public Session(Connection connection, SessionProtocol protocol, TemplateRegistry inboundRegistry, TemplateRegistry outboundRegistry) { var inContext = new Context(); inContext.TemplateRegistry.RegisterAll(inboundRegistry); var outContext = new Context(); outContext.TemplateRegistry.RegisterAll(outboundRegistry); inContext.ErrorHandler = this; this.connection = connection; this.protocol = protocol; try { in_stream = new MessageInputStream(connection.InputStream.BaseStream, inContext); out_stream = new MessageOutputStream(connection.OutputStream.BaseStream, outContext); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { errorHandler.Error(null, "Error occurred in connection.", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } protocol.ConfigureSession(this); }
public Session(IConnection connection, ISessionProtocol protocol, ITemplateRegistry inboundRegistry, ITemplateRegistry outboundRegistry) { var inContext = new Context(); inContext.TemplateRegistry.RegisterAll(inboundRegistry); var outContext = new Context(); outContext.TemplateRegistry.RegisterAll(outboundRegistry); inContext.ErrorHandler = this; _connection = connection; _protocol = protocol; try { _inStream = new MessageInputStream(connection.InputStream.BaseStream, inContext); _outStream = new MessageOutputStream(connection.OutputStream.BaseStream, outContext); } catch (IOException e) { _errorHandler.OnError(e, DynError.Undefined, "Error occurred in connection."); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } protocol.ConfigureSession(this); }
public void TestReadMessage() { var input = new MessageInputStream(BitStream("11000000 10000100")); try { input.ReadMessage(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (DynErrorException e) { Assert.AreEqual(DynError.TemplateNotRegistered, e.Error); } }
public void TestMultipleMessages() { var outStream = new MemoryStream(); var output = new MessageOutputStream(outStream); output.RegisterTemplate(ObjectMother.AllocInstrctnTemplateId, ObjectMother.AllocationInstruction); var allocations = new SequenceValue(ObjectMother.AllocationInstruction .GetSequence("Allocations")); allocations.Add(ObjectMother.NewAllocation("fortyFiveFund", 22.5, 75.0)); allocations.Add(ObjectMother.NewAllocation("fortyFund", 24.6, 25.0)); Message ai1 = ObjectMother.NewAllocInstrctn( "ltg0001", 1, 100.0, 23.4, ObjectMother.NewInstrument("CTYA", "200910"), allocations); allocations = new SequenceValue( ObjectMother.AllocationInstruction.GetSequence("Allocations")); allocations.Add(ObjectMother.NewAllocation("fortyFiveFund", 22.5, 75.0)); allocations.Add(ObjectMother.NewAllocation("fortyFund", 24.6, 25.0)); Message ai2 = ObjectMother.NewAllocInstrctn( "ltg0001", 1, 100.0, 23.4, ObjectMother.NewInstrument("CTYA", "200910"), allocations); allocations = new SequenceValue( ObjectMother.AllocationInstruction.GetSequence("Allocations")); allocations.Add(ObjectMother.NewAllocation("fortyFiveFund", 22.5, 75.0)); allocations.Add(ObjectMother.NewAllocation("fortyFund", 24.6, 25.0)); Message ai3 = ObjectMother.NewAllocInstrctn( "ltg0001", 1, 100.0, 23.4, ObjectMother.NewInstrument("CTYA", "200910"), allocations); output.WriteMessage(ai1); output.WriteMessage(ai2); output.WriteMessage(ai3); byte[] bytes = outStream.ToArray(); var input = new MessageInputStream(new MemoryStream(bytes)); input.RegisterTemplate(ObjectMother.AllocInstrctnTemplateId, ObjectMother.AllocationInstruction); Message message = input.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(ai1, message); message = input.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(ai2, message); Assert.AreEqual(ai3, input.ReadMessage()); }
public void TestReadMessage() { var input = new MessageInputStream(BitStream("11000000 10000100")); try { input.ReadMessage(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (FastException e) { Assert.AreEqual(FastConstants.D9_TEMPLATE_NOT_REGISTERED, e.Code); } }
public void TestDeltas() { var templateLoader = new XmlMessageTemplateLoader { LoadTemplateIdFromAuxId = true }; using (var stream = File.OpenRead("CME/templates.xml")) { templateLoader.Load(stream); } using (var stream = File.OpenRead("CME/")) { var mis = new MessageInputStream(stream, templateLoader.TemplateRegistry); Message md = mis.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(-5025.0, md.GetSequence("MDEntries")[0].GetDouble("NetChgPrevDay"), .1); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string myString = string.Empty; byte[] data = new byte[] { 215, 255, 148, 50, 48, 49, 56, 48, 50, 49, 50, 45, 48, 54, 58, 51, 56, 58, 51, 55, 46, 54, 53, 185, 177, 49, 27, 154, 128, 128, 128, 129, 95, 127, 127, 192, 128, 243, 83, 89, 66, 69, 65, 78, 73, 68, 82, 50, 48, 70, 69, 66, 50, 48, 49, 184, 50, 56, 53, 54, 183, 248, 11, 25, 38, 62, 14, 253, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 2, 29, 156, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128 }; string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data); //TemplateTest objTempTest = new TemplateTest(); //objTempTest.SetUp(); //objTempTest.TestTemplates(); //EncodeDecodeTest objEncodeDecodeTest = new EncodeDecodeTest(); //objEncodeDecodeTest.TestComplexMessage(); MessageTemplate[] objMessageTemplate = null; _loader = new XmlMessageTemplateLoader(); using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("NCEDX.xml")) objMessageTemplate = _loader.Load(stream); var outStream = new MemoryStream(); MessageTemplate template = _loader.TemplateRegistry[new QName("IncRefreshMDEntries")]; var input = new MessageInputStream(new MemoryStream(data)); input.RegisterTemplate(7, template); Message message = input.ReadMessage(); Console.WriteLine(myString); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void TestDeltas() { var templateSource = new StreamReader("CME/templates.xml"); var templateLoader = new XMLMessageTemplateLoader { LoadTemplateIdFromAuxId = true }; templateLoader.Load(templateSource.BaseStream); var is1 = new StreamReader("CME/"); var mis = new MessageInputStream(is1.BaseStream); mis.SetTemplateRegistry(templateLoader.TemplateRegistry); Message md = mis.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(-5025.0, md.GetSequence("MDEntries")[0].GetDouble("NetChgPrevDay"), .1); }
public void TestDeltas() { var templateLoader = new XmlMessageTemplateLoader { LoadTemplateIdFromAuxId = true }; if (!Directory.Exists("Files") && Directory.Exists("../../../../Files")) { Utility.Util.DirectoryCopy("../../../../Files", "Files", true); } using (var stream = File.OpenRead("Files/CME/templates.xml")) { templateLoader.Load(stream); } using (var stream = File.OpenRead("Files/CME/")) { var mis = new MessageInputStream(stream, templateLoader.TemplateRegistry); Message md = mis.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(-5025.0, md.GetSequence("MDEntries")[0].GetDouble("NetChgPrevDay"), .1); } }
public void RunAllTests() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); // throw args.Exception; ValidationEventHandler errorHandler = (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine("Error {0}\n{1}", args.Message, args.Exception); Type thisType = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType; Stream schema = thisType.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(thisType, "TestSchema.xsd"); Assert.IsNotNull(schema, "Unable to load XSD from the resources"); var settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.Schemas.Add(XmlSchema.Read(schema, errorHandler)); // // BUG! TODO! change to schema-validated input // settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None; // ValidationType.Schema; settings.ValidationEventHandler += errorHandler; foreach (string xmlFile in Directory.GetFiles(XmlTestFilesDir, "*.xml")) { Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}...", xmlFile); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlFile, settings); try { var xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load(reader); foreach (XmlElement test in xml.GetElementsByTagName("test")) { XmlElement desc = test.GetElement("desc"); string actionStr = test.GetAttribute("action"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionStr)) { actionStr = "all"; } var action = (Actions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Actions), actionStr, true); Console.WriteLine(" Test {0}{1}{2}", test.GetAttribute("name"), desc == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.Value) ? "" : " - " + desc.Value, action == Actions.All ? "" : " (" + action + " only)"); var tmpl = new XmlMessageTemplateLoader(); XmlElement templFile = test.GetElement("templatesfile"); tmpl.LoadTemplateIdFromAuxId = true; if (templFile != null) { using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(templFile.GetAttribute("path"))) tmpl.Load(stream); } else { XmlElement templXml = test.GetElement("templates", FastConstants.TemplateDefinition11); if (templXml == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected <templates> element not found"); } tmpl.Load(templXml); } XmlElement binFile = test.GetElement("binfile"); MessageInputStream mis; byte[] binData; if (binFile != null) { using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(binFile.GetAttribute("path"))) { mis = new MessageInputStream(stream, tmpl.TemplateRegistry); binData = File.ReadAllBytes(binFile.GetAttribute("path")); } } else { XmlElement binstr = test.GetElement("binstr"); if (binstr != null) { string binStream = binstr.InnerText.Trim(); binData = ByteUtil.ConvertBitStringToFastByteArray(binStream); } else { XmlElement bin64 = test.GetElement("bin64"); binData = Convert.FromBase64String(bin64.Value); } mis = new MessageInputStream(new MemoryStream(binData), tmpl.TemplateRegistry); } // // TODO - read the messages and check them against the tests // // // TODO: check against "action" variable -- if All or Encode/Decode // Message msg; XmlElement target = test.GetElement("data"); XmlNode msgString = target.FirstChild; var msgStream = new MemoryStream(); var mout = new MessageOutputStream(msgStream, tmpl.TemplateRegistry); while ((msg = mis.ReadMessage()) != null) { //TODO: Introduce FIX decoding/encoding Scheme); if (msgString != null) { mout.WriteMessage(msg); Assert.AreEqual(msgString.InnerText.Trim(), msg.ToString()); msgString = msgString.NextSibling; } else { Console.WriteLine(msg); } } if (action == Actions.All) { //Verifying Encoding if (binData != null) { byte[] outStrem = msgStream.ToArray(); if (outStrem.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < binData.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(binData[i], outStrem[i]); } } else { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: No data emitted during encoding."); } } } } } finally { reader.Close(); } } }
private void ListenForMessages() { if (_listeningThread == null) { _listeningThread = new Thread( () => { while (_listening) { try { Message message = MessageInputStream.ReadMessage(); if (message == null) { _listening = false; break; } if (_protocol.IsProtocolMessage(message)) { _protocol.HandleMessage(this, message); } else if (_messageListener != null) { _messageListener.OnMessage(this, message); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Received non-protocol message without a message listener."); } } catch (Exception e) { Exception cause = e.InnerException; if (cause != null && cause.GetType().Equals(typeof(SocketException)) && cause.Message.Equals("Socket closed")) { _listening = false; } else if (e is DynErrorException) { var fastException = ((DynErrorException)e); _errorHandler.OnError(e, fastException.Error, fastException.Message); } else { _errorHandler.OnError(e, DynError.GeneralError, e.Message); } } } }) { Name = "FAST Session Message Reader" }; } if (_listeningThread.IsAlive) { return; } _listeningThread.Start(); }
public void TestComplexMessage() { var template = new MessageTemplate( "Company", new Field[] { new Scalar("Name", FastType.String, Operator.None, ScalarValue.Undefined, false), new Scalar("Id", FastType.U32, Operator.Increment, ScalarValue.Undefined, false), new Sequence( "Employees", new Field[] { new Scalar("First Name", FastType.String, Operator.Copy, ScalarValue.Undefined, false), new Scalar("Last Name", FastType.String, Operator.Copy, ScalarValue.Undefined, false) , new Scalar("Age", FastType.U32, Operator.Delta, ScalarValue.Undefined, false) }, false), new Group( "Tax Information", new Field[] { new Scalar("EIN", FastType.String, Operator.None, ScalarValue.Undefined, false) }, false) }); var aaaInsurance = new Message(template); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(1, new StringValue("AAA Insurance")); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(2, new IntegerValue(5)); var employees = new SequenceValue(template.GetSequence( "Employees")); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("John"), new StringValue("Doe"), new IntegerValue(45) }); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("Jane"), new StringValue("Doe"), new IntegerValue(48) }); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(3, employees); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(4, new GroupValue(template.GetGroup("Tax Information"), new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("99-99999999") })); var outStream = new MemoryStream(); var output = new MessageOutputStream(outStream); output.RegisterTemplate(2, template); output.WriteMessage(aaaInsurance); var abcBuilding = new Message(template); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(1, new StringValue("ABC Building")); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(2, new IntegerValue(6)); employees = new SequenceValue(template.GetSequence("Employees")); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("Bob"), new StringValue("Builder"), new IntegerValue(3) }); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("Joe"), new StringValue("Rock"), new IntegerValue(59) }); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(3, employees); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(4, new GroupValue(template.GetGroup("Tax Information"), new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("99-99999999") })); output.WriteMessage(abcBuilding); var input = new MessageInputStream(new MemoryStream(outStream.ToArray())); input.RegisterTemplate(2, template); GroupValue message = input.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(aaaInsurance, message); message = input.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(abcBuilding, message); }
public void TestComplexMessage() { var template = new MessageTemplate( "Company", new Field[] { new Scalar("Name", FastType.String, Operator.None, ScalarValue.Undefined, false), new Scalar("Id", FastType.U32, Operator.Increment, ScalarValue.Undefined, false), new Sequence( "Employees", new Field[] { new Scalar("First Name", FastType.String, Operator.Copy, ScalarValue.Undefined, false), new Scalar("Last Name", FastType.String, Operator.Copy, ScalarValue.Undefined, false) , new Scalar("Age", FastType.U32, Operator.Delta, ScalarValue.Undefined, false) }, false), new Group( "Tax Information", new Field[] { new Scalar("EIN", FastType.String, Operator.None, ScalarValue.Undefined, false) }, false) }); var aaaInsurance = new Message(template); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(1, new StringValue("AAA Insurance")); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(2, new IntegerValue(5)); var employees = new SequenceValue(template.GetSequence( "Employees")); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("John"), new StringValue("Doe"), new IntegerValue(45) }); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("Jane"), new StringValue("Doe"), new IntegerValue(48) }); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(3, employees); aaaInsurance.SetFieldValue(4, new GroupValue(template.GetGroup("Tax Information"), new IFieldValue[] {new StringValue("99-99999999")})); var outStream = new MemoryStream(); var output = new MessageOutputStream(outStream); output.RegisterTemplate(1, template); output.WriteMessage(aaaInsurance); var abcBuilding = new Message(template); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(1, new StringValue("ABC Building")); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(2, new IntegerValue(6)); employees = new SequenceValue(template.GetSequence("Employees")); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("Bob"), new StringValue("Builder"), new IntegerValue(3) }); employees.Add(new IFieldValue[] { new StringValue("Joe"), new StringValue("Rock"), new IntegerValue(59) }); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(3, employees); abcBuilding.SetFieldValue(4, new GroupValue(template.GetGroup("Tax Information"), new IFieldValue[] {new StringValue("99-99999999")})); output.WriteMessage(abcBuilding); var input = new MessageInputStream(new MemoryStream(outStream.ToArray())); input.RegisterTemplate(1, template); GroupValue message = input.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(aaaInsurance, message); message = input.ReadMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(abcBuilding, message); }
public void RunAllTests() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); // throw args.Exception; ValidationEventHandler errorHandler = (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine("Error {0}\n{1}", args.Message, args.Exception); Type thisType = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType; Stream schema = thisType.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(thisType, "TestSchema.xsd"); Assert.IsNotNull(schema, "Unable to load XSD from the resources"); var settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.Schemas.Add(XmlSchema.Read(schema, errorHandler)); // // BUG! TODO! change to schema-validated input // settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None; // ValidationType.Schema; settings.ValidationEventHandler += errorHandler; foreach (string xmlFile in Directory.GetFiles(XmlTestFilesDir, "*.xml")) { Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}...", xmlFile); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlFile, settings); try { var xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load(reader); foreach (XmlElement test in xml.GetElementsByTagName("test")) { XmlElement desc = test.GetElement("desc"); string actionStr = test.GetAttribute("action"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionStr)) actionStr = "all"; var action = (Actions) Enum.Parse(typeof (Actions), actionStr, true); Console.WriteLine(" Test {0}{1}{2}", test.GetAttribute("name"), desc == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.Value) ? "" : " - " + desc.Value, action == Actions.All ? "" : " (" + action + " only)"); var tmpl = new XmlMessageTemplateLoader(); XmlElement templFile = test.GetElement("templatesfile"); tmpl.LoadTemplateIdFromAuxId = true; if (templFile != null) { using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(templFile.GetAttribute("path"))) tmpl.Load(stream); } else { XmlElement templXml = test.GetElement("templates", FastConstants.TemplateDefinition11); if (templXml == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected <templates> element not found"); tmpl.Load(templXml); } XmlElement binFile = test.GetElement("binfile"); MessageInputStream mis; byte[] binData; if (binFile != null) { using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(binFile.GetAttribute("path"))) { mis = new MessageInputStream(stream, tmpl.TemplateRegistry); binData = File.ReadAllBytes(binFile.GetAttribute("path")); } } else { XmlElement binstr = test.GetElement("binstr"); if (binstr != null) { string binStream = binstr.InnerText.Trim(); binData = ByteUtil.ConvertBitStringToFastByteArray(binStream); } else { XmlElement bin64 = test.GetElement("bin64"); binData = Convert.FromBase64String(bin64.Value); } mis = new MessageInputStream(new MemoryStream(binData), tmpl.TemplateRegistry); } // // TODO - read the messages and check them against the tests // // // TODO: check against "action" variable -- if All or Encode/Decode // Message msg; XmlElement target = test.GetElement("data"); XmlNode msgString = target.FirstChild; var msgStream = new MemoryStream(); var mout = new MessageOutputStream(msgStream, tmpl.TemplateRegistry); while ((msg = mis.ReadMessage()) != null) { //TODO: Introduce FIX decoding/encoding Scheme); if (msgString != null) { mout.WriteMessage(msg); Assert.AreEqual(msgString.InnerText.Trim(), msg.ToString()); msgString = msgString.NextSibling; } else { Console.WriteLine(msg); } } if (action == Actions.All) { //Verifying Encoding if (binData != null) { byte[] outStrem = msgStream.ToArray(); if (outStrem.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < binData.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(binData[i], outStrem[i]); } } else { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: No data emitted during encoding."); } } } } } finally { reader.Close(); } } }