private string getValueType(MethodDef.Param param, string propertyName) { if (param.IsLocalVar) { Nodes.Behavior behavior = GetBehavior(); AgentType agent = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null; // Try to find the Agent property with the name. if (agent != null) { IList <PropertyDef> properties = agent.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyDef p in properties) { if (p.Name == propertyName #if BEHAVIAC_NAMESPACE_FIX || p.Name.EndsWith(propertyName) #endif ) { return(VariableDef.kSelf); } } } // Try to find the global property with the name. string className = Plugin.GetClassName(propertyName); return(getValueType(param, className, propertyName)); } return(VariableDef.kConst); }
public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent) { string retStr = string.Empty; if (property != null) { string typename = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType); if (!typename.EndsWith("*") && Plugin.IsRefType(property.Type)) { typename += "*"; } if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("behaviac::vector<")) { typename = string.Format("behaviac::vector<{0} >", typename); } string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", ""); uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName); stream.WriteLine("{0}BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id); retStr = string.Format("({0}&)pAgent->GetVariable<{0} >({1}u)", typename, id); } return(retStr); }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj) { base.SetParameter(param, obj); _resetProperties = false; Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach evt = obj as Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach; Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode baseNode = (evt != null) ? evt.Node : obj as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode; Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior behavior = (baseNode != null) ? baseNode.Behavior as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior : null; _agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_globalType)) { _agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(_globalType); } string selectionName = string.Empty; VariableDef variable = param.Value as VariableDef; if (variable != null) { selectionName = (variable.Property != null) ? variable.Property.DisplayName : variable.DisplayName; } else { RightValueDef variableRV = param.Value as RightValueDef; if (variableRV != null) { selectionName = variableRV.DisplayName; } } setComboBox(selectionName); }
private string getValueType(MethodDef.Param param, string instanceName, string propertyName) { if (param.IsProperty) { if (instanceName == VariableDef.kSelf) { return(VariableDef.kSelf); } Nodes.Behavior behavior = GetBehavior(); AgentType agent = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null; agent = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(instanceName, behavior, agent); if (agent != null) { IList <PropertyDef> properties = agent.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyDef p in properties) { if (p.Name == propertyName #if BEHAVIAC_NAMESPACE_FIX || p.Name.EndsWith(propertyName) #endif ) { return(instanceName); } } } } return(VariableDef.kConst); }
private static string getProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, string agentName, StreamWriter stream, string indent) { if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized) { return(ParInfoCppExporter.GetProperty(agentName, property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent)); } string propName = DataCppExporter.GetPropertyBasicName(property, arrayIndexElement); string nativeType = DataCppExporter.GetPropertyNativeType(property, arrayIndexElement); if (property.IsPublic) { string className = property.ClassName; if (property.IsStatic) { return(string.Format("{0}::{1}", className, propName)); } else { return(string.Format("(({0}*){1})->{2}", className, agentName, propName)); } } propName = property.Name.Replace("::", "_"); propName = propName.Replace("[]", ""); return(string.Format("(({0}*){1})->_Get_Property_<{2}PROPERTY_TYPE_{3}, {4} >()", property.ClassName, agentName, getNamespace(property.ClassName), propName, nativeType)); }
public static string GenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, bool isRefParam, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null) { if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized) { return(ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(property, isRefParam, stream, indent, typename, var, caller)); } string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller); string prop = GetProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, var, caller); if (setValue == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename)) { stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, prop); } else { string nativeType = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyNativeType(property, arrayIndexElement); stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, nativeType, var, prop); } } } else { string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", ""); stream.WriteLine("{0}AgentMetaVisitor.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, setValue); } return(prop); }
private static string getProperty(PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, string agentName, StringWriter stream, string indent) { if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized) { return(ParInfoCsExporter.GetProperty(agentName, property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent)); } string propName = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyBasicName(property, arrayIndexElement); string nativeType = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyNativeType(property, arrayIndexElement); if (property.IsPublic) { string className = property.ClassName.Replace("::", "."); if (property.IsStatic) { return(string.Format("{0}.{1}", className, propName)); } else { return(string.Format("(({0}){1}).{2}", className, agentName, propName)); } } return(string.Format("({0})AgentMetaVisitor.GetProperty({1}, \"{2}\")", nativeType, agentName, propName)); }
public static void PostGenerateCode(object obj, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string var, object parent, string paramName) { Debug.Check(obj != null); Type type = obj.GetType(); Debug.Check(Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type)); MethodDef method = parent as MethodDef; IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperties(type); foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties) { if (!property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave)) { object member = property.GetValue(obj); if (property.Attribute is DesignerStruct) { PostGenerateCode(member, stream, indent, var + "." + property.Property.Name, parent, paramName); } else { if (method != null) { MethodDef.Param param = method.GetParam(paramName, property); if (param != null) { string nativeType = DataCppExporter.GetBasicGeneratedNativeType(param.NativeType); ParameterCppExporter.PostGenerateCode(param, stream, indent, nativeType, var + "." + property.Property.Name, string.Empty, method); } } } } } }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly) { base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly); _resetProperties = false; string selectionName = string.Empty; VariableDef variable = param.Value as VariableDef; if (variable != null) { _valueOwner = variable.ValueClass; selectionName = (variable.Property != null) ? variable.Property.DisplayName : variable.DisplayName; } else { RightValueDef variableRV = param.Value as RightValueDef; if (variableRV != null) { _valueOwner = variableRV.ValueClassReal; selectionName = variableRV.DisplayName; } } Nodes.Behavior behavior = GetBehavior(); _agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null; if (_valueOwner != VariableDef.kSelf) { _agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(_valueOwner, behavior, _agentType); } setComboBox(selectionName); }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj) { base.SetParameter(param, obj); int typeIndex = -1; if (param.IsFromStruct) { string instance = string.Empty; string vt = VariableDef.kConst; if (_param.Value is ParInfo) { vt = VariableDef.kPar; } else if (_param.Value is VariableDef) { VariableDef v = _param.Value as VariableDef; vt = v.ValueClass; instance = vt; if (instance != VariableDef.kSelf) { instance = Plugin.GetInstanceNameFromClassName(instance); } } typeIndex = getComboIndex(vt, instance, ""); setPropertyEditor(createEditor(vt)); } else { string[] tokens = param.Value.ToString().Split(' '); string propertyName = tokens[tokens.Length - 1]; string instance = Plugin.GetInstanceName(propertyName); string valueType = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance)) { propertyName = propertyName.Substring(instance.Length + 1, propertyName.Length - instance.Length - 1); valueType = getValueType(instance, propertyName); } else { valueType = getValueType(propertyName); } typeIndex = getComboIndex(valueType, instance, propertyName); setPropertyEditor(createEditor(valueType)); } if (typeIndex > -1) { // Keep only one type for efficiency. this.typeComboBox.Items.Clear(); this.typeComboBox.Items.Add(_types[typeIndex]); this.typeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
public static void GenerateCode(object obj, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string var, object parent, string paramName) { Debug.Check(obj != null); Type type = obj.GetType(); Debug.Check(Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type)); MethodDef method = parent as MethodDef; IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperties(type); foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties) { if (!property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave)) { object member = property.GetValue(obj); Type memberType = member.GetType(); if (Plugin.IsArrayType(memberType)) { string memberNativeType = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(memberType); string nativeTypeStr = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(memberNativeType); int startIndex = nativeTypeStr.IndexOf('<'); int endIndex = nativeTypeStr.LastIndexOf('>'); string itemType = nativeTypeStr.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1); ArrayCppExporter.GenerateCode(member, stream, indent, itemType, paramName); } else { if (property.Attribute is DesignerStruct) { GenerateCode(member, stream, indent, var + "." + property.Property.Name, parent, paramName); } else { bool bStructProperty = false; if (method != null) { MethodDef.Param param = method.GetParam(paramName, property); if (param != null) { bStructProperty = true; ParameterCppExporter.GenerateCode(param, stream, indent, string.Empty, var + "." + property.Property.Name, string.Empty); } } if (!bStructProperty) { DataCppExporter.GenerateCode(member, stream, indent, string.Empty, var + "." + property.Property.Name, string.Empty); } } } } } }
void createParamEditor(object owner, MethodDef method, bool enable, bool bReadonlyParent) { List <MethodDef.Param> parameters = method.Params; foreach (MethodDef.Param p in parameters) { Type editorType = typeof(DesignerParameterComboEnumEditor); string arugmentsName = " " + p.DisplayName; bool bReadonly = bReadonlyParent | p.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.ReadOnly); Label label = propertyGrid.AddProperty(arugmentsName, editorType, bReadonly); label.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(label_MouseEnter); DesignerPropertyEditor editor = (DesignerPropertyEditor)label.Tag; if (p.Type.Name == "IList") { lastListParam = p; } if (p.Type.Name == "System_Object" && lastListParam != null) { p.ListParam = lastListParam; } editor.Enabled = enable; editor.SetParameter(p, owner, bReadonly); editor.ValueWasAssigned(); editor.MouseEnter += editor_MouseEnter; editor.ValueWasChanged += editor_ValueWasChanged; //editor.ValueType = p.Attribute.ValueType; MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement = null; if (p.Value is VariableDef) { VariableDef var = p.Value as VariableDef; arrayIndexElement = var.ArrayIndexElement; } else if (p.Value is RightValueDef) { RightValueDef varRV = p.Value as RightValueDef; if (varRV.Var != null) { arrayIndexElement = varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement; } } if (arrayIndexElement != null) { createArrayIndexEditor(owner, " ", arrayIndexElement); } } }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly) { base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly); if (Plugin.IsCharType(param.Value.GetType())) { textBox.MaxLength = 1; } textBox.Text = trimQuotes(param.Value.ToString()); }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly) { base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly); DesignerBoolean boolAtt = param.Attribute as DesignerBoolean; if (boolAtt != null) { checkBox.Checked = (bool)param.Value; } }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj) { base.SetParameter(param, obj); if (param != null) { setProperty(param.Value, param.Name, false, obj); } else { update(); } }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj) { base.SetParameter(param, obj); // extract resrictions for float property DesignerFloat restFloatAtt = param.Attribute as DesignerFloat; if (restFloatAtt != null) { SetRange(restFloatAtt.Precision, (decimal)restFloatAtt.Min, (decimal)restFloatAtt.Max, (decimal)restFloatAtt.Steps, restFloatAtt.Units); } // extract restrictions for int property DesignerInteger restIntAtt = param.Attribute as DesignerInteger; if (restIntAtt != null) { SetRange(0, (decimal)restIntAtt.Min, (decimal)restIntAtt.Max, (decimal)restIntAtt.Steps, restIntAtt.Units); } // extract the value decimal value = 0; DesignerFloat floatAtt = param.Attribute as DesignerFloat; if (floatAtt != null) { float val = (param.Value != null) ? float.Parse(param.Value.ToString()) : 0.0f; value = (decimal)val; numericUpDown.DecimalPlaces = 2; } DesignerInteger intAtt = param.Attribute as DesignerInteger; if (intAtt != null) { int val = (param.Value != null) ? int.Parse(param.Value.ToString()) : 0; value = (decimal)val; } // assign value within limits numericUpDown.Value = Math.Max(numericUpDown.Minimum, Math.Min(numericUpDown.Maximum, value)); }
public static bool IsPureConstDatum(object obj, object parent, string paramName) { Debug.Check(obj != null); if (obj != null) { Type type = obj.GetType(); if (!Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type)) { return(false); } MethodDef method = parent as MethodDef; IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperties(type, null); foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties) { if (!property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoSave)) { object member = property.GetValue(obj); if (property.Attribute is DesignerStruct) { if (!IsPureConstDatum(member, parent, paramName)) { return(false); } } else { if (method != null) { MethodDef.Param param = method.GetParam(paramName, property); if (param != null) { if (!param.IsPureConstDatum) { return(false); } } } } } } } return(true); }
public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename)) { typename = property.NativeType; } typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename); string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", ""); uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName); stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id); stream.WriteLine("{0}pAgent.SetVariable<{1}>(\"{2}\", {3}u, ({1}){4});", indent, typename, property.Name, id, var); }
public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string var, string caller) { string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller); if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf) { stream.WriteLine("{0}Agent* {1} = Agent::GetInstance(pAgent, \"{2}\");", indent, agentName, property.Owner); stream.WriteLine("{0}BEHAVIAC_ASSERT({1});", indent, agentName); } string prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent); return(prop); }
private void comboBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index < 0) { return; } e.DrawBackground(); e.Graphics.DrawString(comboBox.Items[e.Index].ToString(), e.Font, System.Drawing.Brushes.LightGray, e.Bounds); e.DrawFocusRectangle(); MethodDef.Param param = _params[e.Index]; this.OnDescriptionChanged(this.DisplayName, param.Description); }
public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string var, string caller) { string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller); if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf) { stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = behaviac.Agent.GetInstance(\"{2}\", pAgent.GetContextId());", indent, agentName, property.Owner.Replace("::", ".")); stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check({1} != null);", indent, agentName); } string prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent); return(prop); }
public static string GenerateCode(DefaultObject defaultObj, MethodDef.Param param, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller) { Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = param.Value as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo; if (par != null) { return(ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(par, param.IsRef, stream, indent, typename, var, caller)); } Behaviac.Design.VariableDef v = param.Value as Behaviac.Design.VariableDef; if (v != null) { return(VariableCsExporter.GenerateCode(defaultObj, v, param.IsRef, stream, indent, typename, var, caller)); } return(DataCsExporter.GenerateCode(param.Value, defaultObj, stream, indent, typename, var, caller)); }
void createArrayIndexEditor(object owner, string preBlank, MethodDef.Param arrayIndex) { Type editorType = typeof(DesignerParameterComboEnumEditor); string arugmentsName = preBlank + "Index"; bool bReadonly = false; Label label = propertyGrid.AddProperty(arugmentsName, editorType, bReadonly); label.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(label_MouseEnter); DesignerPropertyEditor editor = (DesignerPropertyEditor)label.Tag; editor.Enabled = true; editor.SetParameter(arrayIndex, owner, bReadonly); editor.ValueWasAssigned(); editor.MouseEnter += editor_MouseEnter; editor.ValueWasChanged += editor_ValueWasChanged; }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly) { base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly); if (param.IsFromStruct && (param.Type == typeof(VariableDef))) { VariableDef v = param.Value as VariableDef; FilterType = v.ValueType; } else { FilterType = param.Type; } string[] tokens = param.Value.ToString().Split(' '); setComboBox(tokens[tokens.Length - 1]); }
private bool ClearValueIfChanged(MethodDef.Param param) { bool bSet = true; if (param.ListParam != null) { Type itemType = MethodDef.Param.GetListParamItemType(param); if (param.Value is VariableDef) { VariableDef var = param.Value as VariableDef; if (var.ValueType != itemType) { //type changed, to clear the old one bSet = false; param.Value = null; } } else if (param.Value is PropertyDef) { PropertyDef var = param.Value as PropertyDef; if (var.Type != itemType) { //type changed, to clear the old one bSet = false; param.Value = null; } } else if (param.Value is ParInfo) { ParInfo var = param.Value as ParInfo; if (var.Type != itemType) { //type changed, to clear the old one bSet = false; param.Value = null; } } } return(bSet); }
public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null) { if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized) { ParInfoCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, typename, var, caller); return; } if (!property.IsReadonly) { string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller); string prop = setValue; if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf) { stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = behaviac.Agent.GetInstance(\"{2}\", pAgent.GetContextId());", indent, agentName, property.Owner.Replace("::", ".")); stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check({1} != null);", indent, agentName); } string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", ""); if (setValue != null) { stream.WriteLine("{0}AgentExtra_Generated.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, prop); } else { prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent); } uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName); stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename)) { typename = property.NativeType; } typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename); stream.WriteLine("{0}{1}.SetVariable<{2}>(\"{3}\", {4}, {5}u);", indent, agentName, typename, property.BasicName, prop, id); } }
public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent) { string retStr = string.Empty; if (property != null) { string typename = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType); if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("behaviac::vector<")) { typename = string.Format("behaviac::vector<{0} >", typename); } string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", ""); uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName); retStr = string.Format("({0})pAgent->GetVariable<{0} >({1}u)", typename, id); } return(retStr); }
public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent) { string retStr = string.Empty; if (property != null) { string typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType); if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("List<")) { typename = string.Format("List<{0}>", typename); } string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", ""); uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName); stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id); retStr = string.Format("pAgent.GetVariable<{0}>({1}u)", typename, id); } return(retStr); }
public static string GenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, bool isRefParam, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller) { if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized) { return(ParInfoCppExporter.GenerateCode(property, isRefParam, stream, indent, typename, var, caller)); } string prop = GetProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, var, caller); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename)) { stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, prop); } else { stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType), var, prop); } } return(prop); }
public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly) { base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly); _resetProperties = false; Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach evt = obj as Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach; Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode baseNode = (evt != null) ? evt.Node : obj as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode; Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior behavior = (baseNode != null) ? baseNode.Behavior as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior : null; string selectionName = string.Empty; VariableDef variable = param.Value as VariableDef; if (variable != null) { _valueOwner = variable.ValueClass; selectionName = (variable.Property != null) ? variable.Property.DisplayName : variable.DisplayName; } else { RightValueDef variableRV = param.Value as RightValueDef; if (variableRV != null) { _valueOwner = variableRV.ValueClassReal; selectionName = variableRV.DisplayName; } } _agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null; if (_valueOwner != VariableDef.kSelf) { _agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(_valueOwner); } setComboBox(selectionName); }
public virtual void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj) { _param = param; _object = obj; }
public virtual void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly) { _param = param; _object = obj; _bIsReadonly = bReadonly; }