private static MgaFCO makeFCO(MgaModel parent, string role) { MgaFCO newFCO = parent.CreateChildObject((parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName[role]); newFCO.Name = role; return(newFCO); }
private void VisitComponentAssembly(MgaModel assembly) { #region Check arguments if (assembly == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly"); } if (assembly.MetaBase.MetaRef != MetaRef["ComponentAssembly"]) { throw new ArgumentException("Input parameter was not a component assembly.", "assembly"); } #endregion Logger.WriteDebug("VisitComponentAssembly: {0}", assembly.AbsPath); foreach (MgaModel asm in assembly.GetChildrenOfKind("ComponentAssembly")) { VisitComponentAssembly(asm); } foreach (MgaModel component in assembly.GetChildrenOfKind("Component")) { VisitComponent(component as MgaModel); } foreach (MgaModel connector in assembly.GetChildrenOfKind("Connector")) { VisitConnector(connector); } ExpandConnectorCompositionChildren(assembly); }
private static void GenerateAssemblies(MgaFolder componentAssemblyFolder, MgaModel assembly, int level, MgaModel leaf) { var elementsOnEachLevel = 2; var numberOfLevels = 6; if (level <= numberOfLevels) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine(level); MgaFolder componentAssemblyChildFolder = componentAssemblyFolder.CreateFolder(componentAssemblyFolder.Project.RootMeta.RootFolder.DefinedFolderByName["ComponentAssemblies", true]); componentAssemblyChildFolder.Name = string.Format("ComponentAssembly Child folder {0}", level); for (int i = 0; i < elementsOnEachLevel; i++) { var childAssembly = componentAssemblyChildFolder.CreateRootObject(assembly.Meta) as MgaModel; childAssembly.Name = string.Format("ChildAssembly {0} {1}", level, i); var cref = assembly.CreateChildObject((assembly.Meta as GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaModel).RoleByName["ComponentRef"]) as MgaReference; cref.Name = string.Format("ComponentRef {0} {1}", level, i); if (level < numberOfLevels) { cref.Referred = childAssembly as MgaFCO; GenerateAssemblies(componentAssemblyFolder, childAssembly, level + 1, leaf); } else { cref.Referred = leaf as MgaFCO; } } } }
public void UnrollComponentAssembly(MgaModel ca) { Logger.WriteDebug("UnrollComponentAssembly: {0}", ca.AbsPath); VisitComponentAssembly(ca); DeleteConnectorsAndPorts(); }
private MgaFCO ClonePort(MgaModel parent, MgaFCO oldPort) { Logger.WriteDebug("ClonePort: {0}", oldPort.AbsPath); GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole role = null; foreach (GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole roleItem in (parent.Meta as GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaModel).Roles) { if (roleItem.Kind.MetaRef == oldPort.MetaBase.MetaRef) { role = roleItem; break; } } var newPortFCO = parent.CopyFCODisp(oldPort, role); String lastGood = oldPort.ID; String iter = null; while (Traceability.TryGetMappedObject(lastGood, out iter) && lastGood != iter) { lastGood = iter; } Traceability.AddItem(newPortFCO.ID, lastGood); return(newPortFCO); }
public void UnrollTestBench(MgaModel tb) { Logger.WriteDebug("UnrollTestBench: {0}", tb.AbsPath); VisitTestBench(tb); DeleteConnectorsAndPorts(); }
private void VisitTestComponent(MgaModel testComp) { #region Check arguments if (testComp == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("testComp"); } if (testComp.MetaBase.MetaRef != MetaRef["TestComponent"]) { throw new ArgumentException("Input parameter was not a Test Component.", "testComp"); } #endregion Logger.WriteDebug("VisitTestComponent: {0}", testComp.AbsPath); if (testComp.ArcheType != null) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitTestComponent: Has an archetype, detaching {0}", testComp.AbsPath); SetAttributesLocally(testComp as MgaFCO); testComp.DetachFromArcheType(); } foreach (MgaModel connector in testComp.GetChildrenOfKind("Connector")) { VisitConnector(connector); } }
private void VisitTestBench(MgaModel testbench) { #region Check arguments if (testbench == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("testbench"); } if (testbench.MetaBase.MetaRef != MetaRef["TestBench"]) { throw new ArgumentException("Input parameter was not a connector.", "testbench"); } #endregion Logger.WriteDebug("VisitTestBench: {0}", testbench.AbsPath); foreach (MgaModel asm in testbench.GetChildrenOfKind("ComponentAssembly")) { VisitComponentAssembly(asm); } foreach (MgaModel component in testbench.GetChildrenOfKind("Component")) { VisitComponent(component); } foreach (MgaModel testComp in testbench.GetChildrenOfKind("TestComponent")) { VisitTestComponent(testComp); } ExpandConnectorCompositionChildren(testbench); }
public List <TestBench> GetTestbenchesFromModel(MgaProject project, MgaModel currentobj, string outputBaseDir) { componentParameters = null; //this.logFileName = Path.Combine( // Path.GetDirectoryName(project.ProjectConnStr.Substring("MGA=".Length)), // "log", // this.ComponentName + "." + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + ".log"); //META.Logger.AddFileListener(this.logFileName, this.ComponentName, project); // GMEConsole = GMEConsole.CreateFromProject(project); bool disposeLogger = false; if (this.Logger == null) { this.Logger = new GMELogger(project, this.ComponentName); disposeLogger = true; } MgaGateway = new MgaGateway(project); MgaGateway.PerformInTransaction(delegate { this._GetTestbenchesFromModel(currentobj, outputBaseDir); }); if (this.Logger != null && disposeLogger) { this.Logger.Dispose(); this.Logger = null; } //META.Logger.RemoveFileListener(this.ComponentName); return(this.TestBenches); }
private static string GetNamespaceName(MgaObject obj) { Contract.Requires(obj != null); string ns = ""; MgaModel paradigmSheet = null; MgaFolder rootFolder = null; if (obj.MetaBase.Name == "RootFolder") { rootFolder = obj as MgaFolder; } else { paradigmSheet = (obj as MgaFCO).ParentModel; rootFolder = GetLibraryRoot(paradigmSheet.ParentFolder); } try { ns = rootFolder.RegistryValue["Namespace"]; } catch { // com exception... } return(ns); }
public void UnrollComponent(MgaModel comp, Boolean cleanup = true) { Logger.WriteDebug("UnrollComponent: {0}", comp.AbsPath); VisitComponent(comp); if (cleanup) { DeleteConnectorsAndPorts(); } }
public void migrateModel(MgaModel rootmodel) { RootFolder = null; RootModel = rootmodel; createNewFCOs(rootmodel); directFCOs(); copyOldLayout(); deleteOldFCOs(); }
private static bool AddCylinder(CyPhy.Cylinder cylinder, List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > featureList) { bool status = true; if (cylinder != null) { // start, end, radius MgaModel cylinderMga = cylinder.Impl as MgaModel; List <MgaFCO> startPts = new List <MgaFCO>(); startPts = FindByRole(cylinderMga, "CylinderStart"); List <MgaFCO> endPts = new List <MgaFCO>(); endPts = FindByRole(cylinderMga, "CylinderEnd"); List <MgaFCO> radiusPts = new List <MgaFCO>(); radiusPts = FindByRole(cylinderMga, "CylinderRadius"); if (startPts.Count != 1 || endPts.Count != 1 || radiusPts.Count != 1) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage(String.Format("Cylinder geometry must contain 1 CylinderStart, 1 CylinderEnd, and 1 CylinderRadius: {0}", cylinder.ToHyperLink()), Severity.Error); return(false); } CyPhy.Point startPt = CyPhyClasses.Point.Cast(startPts[0]); if (!CreateFeatureFromPoint(startPt, featureList)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage(String.Format("Cylinder geometry's CylinderStart point must connect to a Point datum inside a CADModel: {0}", cylinder.ToHyperLink()), Severity.Error); return(false); } CyPhy.Point endPt = CyPhyClasses.Point.Cast(endPts[0]); if (!CreateFeatureFromPoint(endPt, featureList)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage(String.Format("Cylinder geometry's CylinderEnd point must connect to a Point datum inside a CADModel: {0}", cylinder.ToHyperLink()), Severity.Error); return(false); } CyPhy.Point radiusPt = CyPhyClasses.Point.Cast(radiusPts[0]); if (!CreateFeatureFromPoint(radiusPt, featureList)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage(String.Format("Cylinder geometry's CylinderRadius point must connect to a Point datum inside a CADModel: {0}", cylinder.ToHyperLink()), Severity.Error); return(false); } } else { status = false; } //var height = (extrusion.Impl as MgaModel).ChildFCOs.Cast<MgaFCO>().Where(x => x.MetaRole.Name == "ExtrusionHeight").FirstOrDefault(); return(status); }
public void migrateProject() { RootFolder = project.RootFolder; RootModel = null; List<MgaFolder> folders = getAllFolders(project.RootFolder); List<MgaFolder> C = new List<MgaFolder>(); //components List<MgaFolder> DS = new List<MgaFolder>(); //design spaces List<MgaFolder> CA = new List<MgaFolder>(); // component assemblies List<MgaFolder> TC = new List<MgaFolder>(); //test components List<MgaFolder> T = new List<MgaFolder>(); //testing List<MgaFolder> other = new List<MgaFolder>(); foreach (MgaFolder folder in folders) { if (folder == null) continue; if (folder.MetaFolder.DisplayedName == "Components") C.Add(folder); else if (folder.MetaFolder.DisplayedName == "Design Spaces") DS.Add(folder); else if (folder.MetaFolder.DisplayedName == "Component Assemblies") CA.Add(folder); else if (folder.MetaFolder.DisplayedName == "Test Components") TC.Add(folder); else if (folder.MetaFolder.DisplayedName == "Testing") T.Add(folder); else other.Add(folder); } foreach (MgaFolder folder in C) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); foreach (MgaFolder folder in DS) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); foreach (MgaFolder folder in CA) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); foreach (MgaFolder folder in TC) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); foreach (MgaFolder folder in T) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); foreach (MgaFolder folder in other) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); directFCOs(); copyOldLayout(); deleteOldFCOs(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TestBenchTypeElaborator"/> class with a subject /// object on which the elaboration will be performed. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">Component Assembly object.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If any arguments are null</exception> public TestBenchTypeElaborator(MgaModel subject) { if (subject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); } // initialize object with the given parameters this.Subject = subject; // initialize collections this.Traceability = new Dictionary<string, string>(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a new instance of an elaborator based on a given context. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">Given context</param> /// <param name="logger">Logger which can be used to log messages.</param> /// <returns>A new instance of a context aware elaborator.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If subject or logger null.</exception> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">If subject does not have an associated elaborator class.</exception> public static Elaborator GetElaborator(MgaModel subject, CyPhyGUIs.GMELogger logger, bool UnrollConnectors) { if (subject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); } if (logger == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("logger"); } var factory = new CyPhyTypeFactory(subject.Project.RootMeta); Elaborator elaborator = null; if (subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.TestBenchMeta || subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.CADTestBenchMeta || subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.BlastTestBenchMeta || subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.BallisticTestBenchMeta || subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.CFDTestBenchMeta || subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.KinematicTestBenchMeta || subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.CarTestBenchMeta) { elaborator = new TestBenchTypeElaborator(subject, UnrollConnectors); } else if (subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.ComponentAssemblyMeta) { elaborator = new ComponentAssemblyElaborator(subject, UnrollConnectors); } else if (subject.MetaBase.MetaRef == factory.DesignContainerMeta) { elaborator = new DesignContainerElaborator(subject, UnrollConnectors); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Not supported context: {0} [{1}]", subject.Name, subject.MetaBase.Name)); } if (subject.IsLibObject) { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("{0} cannot be a library object.", subject.MetaBase.Name)); } elaborator.Logger = logger; elaborator.Factory = factory; // TODO: how can we determine this? elaborator.IsElaborated = false; return(elaborator); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TestBenchTypeElaborator"/> class with a subject /// object on which the elaboration will be performed. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">Component Assembly object.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If any arguments are null</exception> public TestBenchTypeElaborator(MgaModel subject, bool UnrollConnectors) : base(UnrollConnectors) { if (subject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); } // initialize object with the given parameters this.Subject = subject; // initialize collections this.Traceability = new Dictionary <string, string>(); this.ComponentGUIDs = new HashSet <string>(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ComponentAssemblyElaborator"/> class with a subject /// object on which the elaboration will be performed. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">Component Assembly object.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If any arguments are null</exception> public ComponentAssemblyElaborator(MgaModel subject) { if (subject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); } // initialize subject this.Subject = subject; // initialize collections this.Traceability = new Dictionary<string, string>(); this.InnerElaborators = new List<ComponentAssemblyElaborator>(); this.ComponentAssemblyReferences = new Queue<MgaFCO>(); }
private static MgaFCO makeConn(MgaModel parent, MgaFCO src, MgaFCO dst, string role, MgaFCOs srcRef = null, MgaFCOs dstRef = null) { MgaFCO newConn; if (srcRef == null && dstRef == null) { newConn = parent.CreateSimplerConnDisp((parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName[role], src, dst); } else { newConn = parent.CreateSimpleConn((parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName[role], src, dst, srcRef, dstRef); } newConn.Name = role; return(newConn); }
private void DisplayPCCIterations(MgaObject subject, bool attributeChanged) { List <string> kinds = new List <string>() { "PCCDriver", "PCCParameterBeta", "PCCParameterUniform", "PCCParameterLNormal", "PCCParameterNormal" }; if (kinds.Contains(subject.MetaBase.Name) == false) { return; } MgaModel PCCDriver = null; if (attributeChanged && subject.MetaBase.Name == "PCCDriver") { // TODO: Compute and PCCDriver = subject as MgaModel; } else if (attributeChanged == false && subject.MetaBase.Name == "PCCDriver") { // Compute and prin //GME.MGA.Meta.objtype_enum type; //MgaObject parent; //(subject as MgaFCO).GetParent(out parent, out type); PCCDriver = subject as MgaModel; } else { return; } //Compute and print PCCDriver var nbrOfParameters = PCCDriver.ChildFCOs.Cast <MgaFCO>().Where(x => kinds.Contains(x.Meta.Name)).Count(); var saMethod = PCCDriver.StrAttrByName["PCC_SA_Methods"]; var upMethod = PCCDriver.StrAttrByName["PCC_UP_Methods"]; GMEConsole.Out.WriteLine("{2}Iterations : UP : {0}, SA : {1}", this.GetNumberOfIterations(upMethod, nbrOfParameters), this.GetNumberOfIterations(saMethod, nbrOfParameters), INFO_BADGE); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ComponentAssemblyElaborator"/> class with a subject /// object on which the elaboration will be performed. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">Component Assembly object.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If any arguments are null</exception> public ComponentAssemblyElaborator(MgaModel subject, bool UnrollConnectors) : base(UnrollConnectors) { if (subject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); } // initialize subject this.Subject = subject; // initialize collections this.Traceability = new Dictionary <string, string>(); this.ComponentGUIDs = new HashSet <string>(); this.InnerElaborators = new List <ComponentAssemblyElaborator>(); this.ComponentAssemblyReferences = new Queue <MgaFCO>(); }
public void migrateFolder(MgaFolder rootfolder) { RootFolder = rootfolder; RootModel = null; List <MgaFolder> folders = getAllFolders(rootfolder); foreach (MgaFolder folder in folders) { foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType <MgaModel>()) { createNewFCOs(model); } } directFCOs(); copyOldLayout(); deleteOldFCOs(); }
private Dictionary <string, List <MgaFCO> > GetAllChildren(MgaModel root) { if (root == null) { return(new Dictionary <string, List <MgaFCO> >()); } var result = new Dictionary <string, List <MgaFCO> >(); var models = new List <MgaModel>(); foreach (var childObject in root.ChildObjects.OfType <MgaFCO>()) { var kind = childObject.Meta.Name; if (!result.ContainsKey(kind)) { result[kind] = new List <MgaFCO>(); } result[kind].Add(childObject); if (childObject is MgaModel) { models.Add((MgaModel)childObject); } } foreach (var model in models) { var tmp = GetAllChildren(model); foreach (var tmpChild in tmp.Where(tmpChild => tmpChild.Value != null)) { if (!result.ContainsKey(tmpChild.Key)) { result[tmpChild.Key] = new List <MgaFCO>(); } result[tmpChild.Key].AddRange(tmpChild.Value); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Given an FCO, take each attribute and explicitly assign it. /// This gets around a problem where attribute values are wiped out /// if they were inherited, and then inheritance was broken. /// </summary> /// <param name="fco"></param> public static void SetAttributesLocally(MgaFCO fco) { if (fco is MgaModel) { MgaModel model = fco as MgaModel; foreach (MgaFCO child in model.ChildFCOs) { SetAttributesLocally(child); } } foreach (MgaAttribute attr in fco.Attributes) { if (attr.Status > (int)attstatus_enum.ATTSTATUS_HERE) { attr.Value = attr.Value; } } }
/// <summary> /// Generic port "clone" function that creates and copies a port/pin or pin. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">The MgaModel that will contain newly-created clone</param> /// <param name="oldPort">The original port or pin to be cloned</param> /// <returns>newPortFCO -- The cloned port/pin created in the parent.</returns> private MgaFCO ClonePort(MgaModel parent, MgaFCO oldPort) { Logger.WriteDebug("ClonePort: {0}", oldPort.AbsPath); GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole role = null; foreach (GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole roleItem in (parent.Meta as GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaModel).Roles) { if (roleItem.Kind.MetaRef == oldPort.MetaBase.MetaRef) { role = roleItem; break; } } var newPortFCO = parent.CopyFCODisp(oldPort, role); //newPortFCO.SetAttributeByNameDisp("ID", null); return(newPortFCO); }
/// <summary> /// For a given connector, see what connections involve its constituent ports. /// For each such connection, modify it to terminate at the new standalone port. /// </summary> /// <param name="connector">The CyPhy Connector to be processed</param> private void RedirectConnectionsToConstituentPorts(MgaModel connector) { #region Check arguments if (connector == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("connector"); } if (connector.MetaBase.MetaRef != MetaRef["Connector"]) { throw new ArgumentException("Input parameter was not a connector.", "connector"); } #endregion Logger.WriteDebug("RedirectConnectionsToConstituentPorts: {0}", connector.AbsPath); foreach (var port in ConnectorToStandalonePortMap[connector]) { foreach (MgaConnPoint connPoint in port.SourcePort.PartOfConns) { var connection = connPoint.Owner as MgaSimpleConnection; var parent = connection.ParentModel; if (connection.Src == port.SourcePort) { var objMetaRole = (parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName["PortComposition"]; parent.CreateSimplerConnDisp(objMetaRole, port.StandalonePort, connection.Dst); //connection.SetSrc(null, port.StandalonePort); } else if (connection.Dst == port.SourcePort) { var objMetaRole = (parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName["PortComposition"]; parent.CreateSimplerConnDisp(objMetaRole, connection.Src, port.StandalonePort); //connection.SetDst(null, port.StandalonePort); } connection.DestroyObject(); } } }
private void VisitComponent(MgaModel comp) { #region Check arguments if (comp == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("comp"); } if (comp.MetaBase.MetaRef != MetaRef["Component"]) { throw new ArgumentException("Input parameter was not a component.", "comp"); } #endregion Logger.WriteDebug("VisitComponent: {0}", comp.AbsPath); if (componentsProcessed.Contains(comp)) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitComponent: Skipping (already processed) {0}", comp.AbsPath); return; } // Is this an instance? // If so, process the archetype only. if (comp.ArcheType != null) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitComponent: Processing Archetype instead {0}", comp.AbsPath); var archetype = comp.ArcheType as MgaModel; VisitComponent(archetype); return; } foreach (MgaModel connector in comp.GetChildrenOfKind("Connector")) { VisitConnector(connector); } }
public void TestInitArguments() { MgaProject project = new MgaProject(); project.OpenEx("MGA=" + mgaFile, "CyPhyML", null); try { project.BeginTransactionInNewTerr(); try { string petExperimentPath = "/@Testing/@ParametricExploration/@TestAnalysis"; string assemblyDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath); string pyFile = Path.Combine(assemblyDir, "..\\..\\..\\..\\models\\PET_simple_proof-of-concept\\"); MgaModel model = (MgaModel)project.ObjectByPath[petExperimentPath]; var params_ = CyPhyPET.CyPhyPETInterpreter.GetPythonComponentInitializerParameters(pyFile, (MgaFCO)model); Assert.Equal(new string[] { "self", "config1", "config2", "opt1", "opt2" }, params_.args); Assert.Equal(new string[] { "self", "config1", "config2" }, params_.requiredArgs); Assert.Equal(new object[] { null, 0.0 }, params_.defaults); var analysisBlock = ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Classes.AnalysisBlock.Cast(model.ObjectByPath["/@AnalysisBlock"]); CyPhyPET.CyPhyPETInterpreter.EditConfigurationParameters(params_, analysisBlock, showGui: false); var kwargs = CyPhyPET.CyPhyPETInterpreter.GetConfigurationParameters(analysisBlock); CyPhyPET.CyPhyPETInterpreter.GetParamsAndUnknownsForPythonOpenMDAO(pyFile, analysisBlock, kwargs); } finally { project.AbortTransaction(); } } finally { project.Close(true); } }
private static MgaFCO GenerateTestModel(MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj) { MgaFolder folderComponentAssemblies = project.RootFolder.CreateFolder(project.RootMeta.RootFolder.DefinedFolderByName["ComponentAssemblies", true]); folderComponentAssemblies.Name = "00 ComponentAssemblies"; MgaModel ca = folderComponentAssemblies.CreateRootObject(project.RootMeta.RootFolder.DefinedFCOByName["ComponentAssembly", true]) as MgaModel; ca.Name = string.Format("00 Generated Component Assembly {0}", DateTime.Now); MgaFolder folderComponents = project.RootFolder.CreateFolder(project.RootMeta.RootFolder.DefinedFolderByName["Components", true]); folderComponents.Name = "00 Components"; MgaModel leaf = folderComponents.CreateRootObject(project.RootMeta.RootFolder.DefinedFCOByName["Component", true]) as MgaModel; leaf.Name = string.Format("00 Generated Component {0}", DateTime.Now); // generate syntetic model GenerateAssemblies(folderComponentAssemblies, ca, 0, leaf); currentobj = ca as MgaFCO; return(currentobj); }
private void TraverseComposites(CyPhy.Component component) { foreach (var material in component.Children.MaterialContentsCollection) { CAD.ElementType cadElement = new CAD.ElementType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), ElementType1 = "SURFACE" }; MgaModel materialMga = material.Impl as MgaModel; List <MgaFCO> startDirPts = new List <MgaFCO>(); List <MgaFCO> endDirPts = new List <MgaFCO>(); startDirPts = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.FindByRole(materialMga, "Start_Direction"); endDirPts = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.FindByRole(materialMga, "End_Direction"); if (startDirPts.Count != 1 && endDirPts.Count != 1) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Material Content must contain one Start_Direction and one End_Direction point.", Severity.Warning); continue; } CyPhy.Point startDirPt = CyPhyClasses.Point.Cast(startDirPts[0]); string startDirPtDatumName = GetFeatureName(startDirPt); CyPhy.Point endDirPt = CyPhyClasses.Point.Cast(endDirPts[0]); string endDirPtDatumName = GetFeatureName(endDirPt); CAD.OrientationType cadOrientation = new CAD.OrientationType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID() }; CAD.GeometryType cadGeometry = new CAD.GeometryType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID() }; CAD.FeatureType cadStartFeature = new CAD.FeatureType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), ComponentID = DisplayID, Name = startDirPtDatumName, MetricID = DisplayID + ":" + startDirPtDatumName }; TestBenchModel.TBComputation startFeatureComputation = new TestBenchModel.TBComputation() { ComponentID = DisplayID, ComputationType = TestBenchModel.TBComputation.Type.POINTCOORDINATES, Details = startDirPtDatumName, FeatureDatumName = startDirPtDatumName, MetricID = DisplayID + ":" + startDirPtDatumName, RequestedValueType = "Vector" }; pointCoordinatesList.Add(startFeatureComputation); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(startDirPtDatumName)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Empty point datum name [" + startDirPt.Path + "]", Severity.Warning); } CAD.FeatureType cadEndFeature = new CAD.FeatureType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), ComponentID = DisplayID, Name = endDirPtDatumName, MetricID = DisplayID + ":" + endDirPtDatumName }; TestBenchModel.TBComputation endFeatureComputation = new TestBenchModel.TBComputation() { ComponentID = DisplayID, ComputationType = TestBenchModel.TBComputation.Type.POINTCOORDINATES, Details = endDirPtDatumName, FeatureDatumName = endDirPtDatumName, MetricID = DisplayID + ":" + endDirPtDatumName, RequestedValueType = "Vector" }; pointCoordinatesList.Add(endFeatureComputation); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(endDirPtDatumName)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Empty point datum name [" + endDirPt.Path + "]", Severity.Warning); } CAD.FeaturesType cadFeatures = new CAD.FeaturesType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), FeatureID = material.ID, GeometryType = "Vector", FeatureInterfaceType = "CAD_DATUM", FeatureGeometryType = "POINT", PrimaryGeometryQualifier = "", SecondaryGeometryQualifier = "" }; cadFeatures.Feature = new CAD.FeatureType[2]; cadFeatures.Feature[0] = cadStartFeature; cadFeatures.Feature[1] = cadEndFeature; cadGeometry.Features = new CAD.FeaturesType[1]; cadGeometry.Features[0] = cadFeatures; cadOrientation.Geometry = cadGeometry; // Material Layups CAD.MaterialLayupType cadLayers = new CAD.MaterialLayupType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), Position = material.Attributes.Position.ToString().ToUpper(), Offset = (material.Attributes.Position.ToString().ToUpper() != "OFFSET_BY_VALUE") ? 0 : (material.Attributes.PositionOffset), Direction = material.Attributes.MaterialLayupDirection.ToString().ToUpper() }; int layerCnt = material.Children.MaterialLayerCollection.Count(); if (layerCnt > 0) { cadLayers.Layer = new CAD.LayerType[layerCnt]; int k = 0; foreach (var layer in material.Children.MaterialLayerCollection.OrderBy(i => i.Attributes.LayerID)) { CAD.LayerType cadLayer = new CAD.LayerType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), ID = layer.Attributes.LayerID, Drop_Order = layer.Attributes.DropOrder, Material_Name = layer.Attributes.LayerMaterial, Orientation = layer.Attributes.LayerOrientation, Thickness = layer.Attributes.LayerThickness }; cadLayers.Layer[k] = cadLayer; k++; } } CAD.ElementContentsType cadElementContents = new CAD.ElementContentsType(); cadElementContents._id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(); cadElementContents.Orientation = cadOrientation; cadElementContents.MaterialLayup = cadLayers; cadElement.ElementContents = cadElementContents; if (material.DstConnections.ContentsToGeometryCollection.Count() < 1 || material.DstConnections.ContentsToGeometryCollection.Count() > 1) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Material Content need to connect to one Face geometry.", Severity.Warning); continue; } // Face, Polygon, or Extrusion Geometry CyPhy.ContentsToGeometry conn = material.DstConnections.ContentsToGeometryCollection.FirstOrDefault(); if (conn != null) { CyPhy.Face faceGeometry = conn.DstEnds.Face; CyPhy.Polygon polgonGeometry = conn.DstEnds.Polygon; CyPhy.Extrusion extrusionGeometry = conn.DstEnds.Extrusion; int countGeometryTypes = 0; if (faceGeometry != null) { ++countGeometryTypes; } if (polgonGeometry != null) { ++countGeometryTypes; } if (extrusionGeometry != null) { ++countGeometryTypes; } if (countGeometryTypes != 1) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("MaterialContents must be connected to one and only one geometry type (i.e. FACE, POLOGON, or EXTRUSION).", Severity.Warning); continue; } // Approach when only FACE was supported //String primBoundaryQ = faceGeometry.Attributes.BoundaryQualifier.ToString().Replace("_", string.Empty); //MgaModel faceMga = faceGeometry.Impl as MgaModel; //List<MgaFCO> normalDirPts = new List<MgaFCO>(); //normalDirPts = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.FindByRole(faceMga, "Direction_Reference_Point"); String primBoundaryQ = ""; MgaModel faceMga; List <MgaFCO> normalDirPts = new List <MgaFCO>(); if (faceGeometry != null) { primBoundaryQ = faceGeometry.Attributes.BoundaryQualifier.ToString().Replace("_", string.Empty); faceMga = faceGeometry.Impl as MgaModel; normalDirPts = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.FindByRole(faceMga, "Direction_Reference_Point"); } else if (polgonGeometry != null) { primBoundaryQ = polgonGeometry.Attributes.BoundaryQualifier.ToString().Replace("_", string.Empty); faceMga = polgonGeometry.Impl as MgaModel; normalDirPts = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.FindByRole(faceMga, "Direction_Reference_Point"); } else if (extrusionGeometry != null) { primBoundaryQ = extrusionGeometry.Attributes.BoundaryQualifier.ToString().Replace("_", string.Empty); faceMga = extrusionGeometry.Impl as MgaModel; normalDirPts = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.FindByRole(faceMga, "Direction_Reference_Point"); } if (normalDirPts.Count != 1) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Geometry (FACE, POLYGON, or EXTRUSION) can contain only one Direction_Reference_Point point.", Severity.Warning); continue; } CyPhy.Point normalDirPt = CyPhyClasses.Point.Cast(normalDirPts.FirstOrDefault()); string normalPtFeatureName = GetFeatureName(normalDirPt); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(normalPtFeatureName)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Direction_Reference_Point point of the Face/Ploygon/Extrusion geometry doesn't have a datum name. Make sure it is connected to a valid point inside a CADModel.", Severity.Warning); continue; } CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep = null; if (faceGeometry != null) { faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.CreateGeometry(faceGeometry); if (faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep == null) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Unsuccessfully created a representation of a Face Geometry.", Severity.Warning); continue; } } else if (polgonGeometry != null) { faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.CreateGeometry(polgonGeometry); if (faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep == null) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Unsuccessfully created a representation of a Polygon Geometry.", Severity.Warning); continue; } } else if (extrusionGeometry != null) { faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep = CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.CADGeometry.CreateGeometry(extrusionGeometry); if (faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep == null) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Unsuccessfully created a representation of a Extrusion Geometry.", Severity.Warning); continue; } } // Element/Geometry CAD.GeometryType cadFaceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryOut = faceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryRep.ToCADXMLOutput(); if (cadFaceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryOut == null) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Unsuccessfully converted a representation of a Face/Ploygon/Extrusion Geometry to CAD xml.", Severity.Warning); continue; } cadElement.Geometry = cadFaceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryOut; foreach (var faceOrExtruOrPolyGeomFeatures in cadFaceOrExtruOrPolyGeometryOut.Features) { foreach (var feature_temp in faceOrExtruOrPolyGeomFeatures.Feature) { TestBenchModel.TBComputation faceGeometryComputation = new TestBenchModel.TBComputation() { ComponentID = DisplayID, ComputationType = TestBenchModel.TBComputation.Type.POINTCOORDINATES, Details = feature_temp.Name, FeatureDatumName = feature_temp.Name, MetricID = feature_temp.MetricID, RequestedValueType = "Vector" }; pointCoordinatesList.Add(faceGeometryComputation); } } // Element/Geometry string direction_temp = ""; if (faceGeometry != null) { direction_temp = (faceGeometry.Attributes.NormalDirection == CyPhyClasses.Face.AttributesClass.NormalDirection_enum.Toward_Reference_Point) ? "TOWARD" : "AWAY"; } else if (polgonGeometry != null) { direction_temp = (polgonGeometry.Attributes.NormalDirection == CyPhyClasses.Polygon.AttributesClass.NormalDirection_enum.Toward_Reference_Point) ? "TOWARD" : "AWAY"; } else if (extrusionGeometry != null) { direction_temp = (extrusionGeometry.Attributes.NormalDirection == CyPhyClasses.Extrusion.AttributesClass.NormalDirection_enum.Toward_Reference_Point) ? "TOWARD" : "AWAY"; } CAD.SurfaceNormalType cadSurfaceNormal = new CAD.SurfaceNormalType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), Direction = direction_temp }; CAD.FeaturesType cadSurfaceNormFeatures = new CAD.FeaturesType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), FeatureID = normalDirPt.ID, GeometryType = "POINT", FeatureInterfaceType = "CAD_DATUM", FeatureGeometryType = "POINT", Feature = new CAD.FeatureType[1], PrimaryGeometryQualifier = primBoundaryQ, SecondaryGeometryQualifier = "" }; cadSurfaceNormFeatures.Feature[0] = new CAD.FeatureType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), Name = normalPtFeatureName, ComponentID = DisplayID, MetricID = DisplayID + ":" + normalPtFeatureName }; TestBenchModel.TBComputation surfNormalComputation = new TestBenchModel.TBComputation() { ComponentID = DisplayID, ComputationType = TestBenchModel.TBComputation.Type.POINTCOORDINATES, Details = normalPtFeatureName, FeatureDatumName = normalPtFeatureName, MetricID = DisplayID + ":" + normalPtFeatureName, RequestedValueType = "Vector" }; pointCoordinatesList.Add(surfNormalComputation); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(normalPtFeatureName)) { Logger.Instance.AddLogMessage("Empty point datum name [" + normalDirPt.Path + "]", Severity.Warning); } CAD.GeometryType cadSurfaceNormGeom = new CAD.GeometryType() { _id = UtilityHelpers.MakeUdmID(), Features = new CAD.FeaturesType[1], }; cadSurfaceNormGeom.Features[0] = cadSurfaceNormFeatures; cadSurfaceNormal.Geometry = cadSurfaceNormGeom; cadElement.SurfaceNormal = cadSurfaceNormal; } this.CadElementsList.Add(cadElement); } }
public void MigrateAllChildren(MgaModel root) { // Recursively get all children of this object, indexed by kind. Dictionary<string, List<MgaFCO>> dlf_AllFCOs = RecursivelyGetAllChildren(root); // Get self too. var kind = root.Meta.Name; if (!dlf_AllFCOs.ContainsKey(kind)) dlf_AllFCOs[kind] = new List<MgaFCO>(); dlf_AllFCOs[kind].Add(root as MgaFCO); // For each found FCO, migrate. // The key (kind name) isn't used at all #region ObsoleteCode foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<MgaFCO>> kvp in dlf_AllFCOs) { if (kvp.Key == "ComponentRef") { foreach (MgaFCO fco in kvp.Value) { if ((fco as MgaReference).Referred != null) { MgaFCO referredComponent = (fco as MgaReference).Referred; MigrateAllChildren(referredComponent as MgaModel); } } } else { foreach (MgaFCO fco in kvp.Value) { MigrateObject(fco); } } } #endregion foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<MgaFCO>> kvp in dlf_AllFCOs) { foreach (MgaFCO fco in kvp.Value) { MigrateObject(fco); } } if (root.Meta.Name == "ComponentAssembly" || root.Meta.Name == "DesignContainer") { migrateSystemConns(root); } // ModelicaModel objects aren't replaced, but are changing to a new aspect. // Copy its position from the current Behavior aspect to the new Modelica aspect. if (dlf_AllFCOs.ContainsKey("ModelicaModel")) { foreach (MgaFCO fco_ModelicaModel in dlf_AllFCOs["ModelicaModel"]) { var part = fco_ModelicaModel.Parts.Cast<IMgaPart>().Where(p => p.MetaAspect.Name == "BehaviorModelsAspect").FirstOrDefault(); string icon; int x; int y; part.GetGmeAttrs(out icon, out x, out y); foreach (var part_ in fco_ModelicaModel.Parts.Cast<IMgaPart>()) { part_.SetGmeAttrs(icon, x, y); } } } }
private void migrateSystemConns(MgaModel SystemModel) { string parName = (SystemModel.ParentFolder == null) ? SystemModel.ParentModel.Name : SystemModel.ParentFolder.Name; //GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine("migrateSystemConns({0}.{1})", parName, SystemModel.Name); var connections = SystemModel.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaSimpleConnection>(); string systemName = SystemModel.Name; string systemID = SystemModel.ID; foreach (var conn in connections) { if (conn.Meta.Name == "JoinStructures" || conn.Meta.Name == "ValueFlow" || conn.Meta.Name == "PortComposition") { continue; } string srcPortName = conn.Src.Name; string srcParentName = conn.Src.ParentModel.Name; string srcPortID = conn.Src.ID; string srcParentID = conn.Src.ParentModel.ID; var srcReferences = conn.SrcReferences; if (srcReferences.Count != 0) { srcParentName = srcReferences.Cast<IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault().Name; srcParentID = srcReferences.Cast<IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault().ID; } string dstPortName = conn.Dst.Name; string dstParentName = conn.Dst.ParentModel.Name; string dstPortID = conn.Dst.ID; string dstParentID = conn.Dst.ParentModel.ID; var dstReferences = conn.DstReferences; if (dstReferences.Count != 0) { dstParentName = dstReferences.Cast<IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault().Name; dstParentID = dstReferences.Cast<IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault().ID; } try { MgaFCO newConnSrcParent = (srcParentID == systemID) ? SystemModel as MgaFCO : SystemModel.get_ChildFCO(srcParentName); if (newConnSrcParent == null) { newConnSrcParent = SystemModel.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaReference>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Referred != null && x.Referred.Name == srcParentName) as MgaFCO; } if (newConnSrcParent == null) { GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Could not find 'srcParent'; Try to make manual connection: {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", srcParentName, srcPortName, dstParentName, dstPortName, systemID, systemName); continue; } MgaFCO newConnSrcPort = null; if (newConnSrcParent is MgaReference && (newConnSrcParent as MgaReference).Referred != null) { MgaFCO referredComp = (newConnSrcParent as MgaReference).Referred; newConnSrcPort = referredComp.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == srcPortName && x.Meta.Name == "ModelicaConnector") as MgaFCO; } else { newConnSrcPort = newConnSrcParent.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaFCO>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == srcPortName && x.Meta.Name == "ModelicaConnector"); } MgaFCO newConnDstParent = (dstParentID == systemID) ? SystemModel as MgaFCO : SystemModel.get_ChildFCO(dstParentName); if (newConnDstParent == null) { newConnDstParent = SystemModel.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaReference>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Referred != null && x.Referred.Name == dstParentName) as MgaFCO; } if (newConnDstParent == null) { GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Could not find 'dstParent'; Try to make manual connection: {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", srcParentName, srcPortName, dstParentName, dstPortName, systemID, systemName); continue; } MgaFCO newConnDstPort = null; if (newConnDstParent is MgaReference && (newConnDstParent as MgaReference).Referred != null) { MgaFCO referredComp = (newConnDstParent as MgaReference).Referred; newConnDstPort = referredComp.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaFCO>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == dstPortName && x.Meta.Name == "ModelicaConnector"); } else { newConnDstPort = newConnDstParent.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaFCO>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == dstPortName && x.Meta.Name == "ModelicaConnector"); } if (newConnSrcPort == null) { string systemParentName = (SystemModel.ParentModel == null) ? SystemModel.ParentFolder.Name : SystemModel.ParentModel.Name; GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Could not find 'srcPort'; Try to make manual connection: {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", srcParentName, srcPortName, dstParentName, dstPortName, systemID, systemName); continue; } if (newConnDstPort == null) { string systemParentName = (SystemModel.ParentModel == null) ? SystemModel.ParentFolder.Name : SystemModel.ParentModel.Name; GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Could not find 'dstPort'; Try to make manual connection: {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", srcParentName, srcPortName, dstParentName, dstPortName, systemID, systemName); continue; } if (newConnDstParent != null && newConnDstPort != null && newConnSrcParent != null && newConnSrcPort != null) { try { var newConnection = SystemModel.CreateSimpleConnDisp( (SystemModel.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName["PortComposition"], newConnSrcPort, newConnDstPort, newConnSrcParent, newConnDstParent); } catch (Exception ex) { GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Exception making connection between {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", newConnSrcParent.Name, newConnSrcPort.Name, newConnDstParent.Name, newConnDstPort.Name, systemID, systemName); GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace); GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("message: {0}", ex.Message); } } else { GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Object missing for connection between {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", srcParentName, srcPortName, dstParentName, dstPortName, systemID, systemName); } } catch (Exception ex) { GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine( "Unknown Exception making connection between {0}.{1}<=>{2}.{3} within <a href=\"mga:{4}\">{5}</a>", srcParentName, srcPortName, dstParentName, dstPortName, systemID, systemName); GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace); GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("message: {0}", ex.Message); } } }
private Dictionary<string, List<MgaFCO>> GetAllChildren(MgaModel root) { if (root == null) return new Dictionary<string, List<MgaFCO>>(); var result = new Dictionary<string, List<MgaFCO>>(); var models = new List<MgaModel>(); foreach (var childObject in root.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaFCO>()) { var kind = childObject.Meta.Name; if (!result.ContainsKey(kind)) result[kind] = new List<MgaFCO>(); result[kind].Add(childObject); if (childObject is MgaModel) models.Add((MgaModel)childObject); } foreach (var model in models) { var tmp = GetAllChildren(model); foreach (var tmpChild in tmp.Where(tmpChild => tmpChild.Value != null)) { if (!result.ContainsKey(tmpChild.Key)) result[tmpChild.Key] = new List<MgaFCO>(); result[tmpChild.Key].AddRange(tmpChild.Value); } } return result; }
private static MgaFCO makeFCO(MgaModel parent, string role) { MgaFCO newFCO = parent.CreateChildObject((parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName[role]); newFCO.Name = role; return newFCO; }
//assume root model (located directly in folder) will not need replacing //creates all model, atoms, and reference replacements (not connections) //Parents of new/old objects is set to the new object if model is being replaced //properties are copied over private void createNewFCOs(MgaModel model) { bool newParent = model.ParentFolder == null && oldToNewFCO.ContainsKey(model as MgaFCO); if (model == null || migratedModels.Contains(model) || (model.IsInstance && !newParent)) //if model already migrated, stop //INSTANCE BUG SOLUTION return; //INSTANCE BUG SOLUTION if (model.IsInstance) //newParent = true { foreach (var childObject in model.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaFCO>()) { oldToNewFCO.Add(childObject, null); if (childObject is MgaModel) createNewFCOs(childObject as MgaModel); } migratedModels.Add(model); return; } //END SOLUTION foreach (var childObject in model.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaFCO>()) { string role = (childObject as MgaFCO).MetaRole.Name; //special case (cadmodel): assumes cadmodel is not replaced if (role == "CADModel") { string cadFileType = childObject.get_StrAttrByName("FileType"); string cadFileExtension = (cadFileType == "Part") ? ".prt" : ".asm"; //check already has resource? bool makeFCOs = true; foreach (MgaConnPoint point in childObject.PartOfConns) { if (point.Owner.MetaRole.Name == "UsesResource") { makeFCOs = false; MgaConnection conn = point.Owner; MgaFCO resourceObj = null; if ((conn as IMgaSimpleConnection).Dst.Meta.Name == "Resource") { resourceObj = (conn as IMgaSimpleConnection).Dst; } else if ((conn as IMgaSimpleConnection).Src.Meta.Name == "Resource") { resourceObj = (conn as IMgaSimpleConnection).Src; } if (resourceObj != null) UpdateResourcePath(resourceObj, cadFileExtension); } } if (makeFCOs) { MgaFCO resource; MgaFCO conn; if (newParent) { MgaFCO newCAD = makeFCO(oldToNewFCO[model as MgaFCO] as MgaModel, childObject.MetaRole.Name); oldToNewFCO.Add(childObject, newCAD); copyFCO(childObject, newCAD); resource = makeFCO(oldToNewFCO[model as MgaFCO] as MgaModel, "Resource"); conn = makeConn(oldToNewFCO[model as MgaFCO] as MgaModel, newCAD, resource, "UsesResource"); } else { resource = makeFCO(model, "Resource"); conn = makeConn(model, childObject, resource, "UsesResource"); } resource.set_StrAttrByName("Path", childObject.get_StrAttrByName("FilePathWithinResource")); childObject.set_StrAttrByName("FilePathWithinResource", ""); UpdateResourcePath(resource, cadFileExtension); } } if (childObject.ArcheType != null && RootFolder != project.RootFolder && !oldToNewFCO.ContainsKey(childObject.ArcheType) && !willBeMigrated(childObject.ArcheType)) //migrate archetype if not going to be/hasn't been migrated createNewFCOs(childObject.ArcheType.ParentModel); if (oldToNewRole.ContainsKey(role) && !oldToNewFCO.ContainsKey(childObject) && !(childObject is MgaConnection)) //if child type is obselete, not yet migrated, and not a connection { //general case for models/atoms/references if (newParent) oldToNewFCO.Add(childObject, makeFCO(oldToNewFCO[model as MgaFCO] as MgaModel, oldToNewRole[role])); else oldToNewFCO.Add(childObject, makeFCO(model, oldToNewRole[role])); if(childObject.Name != childObject.MetaRole.Name && childObject.Name != childObject.Meta.Name && childObject.Name != childObject.Meta.DisplayedName) //name default? oldToNewFCO[childObject].Name = childObject.Name; //copy over specified properties to new FCO if (role == "StructuralInterface") { oldToNewFCO[childObject].set_StrAttrByName("Definition", childObject.get_StrAttrByName("Type")); oldToNewFCO[childObject].Name = childObject.Name; } else if (role == "SurfaceGeometry" || role == "AxisGeometry" || role == "PointGeometry" || role == "CoordinateSystemGeometry") { oldToNewFCO[childObject].set_StrAttrByName("DatumName", childObject.get_StrAttrByName("Datum")); } } else if (newParent && !oldToNewFCO.ContainsKey(childObject) && !(childObject is MgaConnection)) //if child type not obselete, not yet migrated, needs a new parent (and not a connection) { MgaFCO copy = makeFCO(oldToNewFCO[model as MgaFCO] as MgaModel, childObject.MetaRole.Name); copyFCO(childObject, copy); oldToNewFCO.Add(childObject, copy); } //for directFCOs if (childObject is MgaConnection || childObject is MgaReference) oldConnsAndRefs.Add(childObject); if (childObject.ArcheType != null) oldSubsAndInstances.Add(childObject); //recursion if (childObject is MgaModel) createNewFCOs(childObject as MgaModel); } migratedModels.Add(model); }
public void migrateFolder(MgaFolder rootfolder) { RootFolder = rootfolder; RootModel = null; List<MgaFolder> folders = getAllFolders(rootfolder); foreach (MgaFolder folder in folders) foreach (MgaModel model in folder.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>()) createNewFCOs(model); directFCOs(); copyOldLayout(); deleteOldFCOs(); }
private static MgaFCO makeConn(MgaModel parent, MgaFCO src, MgaFCO dst, string role, MgaFCOs srcRef=null, MgaFCOs dstRef=null) { MgaFCO newConn; if (srcRef == null && dstRef == null) newConn = parent.CreateSimplerConnDisp((parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName[role], src, dst); else newConn = parent.CreateSimpleConn((parent.Meta as MgaMetaModel).RoleByName[role], src, dst, srcRef, dstRef); newConn.Name = role; return newConn; }
// Recursive function that will keep looking for: // -DesignContainers // -ComponentAssemblies // -ComponentRefs => referred Component // and migrate the deepest level first public void migrateModel(MgaModel model) { try { MgaModel archetype = (model.ArcheType == null) ? model : model.ArcheType as MgaModel; // Skip the model if its archetype has already been migrated if (migratedModels.Contains(archetype)) { return; } // Skip the model if it contains 'new' port types if (archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "ModelicaConnector").FirstOrDefault() != null) { GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine( "Found new connector type in MgaModel, assumed to be migrated: <a href=\"mga:{0}\">{1}</a>", archetype.ID, archetype.Name); return; } string parName = (archetype.ParentFolder == null) ? archetype.ParentModel.Name : archetype.ParentFolder.Name; //GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine("migrateModel(<a href=\"mga:{0}\">{1}</a>)", archetype.ID, archetype.Name); // if this model is an archetype, make a copy to preserve original MgaModel untouchedOriginal = makeCopyOfModel(archetype, "_original"); mapModel_migrated2original.Add(archetype, untouchedOriginal); // get all the children of this model, and migrate them also. Assume only on TLSUT within a model var topLevelSUT = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaReference>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "TopLevelSystemUnderTest").FirstOrDefault(); var testComponents = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "TestComponent"); var components = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "Component"); var childDesignContainers = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "DesignContainer"); var childComponentAssemblies = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "ComponentAssembly"); var childComponentRefs = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaReference>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "ComponentRef"); var childComponentAssemblyRefs = archetype.ChildObjects.OfType<MgaReference>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "ComponentAssemblyRef"); var childModelicaModels = archetype.ChildFCOs.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "ModelicaModel"); var childEnvironments = archetype.ChildFCOs.OfType<MgaModel>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name == "Environment"); foreach (var mm in childModelicaModels) { migrateModel(mm); } foreach (var env in childEnvironments) { migrateModel(env); } foreach (MgaModel tComp in testComponents) { migrateModel(tComp); } foreach (MgaModel comp in components) { migrateModel(comp); } foreach (MgaReference compRef in childComponentRefs) { if (compRef.Referred != null) { MgaModel referred = compRef.Referred as MgaModel; migrateModel(referred); } } foreach (MgaModel dc in childDesignContainers) { migrateModel(dc); } foreach (MgaModel ca in childComponentAssemblies) { migrateModel(ca); } foreach (MgaReference compAssemblyRef in childComponentAssemblyRefs) { if (compAssemblyRef.Referred != null) { MgaModel referred = compAssemblyRef.Referred as MgaModel; migrateModel(referred); } } if (topLevelSUT != null) { if (topLevelSUT.Referred != null) { MgaModel referredSystem = topLevelSUT.Referred as MgaModel; migrateModel(referredSystem); } } migratePorts(archetype); migratedModels.Add(archetype); } catch (Exception ex) { GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine( "Could not migrate: <a href=\"mga:{0}\">{1}</a>. ({2})", model.ID, model.Name, model.AbsPath); GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private static List<MgaFCO> FindByRole(MgaModel mgaModel, string roleName) { return mgaModel.ChildFCOs.Cast<MgaFCO>().Where(x => x.MetaRole.Name == roleName).ToList(); }
private MgaModel makeCopyOfModel(MgaModel originalModel, string nameModifier) { MgaModel copyForMigration = null; if (originalModel.ParentFolder != null) { MgaFolder parentFolder = originalModel.ParentFolder; copyForMigration = (MgaModel)parentFolder.CopyFCODisp(originalModel as MgaFCO); copyForMigration.Name = originalModel.Name + nameModifier; } //else if (originalModel.ParentModel != null) //{ // GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine( // "Did not copy: <a href=\"mga:{0}\">{1}</a>. (not a Root Object)", // originalModel.ID, // originalModel.Name); //} return copyForMigration; }
public void migratePorts(MgaModel rootModel) { string parName = (rootModel.ParentFolder == null) ? rootModel.ParentModel.Name : rootModel.ParentFolder.Name; //GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine("migratePorts({0}.{1})", parName, rootModel.Name); string kind = rootModel.Meta.Name; var childFCOs = rootModel.ChildFCOs.Cast<MgaFCO>().Where(x => x.Meta.Name != "Property" && x.Meta.Name != "ModelicaParameter" && x.Meta.Name != "ModelicaMaterialSpec"); foreach (var fco in childFCOs) { MigrateObject(fco); } if (kind == "ComponentAssembly" || kind == "DesignContainer" || kind == "TestBench") { migrateSystemConns(rootModel); } }
private MgaFCO CreateChild(MgaModel parent, Type type) { var role = ((MgaMetaModel)parent.MetaBase).RoleByName[type.Name]; return (MgaFCO)((MgaModel)parent).CreateChildObject(role); }
private MgaFCO CreateChild(MgaModel parent, Type type) { var role = ((MgaMetaModel)parent.MetaBase).RoleByName[type.Name]; return((MgaFCO)((MgaModel)parent).CreateChildObject(role)); }
private void _GetTestbenchesFromModel(MgaModel sot, string outputBaseDir) { var tbRefs = sot .ChildObjects .OfType <MgaReference>() .Where(x => x.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.TestBenchRef).Name); foreach (var tbRef in tbRefs) { var task = tbRef .Referred .ChildObjects .OfType <MgaReference>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.WorkflowRef).Name) .Referred .ChildObjects .OfType <MgaAtom>() .FirstOrDefault(); var parameters = task.StrAttrByName["Parameters"]; var parametersDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters) == false) { try { parametersDict = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(parameters); } catch (Exception ex) { //Console.WriteLine(ex); //Trace.TraceWarning(ex.ToString()); this.Logger.WriteWarning(ex.ToString()); } } var testbench = new TestBench(); testbench.OutputDirectory = GetRandomTBDir(outputBaseDir); if (Directory.Exists(testbench.OutputDirectory) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(testbench.OutputDirectory); } testbench.Project = tbRef.Project; testbench.CurrentObj = tbRef.Referred; testbench.ParamInvoke = paramInvoked; testbench.Name = string.Format("{0}__{1}", tbRef.Referred.RegistryValue["TestBenchUniqueName"], tbRef.Referred.Name); testbench.ProgId = task.StrAttrByName["COMName"]; testbench.WorkflowParametersDict = parametersDict; TestBenches.Add(testbench); } UpdateDependency(sot); if (this.DependencyGraph == null) { this.Logger.WriteWarning("Dependency was not determined running all test benches without dependencies."); return; } // Update Testbench upstream and downstream dependencies based on the MgaFCO dependency map/list foreach (var chain in this.DependencyGraph.Where(x => x.Key.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.TestBenchRef).Name)) { this.TestBenches.First(x => x.CurrentObj.ID == ((MgaReference)chain.Key).Referred.ID).UpstreamTestBenches.AddRange( chain.Value.Select(x => this.TestBenches.First(y => y.CurrentObj.ID == ((MgaReference)x).Referred.ID))); } foreach (var tb in this.TestBenches) { foreach (var upstream in tb.UpstreamTestBenches) { upstream.DownstreamTestBenches.Add(tb); } tb.CollectDeps(); } }
// What do we have to do here now? // Well, if this connector has instances, we need to add port maps for those things too. // Then those connectors need to be visited to connections can be adjusted. private void VisitConnector(MgaModel connector) { #region Check arguments if (connector == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("connector"); } if (connector.MetaBase.MetaRef != MetaRef["Connector"]) { throw new ArgumentException("Input parameter was not a connector.", "connector"); } if (ConnectorsProcessed.Contains(connector)) { return; } #endregion Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: {0}", connector.AbsPath); ConnectorToStandalonePortMap.Add(connector, new List<PortWrapper>()); var parent = connector.ParentModel; Boolean connectorIsArchetype = (connector.ArcheType == null); Boolean parentIsArchetype = (parent.ArcheType == null); if (parentIsArchetype) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Processing with parent as Archetype"); if (connectorIsArchetype) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Processing connector as Archetype"); } else { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Processing connector as Derived"); Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Setting connector's local attributes and detaching"); SetAttributesLocally(connector as MgaFCO); connector.DetachFromArcheType(); } // I'm an archetype. // Go through each supported port, clone it, and create a wrapper. // Add it to traceability. // Redirect connections to constituent ports. foreach (MgaFCO port in connector.ChildFCOs) { if (false == SupportedPortTypesMeta.Contains(port.MetaBase.MetaRef)) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Skipping unsupported port {0}", port.AbsPath); continue; } var newPort = ClonePort(parent, port); newPort.Name = String.Format("{0}__{1}", connector.Name, port.Name); var wrapper = new PortWrapper() { SourceConnector = connector, SourcePortRole = port.Name, SourcePort = port, StandalonePort = newPort }; ConnectorToStandalonePortMap[connector].Add(wrapper); // See if the derived guy is itself in the Traceability. String lastGood = port.ID; String iter = null; while (Traceability.TryGetMappedObject(lastGood, out iter) && lastGood != iter) { lastGood = iter; } Traceability.AddItem(newPort.ID, lastGood); } RedirectConnectionsToConstituentPorts(connector); } else { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Processing as Derived"); var connectorArchetype = connector.ArcheType as MgaModel; // I'm derived. What we need to do is go through each // port, and create a new wrapper for each one. foreach (MgaFCO derivedPort in connector.ChildFCOs) { if (false == SupportedPortTypesMeta.Contains(derivedPort.MetaBase.MetaRef)) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Skipping unsupported derived port {0}", derivedPort.AbsPath); continue; } // Find the wrapper for these guys var orgWrapper = ConnectorToStandalonePortMap[connectorArchetype] .FirstOrDefault(w => w.SourceConnector == connectorArchetype && w.SourcePort == derivedPort.ArcheType); if (orgWrapper == null) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: orgWrapper is null for {0}", derivedPort.AbsPath); throw new ArgumentNullException("orgWrapper is null for " + derivedPort.AbsPath); } // Now guess at the standalone port. MgaFCO standalonePort = null; foreach (MgaFCO brokenOutPort in parent.ChildFCOs) { if (brokenOutPort.ArcheType != null && brokenOutPort.ArcheType == orgWrapper.StandalonePort) { standalonePort = brokenOutPort; break; } } if (standalonePort == null) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: standalonePort is null for {0}", derivedPort.AbsPath); throw new ArgumentNullException("standalonePort is null for " + derivedPort.AbsPath); } var wrapper = new PortWrapper() { SourceConnector = connector, SourcePortRole = derivedPort.Name, SourcePort = derivedPort, StandalonePort = standalonePort }; ConnectorToStandalonePortMap[connector].Add(wrapper); // See if the derived guy is itself in the Traceability. String lastGood = derivedPort.ID; String iter = null; while (Traceability.TryGetMappedObject(lastGood, out iter) && lastGood != iter) { lastGood = iter; } Traceability.AddItem(standalonePort.ID, lastGood); } } foreach (MgaModel derivedConnector in connector.DerivedObjects) { Logger.WriteDebug("VisitConnector: Visiting derived connector {0}", derivedConnector.AbsPath); VisitConnector(derivedConnector); } ConnectorsProcessed.Add(connector); }
/// <summary> /// Call this function within a transaction! /// </summary> /// <param name="outputDirectory"></param> /// <param name="project"></param> /// <param name="rootDS"></param> /// <param name="textWriter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static MetaAvmProject Create( string outputDirectory, MgaProject project = null, MgaModel rootDS = null, GME.CSharp.GMEConsole console = null ) { MetaAvmProject avmProj = new MetaAvmProject(); string currentDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(outputDirectory); string avmProjFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "manifest.project.json")); if (File.Exists(avmProjFileName)) { string sjson = "{}"; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(avmProjFileName)) { sjson = reader.ReadToEnd(); avmProj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AVM.DDP.MetaAvmProject>(sjson); } } if (console != null) { avmProj.infoTextWriter = console.Info; avmProj.errorTextWriter = console.Error; } avmProj.m_filename = avmProjFileName; avmProj.Project.LastModified = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss"); if (avmProj.Project.Results.UrlHints.Contains("./results/results.metaresults.json") == false) { avmProj.Project.Results.UrlHints.Add("./results/results.metaresults.json"); } if (avmProj.Project.Requirements.UrlHints.Contains("./requirements/requirements.json") == false) { avmProj.Project.Requirements.UrlHints.Add("./requirements/requirements.json"); } string reqSourceRepository = string.Empty; string reqId = string.Empty; string reqText = string.Empty; if (project != null) { CyPhy.RootFolder rf = ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Classes.RootFolder.GetRootFolder(project); var topLevelLinks = rf.Children.RequirementsCollection .SelectMany(x => x.Children.RequirementLinkCollection); var defaults = topLevelLinks.Where(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "default"); var reqDefault = defaults.FirstOrDefault(); if (defaults.Count() > 1) { // more requ found first one will be used string msg = string.Format("More than one Requirement was not found {0} in use.", reqDefault.Impl.AbsPath); Trace.TraceWarning(msg); avmProj.infoTextWriter.WriteLine(msg); } if (reqDefault != null) { reqSourceRepository = reqDefault.Attributes.SourceRepository; reqId = reqDefault.Attributes.ID; reqText = reqDefault.Attributes.Text; } else { // requ not found string msg = "Requirement was not found."; Trace.TraceWarning(msg); avmProj.infoTextWriter.WriteLine(msg); } } avmProj.Project.Requirements.vfLink = reqSourceRepository; = reqId; avmProj.Project.Requirements.text = reqText; string dirName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "requirements")); if (Directory.Exists(dirName) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); string requFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dirName, "requirements.json")); if (File.Exists(requFileName) == false) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(requFileName)) { // default requirement writer.WriteLine(@"{"); writer.WriteLine(" \"name\": \"Undefined\","); writer.WriteLine(" \"children\": []"); writer.WriteLine(@"}"); } } } string designSpaceFolder = "design-space"; dirName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, designSpaceFolder)); if (Directory.Exists(dirName) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); } if (rootDS != null) { // export designspace var dsProjectJsonLink = Path.Combine(".", designSpaceFolder, rootDS.Name + ".metadesign.json").Replace('\\', '/'); var dsFileName = Path.Combine(dirName, rootDS.Name + ".metadesign.json"); if (avmProj.Project.DesignSpaceModels.Contains(dsProjectJsonLink) == false) { avmProj.Project.DesignSpaceModels.Add(dsProjectJsonLink); } var designContainer = ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Classes.DesignContainer.Cast(rootDS); var design = CyPhy2DesignInterchange.CyPhy2DesignInterchange.Convert(designContainer); string d = design.SerializeToFile(Path.GetFullPath(dsFileName)); } Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(currentDir); return avmProj; }
private MgaFCO ClonePort(MgaModel parent, MgaFCO oldPort) { Logger.WriteDebug("ClonePort: {0}", oldPort.AbsPath); GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole role = null; foreach (GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole roleItem in (parent.Meta as GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaModel).Roles) { if (roleItem.Kind.MetaRef == oldPort.MetaBase.MetaRef) { role = roleItem; break; } } var newPortFCO = parent.CopyFCODisp(oldPort, role); //newPortFCO.SetAttributeByNameDisp("ID", null); return newPortFCO; }
/// <summary> /// Call this function within a transaction! /// </summary> /// <param name="outputDirectory"></param> /// <param name="project"></param> /// <param name="rootDS"></param> /// <param name="textWriter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static MetaAvmProject Create( string outputDirectory, MgaProject project = null, MgaModel rootDS = null, GME.CSharp.GMEConsole console = null ) { MetaAvmProject avmProj = new MetaAvmProject(); outputDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(outputDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); string avmProjFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "manifest.project.json")); using (new MutexWrapper(avmProjFileName)) { if (File.Exists(avmProjFileName)) { string sjson = "{}"; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(avmProjFileName)) { sjson = reader.ReadToEnd(); try { avmProj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AVM.DDP.MetaAvmProject>(sjson); } catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} file is probably malformed. Not a valid json. {1}{2}", Path.GetFullPath(avmProjFileName), Environment.NewLine, ex.Message)); } } } } if (console != null) { avmProj.infoTextWriter = console.Info; avmProj.errorTextWriter = console.Error; } avmProj.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory; avmProj.m_filename = avmProjFileName; avmProj.Project.LastModified = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss"); if (avmProj.Project.Results.UrlHints.Contains("./results/results.metaresults.json") == false) { avmProj.Project.Results.UrlHints.Add("./results/results.metaresults.json"); } if (avmProj.Project.Requirements.UrlHints.Contains("./requirements/requirements.json") == false) { avmProj.Project.Requirements.UrlHints.Add("./requirements/requirements.json"); } string reqSourceRepository = string.Empty; string reqId = string.Empty; string reqText = string.Empty; if (project != null) { avmProj.Project.CyPhyProjectFileName = MgaExtensions.MgaExtensions.GetProjectName(project); CyPhy.RootFolder rf = ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Classes.RootFolder.GetRootFolder(project); var topLevelLinks = rf.Children.RequirementsCollection .SelectMany(x => x.Children.RequirementLinkCollection); var defaults = topLevelLinks.Where(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "default"); var reqDefault = defaults.FirstOrDefault(); if (defaults.Count() > 1) { // more requ found first one will be used string msg = string.Format("More than one Requirement was not found {0} in use.", reqDefault.Impl.AbsPath); Trace.TraceWarning(msg); avmProj.infoTextWriter.WriteLine(msg); } if (reqDefault != null) { reqSourceRepository = reqDefault.Attributes.SourceRepository; reqId = reqDefault.Attributes.ID; reqText = reqDefault.Attributes.Text; } else { // requ not found string msg = "Requirement was not found."; Trace.TraceWarning(msg); // RESTORE THIS MESSAGE ONCE WE SWITCH TO USING GMELOGGER // avmProj.infoTextWriter.WriteLine(msg); } } avmProj.Project.Requirements.vfLink = reqSourceRepository; = reqId; avmProj.Project.Requirements.text = reqText; string dirName = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "requirements"); if (Directory.Exists(dirName) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); string requFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dirName, "requirements.json")); using (new MutexWrapper(requFileName)) { if (File.Exists(requFileName) == false) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(requFileName)) { // default requirement writer.WriteLine(@"{"); writer.WriteLine(" \"name\": \"Undefined\","); writer.WriteLine(" \"children\": []"); writer.WriteLine(@"}"); } } } } string designSpaceFolder = "design-space"; dirName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, designSpaceFolder)); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); if (rootDS != null) { // export designspace var dsProjectJsonLink = Path.Combine(".", designSpaceFolder, rootDS.Name + ".adm").Replace('\\', '/'); var dsFileName = Path.Combine(dirName, rootDS.Name + ".adm"); if (avmProj.Project.DesignSpaceModels.Contains(dsProjectJsonLink) == false) { avmProj.Project.DesignSpaceModels.Add(dsProjectJsonLink); } var designContainer = ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Classes.DesignContainer.Cast(rootDS); var design = CyPhy2DesignInterchange.CyPhy2DesignInterchange.Convert(designContainer); using (new MutexWrapper(dsFileName)) { design.SaveToFile(dsFileName); } } return(avmProj); }
/// <summary> /// Given a container, find all ConnectorComposition connections, and make /// new connections between the new "standalone" ports that have been created. /// </summary> /// <param name="container"></param> private void ExpandConnectorCompositionChildren(MgaModel container) { Logger.WriteDebug("ExpandConnectorCompositionChildren: {0}", container.AbsPath); // Find PortComposition role for this parent type GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole role = null; foreach (GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaRole roleItem in (container.Meta as GME.MGA.Meta.MgaMetaModel).Roles) { if (roleItem.Name == "PortComposition") { role = roleItem; break; } } // For each ConnectorComposition, create new connections between the new "standalone" ports. // Since we did depth-first recursion in modifying the connectors, they should all be "expanded" // and ready to go. foreach (MgaSimpleConnection connectorComposition in container.GetChildrenOfKind("ConnectorComposition")) { MgaModel connector1 = connectorComposition.Src as MgaModel; MgaModel connector2 = connectorComposition.Dst as MgaModel; var portsConn1 = ConnectorToStandalonePortMap[connector1]; var portsConn2 = ConnectorToStandalonePortMap[connector2]; // For each port, find the analogue from the other connector. foreach (var port1 in portsConn1) { var kindPort1 = port1.SourcePort.MetaBase.Name; // Try to match by role & kind. var port2 = portsConn2.FirstOrDefault(p2 => p2.SourcePortRole == port1.SourcePortRole && p2.SourcePort.MetaBase.Name == kindPort1); // Nominal match case failed. Try alternatives. if (port2 == null) { // If we failed to match by the methods above, we'll try another method. // Try to see if each port's kind is unique to its connector (e.g.: They are the only ModelicaConnectors in their parent Connectors). // If so, then we will go ahead and match them, but yield a warning. Boolean port1KindIsUnique = portsConn1.Where(pc => kindPort1 == pc.SourcePort.MetaBase.Name).Count() == 1; var port2KindMatches = portsConn2.Where(pc => kindPort1 == pc.SourcePort.MetaBase.Name); Boolean port2KindIsUnique = port2KindMatches.Count() == 1; if (port1KindIsUnique && port2KindIsUnique) { // Match anyway based on unique kinds. port2 = port2KindMatches.First(); Logger.WriteWarning("Non-name match: " + "Port {0} in Connector {1} and Port {2} in Connector {3}", GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(port1.SourcePort, Traceability), GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(port1.SourceConnector, Traceability), GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(port2.SourcePort, Traceability), GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(port2.SourceConnector, Traceability)); } else { // Kinds were not unique, so we can't guess. Logger.WriteWarning("NO MATCH found for Port {0} of Connector {1} with any Port within Connector {2}", GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(port1.SourcePort, Traceability), GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(port1.SourceConnector, Traceability), GmeConsoleHelper.ToMgaHyperLink(connector2, Traceability)); continue; } } var conn = container.CreateChildObject(role) as MgaSimpleConnection; conn.SetSrc(EmptyArray, port1.StandalonePort); conn.SetDst(EmptyArray, port2.StandalonePort); } } }