static void ModifyCode(ClassDef classDef, MethodDef methodDef, Method startLogMethod, Method endLogMethod) { if (methodDef is null) { return; } bool bIsHavReturn = methodDef.GetRetType().TypeName().ToLower() != "void"; Console.WriteLine("Processing Method:" + classDef.Name() + "." + methodDef.Name() + " Return Type: " + methodDef.GetRetType().TypeName()); if (!bIsHavReturn) { ILSY.ILSpyMtNoRt(classDef, methodDef, startLogMethod, endLogMethod); } else { ILSY.ILSpyMtHvRt(classDef, methodDef, startLogMethod, endLogMethod); } }
internal static void ILSpyMtHvRt(ClassDef classDef, MethodDef methodDef, Method startLogMethod, Method endLogMethod) { string classNameString = MethodLoggerUtil.GetQualifiedClassName(classDef); string methodNameString = methodDef.Name(); string paramsString = MethodLoggerUtil.GetParamsAsString(methodDef.GetParams()); List <Local> CLRLocals = new List <Local>(); CLRLocals.Clear(); Param[] parms = methodDef.GetParams(); if (methodDef.GetMaxStack() < 3) { methodDef.SetMaxStack(3); } string strGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); CILInstructions instructions = methodDef.GetCodeBuffer(); if (instructions == null) { return; } instructions.StartInsert(); instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.StartBlock(); // Try #1 instructions.StartBlock(); // Try #2 instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.ldstr(strGuid); instructions.ldstr(classNameString); instructions.ldstr(methodNameString); instructions.ldstr(paramsString); instructions.MethInst(, startLogMethod); instructions.EndInsert(); while (instructions.GetNextInstruction().GetPos() < instructions.NumInstructions() - 2) { ; } instructions.StartInsert(); CILLabel cel = instructions.NewLabel(); instructions.Branch(BranchOp.leave_s, cel); TryBlock tBlk2 = instructions.EndTryBlock(); // #2 instructions.StartBlock(); int istloc = 0; if (methodDef.GetLocals() != null) { istloc = methodDef.GetLocals().Length; } if (istloc > 4) { instructions.IntInst(IntOp.stloc_s, istloc); } else { if (istloc == 0) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_0); } else if (istloc == 1) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_1); } else if (istloc == 2) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_2); } else if (istloc == 3) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_3); } } instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.OpenScope(); //start---add exceptiong to stocks variables Local loc = new Local("SpyMtHvR", Runtime.SystemExceptionRef); if (methodDef.GetLocals() != null) { foreach (Local lab in methodDef.GetLocals()) { CLRLocals.Add(lab); } } CLRLocals.Add(loc); methodDef.AddLocals(CLRLocals.ToArray(), false); foreach (Local la in methodDef.GetLocals()) { instructions.BindLocal(la); } //start---add exceptiong to stocks variables instructions.CloseScope(); if (istloc > 4) { instructions.IntInst(IntOp.ldloc_s, istloc); } else { if (istloc == 0) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_0); } else if (istloc == 1) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_1); } else if (istloc == 2) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_2); } else if (istloc == 3) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_3); } } Method LogException = null; MethodLoggerUtil.GetMethodsFromClass("LogException", out LogException); instructions.MethInst(, LogException); instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.Inst(Op.ldnull); //instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_0); if (methodDef.GetLocals() != null) { Local[] localrry = methodDef.GetLocals(); for (int i = localrry.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (localrry[i].type.TypeName() == methodDef.GetRetType().TypeName()) { if (i >= 4) { instructions.IntInst(IntOp.stloc_s, i); } else { if (i == 0) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_0); } else if (i == 1) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_1); } else if (i == 2) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_2); } else if (i == 3) { instructions.Inst(Op.stloc_3); } } break; } } } instructions.Branch(BranchOp.leave_s, cel); instructions.EndCatchBlock(Runtime.SystemExceptionRef, tBlk2); TryBlock tBlk1 = instructions.EndTryBlock(); // #1 instructions.StartBlock(); // Finally instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.ldstr(strGuid); instructions.ldstr(classNameString); instructions.ldstr(methodNameString); instructions.ldstr(paramsString); instructions.MethInst(, endLogMethod); instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.Inst(Op.nop); instructions.Inst(Op.endfinally); instructions.EndFinallyBlock(tBlk1); instructions.CodeLabel(cel); if (methodDef.GetLocals() != null) { Local[] localrry = methodDef.GetLocals(); for (int i = localrry.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (localrry[i].type.TypeName() == methodDef.GetRetType().TypeName()) { if (i >= 4) { instructions.IntInst(IntOp.ldloc_s, i); } else { if (i == 0) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_0); } else if (i == 1) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_1); } else if (i == 2) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_2); } else if (i == 3) { instructions.Inst(Op.ldloc_3); } } break; } } } instructions.EndInsert(); }