//collection of gameObjects
 public IEnumerator CreateGameObjectCollection()
     gameObjectCollection = Meteor.Collection <DatabaseEntry>.Create ("gameObjects");
     yield return gameObjectCollection;
     /* Handler for debugging the addition of gameObjects: */
     gameObjectCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, DatabaseEntry document) => {
         Debug.LogError(string.Format("gameObject document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));
 //collection of gameObjects
 public IEnumerator CreateGameObjectCollection()
     gameObjectCollection = Meteor.Collection <DatabaseEntry>.Create ("gameObjects");
     yield return gameObjectCollection;
     /* Handler for debugging the addition of gameObjects: */
     gameObjectCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, DatabaseEntry document) => {
         Debug.LogError(string.Format("gameObject document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));
     Debug.LogError ("adding record change handler(s)");
     gameObjectCollection.DidChangeRecord += GetComponent<GameManager>().HandleDidChangeRecord;
     gameObjectCollection.DidAddRecord += HandleDidAddRecord;
     gameObjectCollectionCreated = true;
 //associates sessionCollection with meteor's session document
 IEnumerator CreateSessionDoc(string recordGroupName)
     sessionCollection = Meteor.Collection <SessionTemplate>.Create (recordGroupName);
     yield return sessionCollection;	//waits until collection is finished being created
     /* Add handler for debugging session adds: */
     sessionCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, SessionTemplate document) => {
         Debug.LogError(string.Format("Session document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));
 //associates clientCollection with meteor's client document
 IEnumerator CreateClientDoc(string recordGroupName)
     clientCollection = Meteor.Collection <ClientTemplate>.Create (recordGroupName);
     yield return clientCollection;	//waits until collection is finished being created
     /* Add handler for debugging client adds: */
     clientCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, ClientTemplate document) => {
         Debug.LogError(string.Format("Client document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));
 //associates sessionCollection to meteor's sessions document
 IEnumerator CreateSessionDoc(string recordGroupName)
     sessionCollection = Meteor.Collection <SessionTemplate>.Create (recordGroupName);	//creates meteor collection
     yield return sessionCollection;	//waits until collection is finished being created
     /* Add handler for debugging session adds: */
     sessionCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, SessionTemplate document) => {
         Debug.LogError(string.Format("Session document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));
     sessionCollection.DidChangeRecord += (string arg1, ChannelTemplate arg2, IDictionary arg3, string[] arg4) => {
         Debug.Log ("Session document CHANGED: " + arg2.Serialize());
    //associates playerCollection to meteor's channel document
    IEnumerator CreatePlayerDoc(string recordGroupName)
        playerCollection = Meteor.Collection <PlayerTemplate>.Create (recordGroupName);	//creates meteor collection
        yield return playerCollection;	//waits until collection is finished being created
        /* Add handler for debugging channel adds: */
        playerCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, ChannelTemplate document) => {
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Player document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));

        //triggered when player receives their color from the tabletop
        //this changes the UI of the chip
        Debug.Log ("recordchangehandler added for player");
        playerCollection.DidChangeRecord += (string arg1, PlayerTemplate arg2, IDictionary arg3, string[] arg4) => {
            Debug.Log ("record changed in playerCollection, the change is: " + arg2._id + ", but our ID is : " + playerID);
            if (arg2._id == playerID) {
                Debug.Log ("showing the player's token now");

                //set color to the same one as on tabletop
                color = (PlayerColor.color)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(PlayerColor.color), arg2.color);
                string colorName = color.ToString();
                Transform foundColor = GameObject.Find("PlayerCircle").transform.FindChild(colorName).transform;
                if (foundColor)

                //creates client document and opens channels
                if (arg2.sessionID != null) {
                    sessionID = arg2.sessionID;
                    Debug.Log ("sessionID set: " + sessionID);
                    StartCoroutine (OpenSession (sessionName));
    //associates clientCollection to meteor's client document
    IEnumerator CreateClientDoc(string recordGroupName)
        clientCollection = Meteor.Collection <ClientTemplate>.Create (recordGroupName);	//creates meteor collection
        yield return clientCollection;
        /* Handler for knowing our client's color */

        clientCollection.DidAddRecord += (string id, ClientTemplate document) => {
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Client document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));