Example #1
        /// <summary>(public)
        /// replace the content of a marked text within an edit control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "ctrl">the control to operate upon </param>
        /// <param name = "str">text to replace </param>
        /// <returns>succeed or failed </returns>
        public static bool MarkedTextSet(MgControlBase ctrl, String str)
            if (!ctrl.isTextOrTreeEdit())

            MgPoint selection = SelectionGet(ctrl);

            // return if no text is selected
            if (selection.x

            bool successful = true;

            if (ctrl.isRichEditControl())
#if !PocketPC
                Commands.setMarkedTextOnRichEdit(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true), str);
                successful = TextMaskEditor.MarkedTextSet(ctrl, str);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   set the focus to the specified control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "itask"></param>
        /// <param name = "ctrl"></param>
        /// <param name = "line"></param>
        /// <param name="activateForm">activate a form or not</param>
        public static void SetFocus(ITask itask, MgControlBase ctrl, int line, bool activateForm)
            var task = (TaskBase)itask;

            if (task.isAborting())

            Events.OnCtrlFocus(itask, ctrl);

            if (ctrl != null)
                if (!ctrl.isParkable(true, false))
                if (ctrl.isTreeControl())
                    ctrl.TmpEditorIsShow = false;
                Commands.addAsync(CommandType.SET_FOCUS, ctrl, (line >= 0
                                                               ? line
                                                               : ctrl.getDisplayLine(false)), activateForm);
                Object formObject = (task.IsSubForm
                                    ? task.getForm().getSubFormCtrl()
                                    : (Object)task.getForm());

                Commands.addAsync(CommandType.SET_FOCUS, formObject, 0, activateForm);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 ///   SetSelection : Call Gui to set the selection on the text in the control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ctrl"> </param>
 /// <param name = "start"> </param>
 /// <param name = "end"> </param>
 /// <param name="caretPos"></param>
 public static void SetSelection(MgControlBase ctrl, int start, int end, int caretPos)
     if (ctrl.isTextOrTreeEdit())
         Commands.setSelection(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true), start, end, caretPos);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 ///   unSelect the text in the control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ctrl">the destination control </param>
 public static void SetUnselect(MgControlBase ctrl)
     if (ctrl.isTextOrTreeEdit())
         Commands.addAsync(CommandType.SELECT_TEXT, ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true),
                           (int)MarkMode.UNMARK_ALL_TEXT, 0, 0);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 ///   mark  text in the control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ctrl">the destination control</param>
 /// <param name="start"></param>
 /// <param name="end"></param>
 internal static void SetMark(MgControlBase ctrl, int start, int end)
     if (ctrl.isTextOrTreeEdit())
         Commands.addAsync(CommandType.SELECT_TEXT, ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true),
                           (int)MarkMode.MARK_SELECTION_TEXT, start, end);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        ///   (Korean IME) Send IME Message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "ctrl"> </param>
        /// <param name="im"></param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public static int SendImeMessage(MgControlBase ctrl, ImeParam im)
            if (ctrl.isTextControl() && im != null)
                return(Commands.sendImeMsg(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true), im));

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///   retrieve the location of the caret, within the currently selected text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "ctrl">the control which is assumed to contain the selected text </param>
        public static int CaretPosGet(MgControlBase ctrl)
            int caretPos = 0;

            if (ctrl.isTextOrTreeEdit())
                caretPos = Commands.caretPosGet(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true));

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        ///   return the selection on the control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "ctrl"> </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public static MgPoint SelectionGet(MgControlBase ctrl)
            var point = new MgPoint(0, 0);

            if (ctrl != null && ctrl.isTextOrTreeEdit())
                Commands.selectionGet(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true), point);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// If current control becomes invisible/disabled/non parkable, then put MG_ACT_TBL_NXTFLD into queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctrl">control whose property is changed.</param>
        internal void OnNonParkableLastParkedCtrl(GuiMgControl ctrl)
            MgControlBase mgControl = (MgControlBase)ctrl;

            //If task is already in exiting edit state, do not add MG_ACT_TBL_NXTFLD. (Defect 67647)
            if (ClientManager.Instance.EventsManager.getForceExit() != ForceExit.Editing)
                RunTimeEvent rtEvt = new RunTimeEvent((MgControl)mgControl, mgControl.getDisplayLine(false), false);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        ///   write the clipData string to the clipboard
        ///   if ctrl was passed, use it : copy will be done from selected area on the control to the clip.
        ///   if a String was passed, set it to the clipboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "ctrl"> </param>
        /// <param name = "clipData"> </param>
        public static void ClipboardWrite(MgControlBase ctrl, String clipData)
            // both null, do nothing.
            if (ctrl == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(clipData))

            // set currRow in any case.
            int currRow = (ctrl == null
                           ? 0
                           : ctrl.getDisplayLine(true));

            Commands.clipboardWrite(ctrl, currRow, clipData);
            _clipboardData = "";
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 ///   Set read only for controls
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ctrl">the control to change its property </param>
 /// <param name = "isReadOnly">boolean </param>
 internal static void SetReadOnlyControl(MgControlBase ctrl, bool isReadOnly)
     if (ctrl.isTextOrTreeControl() || ctrl.isRichEditControl() || ctrl.isRichText() ||
         ctrl.IsRepeatable) // Defect 131802: Set ReadOnly for Rich Text control in Table Header and defect 131704: in general for Rich Text.
         // JPN: IME support (enable IME in query mode)
         if (UtilStrByteMode.isLocaleDefLangDBCS() && !ctrl.isTreeControl() && !ctrl.isMultiline())
             if (ctrl.getForm().getTask().checkProp(PropInterface.PROP_TYPE_ALLOW_LOCATE_IN_QUERY, false))
         Commands.addAsync(CommandType.PROP_SET_READ_ONLY, ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(false), isReadOnly);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        ///   update the display
        /// </summary>
        public void updateDisplay(String displayValue, bool isNull, bool calledFromEditSet)
            MgControlBase ctrl;
            MgControlBase ctrlValue     = null;
            String        defaultValue  = "" + GuiConstants.DEFAULT_VALUE_INT;
            String        savedValue    = null;
            String        savePrevValue = null;

            bool savedIsNull    = false;
            bool savePrevIsNull = false;

            if (_controls != null)
                MgControlBase firstControlValue   = null;
                bool          foundControlValue   = false;
                MgControlBase savedControlToFocus = ControlToFocus;
                for (int i = 0;
                     i < _controls.getSize();
                    ctrl = _controls.getCtrl(i);
                    if (calledFromEditSet)
                        savedValue    = ctrl.Value;
                        savePrevValue = ctrl.getPrevValueInArray(ctrl.getDisplayLine(true));

                        savedIsNull    = ctrl.IsNull;
                        savePrevIsNull = ctrl.getPrevIsNullsInArray();
                    if (!ctrl.getForm().inRefreshDisplay())
                        ctrl.resetPrevVal(); // force update of the display
                        ctrl.SetAndRefreshDisplayValue(displayValue, isNull, false);

                        // Even if the control that contains the correct value is found we don't break the loop because:
                        // (1) we need to refresh all the controls
                        // (2) the last control that was focus with the correct value is the one that should be checked
                        if (!ctrl.isRadio())
                            if (ctrlValue == null ||
                                ctrl.Value != null && !ctrl.Value.Equals(defaultValue) &&
                                (ctrl == savedControlToFocus))
                                ctrlValue = ctrl;
                            //Fixed bug#:780359, for radio control select the correct control
                            //if not found any ctrlvalue(the control that was in focuse)
                            //select the first control with the correct value if not exist select the first control.

                            //a. save the first control (with or without the correct value)
                            if (firstControlValue == null)
                                firstControlValue = ctrl;
                            if (ctrl.Value != null && !ctrl.Value.Equals(defaultValue))
                                //b. save the first control with the correct value
                                if (!foundControlValue)
                                    firstControlValue = ctrl;
                                    foundControlValue = true;
                                //c.save the control that belong to the focus control
                                if (ctrl == savedControlToFocus)
                                    ctrlValue = ctrl;
                                else if (ctrlValue == null)
                                    ctrlValue = firstControlValue;

                    if (calledFromEditSet)
                        ctrl.setValueForEditSet(savedValue, savePrevValue, savedIsNull, savePrevIsNull);

                // if there was a control that had the correct value and this field is linked to more than one
                // control then it means that the control that contained the correct value might have been reset by
                // one of its siblings so there is a need to refresh its value again.
                if (ctrlValue != null)
                    if (calledFromEditSet)
                        savedValue    = ctrlValue.Value;
                        savePrevValue = ctrlValue.getPrevValueInArray(ctrlValue.getDisplayLine(true));

                        savedIsNull    = ctrlValue.IsNull;
                        savePrevIsNull = ctrlValue.getPrevIsNullsInArray();

                    //save the control that belong to the value on the field.

                    ControlToFocus = ctrlValue;
                    if (_controls.getSize() > 1)
                        ctrlValue.resetPrevVal(); // force update of the display
                        ctrlValue.SetAndRefreshDisplayValue(displayValue, isNull, false);

                    if (calledFromEditSet)
                        ctrlValue.setValueForEditSet(savedValue, savePrevValue, savedIsNull, savePrevIsNull);
                        Manager.SetFocus(ctrlValue, -1);

                    //Fixed bug#:465616, when the control is the current focus control then refresh his focus control
                    if (ctrlValue.isRadio() && ctrlValue == ctrlValue.getForm().getTask().getLastParkedCtrl())
                        Manager.SetFocus(ctrlValue, -1);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 ///   returns the current value of the control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ctrl">control to get value </param>
 /// <returns> value of the control </returns>
 public static String GetCtrlVal(MgControlBase ctrl)
     // QCR #745117: Make sure that if the contents of a control were changed
     // then the changes are applied before examining its value.
     return(Commands.getValue(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true)));
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        ///  close the task, if the wide is open, then close is before close the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "form"> </param>
        /// <param name="mainPrgTask"></param>
        public static void Abort(MgFormBase form, TaskBase mainPrgTask)
            ApplicationMenus menus = MenuManager.getApplicationMenus(mainPrgTask);

            MgFormBase topMostForm = form.getTopMostForm();

            if (topMostForm.wideIsOpen())

            // Context menu will not automatically dispose when form is dispose. we need to dispose it menually.
            if (menus != null)

            // remove the instantiatedToolbar as this is not removed from Dispose handler.
            MgMenu mgMenu = form.getPulldownMenu();

            if (mgMenu != null)

            if (form.getSubFormCtrl() == null)
                // if the closing form is 'opened as a modal' then decrement the modal count on its frame window.
                if (form.isDialog())
                    MgFormBase topMostFrameForm = form.getTopMostFrameForm();
                    if (topMostFrameForm != null)
                        topMostFrameForm.UpdateModalFormsCount(form, false);

#if !PocketPC
                // If the form was added into WindowMenu then remove it from list before closing it.
                if (form.IsValidWindowTypeForWidowList)
                    Property prop = form.GetComputedProperty(PropInterface.PROP_TYPE_SHOW_IN_WINDOW_MENU);
                    if (prop != null && prop.GetComputedValueBoolean())
                Commands.addAsync(CommandType.CLOSE_FORM, form);

                // QCR# 307199/302197: When a task closes, its form is closed, where it activates topmost form of
                // ParentForm. If Print Preview is activated, this is not required. Instead Print Preview form
                // should be activated.
                if (!PrintPreviewFocusManager.GetInstance().ShouldPrintPreviewBeFocused)
                    /* QCR #939802. This bug is since 1.9 after the check-in of version 41 of GuiCommandsQueue.cs   */
                    /* From that version onwards, we started to set the owner of the Floating window.               */
                    /* Now, when we close a form, the .Net Framework activates the form which spawned this form.    */
                    /* But in this special case of the QCR, while closing the 3rd form, framework activated the     */
                    /* 1st form instead of the 2nd.                                                                 */
                    /* So, when pressing Esc, the 1st form got closed (and of course, because of this all forms got */
                    /* closed.                                                                                      */
                    /* The solution is to explicitly activate the parent form when a form is closed.                */

                    // If interactive offline task calls, non interactive non offline task, after closing the parent task
                    // focus is not switched back to caller task, but it is set on MDI Frame. To avoid this, activate parent
                    // form only if called task's form is opened.
                    MgFormBase formToBeActivated = form.ParentForm;
                    if (form.FormToBoActivatedOnClosingCurrentForm != null)
                        formToBeActivated = form.FormToBoActivatedOnClosingCurrentForm;

                    if (formToBeActivated != null &&
                        form.getTask() != null && !form.getTask().IsParallel && //not for parallel
                        !MgFormBase.isMDIChild(form.ConcreteWindowType) && //not for mdi children Defect 128265
                        Commands.addAsync(CommandType.ACTIVATE_FORM, formToBeActivated.getTopMostForm());

                        if (form.ConcreteWindowType == WindowType.ChildWindow)
                            TaskBase      task      = formToBeActivated.getTask();
                            MgControlBase mgControl = task.getLastParkedCtrl();
                            if (mgControl != null)
                                Commands.addAsync(CommandType.SET_FOCUS, mgControl, mgControl.getDisplayLine(false), true);
                // Defect 115062. For frames remove controls also from frame control.
                if (form.getContainerCtrl() != null)
                    Commands.addAsync(CommandType.REMOVE_SUBFORM_CONTROLS, form.getContainerCtrl());
                Commands.addAsync(CommandType.REMOVE_SUBFORM_CONTROLS, form.getSubFormCtrl());

Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Insert text to a text control at a given position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctrl"></param>
 /// <param name="startPosition"></param>
 /// <param name="textToInsert"></param>
 public static void InsertEditText(MgControlBase ctrl, int startPosition, String textToInsert)
     Commands.insertEditText(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true), startPosition, textToInsert);
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 ///   Used to put the text on a text control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ctrl"> </param>
 /// <param name = "text"> </param>
 public static void SetEditText(MgControlBase ctrl, String text)
     Commands.setEditText(ctrl, ctrl.getDisplayLine(true), text);