Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabControl"></param>
        /// <param name="sideType"></param>
        public static void SetTabAlignment(MgTabControl tabControl, SideType sideType)
            TabAlignment tabAlignment;

            switch (sideType)
            case SideType.Top:
                tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Top;

            case SideType.Bottom:
                tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Bottom;

            case SideType.Left:
                tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Left;

            case SideType.Right:
                tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Right;

                tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Top;

            tabControl.Alignment = tabAlignment;
Example #2
        private static void DrawTabText(MgTabControl tabControl, Graphics graphics, GraphicsPath tabPath, int index)
            Rectangle tabBounds = GetTabTextRect(tabControl, tabPath, index);

            Color textColor;

            // For selected tab
            // When 'SelectedTabColor' is set TextColor is SelectedTabFgColor else it is Tab's ForeColor
            if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == index)
                textColor = tabControl.SelectedTabFgColor != Color.Empty ? tabControl.SelectedTabFgColor : tabControl.ForeColor;
                textColor = tabControl.TitleFgColor; // Text color it is Foreground of Title Color for non selected tabs
            int orientation = GetOrientation(tabControl);

            if (tabControl.RightToLeftLayout)
                Rectangle clipRect = tabControl.GetTabRect(index);

                clipRect.X = tabControl.Width - clipRect.Right;

                // Set clip so that image is not painted outside tab bounds

            FontDescription font = new FontDescription(tabControl.Font);

            ControlRenderer.PrintText(graphics, tabBounds, textColor, font, GetTabText(tabControl, orientation, index), false, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter,
                                      true, false, false, false, (tabControl.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes), false, orientation, true);
Example #3
        private static int GetTabRow(MgTabControl tabControl, int index)
            //	All calculations will use this rect as the base point
            //	because the itemsize does not return the correct width.
            Rectangle rect = tabControl.GetTabRect(index);

            int row = -1;

            switch (tabControl.Alignment)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                row = (rect.Y - 2) / rect.Height;

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                row = ((tabControl.Height - rect.Y - 2) / rect.Height) - 1;

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                row = (rect.X - 2) / rect.Width;

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                row = ((tabControl.Width - rect.X - 2) / rect.Width) - 1;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the tab page text at specified index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabControl"></param>
        /// <param name="orientation"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetTabText(MgTabControl tabControl, int orientation, int index)
            if (orientation == 0)

Example #5
        private void OnRemove(object sender, EventArgs eevent)
            MgTabControl component = (MgTabControl)base.Component;

            if ((component != null) && (component.TabPages.Count != 0))
                component.OnDesignerRemoveTabPage(sender, eevent);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// ReorderVisibility
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab"></param>
        internal static void SetVisibilityForTabPage(MgTabControl tab)
            MgPanel mgPanel = GetMgPanel(tab);

            if (mgPanel == null)

            // move the mg panel to be child of the new selected tab page
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentControl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static MgPanel GetMgPanel(MgTabControl currentControl)
            foreach (TabPage item in currentControl.TabPages)
                if (item.Controls.Count > 0 && item.Controls[0] is MgPanel)
                    return(item.Controls[0] as MgPanel);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the background of Tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="graphics"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        private static void FillTab(MgTabControl tabControl, Graphics graphics, GraphicsPath path, int index)
            Brush fillBrush = GetTabBackgroundBrush(tabControl, index);

            //	Paint the background
            graphics.FillPath(fillBrush, path);

            // Fill the selected tab with selected tab color
            if (tabControl.SelectedTabColor != Color.Empty && tabControl.SelectedIndex == index)
                graphics.FillRectangle(SolidBrushCache.GetInstance().Get(tabControl.SelectedTabColor), tabControl.DisplayStyleProvider.GetTabRect(index));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the real side of Tab
        /// </summary>
        internal static TabAlignment GetRealTabAlignment(MgTabControl tabControl)
            switch (tabControl.Alignment)
            case TabAlignment.Left:
                return(tabControl.RightToLeftLayout ? TabAlignment.Right : TabAlignment.Left);

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                return(tabControl.RightToLeftLayout ? TabAlignment.Left : TabAlignment.Right);

Example #10
        private static void DrawTabPage(MgTabControl tabControl, Graphics graphics, int index)
            graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;

            //if the scroller is visible and the tab is fully placed under it, we don't need to draw such tab
            // in this case we should only paint the border for selected tab
            if (!tabControl.TabUpDownRect.IsEmpty && tabControl.GetTabRect(index).X >= tabControl.TabUpDownRect.X)
                if (index == tabControl.SelectedIndex)
                    using (GraphicsPath tabBorderPath = GetTabPageBorder(tabControl, index))
                        //	Paint the border for selected tab even if it is not visible
                        DrawTabBorder(tabControl, graphics, tabBorderPath, index);

            //	Get TabPageBorder
            using (GraphicsPath tabBorderPath = GetTabPageBorder(tabControl, index))
                //	Paint the tab background
                FillTab(tabControl, graphics, tabBorderPath, index);

                using (GraphicsPath tabRectPath = tabControl.DisplayStyleProvider.GetTabBorder(index))
                    Region originalClipRegion = graphics.Clip;

                    // Set clip so that image is not painted outside tab bounds

                    //	Draw any image
                    DrawTabImage(tabControl, graphics, tabRectPath, index);

                    //	Draw the text
                    DrawTabText(tabControl, graphics, tabRectPath, index);

                    // restore original clip
                    graphics.SetClip(originalClipRegion, CombineMode.Replace);

                //	Paint the border
                DrawTabBorder(tabControl, graphics, tabBorderPath, index);

                //	Paint a focus indication
                tabControl.DisplayStyleProvider.DrawTabFocusIndicator(index, graphics);
Example #11
        private static void DrawTabImage(MgTabControl tabControl, Graphics graphics, GraphicsPath tabPath, int index)
            Image tabImage = null;

            if (tabControl.TabPages[index].ImageIndex > -1 && tabControl.ImageList != null && tabControl.ImageList.Images.Count > tabControl.TabPages[index].ImageIndex)
                tabImage = tabControl.ImageList.Images[tabControl.TabPages[index].ImageIndex];

            if (tabImage != null)
                Rectangle imageRect = GetTabImageRect(tabControl, tabPath, index);
                graphics.DrawImage(tabImage, imageRect);
Example #12
        private static void DrawTabBorder(MgTabControl tabControl, Graphics graphics, GraphicsPath path, int index)
            graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            Color borderColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;

            // For hottracked item , border color must be the FG Color
            if (index == tabControl.ActiveIndex && index != tabControl.SelectedIndex && tabControl.HotTrackFgColor != Color.Empty)
                borderColor = tabControl.HotTrackFgColor;

            Pen borderPen = PensCache.GetInstance().Get(borderColor);

            graphics.DrawPath(borderPen, path);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// get the current layer of the tab control, according to the current tab page and the visible layer list property.
        /// The value returned is the 1-based property value, not the 0-based tab index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabControl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        int GetCurrentTabControlLayer(MgTabControl tabControl)
            MgArrayList visibleLayers  = (MgArrayList)componentsDictionary[tabControl].GetProperties()[Constants.WinPropVisibleLayerList].GetValue(tabControl);
            int         currentTabPage = tabControl.SelectedIndex;

            // no visible layers property - return current tab page layer. Add 1 since the layers are 1-based, and tabpage index is 0-based
            if (visibleLayers.Count == 0 || ((string[])visibleLayers[0]).Length == 0)
                return(currentTabPage + 1);

            string currentTabPageLayerString = ((string[])visibleLayers[0])[currentTabPage];

Example #14
        private static GraphicsPath GetTabPageBorder(MgTabControl tabControl, int index)
            GraphicsPath path      = new GraphicsPath();
            Rectangle    tabBounds = tabControl.DisplayStyleProvider.GetTabRect(index);

            tabControl.DisplayStyleProvider.AddTabBorder(path, tabBounds);

            if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == index)
                Rectangle pageBounds = GetPageBounds(tabControl, index);
                AddPageBorder(path, pageBounds, tabBounds, tabControl);

Example #15
        public object AdjustResettedValue(object value)
            if (propName == "Top")
                // If the control is on a Tab, its location may have to be shifted to compensate for
                // the original height of tab headers
                if (control.Parent is Panel && control.Parent.Parent is TabPage)
                    MgTabControl tabControl = (MgTabControl)control.Parent.Parent.Parent;
                    int          diff       = tabControl.DisplayRectangle.Top - tabControl.InitialDisplayRectangle.Top;
                    value = ((int)value) + diff;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the designer of panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="de"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MgPanelDesigner GetDraggedOverPanelDesigner(DragEventArgs de)
            MgTabControl control = (MgTabControl)this.Control;
            MgPanel      panel   = control.SelectedTab.Controls[0] as MgPanel;

            Debug.Assert(panel != null);
            MgPanelDesigner designer = null;

            IDesignerHost service = (IDesignerHost)this.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));

            if (service != null)
                designer = service.GetDesigner(panel) as MgPanelDesigner;
Example #17
        internal static TabStyleProvider CreateProvider(MgTabControl tabControl, TabStyle tabStyle)
            TabStyleProvider provider;

            //	Depending on the display style of the tabControl generate an appropriate provider.
            switch (tabStyle)
            //case TabStyle.None:
            //   provider = new TabStyleNoneProvider(tabControl);
            //   break;

            case TabStyle.Default:
                provider = new TabStyleDefaultProvider(tabControl);

            //case TabStyle.Angled:
            //   provider = new TabStyleAngledProvider(tabControl);
            //   break;

            //case TabStyle.Rounded:
            //   provider = new TabStyleRoundedProvider(tabControl);
            //   break;

            //case TabStyle.VisualStudio:
            //   provider = new TabStyleVisualStudioProvider(tabControl);
            //   break;

            //case TabStyle.Chrome:
            //   provider = new TabStyleChromeProvider(tabControl);
            //   break;

            //case TabStyle.IE8:
            //   provider = new TabStyleIE8Provider(tabControl);
            //   break;

            //case TabStyle.VS2010:
            //   provider = new TabStyleVS2010Provider(tabControl);
            //   break;

                provider = new TabStyleDefaultProvider(tabControl);
                Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid tab style.");

Example #18
        internal static void CustomPaint(MgTabControl tabControl, Graphics screenGraphics)
            //	We render into a bitmap that is then drawn in one shot rather than using
            //	double buffering built into the control as the built in buffering
            //  messes up the background painting.
            //	Equally the .Net 2.0 BufferedGraphics object causes the background painting
            //	to mess up, which is why we use this .Net 1.1 buffering technique.

            //	Buffer code from Gil. Schmidt http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/DoubleBuffering.aspx

            if (tabControl.Width > 0 && tabControl.Height > 0)

                if (tabControl.TabCount > 0)
                    //	Draw each tabpage from right to left.  We do it this way to handle
                    //	the overlap correctly.

                    for (int row = 0; row < tabControl.RowCount; row++)
                        for (int index = tabControl.TabCount - 1; index >= 0; index--)
                            if (index != tabControl.SelectedIndex && GetTabRow(tabControl, index) == row)
                                DrawTabPage(tabControl, screenGraphics, index);

                    //	The selected tab must be drawn last so it appears on top.
                    if (tabControl.SelectedIndex > -1)
                        DrawTabPage(tabControl, screenGraphics, tabControl.SelectedIndex);
                    // When there are no tabs paint only the border.
                    Rectangle tabBorderRect = tabControl.ClientRectangle;
                    tabBorderRect.Inflate(-2, -2);
                    screenGraphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(SolidBrushCache.GetInstance().Get(SystemColors.ControlDark)), tabBorderRect);
Example #19
        //private static Rectangle GetTabImageRect(MgTabControl tabControl, int index)
        //   using (GraphicsPath tabBorderPath = tabControl.DisplayStyleProvider.GetTabBorder(index))
        //   {
        //      return GetTabImageRect(tabControl, tabBorderPath, index);
        //   }

        private static Rectangle GetTabImageRect(MgTabControl tabControl, GraphicsPath tabBorderPath, int index)
            TabPage tabPage  = tabControl.TabPages[index];
            Size    iconSize = tabControl.ImageList.ImageSize;

            RectangleF tabBounds = tabBorderPath.GetBounds();

            Size textExt = Utils.GetTextExt(tabControl.Font, tabPage.Text, tabPage);

            int widthForImageAndText = iconSize.Width + textExt.Width + tabControl.Padding.X;

            double leftmargin = 0;
            double topMargin  = 0;

            Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, iconSize.Width, iconSize.Height);

            if (tabControl.Alignment <= TabAlignment.Bottom)
                leftmargin = (tabBounds.Width - widthForImageAndText) / 2;
                topMargin  = Math.Round((double)((int)tabBounds.Height - iconSize.Height) / 2); // vertical center

                imageRect.Y = (int)tabBounds.Y + (int)topMargin;                                // Y is always centered

                imageRect.X = (int)tabBounds.X + (int)leftmargin;                               // aligned to left and centered vertically
            else // left and right
                leftmargin = Math.Round((double)((int)tabBounds.Width - iconSize.Width) / 2);
                topMargin  = (tabBounds.Height - widthForImageAndText) / 2; // vertical center

                imageRect.X = (int)tabBounds.X + (int)leftmargin;           // X is always centered

                if (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                    imageRect.Y = (int)tabBounds.Top + (int)topMargin; // aligned to Top and centered horizontally
                    imageRect.Y = (int)tabBounds.Bottom - ((int)Math.Round(topMargin, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + iconSize.Height); // aligned to Bottom and centered horizontally

Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// get the brush for filling background
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Brush GetTabBackgroundBrush(MgTabControl tabControl, int index)
            Color tabBackGroundColor;

            if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == index)
                tabBackGroundColor = tabControl.PageColor;
            else if (index == tabControl.ActiveIndex && tabControl.HotTrackColor != Color.Empty)
                tabBackGroundColor = tabControl.HotTrackColor; // Change the background of hot tracked tab for XP theme
                tabBackGroundColor = tabControl.TitleColor;

Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the orientation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabControl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int GetOrientation(MgTabControl tabControl)
            int orientation = 0;

            if (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Left || tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                // For left and right, when tab size mode is Fixed , set the orientation of applied Font
                if (tabControl.SizeMode == TabSizeMode.Fixed)
                    orientation = tabControl.FontOrientation;
                else // when size mode is not fixed orientation is 900 for left and 2700 for right
                    orientation = tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Left ? 900 : 2700;
            // For other alignment orientation is always 0
Example #22
        /// <summary> add handler for the text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">text
        /// </param>

        internal void addHandler(MgTabControl Tab)
#if !PocketPC
            Tab.MouseMove          += MouseMoveHandler;
            Tab.MouseEnter         += MouseEnterHandler;
            Tab.MouseHover         += MouseHoverHandler;
            Tab.MouseLeave         += MouseLeaveHandler;
            Tab.MouseDoubleClick   += MouseDoubleClickHandler;
            Tab.MouseWheel         += MouseWheelHandler;
            Tab.PreviewKeyDown     += PreviewKeyDownHandler;
            Tab.Layout             += LayoutHandler;
            Tab.Selecting          += SelectingHandler;
            Tab.MouseDown          += MouseDownHandler;
            Tab.MnemonicKeyPressed += MnemonicKeyPressedHandler;
            Tab.EnabledChanged += EnabledChangedHandler;
            Tab.GotFocus  += GotFocusHandler;
            Tab.LostFocus += LostFocusHandler;
            Tab.KeyDown   += KeyDownHandler;
            Tab.KeyPress  += KeyPressHandler;
            Tab.Disposed  += DisposedHandler;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the TabPage over which a control is dragged, considering also the tab headers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="de"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TabPage GetDraggedOverTabPage(DragEventArgs de)
            MgTabPage    selectedTabPage = null;
            MgTabControl control         = (MgTabControl)this.Control;

            // If the current point is not on the tab page
            Point pt = this.Control.PointToClient(new Point(de.X, de.Y));

            if (!control.DisplayRectangle.Contains(pt))
                if (control.ClientRectangle.Contains(pt))
                    //  current point is in the labels area
                    selectedTabPage = this.GetTabPageFromLocation(pt);
                selectedTabPage = (MgTabPage)control.SelectedTab;

Example #24
 protected internal TabStyleProvider(MgTabControl tabControl)
     this.tabControl = tabControl;
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Set TitlePadding on Tab Control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgTabControl"></param>
 /// <param name="padding"></param>
 public static void SetTitlePadding(MgTabControl mgTabControl, int padding)
     mgTabControl.TitlePadding = padding;
Example #26
 internal TabStyleDefaultProvider(MgTabControl tabControl)
     : base(tabControl)
Example #27
        private void OnAdd(object sender, EventArgs eevent)
            MgTabControl component = (MgTabControl)base.Component;

Example #28
        private static Rectangle GetPageBounds(MgTabControl tabControl, int index)
            Rectangle pageBounds = tabControl.TabPages[index].Bounds;

            if (tabControl.Alignment <= TabAlignment.Bottom)
                // Ideally the page bounds should be inflated by 4. But it does not work correctly .
                // In case of Top :  Y is increased by 2 , Bottom by 4  (so height increases by 6 )
                // In case of Bottom :  Y is increased by 4 , Bottom by 2 (so height increases by 6)

                pageBounds.Inflate(4, 0); // Adjust the width first

                if (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Top)
                    pageBounds.Y -= 2;
                else //if (this.Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
                    pageBounds.Y -= 4;

                pageBounds.Height += (2 + 4); // Adjust the height,
            else // for left and right
                // Ideally the page bounds should be inflated by 4. But it does not work correctly .
                // In case of Left :  X is increased by 2 , Right by 4  (so width increases by 6 )
                // In case of Right : X  is increased by 4 , Right by 2 (so width increases by 6)

                pageBounds.Inflate(0, 4);

                bool tabsOnLeft = (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Left && !tabControl.RightToLeftLayout) ||
                                  (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Right && tabControl.RightToLeftLayout);

                if (tabsOnLeft)
                    pageBounds.X -= 2;
                else // Right
                    pageBounds.X -= 4;

                pageBounds.Width += (2 + 4);

                if (tabControl.RightToLeftLayout)
                    if (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
                        pageBounds.X = 0; // page is aligned to left
                        pageBounds.X = tabControl.Width - pageBounds.Width; // page is aligned to right

            // Since we cannot paint on controls bound reduce the width and height by 1 pixel
            pageBounds.Width  -= 1;
            pageBounds.Height -= 1;

Example #29
        private static void AddPageBorder(GraphicsPath path, Rectangle pageBounds, Rectangle tabBounds, MgTabControl tabControl)
            switch (MgTabControlRenderer.GetRealTabAlignment(tabControl))
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                path.AddLine(tabBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y, tabBounds.X, pageBounds.Y);

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                path.AddLine(tabBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, tabBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom);

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, tabBounds.Y, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, tabBounds.Bottom);

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, tabBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y);
                path.AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Y, pageBounds.Right, tabBounds.Y);
Example #30
        private static Rectangle GetTabTextRect(MgTabControl tabControl, GraphicsPath tabPath, int index)
            TabPage   tabPage  = tabControl.TabPages[index];
            Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle();

            RectangleF tabBounds = tabPath.GetBounds();
            Size       textExt   = Utils.GetTextExt(tabControl.Font, tabPage.Text, tabPage);

            //TODO : image file does not exist
            if (tabControl.Alignment <= TabAlignment.Bottom) // Top and Bottom
                textRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, textExt.Width + (2 * tabControl.Padding.X), (int)tabBounds.Height);
                if (tabControl.SizeMode == TabSizeMode.Fixed && !(tabControl.FontOrientation == 900 || tabControl.FontOrientation == 2700))
                    // For right and left tab when tab size is Fixed , text is rendered in center , hence textRect is same as TabRect
                    // textRect = new Rectangle((int)tabBounds.X, (int)tabBounds.Y, Math.Min((int)tabBounds.Height, textExt.Height), Math.Min((int)tabBounds.Width, textExt.Width));
                    textRect = new Rectangle((int)tabBounds.X, (int)tabBounds.Y, (int)tabBounds.Width, (int)tabBounds.Height);
                    textRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)tabBounds.Height, (textExt.Width + (2 * tabControl.Padding.X))); // Since the text is rotated in case of left and right, we treat the textExt.Width as text's Height and vice versa.

            int leftMargin = ((int)tabBounds.Width - textRect.Width) / 2;
            int topMargin  = ((int)tabBounds.Height - textRect.Height) / 2;

            if (tabControl.SizeMode == TabSizeMode.Normal && tabPage.ImageIndex == -1) // When Size mode is 'Fit to text' and there is no image, text is aligned to left
                if (tabControl.Alignment <= TabAlignment.Bottom)                       // Top and Bottom
                    leftMargin = 0;
                    topMargin = 0;

            textRect.X = (int)tabBounds.X + leftMargin; //Align text to left

            textRect.Y = (int)tabBounds.Y + topMargin;  // text must be centered vertically

            //	If there is an image allow for it
            if (tabControl.TabPages[index].ImageIndex > -1 && tabControl.ImageList != null)
                Rectangle imageRect = GetTabImageRect(tabControl, tabPath, index);
                if (tabControl.Alignment <= TabAlignment.Bottom)
                    textRect.X = imageRect.Right; // text is on right of image
                    if (tabControl.Alignment == TabAlignment.Right)
                        if (tabControl.SizeMode == TabSizeMode.Fixed && !(tabControl.FontOrientation == 900 || tabControl.FontOrientation == 2700))
                            // text should be rendered in center of the space below the image
                            textRect.Height = (int)tabBounds.Bottom - imageRect.Bottom;
                            textRect.Y      = imageRect.Bottom;
                            textRect.Y = imageRect.Bottom; // text is below the image
                        if (tabControl.SizeMode == TabSizeMode.Fixed && !(tabControl.FontOrientation == 900 || tabControl.FontOrientation == 2700))
                            // text should be rendered in center of the space above the image
                            textRect.Height = imageRect.Top - (int)tabBounds.Top;
                            textRect.Y      = (int)tabBounds.Y;
                            textRect.Y = imageRect.Top - textRect.Height; // text is above the image