/// <summary>
        /// Switches the active meter tab after a user has moved the optical port to a different meter
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SwitchMeters()
            // Retrieves the serial number of the meter currently attached to the serial port
            string serialIdx    = CurrentTab.SerialIdx;
            string currSerialNo = Serial[serialIdx].SerialNo;
            var    tabs         = _tabs.Where(x => x.MeterSerialNo == currSerialNo);

            CurrentTab.Visible = false;

            // If the meter exists and there is a tab already created for it then switch to that tab
            // and change to Commissioning page
            if (Meters.ContainsKey(currSerialNo) && tabs.Count() == 1)
                await CurrentTab.StopAsync();

                var tab = tabs.ElementAt(0);
                CurrentTab      = tab;
                tab.Visible     = true;
                tab.CurrentPage = tab.Pages[1];
            // If the meter exists (imported) but there is not a tab created for it then create the tab
            // and change to the Commissioning page
            else if (Meters.ContainsKey(currSerialNo))
                await CurrentTab.StopAsync();

                CreateTab(new Tuple <string, string>(serialIdx, currSerialNo));
                CurrentTab.CurrentPage = CurrentTab.Pages[1];
            // If the meter does not exist, create a new meter and a new tab
            // then change to the Commissioning page
                Meter m = new Meter();
                m.ID = currSerialNo;
                Meters.Add(currSerialNo, m);

                // Sets the size of the meter based on the type of meter connected
                string   version = await Serial[serialIdx].GetVersion();
                string[] lines   = version.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (lines[2].Split(new char[0], System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].StartsWith("593"))
                    string[] serials = (await Serial[serialIdx].GetChildSerial()).Split(',');
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                        m.Channels.Add(new Channel(i + 1));
                        m.Channels[i].Serial = serials[i];

                await CurrentTab.StopAsync();

                CreateTab(new Tuple <string, string>(serialIdx, currSerialNo));
                CurrentTab.CurrentPage = CurrentTab.Pages[1];

            // Initiate the async processes for the current page and modify navigation buttons

            // Modifies the collections that represent which tabs should be visible in the menu and which tabs
            // are present in the tab control for user interaction
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>