Example #1
    public EntityObject NewEntityFromOrig(MetadataWorkspace mdw)
        var newEntity    = Activator.CreateInstance(_detachedEntity.GetType());
        var newEntityObj = (EntityObject)newEntity;

        newEntityObj.EntityKey = _entityKey;
        //use metadata and Reflection to populate entity
        var etype = newEntity.GetType();

        foreach (var p in etype.GetProperties())
            //find the correct property in origvalues
            object origPropertyValue;
            if (_origValues.TryGetValue(p.Name, out origPropertyValue))
                p.SetValue(newEntity, origPropertyValue, null);
                if (p.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("EntityReference"))
                    //there is a "'1" in the propertytype.name
                    var lastReference = p.Name.LastIndexOf("Reference");
                    var entName       = p.Name.Remove(lastReference);
                    var entitySetName = mdw.GetEntitySetName(entName);
                    var eref          = (EntityReference)(p.GetValue(newEntity, null));

                    //be sure that a deleted relationship is added before an added relationship
                    foreach (var rel in _relationships)
                        if (rel.CurrentEndA.EntitySetName == entitySetName)
                            //this is the entitykey we want,
                            //but we need to set entityreference.entitykey
                            eref.EntityKey = rel.CurrentEndA;
                        else if (rel.CurrentEndB.EntitySetName == entitySetName)
                            eref.EntityKey = rel.CurrentEndB;
                    //find entitykey
        //after this, the calling code needs to attach to context,
        // then apply property changes using the detached entity