Example #1
 public GetterInfoDelegate(string kind, ColumnType type, MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <TValue> getter)
     : base(kind, type)
     Contracts.Check(type.RawType == typeof(TValue), "Incompatible types");
     Contracts.CheckValue(getter, nameof(getter));
     Getter = getter;
Example #2
            public Impl(IHostEnvironment env, string name, IDataView input, OneToOneColumn col,
                        ColumnType typeDst, ValueMapper <T1, T2> map1, ValueMapper <T2, T3> map2 = null,
                        ValueGetter <VBuffer <DvText> > keyValueGetter = null, ValueGetter <VBuffer <DvText> > slotNamesGetter = null)
                : base(env, name, new[] { col }, input, x => null)
                Host.Assert(typeDst.RawType == typeof(T3));
                Host.Assert(map2 != null || typeof(T2) == typeof(T3));

                _typeDst = typeDst;
                _map1    = map1;
                _map2    = map2;

                if (keyValueGetter != null || slotNamesGetter != null)
                    using (var bldr = Metadata.BuildMetadata(0))
                        if (keyValueGetter != null)
                            Host.Assert(_typeDst.ItemType.KeyCount > 0);
                            MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <VBuffer <DvText> > mdGetter =
                                (int c, ref VBuffer <DvText> dst) => keyValueGetter(ref dst);
                            bldr.AddGetter(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues, new VectorType(TextType.Instance, _typeDst.ItemType.KeyCount), mdGetter);
                        if (slotNamesGetter != null)
                            Host.Assert(_typeDst.VectorSize > 0);
                            MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <VBuffer <DvText> > mdGetter =
                                (int c, ref VBuffer <DvText> dst) => slotNamesGetter(ref dst);
                            bldr.AddGetter(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, new VectorType(TextType.Instance, _typeDst.VectorSize), mdGetter);
Example #3
            public Bindings(ModelLoadContext ctx, ISchema schemaInput)
                : base(ctx, schemaInput, TestTypes)
                // *** Binary format ***
                // (base fields)
                // if version >= VersionAddedAliases
                //   foreach column:
                //      foreach non-null alias
                //          int: index of the alias
                //          int: string id of the alias
                //      int: -1, marks the end of the list
                _aliases = new string[Infos.Length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < Infos.Length; i++)
                    var length = Infos[i].SrcIndices.Length;
                    _aliases[i] = new string[length];
                    if (ctx.Header.ModelVerReadable >= VersionAddedAliases)
                        for (; ;)
                            var j = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
                            if (j == -1)
                            Contracts.CheckDecode(0 <= j && j < length);
                            Contracts.CheckDecode(_aliases[i][j] == null);
                            _aliases[i][j] = ctx.LoadNonEmptyString();

                CacheTypes(out _types, out _typesSlotNames, out EchoSrc, out _isNormalized, out _typesCategoricals);
                _getSlotNames = GetSlotNames;
Example #4
            public Bindings(Column[] columns, TaggedColumn[] taggedColumns, ISchema schemaInput)
                : base(columns, schemaInput, TestTypes)
                Contracts.Assert(taggedColumns == null || columns.Length == taggedColumns.Length);
                _aliases = new string[columns.Length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                    _aliases[i] = new string[columns[i].Source.Length];
                    if (taggedColumns != null)
                        var column = taggedColumns[i];
                        Contracts.Assert(columns[i].Name == column.Name);
                        Contracts.Assert(columns[i].Source.Length == column.Source.Length);
                        for (int j = 0; j < column.Source.Length; j++)
                            var kvp = column.Source[j];
                            Contracts.Assert(columns[i].Source[j] == kvp.Value);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Key))
                                _aliases[i][j] = kvp.Key;

                CacheTypes(out _types, out _typesSlotNames, out EchoSrc, out _isNormalized, out _typesCategoricals);
                _getSlotNames = GetSlotNames;
Example #5
            private BindingsImpl(DataViewSchema input, ISchemaBoundRowMapper mapper, string suffix, string scoreColumnKind,
                                 bool user, int scoreColIndex, DataViewType predColType)
                : base(input, mapper, suffix, user, DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel)
                Contracts.Assert(DerivedColumnCount == 1);

                ScoreColumnIndex = scoreColIndex;
                ScoreColumnKind  = scoreColumnKind;
                PredColType      = predColType;

                _getScoreColumnKind = GetScoreColumnKind;
                _getScoreValueKind  = GetScoreValueKind;

                // REVIEW: This logic is very specific to multiclass, which is deeply
                // regrettable, but the class structure as designed and the status of this schema
                // bearing object makes pushing the logic into the multiclass scorer almost impossible.
                if (predColType is KeyType predColKeyType && predColKeyType.Count > 0)
                    var scoreColMetadata = mapper.OutputSchema[scoreColIndex].Metadata;

                    var slotColumn = scoreColMetadata.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames);
                    if (slotColumn?.Type is VectorType slotColVecType && (ulong)slotColVecType.Size == predColKeyType.Count)
                        Contracts.Assert(slotColVecType.Size > 0);
                        _predColMetadata = Utils.MarshalInvoke(KeyValueMetadataFromMetadata <int>, slotColVecType.RawType,
                                                               scoreColMetadata, slotColumn.Value);
Example #6
            public FeatureNameCollectionSchema(FeatureNameCollection collection)
                Contracts.CheckValue(collection, nameof(collection));

                _collection    = collection;
                _colType       = new VectorType(NumberType.R4, collection.Count);
                _slotNamesType = new VectorType(TextType.Instance, collection.Count);
                _getSlotNames  = GetSlotNames;
 public Bindings(IExceptionContext ectx, ISchema input, bool user, string labelCol, string scoreCol, string groupCol,
                 int truncationLevel)
     : base(ectx, input, labelCol, scoreCol, groupCol, user, Ndcg, Dcg, MaxDcg)
     _truncationLevel = truncationLevel;
     _outputType      = new VectorType(NumberType.R8, _truncationLevel);
     _slotNamesType   = new VectorType(TextType.Instance, _truncationLevel);
     _slotNamesGetter = SlotNamesGetter;
        public ScoreMapperSchemaBase(ColumnType scoreType, string scoreColumnKind)
            Contracts.CheckValue(scoreType, nameof(scoreType));
            Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(scoreColumnKind, nameof(scoreColumnKind));

            ScoreType             = scoreType;
            ScoreColumnKind       = scoreColumnKind;
            ScoreValueKindGetter  = GetScoreValueKind;
            ScoreColumnKindGetter = GetScoreColumnKind;
Example #9
 protected override void GetMetadataCore <TValue>(string kind, int iinfo, ref TValue value)
     if (kind == MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames && _parent._slotNames != null && _parent._slotNames[iinfo].Length > 0)
         MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > > getTerms = _parent.GetTerms;
         getTerms.Marshal(iinfo, ref value);
     base.GetMetadataCore(kind, iinfo, ref value);
 public Schema(ColumnType scoreType, Double[] quantiles)
     : base(scoreType, MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreColumnKind.QuantileRegression)
     Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(quantiles) > 0);
     _slotNames = new string[quantiles.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < _slotNames.Length; i++)
         _slotNames[i] = string.Format("Quantile-{0}", quantiles[i]);
     _getSlotNames = GetSlotNames;
        internal static ISchema GetModelSchema(IExceptionContext ectx, TFGraph graph, string opType = null)
            var res             = new List <KeyValuePair <string, ColumnType> >();
            var opTypeGetters   = new List <MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > >();
            var inputOpsGetters = new List <MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > > >();
            var inputOpsLengths = new List <int>();

            foreach (var op in graph)
                if (opType != null && opType != op.OpType)
                var tfType = op[0].OutputType;
                var mlType = Tf2MlNetTypeOrNull(tfType);

                // If the type is not supported in ML.NET then we cannot represent it as a column in an ISchema.
                // We also cannot output it with a TensorFlowTransform, so we skip it.
                if (mlType == null)

                var shape      = graph.GetTensorShape(op[0]);
                var shapeArray = shape.ToIntArray();

                MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > > inputOpsGetter = null;
                if (op.NumInputs > 0)
                    var inputOps = new ReadOnlyMemory <char> [op.NumInputs];
                    for (int i = 0; i < op.NumInputs; i++)
                        var input = op.GetInput(i);
                        inputOps[i] = new ReadOnlyMemory <char>(input.Operation.Name.ToArray());
                    inputOpsGetter             = (int col, ref VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > dst) =>
                                           dst = new VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> >(op.NumInputs, inputOps);

                MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > opTypeGetter =
                    (int col, ref ReadOnlyMemory <char> dst) => dst = new ReadOnlyMemory <char>(op.OpType.ToArray());

                var columnType = Utils.Size(shapeArray) == 1 && shapeArray[0] <= 0 ? new VectorType(mlType) :
                                 Utils.Size(shapeArray) > 0 && shapeArray.Skip(1).All(x => x > 0) ?
                                 new VectorType(mlType, shapeArray[0] > 0 ? shapeArray : shapeArray.Skip(1).ToArray())
                        : new VectorType(mlType);
                res.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, ColumnType>(op.Name, columnType));
            return(new TensorFlowSchema(ectx, res.ToArray(), opTypeGetters.ToArray(), inputOpsGetters.ToArray(), inputOpsLengths.ToArray()));
Example #12
            /// <summary>
            /// Add metadata of the given kind. When requested, the metadata is fetched by calling the given delegate.
            /// </summary>
            public void AddGetter <TValue>(string kind, ColumnType type,
                                           MetadataUtils.MetadataGetter <TValue> getter)
                Contracts.Check(_md != null, "Builder disposed");
                Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(kind, nameof(kind));
                Contracts.CheckValue(type, nameof(type));
                Contracts.CheckValue(getter, nameof(getter));
                Contracts.CheckParam(type.RawType == typeof(TValue), nameof(type), "Given type doesn't match type parameter");

                if (_getters != null && _getters.Any(g => g.Kind == kind))
                    throw Contracts.Except("Duplicate specification of metadata");
                Utils.Add(ref _getters, new GetterInfoDelegate <TValue>(kind, type, getter));
Example #13
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructs the schema.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="schema">The schema we will wrap.
            /// Aside from presenting that additional piece of metadata, the constructed schema
            /// will appear identical to this input schema.</param>
            /// <param name="col">The column in <paramref name="schema"/> that has the metadata.</param>
            /// <param name="names"></param>
            /// <param name="length"></param>
            public SchemaImpl(ISchema schema, int col, string[] names, int length)
                Contracts.Assert(length > 0);
                Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(names) >= length);
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= col && col < schema.ColumnCount);
                _parent = schema;
                _col    = col;

                _names       = names;
                _namesLength = length;

                _type = new VectorType(TextType.Instance, _namesLength);
                _getter = GetSlotNames;
Example #14
        // REVIEW: Future iterations may want slot names.

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an <see cref="ISchemaBoundMapper"/> with one column of a given type, called PredictedLabel.
        /// If the input <paramref name="keyNames"/> has positive length, it is exposed as
        /// <see cref="MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues"/> metadata. Note that we do not copy
        /// the input key names, but instead take a reference to it.
        /// </summary>
        public SequencePredictorSchema(ColumnType type, ref VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > keyNames, string scoreColumnKind)
            : base(type, scoreColumnKind)
            if (keyNames.Length > 0)
                                     nameof(keyNames), "keyNames valid only for key type");
                Contracts.CheckParam(keyNames.Length == type.ItemType.KeyCount,
                                     nameof(keyNames), "keyNames length must match type's key count");
                // REVIEW: Assuming the caller takes some care, it seems
                // like we can get away with
                _keyNames     = keyNames;
                _keyNamesType = new VectorType(TextType.Instance, keyNames.Length);
                _getKeyNames  = GetKeyNames;
Example #15
        protected ScorerBindingsBase(Schema input, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, string suffix, bool user, params string[] namesDerived)
            : base(input, user, GetOutputNames(mapper, suffix, namesDerived))

            Mapper = mapper;
            DerivedColumnCount = namesDerived.Length;
            Suffix = suffix ?? "";

            int c;
            var max = input.GetMaxMetadataKind(out c, MetadataUtils.Kinds.ScoreColumnSetId);
            _crtScoreSet = checked(max + 1);
            _getScoreColumnSetId = GetScoreColumnSetId;
Example #16
                    public SchemaImpl(ISchema parent, int col, VectorType type, ValueGetter <VBuffer <T> > getter, string metadataKind)
                        Contracts.Assert(0 <= col && col < parent.ColumnCount);
                        Contracts.Assert(type.ItemType.RawType == typeof(T));
                        Contracts.Assert(parent.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(metadataKind, col) == null);

                        _parent        = parent;
                        _scoreCol      = col;
                        _labelNameType = type;
                        // We change to this metadata variant of the getter to enable the marshal call to work.
                        _labelNameGetter = (int c, ref VBuffer <T> val) => getter(ref val);
                        _metadataKind    = metadataKind;
Example #17
            private BindingsImpl(ISchema input, ISchemaBoundRowMapper mapper, string suffix, string scoreColumnKind,
                                 bool user, int scoreColIndex, ColumnType predColType)
                : base(input, mapper, suffix, user, DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel)
                Contracts.Assert(DerivedColumnCount == 1);

                ScoreColumnIndex = scoreColIndex;
                ScoreColumnKind  = scoreColumnKind;
                PredColType      = predColType;

                _getScoreColumnKind = GetScoreColumnKind;
                _getScoreValueKind  = GetScoreValueKind;

                // REVIEW: This logic is very specific to multiclass, which is deeply
                // regrettable, but the class structure as designed and the status of this schema
                // bearing object makes pushing the logic into the multiclass scorer almost impossible.
                if (predColType.IsKey)
                    ColumnType scoreSlotsType = mapper.Schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, scoreColIndex);
                    if (scoreSlotsType != null && scoreSlotsType.IsKnownSizeVector &&
                        scoreSlotsType.VectorSize == predColType.KeyCount)
                        Contracts.Assert(scoreSlotsType.VectorSize > 0);
                        IColumn col = Utils.MarshalInvoke(KeyValueMetadataFromMetadata <int>,
                                                          scoreSlotsType.RawType, mapper.Schema, scoreColIndex, MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames);
                        _predColMetadata = RowColumnUtils.GetRow(null, col);
                        scoreSlotsType = mapper.Schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.TrainingLabelValues, scoreColIndex);
                        if (scoreSlotsType != null && scoreSlotsType.IsKnownSizeVector &&
                            scoreSlotsType.VectorSize == predColType.KeyCount)
                            Contracts.Assert(scoreSlotsType.VectorSize > 0);
                            IColumn col = Utils.MarshalInvoke(KeyValueMetadataFromMetadata <int>,
                                                              scoreSlotsType.RawType, mapper.Schema, scoreColIndex, MetadataUtils.Kinds.TrainingLabelValues);
                            _predColMetadata = RowColumnUtils.GetRow(null, col);