static void FilterProperties(MessageProperties destination)
                // We have the clear out the HTTP Req/Resp props, so we don't accidentally
                // tell the outbound binding to use whatever Content-Type/Method/QueryString
                // that the inboudnd message/response used.  Otherwise BasicHttp<->WsHttp won't work.
                object incomingHttpRequest;
                if (destination.TryGetValue(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name, out incomingHttpRequest))
                    //Store the inbound value for later retoration
                    destination[IncomingHttpRequestName] = incomingHttpRequest;

                //Preserve the Via on the outbound message, HTTP Context using cookies looks at this value
                //on the original request when sending the response "Set-Cookie" header.
                Uri incomingVia = destination.Via;
                if (incomingVia != null)
                    destination[IncomingViaName] = incomingVia;