public virtual ActionResult Write(int playerId, int responseTo = -1)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);
            var sendingTo      = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayer(playerId);
            var output         = new MessageSubmitViewModel();

            output.SenderId      = me.Id;
            output.ReceiverId    = playerId;
            output.responseToId  = responseTo;
            output.SendingToName = sendingTo.GetFullName();

            if (DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new IsAccountLockedOut {
                userId = me.MembershipId

            if (TempData["MessageText"] != null && TempData["ErrorMessage"] != null)
                // preserves what the user typed if coming from SendMessage
                output.MessageText   = TempData["MessageText"] as string;
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = TempData["ErrorMessage"];

            if (responseTo != -1)
                    var msgRepliedTo = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetMessage {
                        MessageId = responseTo, OwnerId = me.Id
                    output.RespondingToMsg = msgRepliedTo.MessageText;
                catch (DomainException)
                    TempData["Result"] = "You can't reply to this message since the original was not sent to you.";

            return(View(MVC.Messages.Views.Write, output));
        public virtual ActionResult SendMessage(MessageSubmitViewModel input)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);
            var receiver       = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayer(input.ReceiverId);

            // assert player is not banned from chat
            if (me.IsBannedFromGlobalChat)
                TempData["Error"]    = "You have been banned and cannot send any messages.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "If you feel this is in error or wish to make an appeal you may do so on the forums.";

            // assert no blacklist exists
            if (BlacklistProcedures.PlayersHaveBlacklistedEachOther(me, receiver, "message"))
                TempData["Error"]    = "This player has blacklisted you or is on your own blacklist.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "You cannot send messages to players who have blacklisted you.  Remove them from your blacklist or ask them to remove you from theirs.";

            if (EffectProcedures.PlayerHasActiveEffect(me, CharacterPrankProcedures.HUSHED_EFFECT))
                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "You have been hushed and cannot currently send a message.  Try again once the effect has worn off.";
                TempData["MessageText"]  = input.MessageText;
                return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Messages.Write(input.ReceiverId, input.responseToId)));

            if (input.MessageText.IsNullOrEmpty())
                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "You need to write something to send to this person.";
                TempData["MessageText"]  = input.MessageText;
                return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Messages.Write(input.ReceiverId, input.responseToId)));

            if (input.MessageText.Length > 1000)
                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Your message is too long.";
                TempData["MessageText"]  = input.MessageText;
                return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Messages.Write(input.ReceiverId, input.responseToId)));

            MessageDetail repliedMsg = null;

            if (input.responseToId > 0)
                repliedMsg = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetMessage {
                    MessageId = input.responseToId, OwnerId = me.Id

            DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new CreateMessage
                ReceiverId            = receiver.Id,
                SenderId              = me.Id,
                Text                  = input.MessageText,
                ReplyingToThisMessage = repliedMsg

            NoticeService.PushNotice(receiver, "<b>" + me.GetFullName() + " has sent you a new message.</b>", NoticeService.PushType__PlayerMessage);

            TempData["Result"] = "Your message has been sent.";

            if (me.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
