Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="XmlMessageReader"/> using the 
        /// specified socked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socket"></param>
        /// <param name="client">This should be the client that created the reader.</param>
        public XmlMessageReader(Socket socket, XmlMessageClient client)
            if (socket == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("socket");

            _unproccessedData = new StringBuilder();
            _socket = socket;
            _socket.ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
            _readBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
            _currentStage = MessageStage.ContentType;
            _client = client;
Example #2
        private void AdvanceStage()
            int i = (int)messageStage + 1;

            messageStage = (MessageStage)i;

            if (messageStage == MessageStage.MOVING)
                count = moveTime;
            else if (messageStage == MessageStage.MOVINGANDFADE)
                count = fadeTime;
            else if (messageStage == MessageStage.DESTROY)
                destroy = true;
Example #3
 public Message(Color fontColor, Vector2 locationText, string text) : base("", Font.CarterOne18, fontColor, locationText, false, text)
     messageStage = MessageStage.CLEARINGSTART;
     transparency = 0;
Example #4
        private void ProcessMessageBody()
            var data = _unproccessedData.ToString();
            int index = data.IndexOf("\r\n", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (index != -1)
                OnMessageReceived(_unproccessedData.ToString(0, index));

                _currentStage = MessageStage.ContentType;

                _unproccessedData.Remove(0, index + 2);
Example #5
        private void ProcessContentType()
            int index = _unproccessedData.ToString().IndexOf("\r\n", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (index != -1)
                _currentStage = MessageStage.Body;

                _unproccessedData.Remove(0,index+2);//Remove the header
        // Method: Update
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: updates the achievement display
        public void Update(Rectangle displayArea, float timeStep)
            float displayAmount;

            // increase the counter if an achievement is actively being displayed
            if (stage > MessageStage.begin)
                counter += timeStep;
                // check the message list for a new message
                if (messageQueue.Count > 0)
                    // store the text to be used
                    titleText = messageQueue[0].title;
                    messageText = messageQueue[0].message;

                    // remove the message from the list

                    // calcuate the number of lines in the messageText
                    int index = 0;
                    int numLines = 1;
                    while ((index = messageText.IndexOf('\n', index)) != -1)

                    // set the message height
                    messageHeight = (int)(((messageBorderSize * 2) * displayScale) + titleFont.LineSpacing + (messageFont.LineSpacing * numLines));

                    // calculate the width of the text
                    messageWidth = (int)Math.Max(messageFont.MeasureString(messageText).X, messageFont.MeasureString(titleText).X);

                    // calculate the display width (and enforce minimum and maximum widths)
                    displayWidth = messageWidth + (int)((badgeBorderSize + (messageBorderSize * 2) + badgeSize) * displayScale);
                    if (displayWidth < minDisplayWidth * displayScale) displayWidth = (int)(minDisplayWidth * displayScale);
                    if (displayWidth > maxDisplayWidth * displayScale)
                        displayWidth = (int)(maxDisplayWidth * displayScale);
                        messageWidth = (int)(maxDisplayWidth * displayScale);

                    // get screen width and height
                    int screenWidth = displayArea.Width;
                    int screenHeight = displayArea.Height;
                    int halfScreenWidth = screenWidth / 2;

                    // calculate the size of the screen safe zone
                    int screenBorderSizeX = (int)(screenWidth * safeZoneScaleValue);
                    int screenBorderSizeY = (int)(screenHeight * safeZoneScaleValue);

                    // calculate the top middle of the achievement based on the requested positioning
                    switch (positionMode)
                        case ICMessagePosition.topLeft:
                            displayPosition.X = screenBorderSizeX;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenBorderSizeY;

                        case ICMessagePosition.topMiddle:
                            displayPosition.X = halfScreenWidth - (displayWidth / 2);
                            displayPosition.Y = screenBorderSizeY;

                        case ICMessagePosition.topRight:
                            displayPosition.X = screenWidth - screenBorderSizeX - displayWidth;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenBorderSizeY;

                        case ICMessagePosition.bottomLeft:
                            displayPosition.X = screenBorderSizeX;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenHeight - (screenBorderSizeY + messageHeight);

                        case ICMessagePosition.bottomMiddle:
                            displayPosition.X = halfScreenWidth - (displayWidth / 2);
                            displayPosition.Y = screenHeight - (screenBorderSizeY + messageHeight);

                        case ICMessagePosition.bottomRight:
                            displayPosition.X = screenWidth - screenBorderSizeX - displayWidth;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenHeight - (screenBorderSizeY + messageHeight);

                    // set up the badge display rectangle
                    badgeRect.X = (int)(displayPosition.X + (badgeBorderSize * displayScale));
                    badgeRect.Y = (int)(displayPosition.Y + (badgeBorderSize * displayScale));
                    badgeRect.Width = (int)(badgeSize * displayScale);
                    badgeRect.Height = (int)(badgeSize * displayScale);

                    // setup the title and message text positions
                    titlePosition.X = displayPosition.X + ((badgeBorderSize + messageBorderSize + badgeSize) * displayScale);
                    titlePosition.Y = displayPosition.Y + (messageBorderSize * displayScale);
                    messagePosition.X = displayPosition.X + ((badgeBorderSize + messageBorderSize + badgeSize) * displayScale);
                    messagePosition.Y = displayPosition.Y + (messageBorderSize * displayScale) + titleFont.LineSpacing;

                    // tell the message to start displaying
                    stage = MessageStage.begin;

            // process according to the current stage of achievement display
            switch (stage)
                // do nothing
                case MessageStage.idle:

                // initialise the achievement unlocked display ready to draw
                case MessageStage.begin:

                    // set the counter to zero and display flag to true
                    counter = 0;

                    // set the initial size of the message box
                    messageRect.X = (int)(displayPosition.X);
                    messageRect.Y = (int)(displayPosition.Y + messageHeight / 2);
                    messageRect.Width = displayWidth;
                    messageRect.Height = 0;

                    // tell the message system to draw stuff
                    display = true;

                    // move on to the next step in the process

                // makes the message appear on screen
                case MessageStage.messageAppear:

                    // clamp counter to the appearance duration
                    if (counter > messageAppearDuration) counter = messageAppearDuration;

                    // calculate how much of the message should be displayed
                    displayAmount = counter / messageAppearDuration;
                    messageRect.Y = (int)((displayPosition.Y + messageHeight / 2) - ((messageHeight / 2) * displayAmount));
                    messageRect.Height = (int)(messageHeight * displayAmount);

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter == messageAppearDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of the message appearance stage, reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0;

                // pause for a short time before removing the message
                case MessageStage.messageDisplay:

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter >= messageDisplayDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of this pause - reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0.0f;

                // remove the message
                case MessageStage.messageRemove:

                    // clamp counter to the message removal duration
                    if (counter > messageRemoveDuration) counter = messageRemoveDuration;

                    // calculate how much of the message should be displayed
                    displayAmount = 1 - (counter / messageAppearDuration);
                    messageRect.Y = (int)((displayPosition.Y + messageHeight / 2) - ((messageHeight / 2) * displayAmount));
                    messageRect.Height = (int)(messageHeight * displayAmount);

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter == messageRemoveDuration)
                        // display finished - ensure everything is reset to the defaults
                        counter = 0;
                        display = false;
                        stage = MessageStage.idle;
        // Method: AddMessage
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: add a new message to the message queue for display
        public void AddMessage(string title, string message, ICMessagePriority priority)
            int insertionIndex = 0;
            ICMessageData newMessage = new ICMessageData(title, message, priority);

            // is this an urgent message?
            if (newMessage.priority == ICMessagePriority.urgent)
                // tell the message system to stop displaying any message it might be in the middle of
                stage = MessageStage.idle;

                // urgent messages always go at the top of the queue, in time order
                foreach (ICMessageData item in messageQueue)
                    if (item.priority != ICMessagePriority.urgent)
                        insertionIndex ++;
                // find the first lower-priorty message in the queue and push this one ahead of it
                foreach (ICMessageData item in messageQueue)
                    if (item.priority < newMessage.priority)
                        insertionIndex ++;

            // insert here!
            messageQueue.Insert(insertionIndex, newMessage);
        // Constructor: ICMessagePopUp
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: Constructor - prepares the message pop up system
        public ICMessagePopUp(Game game, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsDeviceManager, ICMessagePosition positionMode, ICMessageScale scale)
            // create a content manager to handle loading the textures we need
            ContentManager content = new ContentManager(game.Services);

            // store the graphics device for future reference
            this.graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice;

            // store the position mode that we are using
            this.positionMode = positionMode;

            // store the scale we are using
            if (scale == ICMessageScale.normal)
                displayScale = 1.0f;
                displayScale = 0.5f;

            // create a sprite batch for rendering
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice);

            // load the achievement display textures
            badgeTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Content\ICMessages\Badge");
            bannerTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Content\ICMessages\Shadow");

            // store the size of the badge graphic
            badgeSize = badgeTexture.Height;

            // load the message fonts
            if (scale == ICMessageScale.normal)
                titleFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICMessages\titleFont");
                messageFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICMessages\MessageFont");
                titleFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICMessages\titleFontSmall");
                messageFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Content\ICMessages\MessageFontSmall");

            // nothing to display yet!
            display = false;

            // set the message display stage to 'idle' so nothing is displayed
            this.stage = MessageStage.idle;