Inc\\V181\\ansys\\bin\\winx64\\ansys181 -b -i J:\\ME 578 Systems\\Midterm\\MidtermProject\\Solution.txt -o outputfile.txt");

        /***  Step 2: Choose stopping criteria and printing options   ****/

        /* STEP 2.A: Stopping criteria
        option["maxeval"] = 10000;        /* Maximum number of function evaluation (e.g. 1000000)  */
        option["maxtime"] = 60 * 60 * 24; /* Maximum time limit in Seconds (e.g. 1 Day = 60*60*24) */

        /* STEP 2.B: Printing options
        option["printeval"] = 1000; /* Print-Frequency for current best solution (e.g. 1000) */
        option["save2file"] = 1;    /* Save SCREEN and SOLUTION to TXT-files [ 0=NO/ 1=YES]  */

        /***  Step 3: Choose MIDACO parameters (FOR ADVANCED USERS)    ***/

        parameter["param1"]  = 0.0; /* ACCURACY  */
        parameter["param2"]  = 0.0; /* SEED      */
        parameter["param3"]  = 0.0; /* FSTOP     */
        parameter["param4"]  = 0.0; /* ALGOSTOP  */
        parameter["param5"]  = 0.0; /* EVALSTOP  */
        parameter["param6"]  = 0.0; /* FOCUS     */
        parameter["param7"]  = 0.0; /* ANTS      */
        parameter["param8"]  = 0.0; /* KERNEL    */
        parameter["param9"]  = 0.0; /* ORACLE    */
        parameter["param10"] = 0.0; /* PARETOMAX */
        parameter["param11"] = 0.0; /* EPSILON   */
        parameter["param12"] = 0.0; /* BALANCE   */
        parameter["param13"] = 0.0; /* CHARACTER */

        /***  Step 4: Choose Parallelization Factor    *******************/

        option ["parallel"] = 0; /* Serial: 0 or 1, Parallel: 2,3,4,... */

        /***********************  Run MIDACO  ****************************/

        solution = Midaco.run(problem, x, xl, xu, option, parameter, key);

        /* Print solution return arguments from MIDACO to console */

        double[] f, g;
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        f = solution["f"]; Console.WriteLine("solution f[0]: " + f[0]);
        g = solution["g"]; Console.WriteLine("solution g[0]: " + g[0]);
        x = solution["x"]; Console.WriteLine("solution x[0]: " + x[0] + "Solution to x[1]: " + x[1]);
        Console.ReadKey(); /* pause */

        /***********************  END OF MAIN  ***************************/

        ProcessStartInfo info2 = new ProcessStartInfo
            Arguments              = "\"J:\\ME 578 Systems\\Midterm\\MidtermProject\\NXJournalPortion\\bin\\Debug\\NXJournalPortion.exe\" " + x[0].ToString() + " " + x[1].ToString(),
            CreateNoWindow         = true,
            ErrorDialog            = true,
            FileName               = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\NX 10.0\\UGII\\run_managed.exe\"",
            RedirectStandardError  = true,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            UseShellExecute        = false
Example #5
    public static void Main()
        long i, n; double[] x, xl, xu;
        Dictionary <string, long>     problem   = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, long>     option    = new Dictionary <string, long>();
        Dictionary <string, double>   parameter = new Dictionary <string, double>();
        Dictionary <string, double[]> solution  = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

        /***  Step 1: Problem definition  ********************************/

        /* STEP 1.A: Problem dimensions
        problem["o"]  = 1; /* Number of objectives                          */
        problem["n"]  = 2; /* Number of variables (in total)                */
        problem["ni"] = 0; /* Number of integer variables (0 <= ni <= n)    */
        problem["m"]  = 5; /* Number of constraints (in total)              */
        problem["me"] = 0; /* Number of equality constraints (0 <= me <= m) */

        /* STEP 1.B: Lower and upper bounds 'xl' & 'xu'
        n  = problem["n"];
        xl = new double[n];
        xu = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            xl[i] = 0;
            xu[i] = 500;

        /* STEP 1.C: Starting point 'x'
        x = new double[n];
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            x[i] = xl[i]; /* Here for example: starting point = lower bounds */

        /***  Step 2: Choose stopping criteria and printing options   ****/

        /* STEP 2.A: Stopping criteria
        option["maxeval"] = 10000;        /* Maximum number of function evaluation (e.g. 1000000)  */
        option["maxtime"] = 60 * 60 * 24; /* Maximum time limit in Seconds (e.g. 1 Day = 60*60*24) */

        /* STEP 2.B: Printing options
        option["printeval"] = 1000; /* Print-Frequency for current best solution (e.g. 1000) */
        option["save2file"] = 1;    /* Save SCREEN and SOLUTION to TXT-files [ 0=NO/ 1=YES]  */

        /***  Step 3: Choose MIDACO parameters (FOR ADVANCED USERS)    ***/

        parameter["param1"]  = 0.0; /* ACCURACY  */
        parameter["param2"]  = 0.0; /* SEED      */
        parameter["param3"]  = 0.0; /* FSTOP     */
        parameter["param4"]  = 0.0; /* ALGOSTOP  */
        parameter["param5"]  = 0.0; /* EVALSTOP  */
        parameter["param6"]  = 0.0; /* FOCUS     */
        parameter["param7"]  = 0.0; /* ANTS      */
        parameter["param8"]  = 0.0; /* KERNEL    */
        parameter["param9"]  = 0.0; /* ORACLE    */
        parameter["param10"] = 0.0; /* PARETOMAX */
        parameter["param11"] = 0.0; /* EPSILON   */
        parameter["param12"] = 0.0; /* BALANCE   */
        parameter["param13"] = 0.0; /* CHARACTER */

        /***  Step 4: Choose Parallelization Factor    *******************/

        option ["parallel"] = 0; /* Serial: 0 or 1, Parallel: 2,3,4,... */

        /***********************  Run MIDACO  ****************************/

        solution = Midaco.run(problem, x, xl, xu, option, parameter, key);

        /* Print solution return arguments from MIDACO to console */

        double[] f, g;
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        f = solution["f"];
        g = solution["g"];
        x = solution["x"];
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum volume of the beam = " + f[0]);
        double vol = (2 * x[0] * x[1]);
        double M   = 12000 / (x[0] * x[1] * x[1]);

        Console.WriteLine("Stress in Beam = " + M);
        Console.WriteLine("Dimensions of Optimum Beam: Length = 2  Width = " + x[0] + "  Height = " + x[1]);

        //Define the name for the part file NX will create
        string part_name = "Optimized_beam.prt";

        //Check to see if the part file already exists. If so, delete it.
        bool path_already_exists = File.Exists(part_name);

        if (path_already_exists == true)

        //Define path to the run_managed executable to open NX10
        string ex1 = "C:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\NX 10.0\\UGII\\run_managed.exe";

        //Run the NX journal executable with the arguments required for the beam dimensions and the part name to save it as
        string ex2 = "journal_lab_6_NX9_VS.exe " + 2 + " " + x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + part_name;

        //Start the process of running NX and wait for it to exit
        using (Process process = Process.Start(ex1, ex2))

        /***********************  END OF MAIN  ***************************/