Example #1
        private void ParseBitContentFields(Type bitContentType, BitContentConfig cfg, string sourceMsg)
            IList <BitContentFieldAttribute> fields     = new List <BitContentFieldAttribute>();
            IList <PropertyInfo>             properties = new List <PropertyInfo>();

            foreach (var propInfo in bitContentType.GetProperties())
                var attr = GetAttribute <BitContentFieldAttribute>(propInfo);
                if (attr == null)

            int fieldCount = fields.Count;

            if (fieldCount <= 0)
                throw new ConfigParserException("There is no property which defines BitContentFieldAttribute in "
                                                + bitContentType.FullName + " class. " + sourceMsg);
            sourceMsg = "Check attribute for {0} property of " + bitContentType.FullName + " class.";
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                var    ccfg     = new BitContentFieldConfig();
                var    attr     = fields[i];
                var    propInfo = properties[i];
                string srcMsg   = String.Format(sourceMsg, propInfo.Name);

                CheckNonNegativeValue(attr, "Length", srcMsg);

                attr.TlvTagName = Trim(attr.TlvTagName);
                if (attr.Length <= 0 && IsEmpty(attr.Tlv) && IsEmpty(attr.TlvTagName))
                    throw new ConfigParserException(
                              "Length must be set to a positive value if Tlv and TlvTagName are not specified. " + srcMsg);

                if (Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(attr.PadChar.ToString()) != 1)
                    throw new ConfigParserException("PadChar must be a valid ASCII character. " + srcMsg);

                if (IsEmpty(attr.Align))
                    throw new ConfigParserException("Invalid Align value, it must be 'Left' or 'Right'. " + srcMsg);

                if (Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(attr.NullChar.ToString()) != 1)
                    throw new ConfigParserException("NullChar must be a valid ASCII character. " + srcMsg);

                if (attr.IsOptional && i < fieldCount - 1)
                    throw new ConfigParserException("IsOptional may only be true for the last field of a BitContent class. "
                                                    + srcMsg);

                if (!IsEmpty(attr.Tlv))
                    ccfg.Tlv = ParseTlv(attr.Tlv, srcMsg);

                ccfg.PropertyInfo   = propInfo;
                ccfg.Length         = attr.Length;
                ccfg.PadChar        = MessageUtility.CharToByte(attr.PadChar);
                ccfg.Align          = attr.Align.ToString().ToLower();
                ccfg.NullChar       = MessageUtility.CharToByte(attr.NullChar);
                ccfg.IsTrim         = attr.IsTrim;
                ccfg.IsOptional     = attr.IsOptional;
                ccfg.TlvTagName     = attr.TlvTagName;
                ccfg.TlvLengthBytes = attr.TlvLengthBytes;
                ccfg.TlvClassType   = attr.Tlv;